OS1/20/7/1 |
[Page] 1
Parish of Carsphairn
Plan 4B.
Names of Objects--Pages
Black Craig -- 4
Blackcraig (Ruins of) -- 4
Bracken Hill--8
Cullendoch Hill--4
Carsphairn Lane--9
Cats' Stone--12
Coran of Portmark--13
Green Burn--7
Garryhorn Burn--15
Garryhorn Rig--16
Little Craig--5
Lamloch Free Church--5
Lamloch Burn--6
Polmeadow (Ruins of)--11
Polrobin Burn--11
Port Stone--12
Polmeadow Burn--13
Polcarroch Burn--15
Tormoid Knowe--7
Weavers Dam--16
Woodhead Lead Mines--17 |
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OS1/20/7/3 |
Craigencolon |
Andrew Murdoch
Alexander Howitson |
004 |
[Situation] About 2 1/4 miles N.W. by N. [North West by North] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A Small Eminence on the farm of Lamloch, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. |
OS1/20/7/3 |
Cairndubbin |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] 2 1/2 miles N.W. [North West] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A large granite rock of an oval shape, on the farm of Lamloch, and situated on the Eastern margin of Loch Doon. |
OS1/20/7/3 |
Eldrick |
James Sloan
Andrew Murdoch
Alexander Howetson |
004 |
[Situation] 2 miles N.W. [North West] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A small Eminence on the farm of Blackcriag, its surface is rocky heathy pasture. |
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[Page] 3
Parish of Carsphairn
[Note] Creag an cuilionn, the rock
of the hollys or holly bushes |
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OS1/20/7/4 |
Black Craig
Black Craig
Black Craig |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan
Ainslies map |
004 |
[Situation] About 1 1/2 miles N.W. by W. [North West by West] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A large hill on the farm of Lamloch, its surface is rocky pasture. On it is a Trigl.[Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl.[Trigonometrical] Party "Lamloch Hill". It is a conspicuous part of an irregular range. |
OS1/20/7/4 |
BLACKCRAIG (Ruins of) |
Blackcraig (in ruins)
Blackcraig (in ruins) |
Andrew Murdoch
Alexander Howetson
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] About 2 1/8 miles NW. [North West] of Woodhead Lead Mines.
The ruins of an old house which formerly had a farm of land attached but is long since annexed to the farm of Lamloch. it is situated a Short distance N.[North] East of a hill called Blackcraig hence the name. |
OS1/20/7/4 |
Cullendoch Hill |
Plan 4 A. |
004 |
[Situation] About 2 5/8 miles NW by N. [North West by North] of Woodhead Lead Mines
For Description see Name List for Plan 4 A. |
OS1/20/7/4 |
[Page] 4
Parish of Carsphairn
Form 136 Page 31 Black Craig
32 Blackcraig (ruins of)
Cullendoch Hill - "See etymology of name in Name List for Plan 4A |
OS1/20/7/5 |
Little Craig
Little Craig |
David Mitchell
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles N.W. by N. [North West by North] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A small hill on the farm of Lamloch, its surface is rocky pasture. |
OS1/20/7/5 |
Lamloch Free Church
Lamloch Free Church |
David Mitchell
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] About 1 3/8 miles N. by W. [North by West] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A small edifice built in 1844 at a cost of £310 which was partly defrayed by the Free Church building fund and partly by the congregation, it is sufficient to accomodate about 370 of congregation with sittings. its average number of Communicants is about 140 and the Minister is the Rev. [Reverend] Edward Hyman whose Stipends amount to £126 paid by the Sustenation fund. This Church is on the farm of Lamloch, The site was granted by James McMillan Esqr. |
OS1/20/7/5 |
[Page] 5
Parish of Carsphairn
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OS1/20/7/6 |
Lamloch |
David Mitchell
James Sloan
Ainslies Map
Valn.[Valuation] Roll. 1819
Valn.[Valuation] Roll. Anct. [Ancient] |
004 |
[Situation] About 1 1/2 Miles N.[North] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A farm house two stories high and suitable out houses all slated and in good repair, with a considerable farm of land attached, Occupied by Mr. Walker, and is the property of James McMillan Esqr. of Holm. |
OS1/20/7/6 |
Lamloch Burn
Lamloch Burn |
David Mitchell James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] Running N.[North] Easterly passing at the west Side of Lamloch Free Church & East side of Lamloch.
