
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CLYDESDALE BANK [Queen St] Clydesdale Bank
Clydesdale Bank
Bank Notes
006.11 A small but handsome building on the west side of Queen Street
NATIONAL BANK BUILDINGS National Bank Buildings Corner Tickets 006.11 A range of buildings occupied as warehouses surrounding the National Bank of Scotland on three sides hence the name
NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND National Bank of Scotland
National Bank of Scotland
Bank Notes
Bank Porters
006.11 A large and handsome building in Queen Street
PRINCE'S COURT Prince's Court Corner Tickets 006.11 A narrow lane branching easterly from Buchanan St and terminating at Springfield Court
PRINCE'S SQUARE Prince's Square Corner Tickets 006.11 A small oblong square on the east side of Buchanan Street. The houses are chiefly occupied as warehouses and writing chambers.
QUEEN STREET Queen Street Corner Tickets 006.11 A fine street branching from Argyle Street in a Northerly direction and terminating at the Railway Station

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