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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CHURCH (A.D. 1398) [disused, Bothwell] Church
New Statistical Account
Fullarton's Gazetteer
Revd. Dr. Gardiner
J. P. Watson, Registrar & Schoolmaster
Mr. Galloway, Sexton
011.11 " the Old Church of Bothwell is a very ancient structure, and represents a fine specimen of Gothic Architecture, and was used in former times as the choir of the Collegiate Church of Bothwell"
New Statistical Account.
"The Collegiate Church of Bothwell was founded October 10th 1398. by Archibald Earl of Douglas Etc.". Fullarton's Gazatteer.

The Old Church has not been used for 30 years - the date of the new church, which it stands beside, on the east. Several stone buttresses of great strength project outwards from the southern wall. It is in good preservation but is not now used for any purposes on this account, "Church", has been written to both the old & the new in their respective characters. The Revd. Dr. Gardiner is the incumbent of the new Ph. Church.

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