A small stream or burn having its rise on the farm of Woodhead and running in a N.[North] Easterly direction passing Lamloch (hence the name) to its confluence with Carsphairn Lane. |
OS1/20/7/6 |
[Page] 6
Parish of Carsphairn
- Form 136 Page 34 Lamloch
33 Lamloch Burn
[Note] Lamloch perhaps from the Gaelic
words Laimh ri loch i.e. beside or
near the loch. as this place is situated
near Loch Doon |
OS1/20/7/7 |
Green Burn
Green Burn |
James Sloan
Davaid Mitchell |
004 |
[Situation] Running N.E [North East] to its junction with Polcorroch Burn, at the distance of 3/4 mile north of Woodhead Lead Mines
A small stream having its rise on the farm of Woodhead and running in a N.[North] Easterly direction to its conflux with Carsphairn Lane |
OS1/20/7/7 |
Tormoid Knowe
Tormoid Knowe |
David Mitchell
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] 7/8 mile N by E [North by East] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A small Knoll or Eminence on the farm of Woodhead, its surface is rocky heathy pasture, |
OS1/20/7/7 |
Woodhead |
James Sloan Davaid Mitchell
Ainslies Map. 1820
Valn.[Valuation] Roll. 1819 |
004 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles N. [North] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A farm house and outhouses in good repair, with a considerable farm of land attached Occupied by David Mitchell, and is the property of the Hon. Col. [Honourable Colonel] Cathcart of Craigengillan. |
OS1/20/7/7 |
[Page] 7
Parish of Carsphairn
Form and page numbers not visible
[Note] Torr moid, the mount
or eminence of meeting |
OS1/20/7/8 |
Bracken Hill
Bracken Hill |
David Mitchell
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles N.[North] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A small Knoll or Eminence on the farm of Woodhead, its soil is arable land, the origin of its name is from ferns growing on it. which are commonly called BracKens in Galloway |
OS1/20/7/8 |
[Page] 8
Parish of Carsphiarn
Form 136 Page 39 Braken Hill
[Notes] Bracken, Braiken, Brecken,.
The female fern
Jamiesons Dictionary
Bracken, Female fern
Barley's Eng.[English] Dictionary |
OS1/20/7/9 |
Carsphairn Lane
Carsphairn Lane |
James Sloan
David Mitchell |
004 |
[Situation] Running S. [South] Easterly passing near the NE [North East] side of Woodhead farm house
A considerable Burn, being the continuation of Lamford and Meadowhead Burns, running in a Southerly direction, bounding in its course divers farms, to its confluence with the "Water of Deugh" near Carsphairn village. |
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Parish of Carsphairn
Form and page number not visible
Entry for Woodhead Bridge scored out |
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[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/7/11 |
POLMEADOW (Ruins of) |
Polmedow |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan
Valn.[Valuation] Roll. 1819
Valn.[Valuation] Roll. Anct.[Ancient] |
004 |
[Situation] 2 miles W.N.W. [West North West] of Woodhead Lead Mines
The ruins of an old house which formerly had a farm of land attached, but is now annexed with the farm of Portmark. |
OS1/20/7/11 |
Polrobin Burn
Polrobin Burn |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] Running N.[North] Westerly passing near the South Side of Polmeadow (in ruins)
A small stream having its rise on the farm of PortmarK and running in a Westerly direction to its influx with "Loch Doon" a short distance N. [North] of Portmark farm house, |
OS1/20/7/11 |
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Parish of Carsphairn
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OS1/20/7/12 |
Port Stone
Port Stone |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] About 9 chains north of Portmark.
