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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LEECH'S COURT Leech's Court tickets 006.11 A small Court on the south side of the Trongate.
NEW WYND New Wynd Corner tickets 006.11 A long and narrow Lane leading in a southerly direction from the Trongate, and terminating at the "Bridgegate"
OLD WYND Old Wynd Corner tickets 006.11 A long narrow Lane or Alley leading southerly from the Trongate , and terminating at the Goosedubbs. On the east side of it are 2 large Soap and Candle Manufacturers.
STOCKWELL STREET Stockwell Court Corner ticket 006.11 A small Court on the east side of Stockwell Street.
TRONGATE Trongate Corner tickets 006.11 A street being the continuation of Argyle St. having this name from the end of Stockwell Street to the "Cross"

Continued entries/extra info

VI-11 No 16, trace 3 City of Glasgow

Transcriber's notes

Stockwell Street should read Stockwell Court

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

rankin, Tartania55

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