Lanarkshire volume 12

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/21/12/1 CARNWATH [parish] Carnwath Carnwath Carnwath Carnwath Carnwath Carnwath Carnwath Revd. Alexander McLean Revd. James Walker Mr. Walter Watson Mr. David Aitken Statistical Account Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 013; 014; 015; 020; 021; 026; 027 The parish of Carnwath is in the County of Lanark, Presbytery of Lanark, and Synod of Glasgow and Ayr. In some of the old writings belonging to the family of Lockhart of Lee, who is now the proprietor of the estate, I find it frequently written Cairnwath. The name is de-scriptive of the situation of the place, as there is a Cairn immediately west of the house and village of Carnwath, and near the bottom of that Cairn there is a Wath, which means in the Saxon language a Ford. Such is probably the derivation of the name. The parish is very extensive, being 12 miles from south to north, and 8 from east to west. It is bounded on the West by the parish of Carstairs; on the east by Dunsyre; on the south by the parishes of Libberton and Pettinain; and on the north by West Calder. There are no mountains, or even hills which deserve the name, though there are two ranges of high ground which run through the parish, but which, even at their highest point, do not exceed 1200 feet above the level of the sea. There
OS1/21/12/1 [page] 1 Carnwath Parish
OS1/21/12/1 I amended the last line of the description to change 12 feet to 1200 feet above sea level. This is flattish but elevated countryside or it was a few months ago. Ian Muirhead
OS1/21/12/2 [page] 2 There are several mineral Springs in different parts of the parish, but I am not aware that any of them have been analyzed, or have attracted particular notice._ The only Loch worthy of notice is what is called the White Loch, immediately west of the village of Carnwath. It covers about 30 acres, is of considerable depth in some places, and finely wooded on the South and West sides. It is more than a mile in circumference. The village of Carnwath is much changed for the better within the last 20 years. Formerly its streets were encumbered with dunghills and peatstacks, which are now all swept away; and even the Old houses now present an appearance of comfort and cleanliness. Many of the new houses are handsome. There are five fairs in this village in the year, and a weekly market. The parish church is most inconveniently situated for the great body of the parishioners, being placed at the South West end of the parish. There are, indeed, only two families immediately to the West, and not above 10 or 12 on the south of the Church. The church was built in 1798, and is neither elegant or commodious, Being set down close beside the Aisle of the old one, which, though built in 1424, still retains a handsome Gothic structure. It is seated for 400 people, and is, of course, too small for our population, and were it not for the accommodation afforded by dissenters, many of the parishioners would have no opportunity of receiving religious instruction. The church was last year very much improved both internally and externally. The manse was built in 1817, and is, upon the whole, substantial and convenient. The glebe consists of 10 acres, lying immediately round the manse; it is worth 2 pounds per acre. The amount of Stipend is 16 chalders, 8 of meal, and 8 of barley, and 10£ for communion elements. There are at present 8 schools in the parish; seven besides the parochial school, which like the church, is most inconveniently situated for the general population of the parish. The parochial teacher has the maximum salary, and is otherwise well provided with an excellent school and dwelling house; but the others have no salary, and in some cases have even to provide a schoolhouse for themselves. Statistical Account for 1841 The parish contains 30400 Statute Acres. There are no detached portions of the parish of Carnwath, nor are there any detached portions of any other parish situated within it.
OS1/21/12/3 HARWOOD WATER Harwood Water Revd Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 014.11 This stream rises in Carnwath parish near to the boundary which separates Lanarkshire from Edinburghshire; it runs about 80 yards in a N.E.direction and after which it forms the boundary betwixt the respective Counties
OS1/21/12/3 PUNCE LINN Plunce Linn Revd Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 014.11 This name applies to the Marsh that lies on the boundary which separates Lanarkshire from that of Edinburgh. The Centre of which forms part of the boundary of these adjacent Counties.
OS1/21/12/3 [page] 3 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/4 THIRL STANE Thirle Stane Revd Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo 014.11 A perpendicular Stone about 5 1/2 feet in height, round which there are Smaller Stones piled
OS1/21/12/4 HENDREY'S COURSE Kircurrin Hill Revd Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 014.11 A third Class hill part of which is in Lanarkshire and part in Edinburghshire; it is apparently about 250 feet above the surrounding ground
OS1/21/12/4 HARRYFOOTHILL Harryfoothill Harryfoothill Harryfoothill Harryfoothill Harryfoothill Revd Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 014.15 A Small farmsteading one story in height thatched and in good repair, Property of Mr Thomas Hamilton
OS1/21/12/4 WESTER MOSSHAT Wester Mosshat Wester Mosshat Wester Mosshat Wester Mosshat West Mosshat W.[West] Mosshat Revd Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo Statistical Account Forrest's County Map Johnston's Couny Map dated 1816 014.15 A farmsteading, dwelling house two stories in height offices one partly thatched and slated and in good repair. Property of Thomas Somerville Esq.
OS1/21/12/4 [page] 4 Parish of Carnwath [Notes spanning first and second columns] On referring the name Kircurrin Hill to the Authorities quoted; they state that Hendreys Course is applied to the portion of the hill in Edinburghshire, and that the same name is indifferently applied with Kircurrin Hill to the portion in Lanarkshire: therefore Hendreys Course is adopted to agree with the plans of Edinburghshire
OS1/21/12/5 CRAIG BURN Craig Burn Revd Alex Mc Lean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 013.16 A stream having its source in the N.W. of Carnwath Parish and after a course of about 1\2 a mile it crosses the boundary into Edinburghshire.
OS1/21/12/5 SERGEANTS LAW Sergeants Law Revd Alex McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 013.16 A small hill of no great elevation lying partly in Edinburghshire & partly in Lanarkshire.
OS1/21/12/5 EASTER GREENWELL Easter Greenwell Revd Alex McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 014.13 A small thatched farmsteading in bad repair - property of Mr Nimmo
OS1/21/12/5 Header: Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/5 The name of Mr Pollock was crossed out and Mr Nimmo inserted
OS1/21/12/6 BENRY BOG Benry Bog Revd. Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 014.11 A Considerable extent of Moss which extends across the Boundary into Edinburghshire. ---
OS1/21/12/6 MAIDEN HILL Maiden Hill Revd Alexander McLean ___ Revd James Walker. ____ Mr Walter Watson. ____ 015.13 A 3rd. Class Hill lying partly in Lanarkshire but chiefly in EdinburghShire. __ it is Considered as one of the Pentland Hills. ___
OS1/21/12/6 [page] 6 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/7 BENRY BRIDGE Bendry Burn Bridge Bennery Bridge ------ Do------- Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's county Map 014.12 A conduit on the parish road where it crosses Bendry Syke. It receives this name on account of the road being made over a marsh at this spot.
OS1/21/12/7 BENRY SYKE Bendry Syke Burn Rev Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 014.12 A small stream which for a considerable distance forms the County & Parish boundaries.
OS1/21/12/7 Header: Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/7 Benry Bridge; in pencil in the margin it reads {Parish Road ? Is it a TP ' 'oms 4th Feb 60 '} This is then linked by a pencil line to the descriptive remarks where Parish road is heavily underlined. Bendry has the d crossed out and Burn is crossed out and replaced with Syke. Benry Syke: Modes of Spelling: It is spelled Bendry with the 'd' crossed out and Syke has been added with Burn being crossed out. Beneath this entry in another ink and hand is written "Bendry" in the above two names has been referred to the foregoing authorities and they agree to write Benry Bridge and Benry Syke on the plans. See Benry Bog for which they they are originally supplied in page 6.
OS1/21/12/8 DYKEHEAD Dykehead Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 021.10 A small cothouse thatched and in good repair. Property of Robertson Tutler Esqr
OS1/21/12/8 MAIDENWELLBROW Medwynwellbrow TP Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 015.13 A T.P on the Edinburgh road,one storey, slated, and in good repair.Full rates leviable. Property of the Road Trustees
OS1/21/12/8 PENTLAND HILLS Pentland Hills First Class Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Statistical account of Lanarkshire 015.13 The portions of the Pentland Hills in Carnwath Parish extend Westwards as far as the Turnpike Road from Lanark to Edinburgh.
OS1/21/12/8 Maidenwellbrow T.P. Table of Toll at the Turnpike Maiden Well in Edinburghshire and adjacent to this Turnpike, was shown to, and considered by the examiner, as the source of the North Medwyn; hence the original name in this case.But on reference to the field again it was found that both the Turnpike and Well took their names from an adjoining Hill called Maiden Hill, on the brow if which the Turnpike is situated. The Authorities now recommend maidenwellbrow T.P. to be written on the Plans
OS1/21/12/9 HEATHLAND Heathland Heathland Heathland Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 014.13 A farmsteading dwelling- house 2 storeys, offices one,all slated and in good repair. Property of William Goldie Esquire.
OS1/21/12/9 MUIR ROW Muir Row Muir Row Muir Row Muirraw Muir Raw Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map Forrest's County Map 014.13 A row of Cothouses one storey, thatched, in bad repair; William Dickson Esquire proprietor
OS1/21/12/10 COBINSHAW RESERVOIR Cobinshaw Loch Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 014.12 A considerable Loch,the greater part of which lies in Edinburghshire. a small part only extending over the Boundary into Lanarkshire.
OS1/21/12/10 MOUSE WATER Mouse Water Revd Aleander McLeam Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Statistical Accountof Lanarkshire Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's Count Map 014.14 This water has its source in the North of the Parish and flows in a S.W direction receiving in its course several considerable streams which soon swell it to a large size it forms for about 2 miles the Parish Boundary (Ph By)between Carnwath and Carstairs after which it enters the latter Parish.
OS1/21/12/10 Under Situation 14.14 there is also and 9
OS1/21/12/10 Cobinshaw Reservoir has Cobinshaw Loch crossed out and beneath it has (Edinburgh Water Works) Also in red ink is written.....This name has been referred to the foregoing Authorities and they agree to the alteration in the spelling and the substitution of Reservoir for Loch.
OS1/21/12/11 MILL BURN Mill Burn Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 014.16 A small stream which collects from surface water, and after a course of 30 chains joins the Dippool water near Woolforddyke.
OS1/21/12/11 WOOLFORDDYKE Woolforddyke Woolfordsdyke Woolfords Dyke Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Thomas Sommerville Esquire Proprietor Johnston's County Map Forrest's County Map 014.16 A small Farmsteading, 1 storey, thatched, and in good repair, property of Thomas Sommerville Esquire
OS1/21/12/11 WOOLFORDS Woolfords Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 014.16 A Farmsteading, 1 storey,slated, and in good repair, property of R.C. Buchanan Esquire
OS1/21/12/12 EASTER MOSSHAT Easter Mosshat E Mosshat East Mosshat Revs Alexander Mclean Revd James Walter Mr Walter watson Statistical Account Johnston's County map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 014.16 A farmsteading 1 storey, thatched and in good repair, property of Thomas Sommerville Esqr
OS1/21/12/12 GREENFIELD HOUSE Greenfield House Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 014.16 A dwelling house 1 storey slated, and in good repair property of Thomas Sommerville Esqr
OS1/21/12/12 VIEWFIELD Viewfield Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 014.16 A Farmsteading 1 storey thatched and in good repair, property of Thomas Sommerville Esqr
OS1/21/12/13 EASTER GREENWELL Easter Greenwell _____Do_____ ____Do_____ ____Do___ Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 This name applies to two small farmsteadings oe slated and the other thatched both one storey and in good repair. the north one property of Mr Nimmo and the other the property of Mr Pollock.
OS1/21/12/13 FORTH MAINS Forth Mains _____Do____ ____Do____ Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A small thatched farmsteading one storey property of Mr James Aitken
OS1/21/12/13 HIGHDYKE Highdyke ___Do___ ___Do___ Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A small farmsteading one storey thatched, property of Thomas Campbell Haggart Esquire Falkirk
OS1/21/12/14 GREENWELL Greenwell ...Do... ...Do... ...Do... Revd(Reverend) Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.10 A slated farmsteading one storey in good repair, property of Mr Adam Prentice
OS1/21/12/14 GREENWELL HOUSE Greenwell House Revd(Reverend) Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A two storey building and in bad repair. Property of Mr. Hickson
OS1/21/12/14 WESTER GREENWELL Wester Greenwell ....Do... ...Do... Revd(Reverend) Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A small farmsteading one storey slated in good repair. Property of Adam Prentice
OS1/21/12/15 CARRMUIR COTTAGE Carrmuir cottage ....Do.... ....Do... Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A one storey slated cottage in good repair. Property of Harling Esqr [Esquire]
OS1/21/12/15 CLIMPY Climpy ....Do... ...Do... ...Do.. Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Statistical Account of Lanarkshire 020.10 This name applies to a number of colliers houses mostly one storey thatched and in good repair. Various proprietors,
OS1/21/12/15 PLEASANCE ROW Pleasance Row ....Do.... Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 This name applies to a row of buildings on the outskirts of Wilsontown which have with the exception of two houses become roofless since the iron works have been stopped.
