
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
DRY GUTTER Dry Gutter John Wilson Esqr. (Nunnery), Robert Baird (Sweetshaw), William McGuffack (Wintercleuch). 050 A small burn on the south side of Lomonthill and falling into Wintercleuch Burn.
MINERAL SPRING (Sulphureous) [Tomont Hill] Mineral Spring (Sulphureous) John Wilson Esqr., Robert Baird, Thomas McMorran. 050 This spring is situated at the north base of Lomont Hill and the authorities quoted state that its water is similar to "Moffat Water". The srping head is filled of to prevent accidents to the lambs, and the water percolates through the soil into a drain, it has a nauseous, sulphuric taste.
RED SCORE Red Score John Wilson Esqr., Robert Baird, William McGuffack. 050 A name given to a small burn rising in the chasm at the north end of Wintercleuch Fill and falling into Wintercleuch Burn.
WHITE HILL White Hill John Wilson Esqr., Robert Baird, William McGuffack. 050 A small hill on the farm and near the house of Nunnery.

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Brenda Pollock

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