Lanarkshire volume 07

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/21/7/1 CAMBUSLANG [parish] Cambuslang Parish Valuation Roll Statistical Account Forests Map Revd. J.S.Johnstone Old Statistical Account New Statistical Account Chalmer's Caledonia Sheriff's Returns County Map 010; 011 "In the last Statistical Report it is stated that this parish was anciently called Drumsargard; but this appears to be a mistake. In the seventeenth century, the name of the barony of Drumsharg or Drumsargard, which includes the larger portion of the parish, was changed to Cambuslang, the name the parish always bore. Lying at the north-west extremity of the great trough of the Clyde, near the western boundary of the district of Clydesdale, the greater part of the parish exhibits a low undulating surface, and forms part of the great vale on which the City of Glasgow stands." New Statistical Account. "The parish is bounded on the North by Old Monkland; on the South by East Kilbryde; East, by Blantyre; and on the west by Rutherglen. Dechmont Hill rises from an altitude of 600 feet, and commands an extensive and varied prospect, coal abounds in this district, where it has been wrought for upwards of 800 years. A strata of limestone usually called Cambuslang Marble, is found in some of the coal pits at the depth of 200 feet." Gazetteer. Cambuslang & Kirkhill villages are the principal ones in the Parish. There are several smaller villages. The Northern Calder water forms the eastern boundary of the Parish. "The parish of Cambuslang derived its singular name from the Celtic Cambus-lain , signifying the bending water-bank or the bank on the bend of the water". Cam in the British and Gaelic signifies bending, bowed; and usg or uisg means water, From these vocables was formed the Celtic word camus, which applied to the bend or curve of any water, either of a stream, a lake or of the sea. Camus, thus applied, appears in a number of names in the topography of Scotland; and in the Scots-Saxon districts it has uniformly obtained the name Cambus; as Cambus-lang." Chalmers Caledonia Vol 3-p 694 There is not any portion of the Parish of Cambuslang detached within any other Parish, nor is there any portion of any other Parish contained within the bounds of this Parish.
OS1/21/7/2 CAMBUSLANG [village] Cambuslang Valuation Roll Estate maps Reverend J.S.Johnstone James Bain esquire 011.05 The principal village in the parish, lying near the north western boundary & chiefly occupied by colliers and weavers. It was formerly called Bushyhill from a hill which stands on the south side of the village. "Bushyhill" is often applied to the village, but properly it belongs only to the object - the hill shown. The Clydesdale Junction of the Caledonian Railway runs near to the south side of the houses of the village. There is a station at the west end. "Sauchiebog" forms part of the east end of the village, & has gas works in it which supply the village & also Kirkhill. There is a Free Church, a congregational Chapel, an Old Nr P Church, and a subscription school in Cambuslang. The Parish Church and school are in Kirkhill - a village about ¼ mile south-east of Cambuslang. The Toll Gate is the eastern extremity of the village. The railway station the western.
OS1/21/7/3 SILVERBANK Silverbank Valuation Roll Estate map D.Gardiner, Factor. 010.03 A small colliery village on the side of the Glasgow and Hamilton Turnpike Road. The name is taken from the coal pit near it, but is now so generally applied to both coal pit & houses that it may be said to have more reference now to the houses than the pit. Lessee J.Fairie Esqr. The property of the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/3 WELLSHOT QUARRY Wellshot Quarry 'Freestone' Valuation Roll D. Gardiner, factor. Gavin Wilson, Foreman. 010.08 A large Freestone quarry the south side of which is being continually changed by working in that direction. It has been in use about 20 years & is expected to last for a considerable time yet. There are between 20 & 40 men constantly employed in it. There is a Smithy & Offices at the entrance to the Quarry. Wrought by & the property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton & Brandon.
OS1/21/7/4 WELLSHOT Wellshot Estate maps Valuation Roll D. Gardiner, factor. 010.08 A good farm steading a little north west of the mansion. It is the property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton & Brandon.
OS1/21/7/4 WELLSHOT HOUSE Wellshot House Valuation Roll Estate maps T.G. Buchanan Esqr. 010.08 A good mansion having offices & garden about 7 chains south of it, with ornamental grounds surrounding. There are three approaches to this house; one from the Turnpike Road north of Silverbank; another from a little distance north of Cambuslang Station; & another from West Coats. Wellshot House is occupied by the proprietor, T.G Buchanan Esqr
OS1/21/7/5 FISHESCOATS Fishescoats Valuation Roll Robert Gemmel D.Gardiner, factor. 010.08 A farm steading. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton & Brandon
OS1/21/7/5 WHITELAW BURN Whitelaw Burn James Park Joseph Kirkwood D. Gadiner Esqr. 010.08 A burn which rises at the west side of Cathkin House in Carmunnock Parish & flowing through the farms of Whitelawburn & Fishescoats, passes into Rutherglen Parish, flowing through Eastfield Estate until it enters the Clyde near Ballochsmile. It is known as "Whitelaw Burn' until it enters Rutherglen on the Eastfield Estate. From Eastfield to the point where it enters the Clyde it is called Eastfield Burn.
OS1/21/7/5 WHITELAWBURN Whitelawburn Valuation Roll D.Gardiner, Factor. James Ferguson 010.08 A farm steading. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton & Brandon.
OS1/21/7/7 CLYDE'S MILL (Corn) Clyde's Mill Clydes Mill Clydesmill Valuation Roll James Brown, miller. D.Gardiner, factor. Forests County maps Meikleham's maps 011.01 A mill & a farm steading, the property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton. Both are held by one person. The mill is used for grinding oats, barley & pease. There is no wheat ground here. There is a dam or weir on the Clyde at this place for supplying water to Clyde Mill & a flour mill on the Carmyle side of the river.
OS1/21/7/7 RIVER CLYDE River Clyde Estate maps Forests maps D.Gardiner, Esqr. Factor. Thomas B. Seath, Marina Architect & Shipbuilder, Rutherglen 011 "A noble river traversing a large tract of the western lowlands of Scotland, the third Scottish stream in point of magnitude, the first in commercial importance, & not the least in natural beauty" Gazetteer of Scotland. It is not navigable in this parish. There is an extensive dam, or weir at Clyde's Mill & a ford near Threeneuk. There is tidal water to the dam at Clydes Mill.
OS1/21/7/7 nmlrholtpt d3KQtW lurirhojfxhb, [url=]ztgeyfsfkplj[/url], [link=]edvavyfuepgq[/link], d3KQtW lurirhojfxhb, [url=]ztgeyfsfkplj[/url], [link=]edvavyfuepgq[/link], d3KQtW lurirhojfxhb, [url=]ztgeyfsfkplj[/url], [link=]edvavyfuepgq[/link], d3KQtW lurirhojfxhb, [url=]ztgeyfsfkplj[/url], [link=]edvavyfuepgq[/link],
OS1/21/7/7 d3KQtW lurirhojfxhb, [url=]ztgeyfsfkplj[/url], [link=]edvavyfuepgq[/link],
OS1/21/7/7 d3KQtW lurirhojfxhb, [url=]ztgeyfsfkplj[/url], [link=]edvavyfuepgq[/link],
OS1/21/7/8 CARMYLE FERRY Carmyle Ferry Thos Hamilton, Ferryman Jas. Brown, Miller D.Gairdner, factor 011.10 A ferry on the Clyde allowed for the benefit of the ferryman by the good will of the proprietors on each side of the river. It is well known as 'Carmyle Ferry', but the name might well be dispensed with in the adjoining parish (Old Monkland) from the village being close to it. The river is very shallow at this place. There is a rope where the dotted line is shown, but the boat is generally put across by a pole.