OS1/21/12/15 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (Disused) [Climpy] U.P. Church ...Do... ...Do... Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 Once a church belonging to the U.P. Church body but now in a ruinous state and service has been discontinued for a number of years.
OS1/21/12/16 WILSONTOWN T.P. Wilsontown T.P. ....Do... ...Do.... Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A one storey thatched house property of the road trustee; full rates leviable,
OS1/21/12/16 SCHOOL [Wilsontown] School ....Do... ...Do... Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A one storey building slated and in good repair at present vacant.
OS1/21/12/16 BEVERIDGEHALL Beveridgehall ...Do... ...Do... Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A row of thatched cothouses in good repair.Property of Mr Nimmo. Name derived from the name of the former proprietor.
OS1/21/12/16 ABBEY BURN Abbey Burn ...Do... ...Do... Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 019.04; 020.1; 020.05 A stream which arises in Carnwath near Climpy, and forms the boundary between Carstairs and Carnwath Parishes, it receives this name to where the parish road crosses it a little North of Lower Throughburn
OS1/21/12/16 In the description there is what appears to be an abbreviation after the first mention of Carnwath. I suspect it may represent the word Parish.
OS1/21/12/17 WILSONTOWN Wilsontown Revd Alexander McLean Mr Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson Statistical Account 020.02 The name of this village is derived from the circumstance of " two brothers of the name of Wilson Swedish Merchants in London who commenced an iron foundry in 1779 and in 1780-81 began the manufacture of pig iron. In 1790-91 an extensive forge for the manufacture" of square iron bars" was erected but had not been at work above a year when unhappily a misunderstanding arose among the partners. During the dispute the forge had been stopt and only one furnace was kept going, but after the sale in 1798 the forge was again put to work, with an addition of two hammars and the two furnaces again
OS1/21/12/17 [page] 17 Carnwath Ph [Parish]
OS1/21/12/17 Line 13: last word had been "dispute" but this was scored through and replaced by "misunderstanding".
OS1/21/12/18 [page] 18 Wilsontown continued again brought into full operation. In 1812 the works were stopt and the whole population turned adrift on the world. From that period until 1821 they continued unoccupied, the machinery of course rusting and the houses falling into ruins, when they were purchased by Mr William Dixon of Calder Iron Works", the works set agoing and the houses thoroughly repaired, since that time until about 1840 [?] they continued to prosper, but owing to the high land carriage, the works became a losing concern and were stopt, at present the whole place in ruins. The population about 50 persons. Property of William Dixon Esq.
OS1/21/12/19 BUGHTKNOWES Bughtknowes Bughtknowes Bughtknowes Bughtknowe Bughtknowe Rev" Alexander McLean Mr" Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map. 020.02 A large farmsteading. dwellinghouse two stories, and slated, offices one and thatched. Property of Miss Houston
OS1/21/12/19 SKYLAW Skylaw Skylaw Skylaw Skylaw Skylaw Rev" Alexander McLean Mr" Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map. 014.14 A small cothouse, one story, thatched and in bad repair. __ Property of Miss Houston
OS1/21/12/19 UPPER HAYWOOD Upper Haywood Upper Haywood Upper Haywood Revd Alexander McLean Mr. Thomas Nimmo Mr. Walter Watson 014.14 A farmsteading, all one story-partly slated and partly thatched, and in good repair. _ Property of Miss Houston._
OS1/21/12/19 [page] 19 Carnwath Parish
OS1/21/12/20 CLEUCH HOUSE Cleuch House Cleuch House Cleuch House Cleugh House Cleugh House Rev " Alexander McLean Mr" Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map. 020.02 A large farmsteading, dwelling-house two stories, offices one, all slated and in good repair. Property of William Darling Esq: Glasgow. __
OS1/21/12/20 HAYWOOD Haywood Haywood Haywood Rev Alexander McLean Mr Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson 020.02 A few cothouses, all one storey thatched and in good repair. Property of William Darling Esq"
OS1/21/12/20 LOWER HAYWOOD Lower Haywood Lower Haywood Lower Haywood Rev Alexander McLean Mr Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson 020.02 A dwelling-house of two stories, slated and in good repair. Property of William Darling Esq"
OS1/21/12/20 [page] 20 Carnwath Parish
OS1/21/12/20 Haywood: Description remarks - the word "storey" appears to have a cross above the letter "e" -could it be that the writer changed his mind about the spelling?
OS1/21/12/21 TASHY BURN Tashy Burn Tashy Burn Tashy Burn Tashy-burn Rev Alexander McLean Mr Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson Statistical Account 020.02 A small stream which takes its rise from surface water and after flowing in a southerly direction, falls into the Law Burn.
OS1/21/12/21 TASHYBURN Tashyburn Tashyburn Tashyburn Tashyburn Tashyburn Rev Alexander McLean Mr Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.02 A few cothouses inhabited by miners; all thatched, one story and bad repair. Property of William Darling Esq.
OS1/21/12/21 [page] 21 Carnwath Ph [Parish]
OS1/21/12/22 CLEUCH COTTAGE Cleuch Cottage Cleuch Cottage Cleuch Cottage Rev Alexander McLean Mr Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson 020.02 A small cothouse, one story thatched & in good repair. Property of William Darling Esq.
OS1/21/12/22 CLEUCH BRIDGE Cleuch Bridge Cleuch Bridge Cleuch Bridge Rev Alexander McLean Mr Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson 020.02 A small stone bridge of one arch and spanning the Mouse Water. Property of the Parish
OS1/21/12/22 PARKHOUSE (In Ruins) Parkhouse Parkhouse Parkhouse Parkhouse Parkhouse Rev Alexander McLean Mr Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816. Forrest's County Map 020.02 A small cothouse on the farm of Cleuch, now in ruins. Property of William Darling Esq.
OS1/21/12/22 [page] 22 Carnwath Ph [Parish]
OS1/21/12/23 MUIRCOCK ROW (In Ruins) Muircock Row Muircock Row Muircock Row Muir Cockraw Muir Cockraw Rev. Alexander McLean Mr. Thomas Nimmo Mr. Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.02 A small row of cothouses formerly the residence of miners, but now in ruins. Property of William Dixon Esq ____
OS1/21/12/23 ROOTPARK Rootpark Rootpark Rootpark Rev Alexander McLean Mr. Thomas Nimmo Mr. Walter Watson 020.02 A small row of cothouses inhabited by miners. Property of Various persons
OS1/21/12/23 LAMBCATCH Lambcatch Lambcatch Lambcatch Rev [Reverend] Alexander McLean Mr Thomas Nimmo Mr Walter Watson 014.14 A small cothouse, thatched and in bad repair. Property of Miss Houston.
OS1/21/12/23 [page] 23 Carnwath Ph [Parish]
OS1/21/12/24 WILSONTOWN HOUSE Wilsontown House Wilsontown House Wilsontown House Wilsontown House Wilsontown House Rev. Alexander McLean Mr. Thomas Nimmo Mr. Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.02 A plain mansion, two stories, slated & in good repair. Property of William Dixon Esq.
OS1/21/12/24 [page] 24 Carnwath Ph [Parish]
OS1/21/12/25 POOL ROW Pool Row Revd. Alexander McLean Mr. Walter Watson Revd. James Walker 020.03 A few cothouses one story in height thatched and in bad repair, property of James Hunter Esq.
OS1/21/12/25 HARDGATEHEAD Hardgatehead Revd. Alexander McLean Mr. Walter Watson Revd. James Walker Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.03 A large farmsteading:- dwelling house two stories in height offices one partly thatched and slated and in good repair, property of Major Tennant.
OS1/21/12/25 POOL Pool Revd. Alexander McLean Mr. Walter Watson Revd. James Walker Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.03 A farmsteading, dwelling house two stories offices one partly thatched and slated and in good repair. If the Small Knoll which is Marked on plan was removed by the Tenant or any other person the proprietor would at once lose the property. The Cause of this Cannot be ascertained
OS1/21/12/25 [page] 25 Ph [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/26 AUCHENGRAY AuChengray Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Revd. Revd. James Walker Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.03 A Small village about 5 miles from Carnwath: the population of which will amount to about 50._ The houses in general are one Story: partly thatched and in good repair. Property of David Robinson Souter Esqr
OS1/21/12/26 HILLHEAD OF AUCHENGRAY Hillhead of Auchengray Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Revd. James Walker 020.03 This name applies to a farm-Steading which is in the village of Auchengray: the dwelling house is two stories in height offices one, partly thatched and Slated and in good repair, property of David Robinson Souter Esqr.
OS1/21/12/26 SCHOOL [Auchengray] School Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Mc. Lean Revd. James Walker 020.03 This School is Situated in the village of AuchenGray; It is one Story in height thatched and in good repair. their are 30 Male and 30 female Scholars which Makes a total of 60. _ The teacher's Salary is partly made up by a grant given by the general assembly which is £10 (0s 0p) per annum, and the average amount of the fees is £26 (0s 0p)which makes a total £36 per year; he has also a free house and garden The usual branches of education taught,
OS1/21/12/26 [page] 26 Ph [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/26 In the School entry description of the school line 6-the end of the word "teacher" is illegible but I am assuming that there is a letter "s" at the end. As to whether it is an "apostrophe s" I am uncertain. Since apostrophes have been used in the previous column when referring to the names of the maps I have chosen to make this an apostrophe.
OS1/21/12/27 CROOKLANDS Crooklands Crookens Crookens Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Miss Douglas Proprietor Mr Thomas Nimmo Revd. James Walker Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.03 A FarmSteading; dwelling house two stories in height offices one partly thatched and Slated and in a good Condition. Property of Miss Douglas.
OS1/21/12/27 CLARK'S WALLS Clark's Walls Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo Revd. James Walker, Johnston's County Map, dated 1816 Forrest's County Map, 020.03 A Small Cothouse. one Story in height thatched and in good repair
OS1/21/12/27 GREENBANK Greenbank Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Revd. James Walker Johnston's County Map, dated 1816 Forrest's County Map, 020.03 A Small farmsteading one story in height thatched and in bad repair. property of Mr. David Robinson Souter.
OS1/21/12/27 MOSSHAT BURNFOOT Mosshat Burnfoot Burnfoot Burnfoot Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Revd. James Walker Thomas Hamilton proprietor Johnston's County Map, dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.03 A Small farmsteading one story in height thatched and in good repair, property of Mr Thomas Hamilton Mosshat has been prefixed to the name by the Authorities, to distinguish it from Burnfoot on plan 20.6.
OS1/21/12/27 [page] 27 Ph [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/28 MOUNTAINBLOW Mountainblaw Mountainblaw Mountainblaw Mountainblaw Mountainblaw Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 014.15 A farmsteading, one story in height, thatched and in good repair. Property of Miss Douglas.
OS1/21/12/28 BACK BURN Back Burn Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 014.15 A Small Stream which has its Source in the North West Side of the parish and after a Course of about 90 Chains it falls into Mosshat Burn.
OS1/21/12/28 MOSSHAT BURN Mosshat Burn Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo 014.15 This Stream rises about 1/4 of a mile from the bottom of Kircurrin hill and after running in a South Easterly direction (for the distance of 3 miles) it joins the Dippool Water.
OS1/21/12/28 CLIMPY HOUSE Climpy House Revd. Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr Thomas Nimmo Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 014.13 A large Mansion, two Stories in height, Slated and in an extremely bad Condition._ The offices belonging to it are Slated and in good repair, and are now occupied as Cothouses This house was formerly the residence of one of the Co-partners of the Wilsontown Ironworks. property of the Honorable Colonel Kirkland
OS1/21/12/28 [page] 28 Ph [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/29 WESTERTOWN Westertown Revd. Alexander McLean Revd. James Walker Mr. Walter Watson 020.04 A row of cothouses, formerly a farmsteading, but now inhabited by colliers, in bad repair, property of Mrs. Windholt
OS1/21/12/29 POKELLY Pokelly David R. Souter Esqr. Revd. Alexander McLean Revd. James Walker Mr. Walter Watson 020.04 Two smale rows of cottages roofed with tiles, and in good repair, property of David Robertson Souter Esqr.