A large and conspicuous Stone or rock In the Eastern Margin of Loch Doon, the authorities here quoted Says that it is handed down by tradition, that, in 1306 the English took boats and embarked at this Stone for the purpose of beseiging "Loch Doon Castle" hence the name "Port Stone," |
OS1/20/7/12 |
Cats Stone
Cats Stone |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] About 4 chains NNW. [North North West] of Portmark.
A very large and conspicuous stone near the Eastern margin of "Loch Doon" and near to Portmark farm house, not Known in the locality how it got the name. |
OS1/20/7/12 |
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Parish of Carsphairn
Form 138 Page 44 Port Stone
44 Cats' Stone |
OS1/20/7/13 |
Portmark |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan
Ainslies Map. 1820
Valn.[Valuation] Roll. 1819 |
004 |
[Situation] About 2 3/8 miles W. by N.[West by North] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A farm house and outhouses in middling repair with a large farm of land attached Occupied by Mr Walker of Bellsbank, and is the property of the Hon. Col. [Honourable Colonel] McAdam Cathcart of Craigengillan. |
OS1/20/7/13 |
Coran of Portmark
Coran of Portmark
Corran |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan
Ainslies Map |
004 |
[Situation] 1 mile W. [West] of Woodhead Leadmines
A large hill on the farm of Portmark its surface is rocky heathy pastire, and on it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Curn of Portmark." It is a Conspicuous part of an irregular range |
OS1/20/7/13 |
Polmeadow Burn
Polmeadow Burn |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] Running N.[North] Westerly passing near the north side of Polmeadow farm house
A Small Stream having its rise on the farm of Lamloch and running in a Westerly direction to its influx with "Loch Doon." |
OS1/20/7/13 |
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Parish of Carsphairn
Form 136 Page 43 Portmark
42 Coran of Portmark - [note] "It is a prominent part of an irregular range" [Arrow pointing to Coran of Portmark ] "Probably written by
mistake "
42 Polmeadow Burn |
OS1/20/7/14 |
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[Blank page] |
OS1/20/7/15 |
Polcorroch Burn
Polcorroch Burn
Pollcorroch Burn |
James Weir
James Sloan
Charles Wilson |
004 |
[Situation] Running N.E. [North East] from the north side of KnocKower thence N.E [North East] to it its junction with Green Burn
A small stream having its rise on KnocKower and running in a North Easterly direction to its confluence with Green Burn. |
OS1/20/7/15 |
Knockour |
Charles Wilson
James Weir
Ainslies Map |
004 |
[Situation] 3/8 miles NW by W.[North West by West] of Woodhead Lead Mines
A tolerably sized hill on the farm of Woodhead, its surface is rocky heathy pasture land. |
OS1/20/7/15 |
Garryhorn Burn
Garryhorn Burn
Garryhorn Burn
Garryhorn Burn |
James Weir
James Sloan Charles Wilson
Ainslies Map |
004 |
[Situation] Running E.[East] passing at the S.[South] side of Woodhead Lead Mines
A considerable stream having its rise on the farm of Garryhorn and running in an Easterly direction to its conflux with the "Water of Deugh" |
OS1/20/7/15 |
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Parish of Carsphairn
Form 136 Page 45 Polcorroch Burn
49 Knockower
45 Garryhorn Burn |
OS1/20/7/16 |
Garryhorn Rig
Garryhorn Rig
Garryhorn Rig |
James Weir
James Sloan
Charles Wilson |
004 |
[Situation] At the N.E.[North East] side of Woodhead Mines
A low hill of a ridge like shape on the farm of Garryhorn (hence the name) its surface is rocky heathy pasture On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Garrow Rig" |
OS1/20/7/16 |
Weavers Dam
Weavers Dam |
Charles Wilson
James Weir |
004 |
[Situation] At Woodhead Lead Mines
A small pond at Woodhead Lead Mines, it was made by a party of weavers who were out of employment, hence the name Weavers Dam. |
OS1/20/7/16 |
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Parish of Carsphairn
Form 136
Page 45 Garryhorn Rig
49 Weavers Dam |
OS1/20/7/17 |
Woodhead Lead Mines
Woodhead Lead Mines
Woodhead Lead Mines |
Charles Wilson
James Weir
James Sloane |
004 |
[Situation] About 1 1//8 miles S.[South] of Woodhead farm house and about 2 5/8 miles NE.[North East] of the South end of Loch Doon.