OS1/21/7/8 THREENEUK Threeneuk Valuation Roll Forests maps J.Graham esq."Neuk, a corner, the extremity of anything." Jamieson. 011.01 A neat cottage on Westburn Estate approached by a car, or foot path through an arable field. North West of this /trace 41, there is a ford in the Clyde connected by public roads in this & the parish of Old Monkland. Three-neuk is the property of J.Graham Esq.
OS1/21/7/9 NEWTON BURN Newton Burn Forests maps James Young, Estate Steward J.Kidston, esq. 011.10 Part of a burn which rises west of /Bankend', on the north side of 'Dechmont Hill' & bears this name from the place where it enters Newton Estate until it joins the Clyde bout a quarter of a mile East of 'Clyde Mill'. It is called Sight Burn from the point where it rises until it enters Newton, about 13 chains north of the Clydesdale section of the Cal. Railway - trace/-xi-6
OS1/21/7/11 NEWTON Newton Valuation roll Estate map J.Kidston esqr. 011.02 A good farm steading held by Mr Kidston from the proprietor, J.B.H.Montgomery Esq.
OS1/21/7/11 NEWTON HOUSE Newton House Valuation Roll Estate map J.Kidston Esq. 011.02 A large mansion having offices, garden & ornamental grounds attached. Occupied by J Glen Kidston Esq. The property of J.B.H. Montgomery Esq. There are two cotters dwellings on the road from the House to the farm steading of Newton, which bear no proper names.
OS1/21/7/11 RIDLEYWOOD Ridleywood Valuation roll Maps of coal workings J.Kidston esq. D Gairdner, factor. 011.02 A farm steading held by Mr Kidston. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/12 HONEYHILL PLANTATION Honeyhill Plantation John Young, farm manager. J.Kidston esqr. G Gairdner, factor. 011.02 An irregular strip of mixed plantation on high ground overlooking the Clyde. The name is well known. The property of J.H.B. Montgomery Esqr.
OS1/21/7/12 LADY CHAPEL OF KIRKBURN (Site of) 011.05
OS1/21/7/12 There appears to be no entry on this page for Lady Chapel of Kirkburn. A relevant entry can be found on the next page OS1/21/7/13
OS1/21/7/13 ST MARY'S CHAPEL (Site of) Lady Chapel of Kirkburn (site of) James Bain Esquire James Park James Bourman Vicarland Chalmer's Caledonian.8.3,p 696 New Statistical Account p 430 011.05 "In the parish of Cambuslang about a quarter of a mile below the parish church, there was,in former times, a chapel, which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, which was popularly called the Lady Chapel of Kirkburn.", (Chalmers Caledonia). No traces whatsoever of the Chapel remain now, nor has anyone in the locality ever remembered to have seen any. It has been handed down to the authorities given as having stood where the cottage named 'Chapel' stands. James Park remembers the parish church incumbent in 1791, when collecting information for 'Sir John Sinclair's Statistical Account', having said that the Chapel stood on the place shown. It is believed that this information was supplied to Sir John Sinclair , but no particulars of it appear. "There was on the banks of the Kirk Burn, about ¼ of a mile below the Kirk, a chapel which was dedicated to the Virgin Mary, to which belonged 4 acres of land, which still retain the name of Chapel" (Old Stat Acct, John 5,p 266) "The chapel of the Lady of the Kirkburn was situated on a ravine, about a quarter of a mile lower than the church", "In 1380 William Monypenny, rector of the parish, founded a chaplaincy in the chapel of St Mary of Cambuslang" (Origines Parochiales Scotiae)
OS1/21/7/14 CHAPEL [a cottage] Chapel Chaple Valuation Roll Revd J.S. Johnstone J. Bain Esqr Alexr Buchan 011.05 A neat thatched cottage having out-houses & garden attached. It is built on the site of the 'Lady Chapel of Kirkburn'. There seems to be no proper reason for the mode of spelling adhered to by the proprietor, except that he & his predecessor have used it. The name is evidently taken from the Chapel which stood here.
OS1/21/7/14 CONGREGATIONAL CHAPEL [Cambuslang] Congregational Chapel Valuation Roll Revd J. Pullar Revd J.S. Johnstone 011.05 A small plain building built in 1802 & capable of containing a congregation of about 200. It belongs to a small congregation belonging to the missionaries, or Congregational Mission. It is sometimes called an Independent Chapel, but the incumbent considers the name given to be the proper one. There is a manse or dwelling house behind it on the south side, occupied by the Minister - Revd J. Pullar
OS1/21/7/14 CULLOCH BURN 011.05
OS1/21/7/14 MANSE [Congregational Chapel, Cambuslang] Manse Revd. J. Pullar Andw Orr. 011.05 The dwelling house of the Minister of the Congregational chapel. It is behind south of the chapel.
OS1/21/7/14 There is no record on this page of the Culloch Burn.
OS1/21/7/15 BUSHY HILL Bushy Hill Valuation Roll James Bain Esqr. Revd J.S. Johnstone 011.05 A little hill rising from the road passing through Cambuslang on the north side. The extent of this hill , between the summit and the base, is shown in yellow. This name is often confused with the name of the village from being formerly applied to a great part of Cambuslang. All the houses in the village, on the hill or part of it, are called 'Bushy Hill', but as the hill comprises the greater part of the village, and the houses on iy belong to Cambuslang, the name should be applied to the object to which it properly belongs.
OS1/21/7/15 MORRISTON HOUSE Morriston House Estate maps Valuation Roll J.Bain Esqr. 011.05 A good mansion having pleasure grounds attached. The offices and garden are a short distance west of the house; the former are also used for farm purposes by the proprietor, but there is no name attached. There are two lamp posts in the avenue leading to the mansion. It is the property of & occupied by James Bain Esquire.
OS1/21/7/16 ROSEBANK BRIDGE Rosebank Bridge I. Dunlop Esqr. I. Bain, Esqr. I. Baird, Factor 011.05 A new wooden bridge over the Clyde, supported by iron pillars standing in the bed of the river. It is a private bridge, erected by the proprietor of "Clyde Iron Works", in the Monkland Parish for carriage of minerals by rail from and to the Caledonian railway. High embankments will be raised in this parish, (&/at) Rutherglen, but at present there is nothing more completed than is shown on our examination traces. "Cullock Burn" will pass under a portion of the embankment previous to its entering the Clyde, at about (Holinks') distance from "Rosebank Bridge".
OS1/21/7/16 Culloch Burn Culloch Burn Estate Map, James Bain, Esqr., D. Gairdner, Factor A burn which rises south of west Coats from d drains in fields, & after passing under the houses on the west of Cambuslang, forms the boundary of the Parish for about 11 chains before it enters the Clyde at Rosebank Bridge near Morriston. The course of this burn is at being altered & the new course will soon be covered by an embankment about to be made for the new bridge (Rosebank). This burn is said to form the boundary between the middle and lower wards of Lanarkshire.