OS1/21/12/29 ST MARY MAGDALENE'S CHAPEL (Site of) Site of St. Mary Magdalene's Chapel Revd. James Walker ___ Mr. David Aitken__ Mr. Walter Watson__ 020.07 A chapel which seems to have been dedicated to St. Mary Magdalene existed at Muirhall at or before the period of the Reformation Origenes Parochiales The site of this chapel can be pointed out the old foundations having been removed about 40 years ago by the present resident at Muirhall. at which farm some of the Carved & Ornamental stones are still to be seen. __
OS1/21/12/29 [page] 29 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/30 BENTHEAD Benthead G.R. Chaplin Esqr Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.04 A Farmsteading 1 storey, slated in good repair, property of George Robertson Chaplin Esqr
OS1/21/12/30 LOANHEAD Loanhead Thomas Sommerville Esqr Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.04 A farmsteading 1 storey,thatched in indifferent repair,property of Thomas Sommerville Esqr
OS1/21/12/30 EASTERHOUSE Easterhouse David R Souter Esq. Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.04 A farmsteading, 1 storey, slated, in good repair, property of David Robertson Souter Esqr
OS1/21/12/30 GREENFIELD Greenfield Revd Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated1816 Forrest's County Map 020.04 A Farmsteading 1 storey thatched, in bad repair property of Mrs Windholt
OS1/21/12/30 [page] 30 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/31 FORTH Forth Forth Forth Forth Rev. William Banks Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson Statistical Account of Lanarkshire 020.05 A small village in the North West of Carnwath Ph [Parish] with a rural and mining population of 170 the houses are one storey thatched in bad repair. it contains a good PH [Public House] and post office,
OS1/21/12/31 SCHOOL [Forth] School School School Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.05 A private adventure school one storey thatched. teacher supported from the fees of the pupils. average attendance 56 males & 30 females.
OS1/21/12/31 EAST FORTH East Forth East Forth East Forth East Forth East Forth Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston’s County Map dated 1816 Forrest’s County Map 020.05 A farmsteading, dwelling-house two storeys, offices one: all slated and in good repair. Property of -- Darling Esqr.
OS1/21/12/31 [page] 31 Ph [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/32 WEST FORTH T.P. West Forth T. P. [Turn Pike] West Forth T. P. West Forth T. P. Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.05 A thatched house one storey property of the road trustee, full rates leviable.
OS1/21/12/32 UPPER THROUGHBURN Upper Throughburn Upper Throughburn Upper Throughburn Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.05 A farmsteading one storey slated in good repair. Property of William J. Marshall Esqr.
OS1/21/12/32 CRAIGENHOUSE Craigenhouse Craigenhouse Craigenhouse Craigen Inn Craigen Inn Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston’s County Map dated 1816 Forrest’s County Map 020.05 Once an inn; dwellinghouse one storey slated in good repair. offices nearly all in ruins,
OS1/21/12/32 POST OFFICE [nr Craigenhouse] Post Office Post Office Post Office Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.05 An office subordinate to Carnwath 3 deliveries per week, A thatched house and one storey
OS1/21/12/32 [page] 32 Ph [Parish]of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/33 HARTSIDE (In Ruins) Hartside ...DO... ...Do... Revd[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev[Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.05 Once a farmsteading but now a row of ruins property of Darling Esqr[Esquire]
OS1/21/12/33 MID FORTH Mid Forth ....Do... ....Do... ...Do... ...Do... Revd[reverend] Alexander McLean Rev[Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.10 A row of thatched cothouses property of C Darling Esqr [Esquire]
OS1/21/12/33 WEST FORTH West Forth ...Do... ...Do... ...Do... ...Do... Revd[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev[Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.05 A large farmsteading slated dwelling house two storeys offices one, all in good repair; the thrashing machine is worked by steam. Property of Mr Darling Esqr [Esquire]
OS1/21/12/34 TREACLE ROW Treacle Row ...Do... ...Do... Revd[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev[Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.05 A small farmsteading one storey thatched in tolerable repair. Property of - Darling Esqr[Esquire]
OS1/21/12/34 BACKSHOT Backshot ...Do... ...Do... ...Do... ...Do... Revd[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev[Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.05 A small farmsteading one storey thatched in good repair. Property of -Darling Esqr[ Esquire]
OS1/21/12/34 HAILSTONEGREEN Hailstonegreen ...Do... ...Do.. Revd[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev[Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.05 A row of cothouses thatched and in good repair. Property of Mary Somerville.
OS1/21/12/34 THROUGH BURN Through Burn ...Do... ...Do... Revd[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev[Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.05 The continuation of Abbey Burn, it also forms the parish boundary to its junction with the Mouse (?) Water
OS1/21/12/34 Very difficult to read the final letters in some words as they disappear in the crease of the document hence Mouse? Water may not be quite correct.
OS1/21/12/35 GOWMACMORRAN Gowmacmorran ...Do... ...Do... ...Do.. Gomackmorn Revd[Reverend] AlexanderMcLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's county Map 020.06 A farmsteading one storey in height thatched and in good repair Property of - Miss Anderson. Name derived from the person who built the steading,whose name was Macmorran
OS1/21/12/35 HILLHEAD Hillhead A.C.White Esqr[Esquire] Revd[Reverend] AlexanderMcLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.06 A farmsteading dwelling house two stories in height,offices one, slated and in good repair.Property of A.C. White Esq [Esquire]
OS1/21/12/35 ROWANTREEHILL Rowantreehill Rowantreehill AC White Esq [Esquire] Revd[Reverend] AlexanderMcLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.06 A farmsteading dwelling house two stories in height, offices one,slated and in good repair. Property of A.C. White Esq [Esquire[
OS1/21/12/35 SIDEWOOD Braehead of Eastsidewood John Wilson Esq [Esquire] Revd[Reverend] AlexanderMcLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.06 A small farmsteading one storey in height,thatched and in good repair. Property of Dr Jno [John] Wilson
OS1/21/12/35 Gowmacmorran: Underneath this entry, written in red is written..On further reference the examiner states that he has made a mistake in inserting the letter 'k' in this name. See the derivation. An arrow then points to the name Macmorran as being the builder. Sidewood: Underneath this entry and written in red is...On referring the several names in which Sidewood occurs to Dr John Wilson Esq [Esquire] he has recommended Sidewood only to be written to this farmsteading. There are also initials written underneath the name Sidewood in the hand of the original scribe which appear to be F.E.P Capt. ?
OS1/21/12/36 EASTER STOBWOOD Easter Stobwood Stobwood Dyke Stobwood dyke Revd[Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr George Stewart Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.06 A few cothouses one store in height thatched and in good repair Property of Mr George Stewart. Stobwooddyke was the name of a cothouse now removed; and the farmsteading Easter Stobwood was built on its site.
OS1/21/12/36 LAW BURN Law Burn ...Do... ...Do... ...Do... R Souter Esq [Esquire] Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.02 A small stream that rises to the east of Wilsontown and after a course of nearly two miles in a SW direction joins Mouse Water near Guildhouse
OS1/21/12/36 LAWHEAD Lawhead ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. R Souter Esq[Esquire] Revd[Reverend] AlexanderMcLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.06 A farmsteading,one story in height, thatched and in good repair. Property of Dr R Souter Esq[Esquire]
OS1/21/12/37 GUILDHOUSE Gulidhouse Guild House ..Do.. Revd[Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr John Elder Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.06 A large farmsteading. The dwelling house is two stories offices one, it is partly thatched,slated and in good repair. Property of Mr John Elder.
OS1/21/12/37 STOBWOOD Stobwood ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. Revd[Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr John Elder Mr Walter Watson Mr James Brown Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.06 A few Cothouses one story partly thatchd and slated and all in good repair. Property of Mr James Brown
OS1/21/12/37 T.P. [Stobwood] Stobwood Check TP AC White Esq [Esquire] Revd[Reverend] AlexanderMcLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr James Brown Mr Walter Watson 020.06 A small house one story thatched and in good repair, rates levied only on cattle. Property of the Road Trustees.
OS1/21/12/37 UPPER GUILDHOUSE Upper Guildhouse ..Do. ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. Revd[Reverend] AlexanderMcLean Revd [Reverend] James Walker Mr John Elder Mr Walter Watson Forrest's County Map 020.06 A few cothouses one story thatched and in good repair. Property of Mr John Elder
OS1/21/12/38 BRIDGE-END Bridge - end ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd[Reverend] James Walker Mr Peter Hunter Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.06 A small cothouse one story in height thatched and in good repair. Property of Mr Peter Hunter.
OS1/21/12/38 BURNFOOT Burnfoot ..DO.. ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. ..Do.. Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd[Reverend] James Walker Mr J Darling Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.06 A farmsteading one story thatched and in good of Mr J Darling
OS1/21/12/38 CLEUCH MILL Cleugh Mill ..Do.. ..Do ..Do.. ..Do.. Stonyhill ..Do.. Revd [Reverend] Alexander McLean Revd[Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Title deeds of the property Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.06 A farmsteading with a corn mill attached which is,alternately propelled by steam and water, the strength of each is about 8 horse power. The mill and dwelling house are two stories offices one, partly tiled and slated and in good repair. property of Sir I [?] McDonald Lockhart. Stonyhill is merely a nameby which it is known in the immediate vicinity but Cleugh Mill is the proper name See Title Deeds.
OS1/21/12/38 The note about Stoneyhill is written in a different handwriting to that on the rest of the page.
OS1/21/12/39 BROWSHOT Browshot Browshot Browshot Browshot Braeshot Braeshot Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.09 A small farm steading , one story, partly slated & partly thatched, and in good repair. Property and residence of Mr John Simpson.
OS1/21/12/39 BROWSHOT COTTAGE Browshot Cottage Browshot Cottage Browshot Cottage Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.09 A small cothouse, one story slated & in good repair. Property of Mr. John Simpson.
OS1/21/12/39 MID HENSHIELDWOOD Mid Henshieldwood Mid Henshieldwood Mid Henshieldwood Mid Henshieldwood Mid Henshieldwood Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Mr Peter Liddle 020.09 A small farm steading, one story partly slated & in good repair. Property of Mr Peter Liddle.
OS1/21/12/39 OLDTOWN Oldtown Oldtown Oldtown Oldtown Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.09 A small farm steading one story,thatched & in good repair. Property of Mr William Watson.
OS1/21/12/39 WESTER HENSHIELDWOOD Wester Henshieldwood Wester Henshieldwood Wester Henshieldwood Wester Henshieldwood Wester Henshieldwood W. [Wester] Hainshalwood W. [Wester] Hainshalwood Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Mr Peter Liddle Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.09 This name applies to two detached dwellings, partly slated & in tolerable repair. Property & residence of Mr William Wilson.
OS1/21/12/39 Carnwath Ph. [Parish] [page] 39
OS1/21/12/40 CARNWATH STATION Carnwath Station Carnwath Station Carnwath Station Carnwath Station Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.06 A commodious station on the Caledonian Railway between Carstairs Junction and Edinburgh. Distance from the latter place twenty six miles
OS1/21/12/40 FIELDLAND Fieldland Fieldland Fieldland Fieldland Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.06 A small farm steading, one story, slated & good repair. Property of Sir Norman MacD. Lockhart Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/40 PLANTING T.P. Planting T. P. [Turnpike] Planting T. P. [Turnpike] Planting T. P. [Turnpike] Planting T. P. [Turnpike] Planting T. P. [Turnpike] Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.06 A small dwelling house, one story and slated. Property of the Road Trustees. Full rates leviable.
OS1/21/12/40 WHITE LOCH White Loch White Loch White Loch White Loch White Loch White Loch Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.06 A considerable loch situated on the extreme west of the Parish. It is supplied from Blackgate Moss, and empties itself through a drain into Red Loch. Property of Sir N MacD. Lockhart Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/40 [page] 40 Carnwath Ph. [Parish]
OS1/21/12/41 CROFTHILL Crofthill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Title deeds of property Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.07 A large farm steading one story in height, thatched and in good repair. Property of Major Tennant.
