
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ACCINFERN BURN Accinfern Burn Thomas Johnstone, John Wilson Esqr., James Hope. 053 A small burn rising on the side of "Blawbar" and falling into Cleuch Burn near its junction with "Potrail Water".
CLEUCH BURN Cleuch Burn Thomas Johnstone, John Wilson Esqr., James Hope. 053 A small burn rising on the side of "Caplaw Rig", it runs under the house of "Troloss", thence eastward until it falls into Potrail Water.
EVER BURN Ever Burn Thomas Johnstone, John Wilson Esqr., James Hope. 053 A small burn rising on the north west side of Edge, and falling into Potrail Water.
NETHER BURN Nether Burn Thomas Johnstone, John Wilson Esqr., James Hope. 053 A small burn rising on the west side of "Edge" and falling into Ever Burn.

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Brenda Pollock

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