OS1/20/93/1 |
Name of Objects -- Pages
Auchenfad Hill -- 4
Butterhole Hill -- 5
Craigbill -- 4
Craigbill Hill -- 6
Low Auchenfad -- 4
Little Auchenfad Hill -- 6
Marthrown Hill -- 3
Marthrown Wood -- 3
Mabie Wood -- 3
Mabie Burn -- 5
Mid Auchenfad -- 6
Mabie -- 6
Dalshinnie Wood -- 3 |
OS1/20/93/2 |
Bank Page |
OS1/20/93/3 |
Morthrown Hill
Morthrown Hill
Marthrown Hill
Marthrown Hill |
Robert Howitt Esqr.
James Smith
James Lindsay Schoolmaster
Revd [Reverend] T Ingleston DD Minister Lochruitton |
027; 033; 034 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 Miles N.N.E. [North North East] of Troston farm house.
A considerable hill on the farm of Morthrawn, it is mostly covered with wood. On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical Party "Mhontrawn" It is a prominent part of an irregular range. |
OS1/20/93/3 |
Morthrawn Wood
Morthrawn Wood
Marthrown Wood
Marthrown Wood |
Robert Howitt Esqr. proprietor of Estate
James Lindsay
Revd (Reverend] T. Inglis D.D. |
034 |
[Situation] About 1 1/3 Miles N.N.E. [North North East] of Trston farm house.
A large tract of platation on the farm of Morthrawn, its wood consists of Oak Ash Birch and Fir. |
OS1/20/93/3 |
Mabie Wood
Mabie Wood
Craigbill Hill |
Robert Howitt Esqr.
James Smith
Ainslies Map 1820 |
034 |
[Situation] About 1 Mile N.N.E. [North North East] of Trston farm house.
A very extensive plantation on the lands of Mabie, its wood consists of Oak Ash Birch and Fir. And is the property of Robert Howitt Esqr. of Mabie. |
OS1/20/93/3 |
Dalshinnie Wood
Dalshinnie Wood
Dalshinnie Wood
See Name List 27C |
James Lindsay
Revd. [Reverend T. Ingles D.D.
Joseph Carnochan |
034 |
[Situation] At the East Side of Marthrown Hill.
A considerable plantation the wood consists of Ash Oak & Fir. The property of R. Howitt Esqr. of Mabie |
OS1/20/93/3 |
[Page] 3
Parish of Troqueer |
OS1/20/93/4 |
Craigbill |
Robert Howitt Esqr
James Smith
Ainslies Map 1820 |
034 |
[Situation] 1 1/8 miles N.E. by E. [North East by East] of Troston farm house.
A small farm house and out houses (including a thrashiing machine} in good repair, with a small farm of land attached. Occupied by John Brown. The property of Robert Howitt Esqr. of Mabie. |
OS1/20/93/4 |
Low Auchenfad (part in ruins)
Low Auchenfad (part in ruins)
Mickle Auchenfad |
Robert Howitt Esqr.
James Smith
Ainslies map 1820 |
034 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles E.N.E. [East North East] of Troston farm house
A farm house and out houses all in ruins with the exception of a part of the dwelling house which is presently occupied by a labourer, the land that was attached to this house is now let with the farm of Mid Auchenfad. |
OS1/20/93/4 |
Auchenfad Hill
Auchenfad Hill |
Robert Howitt Esqr.
James Smith |
034 |
[Situation] About 1 5/8 miles N.E. by E. [North East by East] of Troston farm house.
A small hill on the farm of Low Auchenfad, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Auchenfad" |
OS1/20/93/4 |
[Page] 4
Parish of Troqueer |
OS1/20/93/5 |
Butterhole Hill
Butterhole Hill |
Robert Howitt Esqr.
James Smith |
034 |
[Situation] About 1 3/4 miles N.E. by E. [North East by East] of Troston farm house
A small hill on the farm of Butterhole, its surface conststs pf rocky heathy pasture. |
OS1/20/93/5 |
Mabie Burn
Mabie Burn |
Robert Howitt Esqr.
James Smith |
027; 034 |
[Situation] Running N. [North] Easterly through Mabie Wood, & passing close to Mabie Saw Mill.
A small stream or burn having its rise on the farm of Morthrawn and running in a N. [North] Easterly direction through the lands of Mabie hence the name And at length runs into Crook's Pow a little sistance west of Leniside. |
OS1/20/93/5 |
[Page] 5
Parish of Troqueer |
OS1/20/93/6 |
Mabie |
Robert Howitt Esqr.
James Smith
Ainslies Map 1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. Modern |
034 |
[Situation] 2 miles N.E. [North East] of Troston farm house.