OS1/21/12/41 MILLHILL Millhill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Title deeds of property Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.07 A small farm steading one story in height thatched and in good repair Property of Major Tennant
OS1/21/12/41 OLDMILL Oldmill Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Title deeds of property 020.07 A few cothouses one storey in height, thatched and of recent erection. Property of Major Tennant
OS1/21/12/41 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath [page] 41
OS1/21/12/42 [page] 42 This page just has the typed column headings. Nothing is written
OS1/21/12/43 AUCHENGRAY COTTAGE Auchengray Cottage R. Hunter Esq. Rev.[Reverend] Mr McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.07 A newly erected cottage built with brick and slated it is the residence of the proprietor of the adjoining Brick And Tile Works and is the property of R Hunter Esq.
OS1/21/12/43 AUCHENGRAY STATION Auchengray Station Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.07 A small station on the Caledonian Railway which is about 211/2 miles from Edinburgh, it is also about 1 mile from the village of Auchengray
OS1/21/12/43 CHAPEL WELL Chapel Well Rev.[Reverend] Mr McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.07 A large well having no mineral properties, it is so called from its vicinity to the site of an old R.C. [Roman Catholic] Chapel.
OS1/21/12/43 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath [page] 43
OS1/21/12/43 Added entry for Chapel Well
OS1/21/12/44 EAST SIDEWOOD Eastsidewood Eastsidewood Eastsidewood Eastsidewood Eastsidewood East Sidewood East Sidewood East Sidewood Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Title deeds of property Statistical Account of Lanarkshire Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map Dr. [Doctor] Wilson of West Sidewood. 020.07 A farm steading with an outhouse attached, two stories in height, offices one, all slated and in a good condition. The property of Major Tennant.
OS1/21/12/44 KING'S INN King's Inn Thomas Carmichael Esqr. Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.07 A large farm steading: dwelling house two stories offices one, partly thatched and slated and in good repair property of Thomas Carmichael Esqr.
OS1/21/12/44 MUIRHALL Muirhall Mr Thomas Gibson Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.07 A large farm steading: dwelling house two stories offices one, all slated and in good repair, property of Mr Thomas Gibson
OS1/21/12/44 [page] 44 [under EAST SIDEWOOD] On further reference the first 3 authorities agree with Dr. [Doctor] John Wilson in writing this name East Sidewood
OS1/21/12/45 EASTERYARDHOUSE HILL Easteryardhouse Hill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.12 A prominent hill covered with heathy pasture, third class
OS1/21/12/45 STALLASHAW MOSS Stallashaw Moss Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.08 A large tract of moss belonging to various proprietors. It was formerly a place where illicit distillation was extensively carried on.
OS1/21/12/45 Parish Of Carnwath [page] 45
OS1/21/12/45 Situations in the pre populated sheet differ from situations on image. On prepopulated sheet both situations are 020.07 but on the image they are 20-8 and 20-12 020.08 and 020.12 are correct on map
OS1/21/12/46 BLACKCASTLE Blackcastle William White Esqr. Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Ma 020.08 A Farmsteading 2 stories, slated with out offices attached, property of William White Esqr.
OS1/21/12/46 GREENFIELD BURN Greenfield Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.08 A large stream which rises in Edinburgh shire ,and flows in a southerly direction. after a course of about 3 miles, it joins the North Medwyn, of which it is one of the principal tributaries
OS1/21/12/46 THE KAMES The Kames Kame Kame Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.08 A prominent ridge of arable ground, divided by the Greenfield burn into two unequal portions. The ridge at its highest elevation does not exceed 30 feet, and from the level nature of the surrounding ground, it forms a prominent feature. The word is very expressive of the object to which it applied. Kame in the Scottish dialect, being Synonimous with with Comb, in allusion to the fancied similarity of the ridge, to the comb of a Cock
OS1/21/12/47 GREENATON Greenaton Revd. Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston’s County Map dated 1816 Forrest’s County Map 026.03 A small farm steading, one story, thatched and in good repair. Property of Sir N [Norman] McD [McDonald] Lockhart. Bart [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/47 STANEMUIR T.P. Stanemuir T. P. [Turn Pike] Revd. Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.03 A small dwellinghouse, one story, slated and in good repair. Property of the Road Trustees. Full rate levied.
OS1/21/12/47 STANEMUIR COTTAGE Stanemuir Cottage Revd. Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.03 A small cottage, one story, slated and in good repair. Property and residence of Mr. George Kaye.
OS1/21/12/47 WESTYETT Westyett Westyate Westyate Revd. Alexander McLean Revd James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston’s County Map Forrest’s County Map 020.13 A Farmsteading dwelling house slated offices thatched in Good repair _ property of Sir N [Norman] McD [McDonald] Lockhart Bart [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/47 [page] 47 Carnwath Ph [Parish]
OS1/21/12/48 ROUGHCROOK Roughcrook Roughcrook Roughcrook Roughcrook Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.09 A small farmsteading one story and thatched, _ in good repair. Property of Agnes Logan, Kelso
OS1/21/12/48 LOWER THROUGHBURN Lower Throughburn Lower Throughburn Lower Throughburn Lower Throughburn Lower Throughburn Lower Throughburn Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston’s County Map dated 1816 Forrest’s County Map 020.09 A small farmsteading, one story, slated and in good repair Property of Agnes Logan, Kelso.
OS1/21/12/48 BANKFOOT Bankfoot Bankfoot Bankfoot Bankfoot Bankfoot Bankfoot Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston’s County Map dated 1816 Forrest’s County Map 020.09 A small farmsteading in a ruinous condition, uninhabited. Property of Agnes Logan, Kelso.
OS1/21/12/48 CLATTERIN WELL Clatterin Well Clatterin Well Clatterin Well Clatterin Well Clatterin Well Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr Peter Liddle Mr David Aitken 020.09 A fine clear spring on the farm of Throughburn, _ its name is derived from the circumstances of the women of the neighbourhood meeting there to talk over their neighbours affairs.
OS1/21/12/48 [page] 48 Carnwath Parish
OS1/21/12/49 BRAEHEAD MOSS Braehead Moss Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Rev. William Banks Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A large tract of Moss lying to the Northeast of Braehead Village, belonging to various proprietors.
OS1/21/12/49 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [Braehead] U[nited] P[resbyterian] Church Rev. Mr. Banks Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 This Church ^(situate in the Village of Braehead) was built by public Subscription in 1845 It contains 350 Sittings, a[n]d is alltogether voidof any ornament.
OS1/21/12/49 P[aris]h of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/49 I have entered the details for Easter HenshieldWood in the next page since that it where it appears.
OS1/21/12/50 SCHOOL [Braehead] School Rev. Mr Banks Rev. Alexander McLean Rev. James Walker Mr. Walter Watson 020.10 A private School, with an average of 20 males and 20 female Scholars. Teacher paid by School fees.
OS1/21/12/50 Easter Henshieldwood Easter Henshieldwood E. [Easter] Hainshalwood E. [Easter] Hainshalwood Mr. Walter Watson Rev. [Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr. Peter Liddle Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map A farmsteading, one Storey Slated, and in good repair. Property of the trustees of the late Mr. Reid of Bathgate
OS1/21/12/50 [page] 50 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/51 KILPOTHALL Kilpothall Kilpathall Kilpathall John Wilson Esqr. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.10 A farmsteading, one storey thatched, and in good repair property of John Wilson Esqr. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine]
OS1/21/12/51 ST ANDREW'S SCHOOL St. Andrew's School Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Rev. [Reverend] Mr Banks Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A School house ,two storey,slated,and in good repair. The under storey is used as a Schoolroom, the upper one,as the teacher's residence It was built in 1841, by public subscription, aided by government grant £70 The average number of scholars amount to about forty males and thirty eight females.-The usual branches of an english education are taught. The teacher is wholy supported by the school fees.
OS1/21/12/51 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath [page] 51
OS1/21/12/52 BLACKHILL Blackhill Mr Wilson Esqr. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.10 A small farmsteading, one storey, thatched, and in tolerable repair. The property of John Wilson Esqr. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] .
OS1/21/12/52 DIPPOOLBANK Dippoolbank Newmains Newmains Rev.[Reverend] James Logan Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.10 A dwelling house, two storey slates, and in good repair Property ofRev.[Reverend] James Logan. This house was formerly called Newmains, but the proprietor has requested, per letter dated 12th July 1858, to have it changed to Dippoolbank on the Ordnance Plans and for it would appear from the other authorities given; that its now known by that name.
OS1/21/12/52 HEWNSTANES Hewnstanes John Wilson Esqr. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.10 A small cothouse, thatched and in good repair Property of John Wilson Esqr. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] .
OS1/21/12/52 [page] 52 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/53 BACKBRAE Backbrae Rev.[Reverend] Mr Banks Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.10 A small farmsteading of one storey, slate and in poor repair property of the trustees of the late Mr Reid of Bathgate.
OS1/21/12/53 BRAEHEAD Braehead Rev.[Reverend] Mr Banks Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Statistical Account of Lanarkshire Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.10 A small village in the west of the Parish. Principally inhabited by miners. It contains a U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church and manse, and two schools. The houses are one storey and mostly thatched population about 300
OS1/21/12/53 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath [page]53
OS1/21/12/54 LANGGARTERS Langgarters Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.09 A small farmsteading one storey and slated. Property of Agnes Logan, Kelso
OS1/21/12/54 [page] 54 Carnwath Ph. [Parish]
OS1/21/12/55 ENTRYFOOT Entryfoot Entryfoot Entryfoot Entryfoot Entryend Entryend Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Dr. [Doctor] Samuel Sommerville. proprietor who has changed the name Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.11 A small cothouse, one story, thatched & in bad repair. Property of Dr. [Doctor] Samuel Sommerville. Ampherlaw.
OS1/21/12/55 FORDMOUTH Fordmouth Fordmouth Fordmouth Fordmouth Fordmouth Fordmouth Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Dr. [Doctor] Samuel Sommerville Mr Walter Watson Forrest's Co. [County] Map Johnston's County Map dated 1816 020.11 A small farmsteading one story, thatched and in good repair. Property of Dr. [Doctor] Samuel Sommerville. Ampherlaw
OS1/21/12/55 FORDMOUTH BRIDGE Fordmouth Bridge Fordmouth Bridge Fordmouth Bridge Fordmouth Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.11 A small stone bridge, spanning the Dippool Water & on the Parish Road which leads to Braehead. Property of the Parish.
OS1/21/12/55 JEANFIELD Jeanfield Jeanfield Jeanfield Jeanfield Jeanfield Jeanfield Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Dr. [Doctor] Samuel Sommerville Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.11 A small farmsteading one story, thatched and in good repair. Property of Dr. [Doctor] Samuel Sommerville. Ampherlaw
OS1/21/12/55 Carnwath Parish [page]55
OS1/21/12/56 CROFTHEAD Crofthead Crofthead Crofthead Crofthead Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Dr. [Doctor] John Wilson Mr Walter Watson 020.11 A small farmsteading one story, slated & in good repair. Property of Dr. [Doctor] John Wilson Westsidewood.
OS1/21/12/56 EASTSHIELD BRIDGE Eastshield Bridge Eastshield Bridge Eastshield Bridge Eastshield Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.14 A small stone bridge spanning Dippool Water on the T.P.[Turnpike] Road to Wilsontown. Property of the Road Trustees
OS1/21/12/56 KIRKGREEN Kirkgreen Kirkgreen Kirkgreen Kirkgreen Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Dr. [Doctor] John Wilson Mr Walter Watson 020.11 A few cothouses with Smithy attached, all thatched, one story & in bad repair. Property of Dr. [Doctor] John Wilson Westsidewood. * [ at bottom of description] *This name is derived from a Quad Sacra Church , having been erected here in 1690, it was subordinate to the Parish Ch. [Church] at Carnwath. It fell into disuse on the erection of the present Ph. Ch. [Parish Church]and it was entirely removed about 40 years ago.
