
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
AYRSHIRE TAVERN [Duke St] Ayrshire Tavern
Ayrshire Tavern
Sign Board
Mr Orr occupier
006.10 An old public house at the corner of Dale St with Clyde Place
CLYDEVIEW BUILDINGS Clydeview Buildings Corner Tickets 006.10 A range of fine buildings at the north end of West St and corner West ? of Clyde Place [--]
SAILORS' HOME Sailors' Home
Sailors' Home
Annual Report Book
006.10 A large and handsomely built edifice surmounted by a round tower at the S.W. [South West] corner. The interior consists of a large Reading Room Dining Room etc. The northern portion which is indicated by the letters S.S.O. on trace is the Seaman's Shiping Office. It was erected by public subscription on behoof of Seamen
Police Officers of the district
Map of City
006.10 A considerable tract of waste ground betwixt Maxwellton Place and the River Clyde The Council are presently converting it into a large Wet Dock.

Continued entries/extra info

80 [left corner of header]
VI-10 No 19 City of Glasgow [in header]

Trace 3 [Situation for Sailors' Home]
Trace 4 [Situation for Windmillcroft]
Trace 6 [Situation for Ayrshire Tavern]
Trace 6 [Situation for Clydeview Buildings]

Transcriber's notes

Clydeview Buildings. Part of Description beginning "and corner" has been added in pencil, apparently querying the Description. The final word is unclear and may simply be the initials of the writer.

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