A small village on the estate belonging to the Hon. Col.[Honourable Colonel] Cathcart and situated about one mile and 5/8 West of Carsphairn Village, its houses are all one story high slated and in good repair, and are wholly inhabited by miners, It has an excellent Library, and Schoolhouse, the former Containing many hundreds of volumes, and is chiefly supported by the Miners with an occasional grant from the Hon. Col.[Honourable Colonel] McAdam Cathcart who is sole proprietor of the village & Mines. The schoolhouse is more ample and commodious nor any in the district, and a liberal salary is given by the proprietor and his [Mrs] to both the Schoolmaster and the female teacher, the former having £100. &. the latter £28. with free dwellings. Population of the village is about 330, 150 of whom are daily employed at the Lead Mines which is situated at the village. The lead Mines were commenced in 1838 and has been carried on with great Spirit by the proprietor who takes a great interest in the worKs. The Machines for washing and crushing the lead are of the most improved principles, & the Wheel used for moving the crushing apparatus is about 30 ft.[feet] in diameter, driven by water obtained from the neighbouring Mountains. |
OS1/20/7/17 |
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Parish of Carsphairn
- Form 136 Page 46 Woodhead Lead Mines |
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Parish of Straiton
Plan 4B
Names of Objects -- Pages
Castle Island -- 24
DucKers Stone -- 27
Loch Doon -- 23
Loch Doon Castle (in ruins) -- 25
Pickmaw Isles -- 27
Carrick Lane -- 28
Carrick Isle -- 28
Donald's Island -- 24
Gull Islands -- 28
Davis Straits -- 28 |
OS1/20/7/22 |
[Page] 22
[Blank page] |
OS1/20/7/23 |
Loch Doon
Loch Doon
Loch Doon
Loch Doon |
James Sloan
Andrew Murdoch
Nich. Hist. [Nicholson's History] of Galloway Page 16 (appendix)
Ainslie's Map |
004 |
[Situation] At the West Side of the parish of Carsphairn.
A large and highly picturesque sheet of Water of about 5½ miles in length and varying from one eigth of a mile to one mile in breadth, it has numerous island nearly all of which have names, but the principal one is Called Castle Island On which Stands the ruins of an old Stronghold or Castle Called 'Loch Doon Castle' (see Description) This Lake is supplied by many Mountain Streams and Springs within itself and empties ts Surplus waters by the 'River Doon' into the Frith of Clyde. It abounds with Pike and Trout of excellent quality and Salmon ascends to it in the Spawning Season. The most part of the Eastern Margin of the Lake forms the boundary line betwixt the Counties of Ayr & Kirkcudbright. |
OS1/20/7/23 |
4 -- Parish of Straiton --[Page] 23 |
OS1/20/7/24 |
Castle Island
Castle Island |
James Sloan
Andrew Murdoch |
004 |
[Situation] In the Southern part of Loch Doon About 7/8 mile N. by E [North by East] from the South point of the Loch.
An irregularly shaped Island in the Southern portion of Loch Doon. On the centre of stands the ruins of Loch Doon Castle hence the name 'Castle Island' |
OS1/20/7/24 |
Donald's Island
Donald's Island
Donald's Island
Donald's Island |
James Logan
A Chalmers
A Murdoch
Robert Gammel |
004 |
[Situation] 1 1/8 miles N. by E [North by East] of Castle Island.
