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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
HARELAW CAIRN (Site of) Hare Law
Hare Law
Herlaw or Harelaw

Site of Cairn
Site of Cairn
William Strang Raahead
Thomas Dykes Clayhedges
Robert Crawford Aikinfin
New Statistical Account

William Strang Raahead
Thomas Dykes Clayhedges
Robert Crawford Aikinfin
022.04 A slight eminence in a plantation on the farm of Raahead on which a Cairn once stood in which human bones were found. There is now no trace of it.

On a small eminence on the farm of Raahead called Hare Law is the site of a large Cairn which is now entirely removed. There were urns with human bones found in it.
SHEPHERD'S KNOWE Shepherd's Knowe
Shepherd's Knowe
Shepherd's Knowe
William Strang Raahead
Thomas Dykes Clayhedges
Robert Crawford Aikinfin
022.04 A small Knoll on the Raahead farm.

Continued entries/extra info

[ Under Shepherd's Knowe names]
"Knowe, the top of a mill,ba base as under hillock or eminence" . Brockett's Glossary
[On LHS under Harelaw Cairn]
there is nothing here deserving of the name of an eminence to which the name "Hare Law" can be applied. [signature] J.B. [John Bayly] Capt [Captain] R. E. [Royal Engineers)]
[ under names for Hare Law]
" Law, a hill or eminence whether natural or artificial" - Brockett
[at bottom of page]
In 1793 the remains of a very large Cairn called Harlaw or Harelaw, here still to be seen on the farm Raahead. The site of it is nearly a mile distant from the present farm of Harelaw. " The stones appear to hsve been gathered from the land, " Many urns with fragments of human bones were found in one corner of it but some of them were preserved. It was about 12 feet in height and covered a base of 70 feet in diameter. " This Cairn was removed about the year 1808 and no distinct remains of it appear on the little mound of earth which was its base. N.S. Acct. P 891[New Statistical Account Page 891]

Transcriber's notes

the unsure of initials in Red ink are J.B. for Capt John Bayly.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

hastingleigh, GavinCraig

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