OS1/21/7/16 'Holinks' also looks like it could be '40links' run together. Not sure how to add line for other entry on this page so just put it in continued entries section.
OS1/21/7/17 FREE CHURCH [Cambuslang] Free Church Valuation roll Rev'd. I. L. Marr I. Bain, Esqr. 011.05 A good stone building erected in 1846 & capable of containing a congregation of between four and five hundred. It is at the west end of the village. Rev'd. I. L Marr, Incumbent. There is no manse belonging to this church.
OS1/21/7/17 STATION [Cambuslang] Cambuslang Station Station Board 011.05 A wooden station house on the north side of the railway, at the western extremity of the village o Cambuslang. It is the second station from Glasgow, on the Clydesdale section of the Caledonian railway.
OS1/21/7/18 OLD UNITED PRESBYTERIAL CHURCH [Cambuslang] Old U. P. Church Rev'd. I. S. Johnstone, James Bain, Esqr., I. Wison, Late Trustee, A. Orr 011.05 A stone building erected in 1839 & used until 1846 as a United Presbyterian Church. It is now going to ruin, & will probably be pulled down soon. It has been let for amateur theatricals, & various other purposes since 1846. Until lately, it was in the hands of two trustees, but at present belongs to a Mr. Reid. There is no congregation, or persons, who can claim any right to, except Mr. Reid. It is built upon a feu from L. G. Buchanan Esqr., of Wellshot.
OS1/21/7/18 SUBSCRIPTION SCHOOL [Cambuslang] School Valuation Roll Name on School House Wm. Henderson Schoolmaster 011.05 A good school house having the following inscription in the front "Cambuslang Subscription School, Erected in 1848". There is no support form the Parish. The Free Church in cumbered occupies the upper art of the house.
OS1/21/7/19 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY (Clydesdale Junction) Caledonian Railway Clydesdale Junction Wm. Gillespie, Strat: Masater South Side Glasgow; Neil Fairlis, ", Rutherglen; John McGrath, Cambuslang 011.05 A line of railway between Glasgow & Carlisle. The "Clydesdale Section" applies from Glasgow to Motherwell. The branch to Hamilton begins from Newton (Trace 1-XI-6). The electric telegraph is upon the south side.
OS1/21/7/19 CAMBUSLANGTOWN Cambuslangtown, East Cambuslang Forest's Co. Map Johnstone's Co. Map, Inv. Park, Occupier, I. Graham Esqr. Jr. 011.05 An old farm preadiry(?) & a couple of cottages. This was formerly the Village of Cambuslang. A number of houses have been taken down. It is the property of James Graham Esqr. The name always given to this is "Cambuslangtown". The proprietor gives it as being on the lands of ? & distinguishes it from Westburn as "East Cambuslang" (see N. sheet of Westburn Trace 2)
OS1/21/7/19 TILE WORKS [Cambuslang] Tile Work Valuation Roll ? Cooper, Steward, I Graham Esqr. Pr. 011.05 A brick building having a field attached with suitable clay for making draining tiles. Wrought by the proprietor I. Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/19 See name sheets of XI-6, Blantyse Parish, and _________ do __________ 1/500 scale plans, Glasgow
OS1/21/7/19 Can't determine name of town referred to in Cambuslangtown description.
OS1/21/7/20 WEST COATS West Coats West Coats West Coats West Cots Valuation Roll D. Gairdner, Factor J. Bain Esqr. Revd. [Reverend] J. L. Johnstone 011.05 A few scattered thatched houses south west of the village of Cambuslang. The general mode of spelling is 'Coats, As stated by the Revd. [Reverend] [Mr?] Johnstone "Cots" is the original mode of spelling. "Coats" being a corruption.
OS1/21/7/20 EAST COATS East Coats East Coats East Coats Valuation Roll D. Gairdner, Factor J. Bain Esqr. 011.05 A Farm Steading on the east side of the Public Road, & South of "Redcoathill". The name is also applied to the houses on the west side of the road as far as the Coal Pit on Trace 1.
OS1/21/7/20 FRAM'S FOLLY Fram's Folly Fram's Folly Fram's Folly Fram's Folly Johnstone's Co. [County] Map Forest's Co. [County] Map A. Wallace, Westburn J. Graham Esqr 011.05 [--] of the out-houses of Westburn Steading. The name is well known. It is taken from the name of a person who built it. The property of J. Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/20 [page] 20 Lanarkshire -- Cambuslang Parish
OS1/21/7/21 T.P. [Cambuslang] Cambuslang Toll Cambuslang Toll Cambuslang Toll Valuation Roll Table of Rates Andrew Warnock, Tollkeeper 011.05 A Toll on the Hamilton Turnpike Road at the east end of Cambuslang. The property of the Trustees of the Road. There is a weighing machine on the north side of the road opposite the house.
OS1/21/7/21 WESTBURN HOUSE Westburn House Westburn House Westburn House Valuation Roll Meikleham's Map [J.] Graham Esqr. [...] 011.05 An old mansion House in very poor condition, & let to several persons who now occupy it. The ornamental grounds & gardens have a neglectef appearance. There is an artificial pond north of the "House" kept for curling during Frosty Seasons. Thr property of [J.] Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/21 WESTBURN Westburn Westburn Westburn Westburn Westburn Westburn Valuation Roll Meikleham's Map A [hallage] occupier Lease of Farm & Rent Receipts signed by proprietor Occupiers Carts [J.]Orr, Clerk of Wellshot Quarry 011.05 A very large & superior Steading, The property of [J.] Graham Esqr. This Steading is entirely new. Formerly _ according to the proprietor, it was called "Cambuslang". No other authorities can be found who agree with the proprietor. It is more probable that ["Fram's] Folly", which now forms one of the outhouses of the Farm, was the old name of this Farm. The name by which it is now recognised is "Westburn".
OS1/21/7/21 CAMBUSLANG FARM Cambuslang Farm [J.] Graham Esqr., Proprietor 011.05
OS1/21/7/21 [page] 21 Lanarkshire Cambuslang Parish
OS1/21/7/21 Under the Heading "list of names as written on the plan" are the words: The Proprietor, Mr Graham, objects to this farm receiving the same name as his residential house adjoining, and it has accordingly been altered on the plan to "Cambuslang Farm" At foot of Page: [J.E.] formerly East Cambuslang [...] West Cambuslang Farm now [conjoined] in [...] J.S. The proprietor's authority for name _ "Cambuslang," would not be recognised on plan
OS1/21/7/22 SAUCHIEBOG Sauchiebog Sauchiebog Sauchiebog Sauchiebog Valuation Roll J. Bain Esqr D. Gairdner, Factor "Sauchie, Abounding with willows" Jamieson 011.05 Part of the east end of Cambuslang including all those houses between KirKBurn & the Public Road which goes to the Ford in the Clyde, near Threeneuk. The Gas Works of the Village are here.
OS1/21/7/22 GAS WORKS Gas Works Gas Works Gas Works Valuation Roll Thomas Miller, Manager J. Bain Esquire 011.05 A Gashouse & Gasometer for supplying Cambuslang & Kirkhill The Gasometer is large enough to contain 7500 cubic feet.