An Island near the Western margin of Loch Doon, said to have been used as the burying place for & by the inhabitants of Loch Doon Castle. Another tradition exists saying that One of the King Donalds was enterred on it. |
OS1/20/7/24 |
[Page] 24
Parish of Straiton of Dalmellington
Form 136 Page
47 Castle Island
53 Donald's Island |
OS1/20/7/25 |
LOCH DOON CASTLE (in ruins) |
Loch Doon Castle (in ruins)
Loch Doon Castle (in ruins)
Castle of Loch Doon
Castle |
James Sloan
Andrew Murdoch
Nich. Hist. Gall. Vol. 1 [Nicholson's History of Galloway Volume 1] appendix P. [Page] 18
Ainslies' map |
004 |
[Situation] In the central part of Castle Island.
The ruins of an old Castle or Stronghold Supposed to have been built some time in the 13th. Century, situated on a rocky Island in Loch Doon. It is built in a figure (not regular) of a 11 sides, averaging about 66 feet in diameter, and its walls about 6ft. [feet] in thickness and standing pretty entire about two stories in height, from its situation, it must have been a place of great strength and inpregnable before the use of gunpowder was known. It is said in Nicholson's Hist. [History] of Galloway Vol. [Volume] 1 (Appendix) P. [Page] 17, that, It belonged to the Lords of Carrick, the Ancestors of King Robert the Bruce. And in the Tytler's History of Scotland rendered essential service to the King, took refuge in his own Castle of Loch Doon; but it was pusillanimously given up to the English by Sir Gilbert de Corrie the hereditary keeper thereof.' "Tradition States, that when the English in 1319 beseiged the Castle of Loch Doon, being unable to take it by Storm, they raised an embankment of earth and stone, lined with raw hides to prevent the water from oozing through the rampart, across the place where the lake discharges itself; hoping thereby to inundate the Castle. The work was finished; and the water rising rapidly. One of the Soldiers named McNab Volunteered to destroy the caul or rampart and being a good swimmer, he took the water at midnight, with a large bonnet
[Continued on Page 26] |
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[Page] 25
Parish of Straiton Ayrshire |
OS1/20/7/26 |
LOCH DOON CASTLE (in ruins) |
[Continued] |
"Sword, folded in his Cape, with which he succeeded in cutting several large holes in the hides through which the water rushed with such force, sweeping away everything in its course, that he was carried down in the current, and consequently lost his life in saving his companions; but in gratitude for the service he had rendered his Country, a grant of land was conferred on his Son, which bears the name of Macknabton to this day.
In the dry summer of 1826, some fishing parties from Dalmellington discovered 9 canoes in the deep water of the Lake near to the Castle; three of them were lifted entire; they were formed of Oak tree; and must have been the boats used at the time by the inmates of the Castle. The largest of them is now in the museum of Glasgow, the other are sunk in a place made for them at the foot of the Loch, where they are placed for the gratification of the curious, In one of the Canoes were found a battle axe, and the Sole and upper part of a Lady's shoe; the sole was entire the upper part of which had been sewed to the Sole by fine thongs seemed much decayed. the shoe is in the possession of Mr. Train of Castle Douglas' See Nicholson's Hist. [History] of Galloway in Appendix P. [Page] 18. |
OS1/20/7/26 |
[Page] 26 |
OS1/20/7/27 |
Pickmaw Isles
Pickmaw Isles |
Andrew Murdoch
James Sloan |
004 |
[Situation] About 3/8 mile S. by W [South by West] of Castle Island.
Two small Islands in the Southern portion of Loch Doon, their name originated from a small species of Guls (Called in this Country Pickmaws) resorting it and building their nests for the purpose of raising their young. |
OS1/20/7/27 |
Ducker's Stone
Ducker's Stone |
James Sloan
Andrew Murdoch |
004 |
[Situation] 26 Chains S by W. [South by West] of Castle Island.
