
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
LITTLE TINNAN Little Tinnan Robert Fletcher, Walter Jardine, Robert Wight. 047 A small burn rising about 10 chains N.E. from Whelphill and falling into Whelphill Houp.
MIDGE GILL Midge Gill Robert Fletcher, Walter Jardine, Robert Wight. 047 A small burn rising on the east side of Midge Hill and falling into Camps Water about half a mile south from Grains.
SPOUT SIKE Spout Sike Robert Fletcher, Walter Jardine, T.R. Scott Esqr. 047 A small burn rising a little north from Whelphill which it supplies with water, there is a spout in the side of the burn which conducts the water for the use of the house hence the name.

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Brenda Pollock

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