OS1/21/7/22 HOLE Hole Hole Hole Valuation Roll James Sinclair Occupier J. Graham Esqr 011.05 A mean dwelling house & a Smithy on the South east of the Kirk Burn, near the bridge on the Turnpike Road. The name is well Known. It is the property of J. Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/22 [Page] 22 Lanarkshire -- Cambusland Parish
OS1/21/7/23 BORGIE WELL Reverand J. S. Johnstone J. Bain Esquire D Gairdner, 011.05 A small spring wel on the east side & close to the "Kirk Burn". What the origin of this name may have been is not Known. The spelling given is the mode generally used. There are two foot paths from East Coats, leading to this well.
OS1/21/7/23 REDCOATHILL Valuation Roll D Gairdner, Factor Mrs Mason, occupier 011.05 A Farm Steading adjoining East Coats. The name is well known, though the steading is small The Property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/23 VICARLAND Valuation Roll James Bowman occupier J Graham Esquire factor 011.05 An Old Steading standing on a Rock overlooking Kirk Burn. It is said to be the oldest house in the Parish & originally occupied by the Vicar of the "Lady Chapel of Kirkburn". The house is old looking, but with the exception of an arched door to a cellar has nothing more remarkable. The Proprieter cannot tell the Age of this house without Referrinjg to the Titles which are in Edinburgh.
OS1/21/7/24 KIRKHILL Valuation Roll Estate Maps Reverand J. S. Johnstone 011.05 A small village lying about ¼ mile south of the village of Camberslang. The hill upon which it Stands terminates on the west by the slopes shown on the side of "Kick Burn". It mingles so gradually with the grounds on its other sides, that it cannot be represented as a hill feature, without confusing the name with the houses, & name of the villoage, which sufficiently applies to both. Th Parish Church, School & the Manse, are the principal buildings here. The population is chiefly Weavers. "Preaching Brae" lies south of the Churchyard. "THe village of Kirkhill is not well supplied with water, in the summer season in particular the inhabitants are obliged to go a considerable distance to the Burn Well, a small open Spring at the bottom of Conversion Brae" New Statistical Account. There are several Wells on the side of Kirk Burn, as well as one on the east of the road Reaching from the School to the Church.
OS1/21/7/25 MANSE [parish, S of Cambuslang] Reverend. J.S. Johnstone John Hall Schoolmaster Valuation Roll 011.05 A superior dwelling having offices garden and glebe land attached, occupied by the Incumbant of the Parish Church. Reverend. J. S. Johnstone
OS1/21/7/25 PREACHING BRAE Preaching Brae Revd. I.T. Johnstone I. Bain Esqr. D. Gairdner, Factor James Park 011.05 A green brae on the east side of a deep ravine near the Parish Church, scooped out by nature in the form of an amphitheatre. At present it is sprinkled over with small bushes and two aged thorns growing side by side near the border of the meandering rivulet which murmurs below " Gazetteer of Scotland. The name is given from the Brae being used in the last century for out-door preaching, which is known as the "Cambuslang Park". As many as 30,000 persons are said to have attended on one occasion. The Pulpit was placed under the Thorn Trees alluded to, and are well known as the "Preaching Trees" The brae is natural and may be considered part of the brow of Kirkhill, on this side. The Churchyard wall on the side next the Brae, is upon Freestone Rock, which varies from 10 to 20 feet in height on the top of the Brae. The name applies from the south east corner of the Churchyard wall to a fence moving westward to the Kirk Burn from the park Road leading to Cairns.
OS1/21/7/26 CHURCH [Kirkhill] Valuation Roll Reverend J.S Johnstone J. Hall Schoolmaster 011.05 A good stone building having a steeple on the east with clock faces on three sides of it. It is capable of containing A congregation of about 500. "Preaching Breae" lies south of it. This Church was built about 18 or 19 years ago. The Church built in 1743 was taken down at that time.
OS1/21/7/26 SCHOOL [Kirkhilll Shool Valuation Roll Reverend J.S Johnstone J. Hall Schoolmaster 011.05 A good school house having a dwelling attached for the Schoolmaster. It is the Parish School.
OS1/21/7/26 WHITEFIELD Valuation Roll Mrs Marshall Reverend J.S Johnstone 011.05 A superior dwelling in Kirkhill, The property of, & occupied by Mrs Marshall.
OS1/21/7/26 Preaching Brae Reverend J.S Johnstone The name "Conversion Brae" as given in Statistical Account would not be so well recognised as the proper well known name given.
OS1/21/7/27 KIRKBURN QUARRY Valuation Roll D. Gairdner, Factor William Keir, 011.05 A good Freestone Quarry on the banks of the Kirkburn. It has been two years in use, & is likely to last a considerable time. It is working in the direction of "Preaching Brae". It is the Property of the Duke of Hamilton by whom it is wrought.
OS1/21/7/27 KIRKBURN WELL Reverend J.S Johnstone William Keir, Foreman of Quarry James Park 011.05 "The inhabitants of Kirkhill are obliged to go a considerable distance to the "Burn Millo", a small open Spring At the bottom of Conversion Brae," The well is not used now, but the water is as good as the Wells around it. The name "Kirkburn Well", is by the best authorities, considered the proper name.
OS1/21/7/27 MINISTER'S WELL Reverend J.S Johnstone William Keir, James Park 011.05 A Spring Well a short distance from "Kirkburn Well", The name is well Known. It is taken from pipes being laid from it to the Manse to supply the Minister.
OS1/21/7/28 CAIRNS WELL Cairns Well Revd I.S Johnstone William. Keir, Manager james Park 011.05 A good well said to have once been covered by a Cairn, from which the manse is taken. There is no authentic information on the subject to be obtained.
OS1/21/7/28 EAST GREENLEES East Greenlees Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Gairdner, Factor 011.05 An Old Farm steading. The property of his Grace the Duke of Hamilton
OS1/21/7/28 Cairns Valuation Roll Reverend J.S Johnstone D. Gairdner, Factor A few thatched cottages on the road side between Kirkhill and Brown hill. The name is taken from a hill on the South side of the road, in the garden, which is supposed to have been a Cairn before the Well was opened. No authentic information respecting the Cairn can be found.
OS1/21/7/29 BROOMKNOWE Valuation Roll J. Cranston Esqr J. Bain Esqr 011.05 A superior cottage with offices garden & attached occupied by the proprieter Mr Cranston This name is not generally used. Gateside is more frequently applied than any other. The proprieter & the older inhabitants of the neighbourhood give thwe proper name.
OS1/21/7/29 BROWNHILL Valuation Roll Meikleson's Map John Pettigrew occupier 011.05 An old Farm Steading partly in ruin. The property of Mr Desnay.
OS1/21/7/29 HOWIESHILL Valuation Roll Forests Co Map Revd J. S. Johnstone 011.05 A few thatched houses rest of "Broomknowe." The property of J. Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/29 TANSYKNOLL PIT Tansy Knoll Coal Pit Plan of Coal Works J. Baird Factor A. Colquhour C.E. 011.05 A Coal Pit at present used for drawing water from other coal workings in the neighbourhood. Lessee A. Russell Esqr. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton. The name is taken from a Knoll or Knowe now levelled.