A considerable Stone situated a short distance North of Pickmaw Isles, its name originated from a Species of Cormorants (Called in this locality Duckers) resorting it. |
OS1/20/7/27 |
[Page] 27
Parish of Straiton Ayrshire
[Note] Pickmaw, A bird
of the Gull Kind, &c
Jamieson's Scottish Dicty. [Dictionary] |
OS1/20/7/28 |
Gull Islands
Gull Islands |
A. Murdoch
Robert Gammel |
004 |
[Situation] About 2 miles NNE [North North East] of Castle Island.
Three Islands in and near the centre of Loch Doon, they are much frequented by Gulls hence the name. |
OS1/20/7/28 |
Carrick Lane
Carrick Lane |
Andrew Murdoch
Alexander Murdoch |
004 |
[Situation] Running into Loch Doon at the north Side of Carrick Isle.
A considerable Stream or burn having its rise in Loch Mackitrick and flowing E [East] Westerly to its junction with Loch Doon |
OS1/20/7/28 |
Carrick Isle
Carrick Isle |
A Murdoch
Alexander Murdoch |
004 |
[Situation] ¼ mile S.W. [South West] of Castle Island.
A point of land on the western side of Loch Doon, it is bounded on the N.W. [North West] by Carrick Lane and on the E. & S.E. [East & South East] by Loch Doon. |
OS1/20/7/28 |
Davis Straits
Davis Straits |
A. Murdoch
Robert Gamel |
004 |
[Situation] 2 miles N. by E. [North by East] of Castle Island
See description in Name List for plan 4A |
OS1/20/7/28 |
[Page] 28
Parish of Straiton
Form 136 page
53 Gull Islands
55 Carrick Lane
55 Carrick Isle
Davis Straits |
OS1/20/7/29 |
Craigencolon |
Andrew Murdoch Portmark
Alexander Howitson Lamloch via Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small eminence on the farm of Lamloch the Surface of which rocky heathy pasture Situated to the North of Black Craig |
OS1/20/7/29 |
Eldrick |
James Sloan Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small rocky eminence on Black Craig the Surface of which is rocky heathy pasture. |
OS1/20/7/29 |
[Page] 29
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B
Parish Carsphairn
Craigencolon - Hill
Eldrick - Hill
[Signed] Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant]
16th. Octr. [October] 1849 |
OS1/20/7/30 |
[Page] 30
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Plan 4B - Trace 1
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/7/31 |
Black Craig |
Andrew Murdoch Portmark Lamloch via Carsphairn
James Sloan Schoolmaster Carsphairn |
004 |
A large Hill on the farm of Lamloch the Surface of which is rocky pasture. on its Summit is a [Trigonometrical Station] Called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] party Lamloch Hill |
OS1/20/7/31 |
Cairndubbin |
004 |
A large granite rock of an oval shape on the farm of Lamloch And Situated near the eastern Margin of 'Loch Doon' |
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[Page] 31
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examr. [Examiner]
Plan 4B Trace 1
Parish Carsphairn
Black Craig - A hill
Cairndubbin - A Rock
[Signed] Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant]
16th. Octr. [October] 1849 |
OS1/20/7/32 |
Blackcraig |
Andrew Murdoch Portmark
Alexander Houston Lamloch via Carsphairn |
004 |
The ruins of an old house on the farm of 'Lamloch'. Situated North of 'Black Craig' from which it takes its Name It was formerly occupied as a farm house on the Site of the is a Sheep Ree erected. |
OS1/20/7/32 |
[Page] 32
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examr. [Examiner]
Plan 4B Trace 1
Parish Carsphairn
Blackcraig - Ruins
[Signed] Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant]
16th. Octr. [October] 1849 |
OS1/20/7/33 |
Little Craig |
David Mitchell n.s. Woodhead via Carsphairn
James Sloane Schoolmaster Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small hill on the farm of 'Lamloch' the Surface of which is rocky pasture. |
OS1/20/7/33 |
Lamloch Burn |
004 |
