
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
DAERHEAD Daerhead Archibald Hope (Shepherd, Kirkhope), James Hope (Shepherd, Crookburn), William Maxwell Esqr. (Factor, Babton House, Dumfriesshire), James Milligan (Farmer, Kirkhope). 055 A herd's house on the farm of Kirkhope.
INCHY GAIR Inchy Gair James Hope, Archibald Hogg, John Wilson Esqr. (Farmer, Nunnery). 055 A small burn on the farm of Crookburn rising at the foot of "Lamb Hill" and falling into the "Daer Water".
ROWANTREE GRAIN Rowantree Grain James Hope, Archibald Hogg, John Wilson Esqr.(Farmer, Nunnery). 055 A small burn rising on the side of "Lamb Hill" on the farm of Crookburn and falling into the "Daer Water".
WEE ROWANTREE GRAIN Wee Rowantree Grain Archibald Hope (Shepherd, Kirkhope), James Hope (Shepherd, Crookburn), William Maxwell Esqr. (Factor, Babton House, Dumfriesshire), James Milligan (Farmer, Kirkhope). 055 A small burnon the farm of Kirkhope rising at the foot of "Little Hill" and falling into the "Daer Water".

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Brenda Pollock

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