OS1/21/7/30 HALFWAYHOUSE Valuation Roll Sign Board J. Graham Esqr. 011.05 A public house said to be halfway between Glasgow and Hamilton. The property of J. Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/30 LIGHTBURN Valuation Roll Revd. J. S. Johnstone J. Graham Esqr. 011.05 A small village fencd from Mr Graham's property and almost entirely occupied by weavers, The name applies from the Halfwayhouse to "light Burn" The name was given to the village without reference to the Burn which flows past, but now the Burn is known as Light Burn froom the village.
OS1/21/7/30 SPRINGWELL Valuation Roll Thomas Rankin Occupier J. Graham Esqr. 011.05 A dwelling house in "Lightburn" well known by he name, It is fencd from Mr Graham's property
OS1/21/7/30 WELLSIDE Valuation Roll William Chambers,Smith J. Graham Esqr. 011.05 A dwellimg house and a smithy on the side of the Turnpike Road. It is fencd from Mr Grahams property The name is well Known.
OS1/21/7/31 BURNBRAE Valuation Roll William Chambers J.Graham Esqr. 011.05 A small Farm House. The property of J.Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/31 DEANS Valuation Roll Forests Co. Map J.Graham Esqr. 011.05 An old Farm steading occupied by Laborors and Colliers. The property of J.Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/31 OVERTON Valuation Roll James Lang J.Graham Esqr. 011.05 A Farm Steading. The property of J.Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/31 GATESIDE 011.50
OS1/21/7/31 name Gateseide Authorities for spelling forests Co: Map Mrs Maxwell occupier J.Graham Esqr. Descriptive remarks A poor thatched dwelling. The property of J.Graham Esqr. This name is commonly applied to Broomhuoses as well.
OS1/21/7/32 Blank page
OS1/21/7/33 HAMILTON BRANCH JUNCTION William Gilleofois Station Master Glasgow J. Mc Grath, Cambuslang Neil Faith's Ruthinglau 011.06 A junction of rails connecting the "Hamilton Branch" with the ClydesdaleJunction of the Cakedonian Railway, There is a small house used by the Pointsman for attending to the Switches &c. "Newton Station" is about a quarter of a mile east of the junction- Trace 2. There is a row of cotters dwellings here on the north side of tghe line belonging to the Railway Company. They go under the name of the junction.
OS1/21/7/33 PARK Valuation Roll Map of Coal Workings J. Kidson Esquire 011.06 An old Farm Steading or the remains of one. now occupied by colliers employed in "Newton Coal Pit". There is a school here. Lessee J. G. Kidson Esquire. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/33 SCHOOL [Park] Valuation Roll J. Kidson Esquire J. Young, Farm Manager 011.06 A house in "Park" kept by the Lessee for Colliers children. It is supported by the Colliers. at present it is idle for want of a teacher. There is no support whatever from Parochial funds.
OS1/21/7/34 NEWTON Name of House Valuation Roll J. Kidson Esqr D. Gairdner, Factor 011.06 A Colliery village bearing the followinginscription on one of the houses, "Newton Village" erected in 1832," It is the Property of His Grace the Duke of Hamlton. S. G. Kidstone ESQr lessee-
OS1/21/7/34 NEWTON PIT Map of coal Works J. Kidson Esqr. Thomas Muir, Manager 011.06 A Coal Pit 20 fathoms deep & about five seams in use. The workings are not sufficiently extensive to show as a colliery. It has been flooded twice, & has lately become so full of water, that it is thought the Water of "Rotten Calder" flows into the Works, There is every probability of it being given up. There are workshops & dwellings south west of the Pit which go under the same name S. G. Kidstone ESQr lessee- The Property of His Grace the Duke of Hamlton.
OS1/21/7/35 BOGEND Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Gairdner, Factor 011.06 Two Farm Steadings on the south side of the "Clydesdale Station". The one on the east, near the "Hamilton Branch", is the old steading. The other has been recently erected & is generally known as the "New Farm at Bogend", As the old Farm house will probably be taken down soon. The Factor does not think that any distinction should be, as both are on the same lands of Bogend. J. G. Kidston Esqr. lessee. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/35 NEWTON STATION Station Board Time Tables Donald Campbell Station Master 011.06 A very small wood house, the third station from Glasgow on the Clydesdale Section of the Caedonian Railwaty.
OS1/21/7/36 CALEDONIAN RAILWAY (Hamilton Branch) William Gillespie Station Master Glasgow John McGrath Camburslang Station Neil Fairlis Rutherplen 011.06 A Branch Railway to Hamilton connected with the Clydesdale Junction about a quarter of a mile west of Newton Station. The Electric Telegraph on the Branch is on the North side, & on the South side of the Section. The Hamilton Branch passes into Blantyre by a viaduct over the "Rotten Calder"- Trace 3.
OS1/21/7/36 REDLEES Valuation Roll J. Young, Farm Manager D. Gairdner, Factor 011.06 The remains of a Farm Steading near the side of the "Rotten Calder". It is now occupied by a mole catcher. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/37 DRUMSARGARD CASTLE (Site of) Drumsargard Castle (Site of) Drumsargard Castle (Site of) Drumsargard Castle (Site of) Drumsargard Castle (Site of) Drumsargard Castle (Site of) Drumsargard Castle (Site of) Revd. [Reverend] J. S. Johnstons J. Bain Esqr James Park Robert Murdoch New Statistical Account Old Statistical Account Vol. [Volume] 5 p. [page] 264 011.06 "About a mile east of the Church, there is a small ridge terminated on the west, by a circular mound level on the top, about 20 feet in height, and 14 in diameter. It is evidently a work of art, and resembles those artificial mounds on which the Ancient Britons & Saxons built their fortresses. It was here that the Castle of Drumsargard formerly stood." New Statistical Account. The extent of the bottom of the ridge is shewn in yellow and the mound on the west of it, is shewn on Examination Trace so it appears on the ground. The Slopes from the top are gradual, but easily defined & may continue so for a considerable time. The ground is ploughed over the ridge and the mound. The site is well known throughout the district. The farms of Hallside lie north of the mound.
OS1/21/7/37 [Page] 37 Lanarkshire -- Cumbuslang Parish "This monument, from its regularity, is plainly the worK of art, and resembles those artificial mounts on which the Britons and Saxons built their fortresses. When the South of Scotland was possessed by the Britons and Saxons, it is probable that one of their fortresses might stand on this mount; but however this may be, it is certain that the Castle of Drumsargard stood upon it." "Drumsargard or Druim- searg- aird in Gaelic, signifies this ridge of dry or parched height; a name which is descriptive either of the partiicular spot where the Castle stood or of a long ridge, at a little distance from it. Old Stat Acct [Statistical Account]
OS1/21/7/38 HALLSIDE Hallside Hallside Hallside Valuation Roll Estate Map D Gairdner, Factor 011.06 A good Farm Steading about 5½ chains north of the mound on which the Castle of Drumsargard stood. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/38 EAST HALLSIDE East Hallside East Hallside East Hallside Valuation Roll Alexander Murdoch, oc: [occupier] D. Gairdner, Factor 011.06 A Farm Steading recently erected & separately occupied from the "Hallside" west of it. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/38 KNOWEHEAD Knowehead Knowehead Knowehead Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Gairdner, Factor 011.06 A Small house occupied by cotters in the employment of the Hallside Farmer. It was formerly the name given to the Farms & Lands of Hallside. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/38 NEW FARM New Farm New Farm New Farm Valuation Roll D. Gairdner Factor A. Murdoch, Leasee 011.06 A Farm Steading formerly called Courthill, a name now, altogether disused. At present it bears several names, but the one given is recognised by the proprietors agent. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/38 [Page] 38 Lanarkshire -- Cumbuslang Parish
OS1/21/7/39 DRUMSARGARD CASTLE (Site of) 011.06
OS1/21/7/39 KIRK BURN Forest's Co.Map Statistical Account D. Gairdner, Factor 011.06 A Burn which rises near Easterhill in Carmunnock Parish and flowing through the west of this parish, from south to north, enters the River Clyde near Morriston House. It banks are finely wooded and in many places form deep flow. There are steerp rocks overhanging it as it passes by Kirkhill and Camberslang villages.