OS1/21/12/56 MANSE [U.P., nr Eastshield Bridge] Manse Manse Manse Manse Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Rev.[Reverend] Mr Banks Mr Walter Watson 020.14 A neat two storied building in the village of Braehead with offices attached all slated & in good repair Property of the U.P. [United Presbyterian] Congregation
OS1/21/12/56 [page]56 Carnwath Parish
OS1/21/12/57 LOWER GIRDWOODEND Lower Girdwoodend Lower Girdwoodend Lower Girdwoodend Lower Girdwoodend Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr William Newbigging Mr Walter Watson 020.11 A small farmsteading, one story, thatched and in bad repair. Property of Mr William Newbigging
OS1/21/12/57 UPPER GIRDWOODEND Upper Girdwoodend Upper Girdwoodend Upper Girdwoodend Upper Girdwoodend Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr William Newbigging Mr Walter Watson 020.11 A small farmsteading one story, slated & in good repair Property of William Newbigging
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OS1/21/12/58 AMPHERLAW Ampherlaw Ampherlaw Ampherlaw Ampherlaw Ampherlaw Ampherlaw Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Dr. [Doctor] Samuel Sommerville Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.11 A large farmsteading dwellinghouse, two stories and slated, offices one and partly slated & partly thatched. Property & residence of Dr. [Doctor] Samuel Sommerville
OS1/21/12/58 WEST SIDEWOOD Westsidewood Westsidewood Westsidewood Westsidewood Westsidet Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Dr. [Doctor] John Wilson 020.11 A large farmsteading dwellinghouse two stories and slated offices one & thatched. All in tolerable repair. About 24 chains west of the above, is a Tomb of an oblong shape built to the memory of the late Dr. [Doctor] Wilson. property and residence of Dr. [Doctor] John Wilson
OS1/21/12/58 [page] 58 Carnwath Parish [Written under Westsidewood] On further reference from Dr. John Wilson the proprietor and the other four authorities recommend this name to be written West Sidewood as shown in Column 1.
OS1/21/12/59 CAIRN (Site of) [Hare Law] Cairn (site of) Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.16 The site of a cairn is distinctly visible on the summit of Hare Law, where a considerable quantity of loose stones are still scattered about. Some 30 years ago human bones were found at it of unusual size but no information either historical or traditional ca be obtained respecting it.
OS1/21/12/59 HARTIESFORD BRIDGE Hartiesford Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.13 A small stone bridge of one arch spanning the Mouse Water. Property of the Parish. Since the examination of this and the adjoining Ph. [Parish] it has been ascertained that a Ford was here previous to the erection of the bridge and it was called Harties Ford after a person of the name of Hartie so called on a very old map of the Lockhart Estate in Carnwath Ph.[Parish]. Therefore tha authorities supplied approve of the alteration to Hartiesford Bridge.
OS1/21/12/59 PARKNEUK Parkneuk Taylor's Folly Taylor's Folly Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.16 Consists of 2 dwellinghouses, one slated, the other thatched, both one storey and in bad repair, property of William Bertram Esqr.
OS1/21/12/59 Carnwath Parish. [page] 59
OS1/21/12/60 GREENHOLES Greenholes Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.13 A small cothouse, one story and in good repair. Property of Wolfe Murray Esqr. Craigletty, Peebleshire.
OS1/21/12/60 LAIGH GREENHOLES Laigh Greenholes Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.13 A small cothouse, thatched, one story, and in good repair. Property of Wolfe Murray Esqr. Craigletty, peebleshire.
OS1/21/12/60 ROUGHSYKE Roughsyke Roughsyke Roughsyke Roughsyke Roughsyke Roughsyke Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.13 A small farm steading, house all one story & thatched, in good repair. Property of Wolfe Murray Esqr. Craigletty, Peebleshire.
OS1/21/12/60 SCABGILL Scabgill Scabgill Scabgill Acabgill Scabgill Scabgill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.13 A large farmsteading, partly slated, and partly thatched houses all one story. Property of Wolfe Murray Esqr. Craigletty, Peebleshire. A few chains to the north is a tomb erected in memory of Sir Robert Denholm Bart. [Baronet] formerly the proprietor of Westshield whose death took place about 40 years ago, when both family name and title became extinct.
OS1/21/12/60 [page] 60 Carnwath Ph. [Parish]
OS1/21/12/60 Craigletty is spelt Craigletie in the Peebleshire sheets
OS1/21/12/61 BOGHALL Boghall Boghall Boghall Boghall Boghall Boghall Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.14 A small farmsteading, one story, partly slated and in good repair. Property of Sir Norman MacD. Lockhart Bart [Baronet].
OS1/21/12/61 BRAEHEAD MAINS Braehead Mains Braehead Mains Braehead Mains Braehead Mains Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr James Stewart 020.14 A small farmsteading, one story, slated & in good repair. Property & residence of Mr James Srewart
OS1/21/12/61 NETHERFAULD Netherfauld Netherfauld Netherfauld Netherfauld Netherfauld Netherfauld Netherfauld Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Mr Thomas Gibson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.14 A small farmsteading, one story thatched & in good repair. Property of Mr Thomas Gibson Biggar.
OS1/21/12/61 WEST MAINS Westmains Westmains Westmains Westmains Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Thomas Gibson Mr Walter Watson 020.14 A large farmsteading, one story & partly slated. Property of Mr Thomas Gibson Biggar
OS1/21/12/61 Carnwath Parish [page] 61 [under West Mains] On further reference to these Authorities they all agree writing the names as shown in Column one.
OS1/21/12/62 EASTSHIELD Eastshield Eastshield Eastshield Eastshield Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr James Logan Mr Walter Watson 020.14 A large farmsteading, dwelling house two stories & slated offices one & thatched. Property and residence of Mr James Logan Adjoining this farmsteading stands the remains of what was once a Castellated Mansion built in the early part of the 16th Century and was the residence of the Chamberlain of the Sommerville Family. Over one of the door ways it bears the following inscription in antique characters "1567. Thomas Inglis" . The existing remains consist of a tower 30 feet high with a spiral staircase, and a detached portion of the Mansion the walls of which are almost entire, the latter is now used as a cattle shed. Property of Mr James Logan.
OS1/21/12/62 [page] 62 Carnwath Parish
OS1/21/12/63 WESTDYKE Westdyke Westdyke Westdyke Westdyke Westdyke Westdyke Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.13 Formerly a farmsteading part of which still remains and is used as a cattle shed. Property of Sir N. McDonald Lockhart Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/63 WESTSHIELD Westshield Westshield Westshield Westshield Westshiel Westshiel Westshiel Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Statistical Account of Lanarkshire Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.13 A large antiquated building 3 stories and in a ruinous condition; property of Sir N. McDonald Lockhart Bart. [Baronet] It was built in 1668 and designed as a mansion, but during the disturbances of the above period, the proprietor was forced to leave the Country before it was finished in which state it has remained The ground flat is occupied by a tenant who rents the surrounding grounds.
OS1/21/12/63 WESTSHIELD BRIDGE Westshield Bridge Westshield Bridge Westshield Bridge Westshield Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.10 A small stone bridge spanning the Dippool Water, and on the Parish Road from Wilsontown to Carnwath. It is the property of and repaired by the Parishes of Carstaira and Carnwath.
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OS1/21/12/64 LEWENSIDE Lewenside Lewenside Lewenside Lewenside Lewenside Lewenside Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.13 A small farmsteading one story and slated; property of Wolfe Murray Esq. Craiglitty, Peebleshire
OS1/21/12/64 SHODSHILL BRIDGE Shodshill Bridge Shodshill Bridge Shodshill Bridge Shodshill Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.10 A small stone bridge spanning the Mouse Water, and on the Parish road between Braehead and Carstairs property of and upheld by the Parish.
OS1/21/12/64 THROUGHBURN BRIDGE Throughburn Bridge Throughburn Bridge Throughburn Bridge Throughburn Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.09 A small stone bridge spanning the Through Burn, and on the turnpike road between Wilsontown and Lanark, property of and upheld by the Road Trustees.
OS1/21/12/64 WINTER LAW Winter Law Winter Law Winter Law Winter Law Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.06 A small knoll, in the farm of Lampits, which is at present thickly covered with wood. It is the property of Sir N. McDonald Lockhart, Bart. [Baronet]
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OS1/21/12/65 DIPPOOL WATER Dippool Water Dippool Water Dippool Water Dippool Water Dippool Water Dippool Water Dippool Water Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map Statistical Account of Lanarkshire 026.02 Rises in the extreme north of the Parish and runs in a southern direction for about 41/2 miles receiving several considerable tributaries. It then changes its direction to the south west and joins Mouse Water near Westshields Bridge, after an entire course of 8 miles. During the last 1/2 mile of its course, it forms the Boundary between the parishes of Carnwath and Carstairs
OS1/21/12/65 WAUK MILL [nr Yelping Craigs] Waukmill Waukmill Waukmill Waukmill Waukmill Wauk Mill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Forrest's County Map Johnston's County Map dated 1816 020.16 A collection of dwelling houses and a mill, where cloth is subjected to a process known as "wauking". The dwelling houses are all 1 storey, thatched and in good repair. The mill is 2 storeys, slated, the upper one being used as a Carding Mill, its motive power is water. Property of William Bertram Esqr.
OS1/21/12/65 YELPING CRAIGS Yelping Craigs Yelping Craigs Yelping Craigs Yelping Craigs Yelping Craig Yelping Craig Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.16 A range of precipitous rocks averaging 20 feet in height. Owing to the peculiar formation of these rocks, an echo is produced, from whence the name is derived.
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OS1/21/12/66 EASTER YARDHOUSE Easter Yardhouse Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map Forrest's County Map 020.12 A farmsteading 2 storeys, slated, and in good repair, property of Sir Norman McDonald Lockhart Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/66 FALLA BURN Falla Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.15 A small stream which collects from surface water near Wester Yardhouses, passes Falla, and joins Dippool Water after an entire course of about 4 miles.
OS1/21/12/66 WESTER YARDHOUSES Wester Yardhouses West Yardhouse WestYardhouse Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.12 A collection of dwelling houses all 1 storey, thatched ( with the exception of one which is 2 storey and slated) and in bad repair belonging to various proprietors.
OS1/21/12/66 [page] 66 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/66 Boston Cottage Scored out I have deleted prepopulated entry
OS1/21/12/67 CORSE LAW Corse Law Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.12; 020.16; 021.09; 021.13 A medium sized hill covered with heath, and forming one of the range of the Pentland Hills (3rd Class)
OS1/21/12/67 SALLA BURN Salla Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Mr Martin Porteus Mr David Sanderson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 021; 027 A small stream which rises in the South West of Left Law and flows into Carnwath parish where it joins Westruther Burn.
OS1/21/12/67 WESTRUTHER BURN Westruther Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Mr Martin Porteus Mr David Sanderson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 021.13 A considerable Burn which rises in the North centre of the parish, and flows in a south west direction into Carnwath Parish where from its junction with Salla Burn it is known by the name of Swear Burn
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OS1/21/12/68 HENSHAW HILL Hyndshaw Hill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 021.02 A hill of no great elevation covered with rough and heathy pastures.
OS1/21/12/68 LINGY KNOWE Lingy Knowe Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Mr David Sanderson Mr Martin Porteus 021.09 A small hill covered with Heath and "Ling" the latter is the local name for a species of Heath which bears some resemblance to to Broom and from which the name is derived.
OS1/21/12/68 [page] 68 Parish of Carnwath [Under Hyndshaw Hill in red ink] On submitting this name a second time to the above authorities they agree to writing this name Henshaw Hill as shown in column 1.
OS1/21/12/69 CRAIGIEHALL Craigiehall Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Thomas Carmichael Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.16 A Farmsteading 1 storey, thatched, property of Mr Thomas Carmichael
OS1/21/12/69 GREENSHIELDHOUSE Greenshieldhouse Greenshieldhouse Greenshieldhouse Greenshieldhouse Greenshielhouse Greenshiel House Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Daniel Carmichael Mr Walter Watson Forrest's County Map Johnston's County Map dated 1816 020.15 A farmsteading, 1 storey, slated, property of Mr Daniel Carmichael
OS1/21/12/69 HARE LAW Hare Law Hare Law Hare Law Hare Law Hairlaw Hill Hairlaw Hill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Thomas Carmichael Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.16 A third class hill, covered with Heathy Pasture, property of Sir Norman McD. Lockhart Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/69 REDFORD BRIDGE Redford Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.16 a small county Bridge, 1 arch, built of stone, on the T.P. [Turnpike] road between Edinburgh And Lanark.
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OS1/21/12/70 CAULDLAW Cauldlaw Cauldlaw Cauldlaw Calla Caldlaw Caldlaw Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.15 A Farmsteading, 2 storeys, slated, property of Sir Norman McDonald Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/70 CAULDLAW BANK Cauldlaw Bank Calla Bank Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.15 A third class hill, cultivated of no great elevation, property of Sir Norman McDonald Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/70 CAULDLAWBANK Caoldlawbank Callabank Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.15 A small cothouse, 1 storey, thatched, and in indifferent repair, property of Sir Norman McDonald Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/70 CRAIG COTTAGE Craig Cottage Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.15 A small cothouse,slated, , property of Sir Norman McDonald Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/70 FALLA Falla Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020.15 A Farmsteading 1 storey, slated, property of Mrs Ramsay
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OS1/21/12/71 DRY BURN Dry Burn Dryburn Burn Dryburn Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 021.01 One of the streams which unite withother burns in forming the North Medwyn it is the mutual boundary of Carnwath and Dungavel and its name is derived from the fact of it having a small flow of water.
