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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BROWN'S LANE Brown's Lane Corner Ticket 006.16 A short and narrow Lane leading southerly off the Great Eastern Road
Eastern Necropolis
Gate Keeper
Regulation Ticket
006.16 A large cemetery, well laid out in walks and adorned with trees, monuments etc.
JEWS' BURIAL GROUND Jews Burial Ground
Jews Burial Ground
Jews Burial Ground
Gate Keeper
Hendersons Guide for Eastern Necropolis
Post Office Directory for Eastern Necropolis
006.16 At the west corner [of the Eastern Necropolis] is a small plot appropriated as the Jews' Burial Ground
STEWART'S LANE Stewart's Lane Corner Ticket 006.16 A narrow Lane branching southerly off the "Great Eastern Road"

Continued entries/extra info

49 [right corner of header]
VI-16 No 2 [in header]

VI-16 No 2 Trace 3 [Situation for Eastern Necropolis]
VI-16 No 2 Trace 3 [Situation for Stewart's Lane]
VI-16 No 2 Trace 3 [Situation for Brown's Lane]

Transcriber's notes

Description for "Eastern Necropolis" runs into that for "Jews' Burial Ground". They have been transcribed separately.

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