OS1/21/7/39 LIGHT BURN James Park Joseph Kirkwood D. Gairdner Esqr. 011.09 A Burn which rises west of "Bankend" from "Dechmont Hill", and enters the Clyde near Clyde's Mill- XI-i Tracer 6. Passing through Newton Estate it bears that name, from about 13 chains north of the "Clydesdale section" until it enters the Clyde. Though the village of lightburn was named without any reference to this Burn, it now takes the name of the village. Previous to the village being ercated this Burn bore the name here,
OS1/21/7/39 WEST GREENLEES Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Gairdner, Factor 011.09 A good Farm Steading. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton. The "Kirk Burn" flows past this farm on the east side.
OS1/21/7/40 BRANCHOCH Branchach Branchoch Valuation Rolls Torests co map D. Gairdner Factor J. Graham Esqr. Proprieter list of farmer on Estate 011.09 A small house in an arable field brlonging to the Farm of Golbertfield. This is a very old name in the parish. The house is the remains of a steading which once stood here. The property of John Graham Esquires.
OS1/21/7/40 BRANCHOCH QUARRIES BRANCHOCH QUARRIES (red sandstone) D. Gardner, Factor John Orr clerk Revd J. S. Johnstons 011.09 Two quarries near "Castle chims" in which a reddish sandstone is found. Thre farthest quarry, south east of "Castlechims" is wrought out , Wrought by, and the property of His Grase the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/40 GILBERTFIELD Valuation Rolls Revd: J. S. Johnstone J. Graham Esqr. 011.09 A Farm steading north of "Gilbert field Castle", supposed to have been originally the offices belonging to it. Some parts of the odffices (or Farm now) appear to be old, but the greater portion is of modern structure. There is no date upon the house which appear old. It is the property of John Graham Esqr.
OS1/21/7/41 GILBERTFIELD CASTLE Valuation Rolls J. Graham Esqr. Proprieter Revd J. S. Johnstone D. Gairdner Factor Meiklchawn's Map of the Country second Gasgow New Statistical Account 011.09 "On the north side of Bechmont Hill stands the house of Gilbertfield, which from an insouption above one of the windows appear to have been built in 1607. This place was long the residence of a family of the name Cunningham. About the beginning of this century, the estate was purchaseds by the Laird of Woodburn Lieutenant William hamilton, the friend and practical correspondent of Allan Ramsay lived many years, first at Gilbertfield and then at Latrick where he died 24th May 1751, at an advanced age" Sir John Lindain's Statistical Account. The term "Castle" seems to have been recently applied, but is generally known. From the strength, date and appearance of the building, it is evidenyt that it has never been a fortress. It is now nearly in ruin, and is occupied bt the Duke of Hamilton's Game Keeper. There are two turrets on the south side on the upper story and rising as high as the top of the roof. The date (1607) appears on the east side over one of the windows in the topmost story. The door is on the same side. There is a winding starcase of stone leading to the upper rooms. Some of the houses of Gilbertfield Farm appear to be old. but there is no dates
OS1/21/7/42 CASTLECHIMS Valuation Roll Forests Co: Map Meiklcham's Map "Chemys, Chemyes, Chymmes, Chymis- A chief dewelling: as the manor home of a landed proprieter or the palace of a prince)" Jamieson J. Graham Esqr. Proprieter 011.09 A row of thatched cottages occupied by weavers. The property of J. Graham Esquire. These cottages are supposed to be built on the site of a castle, no traces or ruins of which are to be seen now. The following account written by the Revd J. S. Johnstonr. Parish Minister, gives the origin of the name or the probable origin of it, which is generally supposed to have reference in some manner to "Gilbertfield Castle". "The lands of Gilbertfield were anciently forced out by the Earls of Douglas: upon which there is built a good house tolerably situated. The date of the present house is 1607 which may be seen engraved over one of the windoows high up. on the side where the door is Hamilton "Dec 19th 1629 is the date of the "Testament of Rev Robert Cunningham of Gilbertfield, Knight within the parish of Camberslang. He died in the month of December 1628. This shows that there was an estate at best bearing the name of Gilbertfield- and it is highly probable there was a house or castle where he resided. The probability is that that residence was the old fortification or castle and that it stood on the position of the cottages which still remains in old documents is Castle chapmns which in all probability is a corruption of Castle Cummssus. The family of the Cummins frequently inter married with the Douglasses." written by Revd J.S. Johnstone
OS1/21/7/43 BANKEND Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Gardner Factor 011.09 A small Farm Steading at the foot of Dechmont Hill " The property of his Grace the Duke of Hamilton
OS1/21/7/43 GREENLEES HILL Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Gardner Factor 011.09 A good Farm Steading The Property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/43 GREENLEES T.P. Toll Board William Steven Collector J. Scott Road Surveyor 011.09 A toll on the Glasgow to Bruinskirk Turnpike Road. The Toll House is a good size. There is a weighing machine at the bar.
OS1/21/7/43 TURNLAW Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Gardner Factor 011.09 A couple of Farm Steadings held by one personand bearing the same name without any distinctive designation as to their position. The property of his Grace the Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/44 DECHMONT HILL Statistical Account Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Grandner Factor 011.09 Dechmont is about 600 ft above the level of the sea; but as it lies in a comparatively level country the view from it is very extensive towards the south east, Lintor and Tweeddale, and Pentland Hills are distinctly seen and to the north west, the "Lofty Benlomand" and many of the hills of Cowal and Breadalland. On the summit there are still some faint traces of ancient buildings. The ruins of the buildings were considerable about 50 years ago. New Stattistical Account No trace of Ancient buildings to be seen now. The eastrern summit of this hill is covered with large bushes. There are two perpendicular rocks immediately north of the trig pole which have a fall of between 20 to 30 feet and may be seen at a considerable doistance. The name is written on the table or highest part of the hill, the distance halfway between the top and bottom is shown in yellow. much of the south west of the hill has lately enclosed and planted with Young Firs. On the west this hill mingles with the "high grounds of Tumlaw", which are too iregular and flat to reprecent as a hill feature
OS1/21/7/45 ANCIENT BUILDINGS (Site of Supposed Remains of) [Dechmont Hill] Statistical Account James Park New Statistical Account 011.09 On the summit of Dechmont Hill there are still some faint trace of Ancient Buildings. The ruins of these buildings were considerable about fifty years ago" New Statistical Accont No traces of these remainsare to be seen now. James Park who is the oldest parishoner in Camberslang. remembetrs seeing about 30 years ago the foundation of a Circular Building on the summit, exactly where the ring pole is erected, This foundation wa betweren 30 and 40 links in diameter as well as can br rememberted. It is supposerd to have been a tower used for making signals by fires, with Bruinoargard Castle and other fortifications in the surrounding district. The stones of the foundation were freestone , and resembled the ordinary building stone in size.