OS1/21/12/71 DRYBURN BRIDGE Dryburn Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 021.10 A small stone bridge 1 arch over the Dry Burn repaired by the County.
OS1/21/12/71 GARVAL SYKE Garl Syke Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 021.02 A small stream which forms the Parish boundary to its confluence with the South Medwyn which enters from Edinburghshire near the junction point of that county with Peebles and Lanarkshire
OS1/21/12/71 Parish of Carnwath [page] 71 [under Garl Syke] On further reference to these authorities they recommend Garval Syke to be written on the plans in preference to Garl Syke
OS1/21/12/72 LAWHEAD TARBRAX Lawhead Tarbrax North Tarbrax North Tarbrax Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson David Robertson Sutter Esq. Proprietor Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 021.01 A large farmsteading thatched (one storey) and in tolerable repair. Property of David Robertson Sutter Esq.
OS1/21/12/72 UPPER LAWHEAD Upper Lawhead Lawhead Lawhead Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson David Robertson Sutter Esq. Proprietor Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 021.01 A farmsteading, one storey thatched and in good repair. Property of David Robertson Sutter Esq.
OS1/21/12/72 [page] 72 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/73 COUTHALLEY CASTLE (Ruin) Couthalley Castle Couthalley Castle Couthalley Castle Couthalley Castle Cowthaily Cowthaily Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker John Wilson Esq. M. D. [Doctor of Medicine] Mr Walter Watson Statistical Account of Lanarkshire Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.02 This Castle was formerly the residence of the ancient family of Sommerville one of the most opulent and powerful families in this part of the country about the middle of the twelfth Century. Hither James the sixth seems frequently to have repaired perhaps to enjoy his favourite sport of hunting,and here he seems also to have sometime spent a considerable portion of his time as some of the charters granted by him are dated at Couthalley.The Castle of Couthalley according to the Sommerville papers was burned down in 1320 and there is no record so far as I have been able to ascertain, where or by whom it was rebuilt. It was burned no doubt during some of the periods of the English which were so frequent at the time, and led to the building of what is called in the afore mentioned papers, " the double tour in Carnwath Towne" . of this "double tour" not a vestige remains though the situation of it is marked out by certain lands being still called Castle Sommerville
OS1/21/12/73 Parish of Carnwath [page] 73
OS1/21/12/74 [page] 74 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath Couthalley Castle continued The castle (Couthalley Castle) is now a complete ruin though its extent may yet be marked, and from its situation surrounded on every side by deep ditch and earthen mounds with a draw bridge on the west it must have been a place of very great strength. It is situated on the property of John Wilson Esq. Westsidewood bur Sir N. McDonald Lockhart Bart. [Baronet] is the hereditary keeper of it. ( Statistical Account) The existing remains consist of what appears to have been an oblong tower or "Keep" the walls of which are of great thickness and about 3 feet above the surface of the ground, the other portions of the Castle can still be traced by mounds of earth, which indicate the site of the old walls.
OS1/21/12/75 BLACK LOCH Black Loch Black Loch Black Loch Black Loch Black Loch John Wilson Esq. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.02 This loch is one of the three lochs which belonged to the proprietors of Couthalley Castle it is surrounded with marsh and is smaller in comparison to the others Property of John Wilson Esq. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine]
OS1/21/12/75 RED LOCH Red Loch Red Loch Red Loch Red Loch Red Loch John Wilson Esq. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.02 A small fresh water loch through which the parish boundary runs between Carstairs and Carnwath Property of John Wilson Esq. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine]
OS1/21/12/75 WOODEND Woodend John Wilson Esq. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.02 A large farm Steading with offices attached one story in height, thatched and in good repair. Property of Dr. [Doctor] John Wilson.
OS1/21/12/75 Parish of Carnwath [page] 75
OS1/21/12/76 BLACK GATE Black Gate Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.02 A marshy outlet for the water of the Black Loch through which the parish boundary runs between the parishes of Carstairs and Carnwath; the portion belonging to the latter parish belongs to John Wilson Esq. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine]
OS1/21/12/76 GALLOW HILL Gallow Hill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.11 A small knoll west of the farm of Spittal ; the circumference of it about 800 ft and the height of it about 30 from the ground on which it lies. It is generally supposed to have been a place of execution in former times.
OS1/21/12/76 LAMPITS Lampits Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Mr J French Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.10 A large farm steading with offices attached, dwelling house two storys offices one partly thatched and slated and in a first class condition. Property of Mr French
OS1/21/12/76 [page] 76 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/77 ST MARY'S CHURCH (Remains of) St Mary's Church St Mary's Church St Mary's Church Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 The most perfect piece of antiquity which is presented in the parish is the aisle which though built in 1424 retains much of its original grandeur. It is a Gothic structure covered with freestone flags, and the north window especially appears to have been a beautiful piece of workmanship. It has successively been the burying place of the Sommerville family, of the Dalziels, Earls of Carnwath, and now of a branch of the Lockhart family. The church to which no doubt it was attached and of which it formed a part, was founded in 1386 and endowed by the existing Lord Sommerville in 1424 with some lands which one of his successors in vain endeavoured to resume. It was funded for a priest and with
OS1/21/12/77 Parish of Carnwath [page] 77
OS1/21/12/78 GALLOW HILL Gallow Hill Gallow Hill Gallow Hill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 An oblong arable knoll of no great elevation - used in ancient times as a place of execution.
OS1/21/12/78 [page] 78 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath St Mary's Church (Ruins of) (Continued) 026.07 prebendaries . Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] This church was dedicated to Mary and although it shared to some extent the fate of the most of the religious houses at the period of the Reformation it continued to be used as a place of worship till the year 1799 when it became entirely disused- the present church having been erected at that time. The site of the wall of the church can still be distinctly traced it appears to have been 100feet within the walls in length and 20 feet in breadth which must have rendered it very inconvenient as a place of worship.
OS1/21/12/79 CARNWATH HOUSE Carnwath House Carnwath House Carnwath House Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 According to the history of the Sommervilles this house was built in 1720 and it is generally supposed to be what is alluded to in the Stat.Acct. [Statistical Account], as " the double tour in Carnwath Toune." It is a plain two storey mansion; an addition was made to it about 40 years ago.
OS1/21/12/79 POST OFFICE [Carnwath] Post Office Post Office Post Office Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A post office subordinate to Lanark - not a money order office - one arrival and one despatch per diem.
OS1/21/12/79 Ph. [Parish ] of Carnwath [page]79
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OS1/21/12/81 MOAT [Carnwath] Moat Moat Moat Moat Moat Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.07 The moat situated at the west end of Carnwath village is evidently artificial but at what date it was erected cannot be ascertained. It is of a form somewhat elliptical, the diameter from east to west being longer than from north to south. It is about 27 feet in height. there is a hollow on the top where it is said there was an entrance to a side stair that reached to the bottom. This has suggested the idea that the moat was intended as a burying-place. It has evidently been a place of strength as it was surrounded by a deep ditch and mound which can still be faintly traced. No information either historical or traditional can be obtained as to its having been a seat of justice in ancient times.
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OS1/21/12/82 SCHOOL [F.C., Carnwath] School School School Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A two storey building slated and in good repair the upper storey being the teachers residence. Latin is taught together with the ordinary branches of an English education. The schoolmaster is supported by the Free Ch. [Church] School sustenation fund, along with the fees of the pupils. Average attendance 40 males & 23 females.
OS1/21/12/82 SCHOOL [parish, Carnwath] School School School Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 This Ph. [Parish] school is a two storey slated building, the upper one being the teachers residence. The ordinary branches of an English education are taught together with French & Latin, the schoolmaster is supported from the fees of the pupils an £34 from the parish: average attendance 40 females & 60 males.
OS1/21/12/82 [page] 82 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/83 BRAE Brae Brae Brae Brae Brae William Bertram Esqr. Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.07 A farmsteading thatched one storey in bad repair. Property of William Bertram Esqr.
OS1/21/12/83 CARLINDEAN Carlindean Carlindean Carlindean Carlindean Carlindean Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.07 A slated farmsteading one storey in good repair. Property of Sir N. McDonald Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/83 HOWBURN BRIDGE Howburn Bridge Howburn Bridge Howburn Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A small stone bridge one arch built and kept in repair by the county, and on the T.P. [Turnpike] road between Glasgow & Peebles.
OS1/21/12/83 PARK Park Park Park Park Park Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.07 A farmsteading one storey slated and in good repair Property of Sir N. McDonald Lockhart
OS1/21/12/83 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath [page]83
OS1/21/12/84 BLIND WELL Blind Well Blind Well Blind Well Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A spring well situated in the bleaching green - no mineral properties
OS1/21/12/84 CROSS [Carnwath] Cross Cross Cross Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A stone pillar 15 feet high resting on a pedestal consisting of 4 steps, the lowest about 7 feet square it was erected in 1787 and is surmounted by a vase and iron cross.
OS1/21/12/84 MANSE [parish, Carnwath] Manse Manse Manse Manse Manse Manse Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.07 A large two storey building with offices attached all slated and in good repair. Property of the Heritors of the parish.
OS1/21/12/84 [page] 84 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/85 FREE CHURCH [Carnwath] Free Church free Church FreeChurch Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A plain edifice seated for 800 built in 1843. Ministers salary paid from the "Sustenation Funds".
OS1/21/12/85 MANSE [F.C., Carnwath] Manse Manse Manse Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A two storey house in good repair. Property of the Congregation.
OS1/21/12/85 MARKET INN [Carnwath] Market Inn Market Inn Market Inn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A two storey house in good repair. Property of John Sommmerville
OS1/21/12/85 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [Carnwath] U. P. [United Presbyterian] Church U. P. [United Presbyterian] Church U. P. [United Presbyterian] Church Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A plain building built in 1832, seated for about 500.
OS1/21/12/85 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath [page] 85
OS1/21/12/86 COMMERCIAL INN [Carnwath] Commercial Inn Commercial Inn Commercial Inn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 a good country inn with stabling accommodation attached, it is two storeys and in good repair. Property of Alexander Liddell.
OS1/21/12/86 LOCKHART ARMS INN [Carnwath] Lockhart Arms Inn Lockhart Arms Inn Lockhart Arms Inn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 This is the best inn in the village, two storeys in good repair, good stabling accommodation attached. Property of Sir Norman McDonald Lockhart Bart.[ Baronet]
OS1/21/12/86 WHITE WELL White Well White Well White Well Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.07 A large spring well - no mineral properties.
OS1/21/12/86 [page] 86 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/87 CARNWATH [village] Carnwath Carnwath Carnwath Carnwath Carnwath Carnwath Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Statistical Account of Lanarkshire Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.07 A village about 3/4 mile in length consisting of houses the great majority of which are one storey & thatched with a few slated two storey houses. Its situation is not very central in the parish, it being more that 8 miles to its extreme northern point whereas the distance from it to the southern extremity of the parish is not more than 2 miles, and it is even less than that distance to its western boundary, - it is a baronial burgh, the superiority belonging to one of the branches of the Lockhart family, who derive the title of Baronet from it, in feudal times it was a place of comparatively greater importance than what it now is, - Ballie's courts having been held in it and even capital punishments inflicted during the feudal tenure of the Lockharts, - also between the 12th &13th centuries when the noble family of Sommerville were feudal superiors.
OS1/21/12/87 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath [page] 87
OS1/21/12/88 CHURCH [Carnwath] Church Church Church Church Kirk Kirk Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Statistical Account of Lanarkshire Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.07 The parish church built in 1799 contains 1128 sittings. It is a very plain building in bad repair and entirely devoid of any architectural feature to distinguish it as a religious edifice.
OS1/21/12/88 [page] 88 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath Carnwath (continued) 026.07 The village contains 3 good inns and 3 public houses a parish church, manse & school. Free church and manse and U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church, a sub post office, a T.P. [Turnpike] at which full rates are leviable, and recently a gas works has been erected. Markets for farm produce are held on Friday, which are generally well attended, - the village being the centre of a considerable agricultural district. Population 855.
