Scheduled Maintenance

This website will undergo scheduled maintenance on Tuesday, September 10th, between 11:00 and 15:00, as well as on Thursday, September 12th, between 10:00 and 12:00. During this time, services may be temporarily disrupted. We apologise for any inconvenience


List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CRAIGENHILL LIME WORKS Craigenhill Lime Works Rev Alexr [Alexander] McGlashan
Mr John Gray
Mr Wm [William] Ballantyne
025.07 Extensive lime work at Craigen Hill, from which the name is derived. The stone is of good quality, quarried and burnt here & sent to different places by railway.
LIMESTONE QUARRY [Watch-holes] Watch-holes Quarry
Watch-holes Quarry
Watch-holes Quarry
Watch-holes Quarry
Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark
Mr Robt [Robert] Wood
Mr Wm [William] Annan
Mr John Gray
025.07 An extensive limestone quarry and kilns. The layer of stone, which is of good quality & twelve feet below the surface, is nearly worked out.
WATCH-HOLES Watch-holes
Rev Thos [Thomas] Stark
Mr Robt [Robert] Wood
Mr Wm [William] Annan
Mr John Gray
025.07 A small round hill partly arable & partly heathy pasture remarkable only for its extensive limestone quarry-

Continued entries/extra info

12 [left corner of header]
Parish of Lanark [in header]

As the preceding name "Watch-holes" applies to the feature containing the Quarry its repetition in this instance is unnecessary. MK [beneath Name "Limestone Quarry"]

Transcriber's notes

Craigenhill Lime Works. Only one Spelling is shown, but three Authorities.

Limestone Quarry. See also continuation note by surveyor "MK" regarding Name.

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