OS1/21/7/46 Blank page
OS1/21/7/47 FLEMINGTON Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Gairdner, Factor 011.10 An old farmsteading, a superior dwelling house east of it, and a new farm Steading south of the new dwelling and belonging to it for offices or farm purposes. The new houses are all on the lands of Flemington and are simply called "Flemington". The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton. There Were formerly a cotton Mill and a village here.
OS1/21/7/47 HALLSIDE HOUSE Valuation Roll Revd J.S. Johnstones Andrew Jackson spittal 011.10 A superior dwelling with offices, ornamental grounds and garden attached. There is a front of the offices detached from the house and deperately occupied. The property of J. Jarding esquire.
OS1/21/7/47 SPITTALHILL Valuation Roll James Jackson for Andrew Jackson 011.10 A Farm steading occupied by the proprieter. A hospital formerly stood here or over the lands of spittahill. No remains of the building exist. Occupied by the proprieter J. Jackson..
OS1/21/7/48 DALTON On House Valuation Roll John Henderson tenan 011.10 A few houses on the side of the Glasgow and Hamilton Turnpike Road. They are feired from j. Jardins Esqr. There is a Saw Mill, for wood, worked by a steam Engine and a Smithy here.
OS1/21/7/48 MAVIS MILL (Corn) James Smith millar Thomas Jackson Valuation Roll A avis -Prices Hanshi Jamison 011.10 A mill and some dwelling houses occupied by the millers. The mill is used for grinding oats Barley and Pease. There is no flour made. It is the property of T. Jackson.
OS1/21/7/48 SPITTAL Valuation Roll Streets Map Andrew Jackson 011.10 A good farm steading occupied by the proprietor A. Jackson
OS1/21/7/48 SPITTAL BURN J. Jackson Andrew Jackson John Henderson Dalton 011.10 A Burn which rises from bednmont and flows into the "molten calder" near Hallside House.
OS1/21/7/49 CALDERGROVE Valuation Roll Meiklehams Map D. Gardiner, Factor 011.10 A superior and large dwelling house having offices a little last of it, and surrounded by young fir plantation. The property of and occupied by Mr J, Mc Culloch
OS1/21/7/49 DRUMSARGARD TILE WORKS Valuation Roll D. Gardiner, Factor John Smith Manager 011.10 A number of brick sheds and a Kiln for baking tiles used for draining. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton. This name- "Druimsargard" has always been retained for the lands about the Tile Works.
OS1/21/7/49 LOANEND Valuation Roll D. Gardiner, Factor A. Russell Tenant 011.10 An old Farm building occupied by servants employed by the lessee of Flemington. The property of His Grace "The Duke of Hamilton.
OS1/21/7/49 OLD MILL DAM [Flemington] J. Bain Esqr Minister House J. Park Camberslang D. Gardiner, Factor 011.10 Low, wet marshy ground, formerly a Mill Dam used for a Cotton Mill which stood at Flemington,
OS1/21/7/50 PRIOR BRIDGE New Statistical Account Old Statistical Account W Flemming Road Surveyor A. Jackson -Blantyre Park 011.10 Described in Name Sheet of XI-10- Blantyre Parish.
OS1/21/7/50 ROTTEN CALDER New Gazetteer of Scotland/fallections Forest's Co: map Meikleham's Map J. Gairdner, Factor Johnston's Co: Map 011.10 "A small river in Lanarkshire which rises in Elrig Muir in the south of Kilbride and running a north-east course, falls into the Clyde, on the south bank, near Daldours. It is in the first part of its course called Park Burn and the "Rotten Calder", on being joined by the "Rotten Burn". There are several falls or cascades on its course and its banks are finely erflooded". Fullanton's Gazetteer It forms the eastern Boundary of this pariah.
OS1/21/7/50 vdwuehurum ucgtnu fmfcmbrwftbn, [url=]vwbbeoglrkab[/url], [link=]wbqyrptnigsh[/link], ucgtnu fmfcmbrwftbn, [url=]vwbbeoglrkab[/url], [link=]wbqyrptnigsh[/link], ucgtnu fmfcmbrwftbn, [url=]vwbbeoglrkab[/url], [link=]wbqyrptnigsh[/link], ucgtnu fmfcmbrwftbn, [url=]vwbbeoglrkab[/url], [link=]wbqyrptnigsh[/link],
OS1/21/7/50 ucgtnu fmfcmbrwftbn, [url=]vwbbeoglrkab[/url], [link=]wbqyrptnigsh[/link],
OS1/21/7/50 ucgtnu fmfcmbrwftbn, [url=]vwbbeoglrkab[/url], [link=]wbqyrptnigsh[/link],
OS1/21/7/51 QUEEN MARY'S WELL Mr H. Barnstaple. Robert Brownhill. Rithfoot Blantyre 011.10 A good Spring well near "Dyesholm". There is a car track near the Well (Xi-14 Fraser X) which was formerly the High Road from Glasgow to Hamilton. It crossed the "Rotten Calder" at the place where the "Ford is written -Fraser 3 XI-14. In the adjoining Parish Blantyre / This old road is for a short distance, known as "The Path". The tradition is that Queen Mary came along the old road, on her way from Hamilton Palace to Cathcart Castle, the day previous to the Battle of Campside / Robertson's History. Vol 2 / and rested for a short time at this Well. The name as well as the tradition is well known in the neighbourhood. The well has nothing remarkable about it, except that it is covered by a broad flat stone.
OS1/21/7/52 Blank page
OS1/21/7/53 LEES BURN D. Gairdner Factor Joseph Kirkwood James Park Charles Miller Crossbasket Mill 011.13 A Burn which rises at "Main Castle" in Kilbryde and forms the Parish Boundary for about a mile before it enters the "Rotten Calder Water", near "Bridge Mill".
OS1/21/7/53 LETTERICKHILLS . . Stoney Meadow Valuation Roll D. Gairdner, Estate Map Forest's Co: Map Meikleham's Map 011.13 A poor Farm Steading. The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton. The two tt's in this name seems to be an adoption, all old documents give but one.
OS1/21/7/53 Various modes of spellingthe same name Stoney Meadow Authority for those modes of spelling Valuation Roll J. Scott, Road Surveyor Robert Patterson Descriptive remarks A thatched cottage formerly a Toll Gate House, on the Hamilton and Glasgow Turnpike Road. The property of the Turnpike Road Trustees.
OS1/21/7/54 COCKS BURN Forest's Co Map William Johnstone, Occupier D. Gairdener Factor 011.13 "A Burn which rises near East Rogerton in Kilbride, rises in an easterly direction upwards pof three miles and a half abd falls into the Calder near Greenhall in Blantyre."New Statistical Account The origin of this name is not known.