OS1/21/12/89 CROSS [Carnwath] Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Cross Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.08 A monolith 15 feet in height resting on a pedestal consisting of 4 steps the lowest one being about 15 feet square, it was erected in 1693 by General Lockhart one of the ancestors of the family of Carnwath. There is a rude representation of the sun wrought in stone on the summit of the pillar
OS1/21/12/89 NEWBIGGING Newbigging Newbigging Newbigging Newbigging Newbigging Newbigging Newbiggin Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.08 A small village with a rural and weaving population of 240. The houses are one storey thatched and in indifferent repair.Property of Sir Norman McD. Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/89 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath [page] 89
OS1/21/12/90 MILL BRIDGE Mill Bridge Mill Bridge Mill Bridge Mill Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.08 A stone bridge one arch built over the North Medwyn built and kept in repair by the county.
OS1/21/12/90 [page] 90 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/91 BAXTERDEAN Baxterdean Baxterdean Baxterdean Baxterdean Baxterdean Baxterdean William Bertram Esqr. Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.08 Once a cothouse but now a shed one storey thatched. Property of William Bertram Esq.
OS1/21/12/91 BROOMHILL Broomhill Broomhill Broomhill Broomhill William Bertram Esqr. Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.08 A farmsteading dwelling house two storeys and slated offices one, partly slated and partly thatched all in good repair. Property of William Bertram Esqr.
OS1/21/12/91 KAME-END Kame-end Kame-end Kame-end Kame-end Kameend Kameend William Bertram Esqr. Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.08 A small hamlet containing a wrights shop, smithy and toll bar, houses one storey thatched in good repair. Full rates are liable at the toll bar.
OS1/21/12/91 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath [page] 91
OS1/21/12/92 GREENS Greens Greens Greens Greens Greens Greens William Bertram Esqr. Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.08 A farmsteading dwellinghouse two storeys, offices one, partly thatched and partly slated all in good repair. Property of William Bertram Esqr.
OS1/21/12/92 KERSEWELL Kersewell Kersewell Kersewell Kersewell Kersewell Kersewell William Bertram Esqr. Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.04 A plain three storey mansion property of and residence of William Bertram Esqr.. Attached is a large farmsteading in good repair, thrashing machine worked by a steam engine & horse power.
OS1/21/12/92 LODGE Lodge Lodge Lodge Lodge William Bertram Esqr. Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.08 A thatched farmsteading one storey in bad repair. Property of William Bertram Esqr.
OS1/21/12/92 [page] 92 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/93 EAST MAINS Eastmains Eastmains Eastmains Eastmains Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.08 A farmsteading, one storey partly slated & partly thatched in good repair. Property of Sir Norman McD. Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/93 TOWNHEAD Townhead Townhead Townhead Townhead Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.08 A small farmsteading one storey, thatched in tolerable repair Property of Sir Norman McD. Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/93 WEST MAINS Westmains Westmains Westmains Westmains Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.08 A new farmsteading dwelling house two storeys offices one & two, all slated. Property of Sir Norman McD. Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/93 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath. [page] 92 [under Westmains] On further reference these Authorities recommend the name to be written West Mains on the Plans [under Eastmains] On further reference these Authorities recommend the name to be written East Mains on the Plans
OS1/21/12/94 KERSE WELL Kerse Well Kerse Well Kerse Well Kerse Well Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.08 A large spring well - no mineral properties , it is from the well that Kersewell derives its name. Kerse is a corruption of Cress , which grow in abundance round the Spring.
OS1/21/12/94 SCHOOL [Townfoot] School School School School Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.08 A private adventure school,in the village of Newbigging built in 1828 by subscription, at which the usual branches of an English education are taught Schoolmaster supported by the fees of the pupils
OS1/21/12/94 TOWNFOOT Townfoot Townfoot Townfoot Townfoot Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.08 A small farmsteading one storey thatched in bad repair Property of Sir Norman McD. Lockhart
OS1/21/12/94 [page] 94 Ph. [Parish] of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/95 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY Caledonian Railway Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 014; 020; 026 A double line of Railway which runs in a direction almost due North, thro' the centre of the parish, towards the south of the parish, a branch line from the Caledonian Railway from Edinburgh was laid for the purpose of meeting the Caledonian Railway from Glasgow via Carstairs to Carlisle but it was found that this branch would not be of much consequence, therefore it is now entirely in disuse. There are two Railway Stations in the parish viz Carnwath and Auchengray. - A considerable extent of this railway runs thro' Carnwath Moss, so which very materially augmented the expense of construction
OS1/21/12/95 COCKIESYETTS Cockiesyetts Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.10 A few cothouses one storey thatched and in good condition Property of Mr French
OS1/21/12/95 Parish of Carnwath [page] 95
OS1/21/12/96 RIVER CLYDE River Clyde Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson MStatistical Account of Lanarkshire Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.10 This river forms a portion of the southern boundary of the parish from its confluence with the Medwin Water to the S. E. [South East] corner of Carstairs Ph. [Parish] The Clyde is here a broad and majestic river of considerable depth, it is however very liable to overflow its banks which it does to a great extent, flooding the adjacent fertile lands and destroying the labour of the husbandmen.
OS1/21/12/96 LAMPITS FERRY Lampits Ferry Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.10 This ferry boat was constructed in 1835, and has since plied between this parish and that of Pertinain. This situated near to and south of the farm of Lampits and it is the only way in which carts or carriages belonging to the respective parishes can cross the River Clyde
OS1/21/12/96 [page] 96 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/96 Added Lampits Ferry to Prepopulated sheet
OS1/21/12/97 BANK MAINS (Ruins) Bankmains Bankmains Bankmains Bankmains Mains Mains Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.11 Is totally in ruins, however the walls are as yet four ft [feet] high and each division is perfectly distinct, before it became a ruin , it was a farm steading. Property of Sir N. McDonald Lockhart Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/97 BANKHEAD Bankhead Bankhead Bankhead Bankhead Bank Bank Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.11 A large farm steading with offices attached, dwelling house two storeys in height offices one, partly thatched and slated and all in good repair. Property of Sir Norman McDonald Lockhart Baronet.
OS1/21/12/97 BURNHOUSE Burnhouse Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.11 A large farm steading ,including offices, partly thatched and slated and all in good condition. Property of Sir N. McDonald Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/97 SPITTAL Spittal Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.11 A large farm steading with offices attached, dwelling house two storeys, offices one, partly thatched and slated and all in good repair. Property of Sir Norman McDonald Lockhart Baronet.
OS1/21/12/97 Parish of Carnwath [97] [Under Bank Mains (Ruins of)] On further enquiry these Authorities recommend this name to be written Bank Mains.
OS1/21/12/98 NORTH MEDWIN North Medwyn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 020; 021; 026 A large stream which rises in Edinburghshire not far from the parish boundary, it flows in a southerly direction to its confluence with the South Medwyn receiving several considerable streams during its course which extends upwards of eleven miles, it also forms for some distance the boundary between the parishes, Carnwath and Dunsyre
OS1/21/12/98 THE MEDWIN Medwyn Water Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.10 A large stream formed by the confluence of the N.[North] & S. [South] Medwyns it flows in a westerly direction separating Carnwath parish from that of Liberton. After an extremely sinuous course of upwards of three miles it joins the Clyde at a place which is locally known by the name of the Meetings.
OS1/21/12/98 [page] 98 Parish of Carnwath [under The Medwyn written in red ink] adopted by the order of Col. [Colonel] Cameron - ( see remarks on Dunsyre Ph. [Parish] page 5) [Under Spelling in red ink] On referring this name to the Authorities quoted they agree that in commonly speaking about the stream it is called The Medwyn. Medwyn Water is also erroneously applied to the South Medwyn. The name The Medwyn is adopted in this case. [Under North Medwyn] adopted by the order of Col. [Colonel] Cameron - ( see remarks on Dunsyre Ph. [Parish] page 5)
OS1/21/12/99 HOW BURN How Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.07 A small stream which collects from surface water near Kersewell and taking A southerly direction joins Clyde south of Spittal farm after a course of about two miles
OS1/21/12/99 WOODEND MOSS Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker John Wilson Esqr. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] Mr Walter Watson 020.14; 026.02 A large track of moss, N.E. [North East] of Woodend farm intersected by the Caledonian railway. The property of John Wilson Esqr. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine]
OS1/21/12/99 LAMPITS BURN Lampits Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.10 This name applies to the stream , from from so here it runs through the Dean to its confluence with the Clyde. South of Lampits forms the greater part of its course lies thro' holm lands which are liable to be flooded during the winter season.
OS1/21/12/99 Parish of Carnwath [page] 99
OS1/21/12/99 Added Lampits Burn to pre populated sheet
OS1/21/12/100 WINDY GATE Windy Gate Windy Gate Windy Gate Windgate Windgate Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map Statistical Account of Lanarkshire 026.04 A small hill (third Class) covered with heathy pasture, except a small patch of arable on its eastern slope. Property of Sir N. McD. Lockhart
OS1/21/12/100 WINDYGATEFOOT Windygatefoot Windygatefoot Windygatefoot Windgatefoot Windgatefoot Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map Statistical Account of Lanarkshire 026.04 A farm steading one storey, partly thatched and slated, and in good repair Property of William Bertram Esq;
OS1/21/12/100 LAMMER BRAE Lammer Brae Lammer Brae Lammer Brae Lammerbrae Lammerbrae Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map Statistical Account of Lanarkshire 0.26.04 A prominent knoll near to and north of Kersewell house, there is a wood nearly covers it which runs almost parallel to Kersewell House it is on the property of William Bertram Esq; (3rd class)
OS1/21/12/100 Added Lammer Brae
OS1/21/12/101 BLACKGATE MOSS Blackgate Moss Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker John Wilson Esq. M.D. [Doctor of Medicine] Mr Walter Watson 026.02 A large tract of moss west of Black Gate and north of Black Loch. Property of John Wilson M. D. [Doctor of Medicine]
OS1/21/12/101 CARNWATH MOSS Carnwath Moss Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 020.14; 026.02 A large tract of moss extending to the N.W.[North West] of Carnwath the inhabitants of which have the right of cashing peats on it, it is intersected by the Caledonian Railway. Property of Sir Norman McD. Lockhart Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/101 CORSE WELL Corse Well Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.11 A spring well about 1/2 a mile North of Spittal Farmsteading it has no mineral properties
OS1/21/12/101 Parish of Carnwath [page] 101
OS1/21/12/102 CARNWATH BURN Carnwath Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.07 A stream which collects from surface water in Carnwath Moss and flows in a southerly direction close to and on the west of Carnwath, it passes Burnhouse and enters The Dean., where from thence to the Clyde it is known by the name Lampits Burn
OS1/21/12/102 THE DEAN The Dean Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.10 The name which in English is equivalent to "The Den" is very expressive of the locality it being a steep and in some places precipitous Glen - thro which flows Carnwath Burn it is on the property of Sir N. McDonald Lockhart Bart. [Baronet]
OS1/21/12/102 THE MEETINGS The Meetings The Meetings The Meetings The Meetings Meetings Meetings Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.11 This name (which to express it more poetically should be called "The Meeting of the Waters") is applied to the confluence of Medwyn Water with the Clyde. The Medwyn Water is one of the principal tributaries of the Clyde, and at its junction with the latter river it is of considerable breadth.
OS1/21/12/102 [page] 102 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/103 MOATS (Site of) [Couthalley Castle] Moats (site of) Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.02, 03 and 06 Three strips of marsh with moss between them - which show the site of the moats round Couthalley Castle. They are about 50 links apart the innermost one enclosing a small patch of arable land on the western extremity of which the Castle stands.
OS1/21/12/103 Parish of Carnwath [page] 103
OS1/21/12/104 BOSTON BURN Boston Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 020.12; 021.09 A small stream which rises on the W. [West] side of Lingy Knowe and flowing in a westerly direction after a short course joins the North Medwyn. It is the Ph. By. [Parish Boundary] between Dunsyre and Carnwath.
OS1/21/12/104 ROSEBURGH BRIDGE Roseburgh Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 026.15 A County bridge one arch spanning The Medwyn - and on the T.P. [Turnpike] road between Biggar and Carnwath.
OS1/21/12/104 [page] 103 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/105 FIRPARK Firpark Firpark Firpark Firpark Park Park Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 027.05 A small cothouse thatched and in good repair. Property of Sir N. McD. Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/105 STANDING STONE [Carnwath] Standing Stone Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 027.05 This stone ( an antiquity ) is situated on an arable knowe south of Todhole. It is almost 41/2 feet high and forms a point in the undefined line of boundary between Carnwath and Dunsyre.
