
Continued entries/extra info

Well continued:-

discovered that a circular basin had been formed in the rock, nine feet in diameter and five in depth; the marks of the tool were distinctly visible on its side. To prevent the escape of the water through its slaty and porous formation it was lined throughout with a coating of blue clay four inches thick, which had been prepared with the greatest care, in fact, made as smooth as that used by a sculptor, and this ingenious contrivance is rendered more curious by the fact that no clay of this quality could be obtained within the distance of thirty or forty miles. The basin was found full of excellent water, and after it had been emptied for the purpose of inspection, it filled again in the course of the succeeding night and day, also though the examination was made after a long season of dry weather." (On the ancient camps of the Upper Ward of Lanarkshire & Cissbury - by G.V. Irving Esqr. F.A.S.)
"Some large camps apparently Roman have likewise been traced in the parish of Crawford one on Bodsberry hill and another on the farm of White-Camp, but, as little or nothing can further be said about them, we may now proceed to take a cursory view of the few military works which are to be seen upon the line of the branch road already mentioned." (Caledonia Roman. P. 235).
"There are two or three apparently old Roman camps in the parish, the one that is most entire, and the largest, is on Boudsberry hill." (New Statistical Act. P. 331)

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Brenda Pollock

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