
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GLASGOW WATER WORKS (Dalmarnock) Glasgow Water Works Dalmarnock
Glasgow Water Works Dalmarnock
Printed Bills
006.16 An area of Buildings appropriated as Engine and Boiler houses etc. The property of the Glasgow Water Co.
LOW BELVIDERE Low Belvidere Gavin Millar Esq Proprietor 006.16 A large and fine dwelling house having offices a large garden, some ornamental ground and a considerable farm of land attached
SPRINGBANK HOUSE Springbank House Mr Taylor, Proprietor 006.16 A fine dwelling house and offices, having a large garden and a few acres of arable land attached

Continued entries/extra info

53 [right corner of header]
VI-16 No 12 [in header]

VI-16 No 12 Trace 2 [Situation for Springbank House]
VI-16 No 12 Trace 3 [Situation for Low Belvidere]
VI-16 No 12 Trace 4 [Situation for Glasgow Water Works]

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