
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
BROUGHAM PLACE Brougham Place Corner Tickets 006.10 A range of dwelling houses on the east side of Hope Street
COWCADDENS STREET Cowcaddens Street Corner Tickets 006.10 A long street leading from the east end of the New City Road in a south easterly direction and terminating at the end of Buchanan St.
GARSCADDEN STREET Garscadden Street Corner Tickets 006.10 A short street leading from Cowcaddens Street to [the] [end] of Bishop St,
Royal Arcade
Printed Bills
Mr. Angus Royal Arcade
006.10 An open court which was formerly covered with glass. Situated betwixt the north end of Hope St. and the Cowcaddens [St.]
RUTHERFORD LANE Rutherford Lane Corner Tickets 006.10 A short narrow Lane branching from Renfield St. and terminating at the head of Hope Street
ST STEPHEN'S PLACE St. Stephen's Place Corner Ticket 006.10 2 houses on the south side of Renfrew Street,

Continued entries/extra info

21 [Sheet] VI [6] - 10 No. 5 City of Glasgow [Traces 2 and 3]

Transcriber's notes

Under Various modes of spelling... Garscadden was originally spelt with an s on the end. This s is crossed through and a note "Please to [ ] the s here on Plan [R]. H. [initials]" The note has been over-written so that part of it is difficult to read.

Crossing out of words in Description of Garscadden Street make it difficult to read in part.

Situations. All are [Sheet] VI [6]-10 No. 5 Trace 3 except for St. Stephens Place which is Trace 2

Each name in List of Names is initialled [R]. H.

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