A large modern built mansion house, having offices and a garden attached and are surrounded by plantations and ornamental ground. This house is the property and family residence of Robert Howitt Esqr. of Mabie. |
OS1/20/93/6 |
Craigbill Hill
Craigbill Hill
Craigbill Hill |
Joseph Carnochan
James Lindsay
Ainslies Map 1820 |
034 |
[Situation] In the South portion of Mabie Wood
A moderate sized hill on the estate of Mabie it is covered with wood. |
OS1/20/93/6 |
Little Auchenfad Hill
Little Auchenfad hill
Little Auchenfad Hill |
John Thomson
J. Thomson
Ainslies Map
See Name List Plan 34B |
034 |
[Situation] About 1 3/4 miles by S [South] of Troston
A small hill part of the farm of Little Auchenfad. Its surface is chiefly Rocky pasture. |
OS1/20/93/6 |
Mid Auchenfad
Mid Auchenfad
Mid Auchenfad |
James Smith
William Patterson
Ainslies Map. |
034 |
[Situation] About 1 1/4 miles E. by N. [East by North] of Troston
A small farm house and outhouses in good repair with a farm of about 250 acres of land attached occupied by J. Smith. The property of J. C Moore Es. of Croswall. |
OS1/20/93/6 |
[Page] 6
Parish of Troqueer |
OS1/20/93/7 |
Names of Objects -- Pages
Auchengray Plantation -- 17
Auchengray Hill -- 17
Black Wood -- 10
Barclay Hill -- 18
Craigend Hill -- 9
Craigend -- 10
Drungans Plantation -- 15
Glensone Hill -- 13
Glensone Planation -- 13
Glensone -- 14
Glensone Burn -- 16
Lochaber Loch -- 9
Lochside Wood -- 9
Lochbank Hill -- 10
Lochbank (ruins of) -- 13
Lotus Hill -- 15
March Burn -- 18
Papists Bridge -- 12
Rocking Stone -- 11
Troston -- 11
Troston Hill -- 17 |
OS1/20/93/8 |
Blank Page |
OS1/20/93/9 |
Lochaber Loch
Lochaber Loch
Lochaber Loch
Craigend Loch |
R K Howitt Esqr.
James Smith
Ainslies Map 1820
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1845 |
034 |
[Situation] About 1/8 mile N. [North] of Troston farm house
A small Lake on the lands of Mabie and situated about 25 chains North of Craigend farm house. It abounds with trout and perch. |
OS1/20/93/9 |
Lochside Wood
Lochside Wood |
R. K. Howitt Esqr.
James Smith |
034 |
[Situation] About 7/8 mile N. [North] of Troston farm house.
A small stripe of plantation on the farm of Craigend, its wood consists of Oak, Ash Beech and Fir. |
OS1/20/93/9 |
Craigend Hill
Craigend Hill |
R. K. Howitt Esqr.
James Smith |
034 |
[Situation] About 5/8 Mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Troston farm house.
A small hill on the farm of Craigend its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. |
OS1/20/93/9 |
[Page] 9
Parish of New Abbey |
OS1/20/93/10 |
Craigend |
R. K. Howitt Esqr.
James Smith
Ainslies Map 1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern |
034 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile N. by E. [North by E] of Troston farm house
A small farm house and out houses in good repair, with a farm of land attached. The property of J. C. Moore Esqr. of Corswall. |
OS1/20/93/10 |
Lochbank Hill
Lochbank Hill
Lochbank Hill |
William Patterson
James Smith
Ainslies Map 1820 |
034 |
[Situation] About 1/2 Mile N.W. [North West] of Troston farm house
A small hill on the farm of Lochbank, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Craigen". |
OS1/20/93/10 |
Back Wood
Back Wood |
William Patterson
James Smith |
034 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile N.N.W. [North North West] of Troston farm house
A small plantation on the farm of Craigend, its wood consists of Oak Ash Beach and Firs. |
OS1/20/93/10 |
[Page] 10
Parish of New Abbey |
OS1/20/93/11 |
Trostan |
James Smith
William Patterson
Ainslies Map 1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. Auct. |
034 |
[Situation] About 3/4 Mile N.E by N. [North East by North] of Glensone farm ho[use], and 1/8 mile South of Lochaber Loch
A farm house and out houses in good repair, with a large farm of land attached occupied by John Wightman. The property of J. C. Moore Esqr. of Corswall. |
OS1/20/93/11 |
Rocking stone
Rocking stone |
James Smith
William Patterson |
034 |
[Situation] 25 chains N. [North] of Troston farm house
A large granite stone on the farm of Craigend. It is about 6 feet in height by about 4 1/2 thick, its position is on the top of a flat rock so that the smallest pressure is sufficient to put it in motion. The following notice is taken of it in the Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of the county Page 247. "on the farm of Craigend, there is a rocking stone, estimated to weigh about 15 tons, and yet a child may put it in motion. It was first discovered about 15 years ago, by two little girl sisters, who while playing about it noticed its vibrations, and with astonishment reported them to their parents. It is a block of syenite; its position is on a piece of hard land surrounded by mossy or swampy ground; It is quite insulated".