OS1/21/7/54 CROOKEDSHIELS Valuation Roll William Johnstone, Occupier D. Gairdener Factor J. Bain Esqr. 011.13 A Farm Steading. The property of the heirs of the late H. Wardrobe Esqr. This name is often spelled with a d in the end of it. The best authorities Consider the Shields to be wrong.
OS1/21/7/54 DECHMONT Valuation Roll Estate Map D. Gairdener Factor Meiklcham's Map " 011.13 A Farm Steading on the South side of "Bechmont Hill The dwelling house is detached from the offices, The property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton,
OS1/21/7/55 DYESHOLM Daviesholm Valuation Roll Forests Co: Map Johnston's Map Meicklehams Map A. Bannatyne Esqr Factor 011.14 A thatched house formerly a Farm Staeding. This is a corruption of Davies , but it is now generally used. The property of Lessrs A. Bannatyne Esqr. Mr Bannatyne Factior, in a communication received from him, gave the name as given in the column for "order of spelling " Daviesholm (pronounced Dyesholm).
OS1/21/7/55 LETTERICK Leterick Estate Map D. Gairdner, Factor Valuation Roll Forests Co: Map Meicklehams Map 011.14 A Farm Steading having a thrashing Mill driven by water. Cocks Burn forms a Dam here. used for the Mill. It is the property of His Grace the Duke of Hamilton.This name is generally spelled with one t.
OS1/21/7/55 MILCOLMWOOD Valuation Roll John Pettigrew, Occupier A. Bannatyne Esqr Factor 011.14 A Farm Steading, the property of A. Bannatyne Esqr. The origin of this name is not known. The spelling given is the mode which has always been adopted.
OS1/21/7/56 BRIDGE MILL (Dyewood) Valuation Roll Charles Miller, Foreman John Kildea 011.14 An Old Corn Mill now used for grinding nand cutting by machine saws, logwood, Boxwood, Limewood and other woods used for dyeing purposes. It is thought by the proprieter J. Clarke Esqr. of Crossbasket. The greater part of this Mill is in East Kilbryde. The part which is in this parish, is a wooden shed kept for holding the ground Dyewood. There is a dwelling house about 6 chains west of the Mill, which bears the same name, It is occupied by workmen of the Mill.
OS1/21/7/56 CROSS (Site of) [Crossbasket] James Clark Esq Crossbasket 011.14 A spring on the lands of "Crossbasket" Contiguous to which, upon the ? here of ?stood a stone cross.
OS1/21/7/56 WELL [Crossbasket] Origins Parochial Scotsman 011.14 The Well is antiquated as would appear from the following extract Origins Parochial Scotsman "Thomas Joseph of Crossbasket gave ancient possession of the simple Cross stood on the Calder in the neighbourhood of Blantyre. It derived its name from the cross which stood at a small distance from the Tower on the lands of Basket near the foot of which was a font." John Bayly Captain
OS1/21/7/58 INDEX Name -Sheet-Plan-Page Bushy Hill-XI-5-15 Borgie Bell-XI-5-23 Brownhill-XI-5-29 BroomKnowe-XI-5-29 Burnbrae-XI-5-31 Bogend-XI-6-35 Brancloch Quarrie-XI-9-40 Brancloch-XI-9-40 Bankend-XI-9-43 Bridge Mill (Dyewood)-XI-14-56 Cambuslang-XI-5-2 Clyde Mill (corn)-XI-1-7 Carmyle Ferry-I-1-8 Cambuslang farm-XI-5-21 Chapel-XI-5-14 Congregational Chapel-XI-5-14 Culloch Burn-XI-5-16 Caledonian Railway (Clydesdale Junction)-XI-5-19 Camberslangtown-XI-5-19 Church-XI-5-26 Cairns-XI-5-28 Cairns Bell-XI-5-28 Caledonian Railway (Hamilton Branch)-XI-6-36 Castlecheme-XI-9-42 Caldergrove-XI-10-49 Crookedehule-XI-13-54 Cock Burn-XI-13-54
OS1/21/7/59 Name-Sheet-plan-page Deane-XI-5-31 Drumsargard Castle (site of)-XI-6-37 Dechmont Hill-XI-9-44 Dalton-XI-10-48 Drumsargard Tile Borke-XI-10-49 Dechmont-XI-13-54 Dyesholmn-XI-14-55 East Coak-XI-5-20 East Greenlees-XI-5-28 East Hallside-XI-6-38 Fishescoak-X-8-5 Free Church-XI-5-17 Frame Folly-XI-5-20 Flemington-XI-10-47 Gas Works-XI-5-22 Gateside-XI-5-31 Gilbertfield-XI-9-40 Gilbertfield Castle-XI-9-41 Greenlees T P-XI-9-43 Greenleeshill-XI-9-43 Honeyhill Plantation-XI-2-12 Hole-XI-5-22 Howushill-XI-5-29 Halfwayhouse-XI-5-30 Hamilton Branch Junction-XI-6-33 Hallside-XI-6-38 Hallside House-XI-10-47 Kirkhill-XI-5-24 Kirkburn Well-XI-5-27 Kirkburn Quarry-XI-5-27
OS1/21/7/60 Name-Sheet-plan-page Knowehead-XI-6-8 Kirkburn-XI-9-39 Lightburn-XI-5-30 Light Burn-XI-9-39 Loomend-XI-10-49 Letterickhille-XI-13-53 Lee Burn-XI-13-53 Letterick-XI-14-55 Manse-XI-5-14 Molliston House-XI-5-15 Manse-XI-5-25 Ministrie Bell-XI-5-27 Mavie Mill (corn)-XI-10-48 Milcolmwood-XI-14-55 Newton Burn-XI-1-9 Newton House-XI-2-11 Newton-XI-2-11 Newton-XI-6-34 Newton Pit (coal)-XI-6-34 Newton Station-XI-6-35 New Farm-XI-6-38 Old U P Church-XI-5-18 Overton-XI-5-31 Old Mill Dam-XI-10-49 Preaching Brae-XI-5-25 Park-XI-6-33 Prior Bridge-XI-10-50 Queen Marjie Well-XI-10-51 River Clyde-XI-1-7 Ridleywood-XI-2-11
OS1/21/7/61 Name-Sheet-plan-page Rosebank Bridge-XI-5-16 Redcoathill-XI-5-123 Redlees-XI-6-36 Rotten Calder-XI-10-50 Spittal Burn-XI-10-48 Threeneuk-XI-1-8 Tile Bork-XI-5-19 Tanyknot Pit (coal)-XI-5-29 Turnlaw-XI-9-43T P-XI-5-21 Silverbank-X-8-3 Site of St Marys Chapel-XI-5-13 Station-XI-5-17 Subscription School-XI-5-18 Saucheebag-XI-5-22 School-XI-5-26 Springwell-XI-5-80 School-XI-6-33 Site of Ancient Building-XI-9-45 Spittalhill-XI-10-47 Spittal-XI-10-48
OS1/21/7/62 Name -- Sheet -- Plan -- Page Whitefield -- 11 -- 5 -- 6 West Greenlees -- 11 -- 9 -- 39 Bell Cross (Site of ) 11 -- 14 -- 56