OS1/21/12/105 Parish of Carnwath [page] 105
OS1/21/12/106 BLACK LAW Black Law Black Law Black Law Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson 027.10 A small hill covered with heathy pasture.
OS1/21/12/106 BURNGRANGE Burngrange Burngrange Burngrange Burngrains Burngrains Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 027.10 A thatched cothouse, one storey, in good repair, property of Sir Norman McDonald Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/106 SWEAR BURN Swear Burn Swear Burn Swear Burn Swear Burn Swear Burn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 026.04; 027.01 A large stream formed by the confluence of the Salla and Westruther Burns; it pursues a S.W. [South West] course for about 3/4 of a mile and joins the North Medwyn north of the farmsteading called Greens.
OS1/21/12/106 [page] 106. Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/107 CHESTER LAW Chester Law Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.12 A small arable knoll on the farm of West Mains. Property of Sir N. McD. Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/107 SOUTH MEDWIN South Medwyn Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.11; 026.12; 027.09 A considerable stream which rises not far from the junction of the three Counties of Peebles, Edinburgh and Lanark on the East of Dunsyre, which parish it separates from Peebleshire on the East, it also forms it also forms its Southern Boundary separating it from Dolphington. It afterwards forms the Southern Boundary of Carnwath Parish separating it from that of Liberton and after an entire course of about 10 miles during which it receives some small Tributaries it joins the North Medwin, after which the united streams take the name of Medwin.
OS1/21/12/107 WHITE LAW White Law Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.04 A small arable knoll on the farm of Newbigging Mains. Property of Sir N. McD. Lockhart.
OS1/21/12/107 Carnwath Ph. [Parish] [page] 107 [Under South Medwyn in red ink] Medwin Water is adopted by order of Col. [Colonel] Cameron (see remarks on Dunsyre Ph. [Parish] -page 5)
OS1/21/12/107 Removed Medwin Water not on this sheet. It is referenced on page 98
OS1/21/12/108 CORSE WELL Corse Well Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.03 A small spring on the farm of Greenaton, its waters are very pure. Not impregnated with any mineral.
OS1/21/12/108 CRATE WELL Crate Well Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.03 A very strong spring on the farm of Cauldlaw. Not impregnated with any mineral.
OS1/21/12/108 [page] 108 Parish of Carnwath
OS1/21/12/109 CARNWATH MILL Carnwath Mill Carnwath Mill Carnwath Mill Carnwath Mill Carnwath Mill Carnwath Mill Carnwathmill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 027.12 A large farm steading with corn mill attached dwelling house two storeys, offices one, all slated, mill one storey and thatched Machinery propelled by water, wheel 6 H.P. [Horse Power] all in good repair. Sir Norman Lockhart proprietor.
OS1/21/12/109 CAULD WELL Cauld Well Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 027.12 A small spring on the farm of Carnwath Mill its water very pure.
OS1/21/12/109 LINTMILL Lintmill Lintmill Lintmill Lintmill Lintmill Lintmill Lint Mill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken Johnston's County Map dated 1816 Forrest's County Map 027.12 A few cothouses, on the farm of Carnwath Mill, all one storey, partly slated and in good repair. Sir Norman Lockhart proprietor. They derive their name from the circumstance of a lintmill having been here but which was accidentally burned down two years ago, and has not since been rebuilt.
OS1/21/12/109 Carnwath Parish [page] 109
OS1/21/12/110 BLACKHAG WELL (Chalybeate) Blackhag Well (Chalybeate) Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 026.12 A fine chalybeate spring on the farm of Carnwath Mill. Its waters are much praised in the neighbourhood for their medicinal virtues.
OS1/21/12/110 NEWBIGGING MILL Newbigging Mill Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 027.09 A large farm steading with corn mill attached, former one story & partly slated, latter two stories & slated. Machinery propelled by water. Wheel 6 H.P. [Horsepower] all in good repair. Sir Norman McD. Lockhart Bart. [Baronet] Proprietor.
OS1/21/12/110 OGSCASTLE BRIDGE Ogggscastle Bridge Rev.[Reverend] Alexander McLean Rev. [Reverend] James Walker Mr Walter Watson Mr David Aitken 027.09 A small stone bridge of one arch, across the South Medwin and on a county road between Peebles and Lanark. Property and upheld by the County
OS1/21/12/110 [page] 110 Carnwath Parish [paper stuck on at end] T. E. Pratt Capt [Captain] R.E. [Royal Engineers]
OS1/21/12/111 12 ).S.321.[underlined OS1/21/12 [page]111 12[circled] [ink Stamp Ordnance Survey M.S. Store Southampton !5 OCT 1932] NAME BOOK Parish of Carnwath Co. [County] Lanark
OS1/21/12/112 [page]112 Name -- Page Abbey Burn -- 16 Ampherlaw -- 58 Auchengray -- 26 Auchengray Cottage -- 43 Auchengray Station -- 43 Backbrae -- 53 Back Burn -- 28 Backshot -- 34 Bankfoot -- 48 Bankhead -- 97 Bank Mains -- 97 Baxterdean -- 91 Benry Bog -- 6 Benry Bridge -- 7 Benry Syke -- 7 Benthead -- 30 Beveridgehall -- 16 Blackcastle -- 46 Black Gate -- 76 Blackgate Moss -- 101 Blackhag Well (Chalybeate) -- 110 Blackhill -- 52 Black Loch -- 75 Blind Well -- 84 Boghall -- 61 Brae -- 83 Braehead -- 53 Braehead Mains -- 61 Braehead Moss -- 49 Bridge-end -- 38 Broomhill -- 91 Browshot -- 39 Browshot Cottage -- 39 Bughtknowes -- 19 Burnfoot -- 38 Burnhouse -- 97 Burngrange -- 106 Cairn (site of) -- 59 Carnwath (parish) -- 1 Carnwath (Village) -- 87 Carnwath Burn -- 102 Carnwath House -- 79 Carnwath Mill -- 109 Carnwath Moss -- 101 Carnwath Station -- 40 Caledonian Railway -- 95 Carlindean -- 83 Cauldlaw -- 70 Caukdlaw Bank -- 70 Cauldlawbank -- 70 Cauld Well -- 109 Carrmuir Cottage -- 15 Chapel Well -- 43 Chester Law -- 107 Church (parish) -- 88 Clark's Walls -- 27 Clatterin Well -- 48 Cleuch Bridge -- 22 Cleuch Cottage -- 22 Cleuch House -- 20 Cleuch Mill -- 38 Climpy -- 15 Climpy House -- 28 Cobinshaw Reservoir -- 10 Cockiesyetts -- 95 Commercial Inn -- 86
OS1/21/12/113 [page] 113 Name -- Page Corse Law -- 67 Corse Well -- 101 Corse Well -- 108 Couthalley Castle (Ruin) -- 73 Craig Burn -- 5 Craig Cottage -- 70 Craigiehall -- 69 Craigenhouse -- 32 Crate Well -- 108 Crofthill -- 41 Crofthead -- 56 Crooklands -- 27 Cross -- 84 Cross -- 89 Dippoolbank -- 52 Dippool Water -- 65 Dry Burn -- 71 Dryburn Bridge -- 71 Dykehead -- 8 Easter Greenwell -- 5 Easter Greenwell -- 13 Easter Henshieldwood -- 49 Easterhouse -- 30 Easter Mosshat -- 12 Easter Stobwood -- 36 Easter Yardhouse -- 66 Easteryardhouse Hill -- 45 East Forth -- 31 East Mains -- 93 Eastshields -- 62 Eastshield Bridge -- 56 East Sidewood -- 44 Entry Fort -- 55 Falla -- 70 Falla Burn -- 66 Fieldland -- 40 Firpark -- 105 Fordmouth -- 55 Fordmouth Bridge -- 55 Forth -- 31 Forth Mains -- 13 Free Church -- 85 Gallow Hill -- 76 Gallow Hill -- 78 Garval Syke -- 71Gowmacmorran -- 35 Greenaton -- 47 Greenbank -- 27 Greenfield -- 30 Greenfield Burn -- 46 Greenfield House -- 12 Greenholes -- 60 Greenshieldhouse -- 69 Greens -- 92 Greenwell -- 14 Greenwell House -- 14 Guildhouse -- 37 Hailstonegreen -- 34 Hardgatehead -- 25 Harryfoothill -- 4 Hastiesford Bridge -- 59
OS1/21/12/114 [page]114 Name -- Page Kersewell -- 92 Kerse Hall -- 94 Kings Inn -- 44 Kilpothall -- 51 Kirkgreen -- 56 Lambcatch -- 23 Laigh Greenholes -- 60 Lammer Brae -- 100 Lampits -- 76 Lampits Burn -- 99 Lampits Ferry -- 96 Langgarters -- 54 Law Burn -- 36 Lawhead -- 36 Lawhead Tarbrax -- 72 Lewenside -- 64 Lodge -- 92 Lockhart Arms Inn -- 86 Lower Girdwoodend -- 57 Lower Haywood -- 20 Lower Throughburn -- 48 Lingy Knowe -- 68 Maiden Hill -- 6 Maidenwellbrow T.P. [Turnpike] -- 8 Manse -- 56 Manse (parish) -- 84 Manse -- 85 Market Inn -- 85 Mid Forth -- 33 Mid Henshieldwood -- 39 Mill Bridge -- 90 Mill Burn -- 11 Millhill -- 41 Moat -- 81 Moats -- 103 Mosshat Burn -- 28 Mosshat Burnfoot -- 27 Mountainblaw -- 28 Mouse Water -- 10 Muircock Row (In ruins) -- 23 Muirhall -- 44 Muir Row -- 9 Neterfaulds -- 61 Newbigging -- 89 Newbigging Mill -- 110 North Medwyn -- 98
OS1/21/12/115 [page] 115 Name -- Page Oggscastle Bridge -- 110 Oldmill -- 41 Oldtown -- 39 Park -- 83 Parkhouse -- 22 Parkneuk -- 59 Pentland Hills -- 8 Planting T.P. [Turnpike] -- 40 Pleasance Row -- 15 Pokelly -- 29 Pool -- 25 Pool Row -- 25 Post Office -- 32 Post Office -- 32 PostOffice -- 79 Punce Linn -- 3 Redford Bridge -- 69 Red Loch -- 75 River Clyde -- 96 Rootpark -- 23 Roseburgh Bridge -- 104 Roughcrook -- 48 Roughsyke -- 60 Rowantreehill -- 35 Sergeants Law5 shodshill Bridge -- 64 Sidewood -- 35 Skylaw -- 19 Medwin Water -- 107 Spittal -- 97 Stallashaw Moss -- 45 Stanemuir Cottage -- 47 Stanemuir T.P. [Turnpike] -- 47 St. Andrews School -- 18 St. Mary's Church (Remains of) -- 77 St. Mary Magdalen's Chapel -- 29 Stobwood -- 37 Swear Burn -- 106 Tashy Burn -- 21 Tashyburn -- 21 The Dean -- 102 The Meetings -- 102 The Medwin -- 98 The Kames -- 46 Thirle Stane -- 4 Through Burn -- 33 Throughburn Bridge -- 64 Townfoot -- 94 Townhead -- 93 Treacle Row -- 34 U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church (disused) -- 15 U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 49 U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 85 Upper Girdwoodend -- 57 Upper Guildhouse -- 37 Upper Haywood -- 19 Upper Lawhead -- 71
OS1/21/12/116 [page] 116 Name -- Page Viewfield -- 12 Wauk Mill -- 65 Westdyke -- 63 West Forth -- 33 West Forth T.P. [Turnpike] -- 32 Wester Greenwell -- 14 Wester Henshieldwood -- 39 West Mains -- 61 West Mains -- 93 Westshield -- 63 Westshield Bridge(1668) -- 63 West Sidewood -- 58 Westertown -- 29 Wester Yardhouses -- 66 Westyeyy -- 47 White Law -- 107 White Loch -- 40 White Well -- 86 Windy Gate -- 100 Winter Law -- 64 Wilsontown -- 17 Wilsontown House -- 24 Wilsontown T.P. [Turnpike] -- 16 Woodend -- 75 Woodend Moss -- 99 Woolforddyke -- 11 Woolfords -- 11 Windygatefoot -- 100 Wester Mosshat -- 4 Weststruther Burn -- 67 Yelping Craigs -- 65