[Note] "Rocking Stone" is enough as it near the farm house of Craigend there is no necessity for the name Craigend as it is a stone that wasdiscovered only a few years ago & consequently the name not properly established |
OS1/20/93/11 |
[Page] 11
Parish of New Abbey |
OS1/20/93/12 |
Papists Bridge
Papists Bridge |
James Smith
William Patterson |
034 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile N. by E. [North by East] of Troston farm house.
A pen or culvert over a small stream, on a foot path that leads from Craigend to Craighill farm house. |
OS1/20/93/12 |
Page 12
Parish of New Abbey |
OS1/20/93/13 |
LOCHBANK (Ruins of) |
Lochbank (ruins of)
Lochbank (ruins of) |
Robert Lawrie
John Martin |
034 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile W by N [West by North] of Troston farm house
The ruins of a house which formerly was the farm house of Lochbank |
OS1/20/93/13 |
Glensone Hill
Glensone Hill
Glensone Hill |
Robert Lawrie
John Martin
Ainslie's map 1820
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1845 |
034 |
[Situation] About 1/2 Mile W.S.W. [West South West] of Troston farm house
A small hill on the farms of Lochbank and Glensone, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. |
OS1/20/93/13 |
Glensone Plantation
Glensone Platation |
Robert Lawrie
John Martin |
034 |
[Situation] About 3/8 Mile S.W. [South West] of Troston farm house.
A small platation on the farm of Glenson (hence the name) its wood consists chiefly of Fir. |
OS1/20/93/13 |
[Page] 13
Parish of New Abbey |
OS1/20/93/14 |
Glensone |
Robert Lawrie
John Martin
Ainslies map 1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern
Valn. [Valuation] Roll Anct. [Ancient]
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1845 |
034 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile S.W. [South West] of Troston farm house
A small farm house and out houses in good repair. Occupied by Robert Lawrie, and is the property of the poor of the parish of New Abbey. |
OS1/20/93/14 |
[Page] 14
Parish of New Abbey |
OS1/20/93/15 |
Lotus Hill
Lotus Hill
Lowtis Hill |
Robert Lawrie
John Martin
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] (1845)
See spelling Plan 33D |
034 |
[Situation] About 1/4 Mile S.W. by W. [South West by West] of Troston farm house
A considerable hill on the farm of Lotus, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Lowtis". |
OS1/20/93/15 |
Drungans Plantation
Drungans Plantation |
James Carr
W Lawrie |
034 |
[Situation] About 1 1/8 Miles S.W. by W. [South West by West] of Troston farm house.
A small plantation on the farm of Drungans, its wood consists of Oak, Birch and Firs |
OS1/20/93/15 |
[Page] 15
Parish of New Abbey |
OS1/20/93/16 |
Glensone Burn
Glensone Burn
Glensone Burn
Glensone Burn |
William Smith
John Martin
James Lindsay
Joseph Carnochan |
034 |
[Situation] Running in a general southerly direction passing midway between Lotus Hill & Glensone farm house.
A small stream or burn having its rise on Glenson farm partly on Lochend |
OS1/20/93/16 |
[Page] 16 |
OS1/20/93/17 |
Troston Hill
Troston Hill |
James Smith
William Smith |
034 |
[Situation] About 3/8 Mile E. [East] of Troston farm house
A small hill on the farm of Troston its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. |
OS1/20/93/17 |
Auchengray Plantation
Auchengray Plantation |
James Smith
William Smith |
034 |
[Situation] About 5/8 Mile S.E. [South East] of Troston farm house
A large plantation on the farm of Auchengray, its wood consists of Oak Ash Birch and Fir. |
OS1/20/93/17 |
Auchengray Hill
Auchengray Hill
Auchengray Hill |
James Smith
William Smith
Ainslies map 1820 |
034 |
[Situation] About 3/4 Mile S.E. by S. [South East by South] of Troston farm house
A small hill on the farm of Auchengray, its surface consists partly of arable land, and partly covered with plantation. On it is a Trig;. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Kenbary". |
OS1/20/93/17 |
[Page] 17
Parish of New Abbey |
OS1/20/93/18 |
Barlae Hill
Barlae Hill
Barlay Hill
Barlay Hill |
James Smith
William Patterson
James Cowan
John Milligan
See Name List 34C |
034 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 Miles E.S.E. [East South East] of Troston farm house
A small hill on the farm of Barlay, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. |
OS1/20/93/18 |
March Burn
March Burn
March Burn |
James Wilson New Abbey
John Hunter New Abbey
John Neilson New Abbey |
034 |
[Situation] Passing between Little Auchenfad Hill and Barlay Hill.
A small stream which rises on the farm of Troston and running in a southerly direction at length unties with Drummillan Pow near the public road leading from New Abbey to Dalbeattie It forms the boundary for a short distance between the Parishes of New Abbey & Troqueer. |
OS1/20/93/18 |
[Page] 18
Parish of New Abbey |