A Small Stream rising on the farm of Woodhead And flowing in a N.E. [North East] direction passing Lamloch (hence the name) farm And ultimately flowing into 'Carsphairn Lane' |
OS1/20/7/33 |
[Page] 33
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 2
Parish Carsphairn
Little Craig - A hill
Lamloch Burn - A Stream
[Signed] Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant]
27th. Octr. [October] 1849 |
OS1/20/7/34 |
Lamloch |
David Mitchell n.s.Woodhead via Carsphairn
James Sloane Schoolmaster n.s. Carsphairn |
004 |
A farm house two Stories high, with Suitable out offices, all Slated and in good repair, attached is a considerable Sheep farm also a garden well Stocked with fruit trees, Ocupant Mr. WalKer Bellsbank Proprietor James McMillan Esqr. Ayrshire |
OS1/20/7/34 |
[Page] 34
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 2
Parish Carsphairn
Lamloch - a farm house
[Signed] Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant]
27th. Octr. [October] 1849 |
OS1/20/7/35 |
Lamloch Free Church |
David Mitchell Woodhead via Carsphairn
James Sloane Schoolamster Carsphairn Village |
004 |
A house one Story high And in good repair, on the farm of 'Lamloch' (hence the name) The ground for the erection of the Building was granted by James McMillan Esqr. Ayrshire. It was erected in the year 1846. the total Amount for the building of it cost £310. Part of it was given by the Church building funds, And the rest of it by privet Subscription, It has Sitting accommodation about 370 persons Their are 140 Communicants ans The Minister who administers the Gospel in it is Revd. [Reverend] Edward Herran, his Stipend is 125£ per year. |
OS1/20/7/35 |
[Page] 35
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan Civil Asst. [Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 2
Parish Carsphairn
Lamloch Free Church - A house
[Signed] Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/20/7/36 |
[Page] 36
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/7/37 |
Green Burn
Green Burn |
James Sloane n.s. School Master Carsphairn
David Mitchell n.s. Woodhead via Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small Stream which Rises in the farm of Woodhead And runs in a N. [North] Easterly direction it Receives in its Course Polcorroch Burn And empties itself into Carsphairn Lane a little North, of the junction of the farms of Woodhead Brockloch And Garryhorn. |
OS1/20/7/37 |
Woodhead |
James Sloane n.s. School Master Carsphairn
David Mitchell n.s. Woodhead via Carsphairn |
004 |
A farm house And Offices in Good repair with a Considerable farm of land Attached the chief part of which is Rocky Heathy pasture it is in the Occupation of David Mitchell And is the property of F. McAdam Cathcart Esqr. Craigengillan |
OS1/20/7/37 |
[Page] 37
List of Names collected by William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 3
Parish Carsphairn
Green Burn - A Stream
Woodhead - A House
[Signed] William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
October 22nd. 1849 |
OS1/20/7/38 |
Carsphairn Lane
Carsphairn Lane |
James Sloane n.s. School Master Carsphairn
David Mitchell n. Woodhead via Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small Stream which has for its Source Lawford Burn & Meadowhead Burn And runs in a Southerly direction Receiving in its Course Several Small tributaries which Swells it Considerably Before its Influx into the Water of Deugh a Short distance N. [North] West from Carsphairn village from which it takes the name. |
OS1/20/7/38 |
Woodhead Bridge
Woodhead Bridge |
James Sloane n.s. School Master Carsphairn
David Mitchell n. Woodhead via arsphairn |
004 |
A Small Wooden Bridge Over Carsphairn Lane about One furlong East from Woodhead farm house, from which it takes the name. |
OS1/20/7/38 |
[Page] 38
List of Names collected by William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 3
Parish Carsphairn
Carspahirn Lane - A Stream
Woodhead Bridge - A Bridge
[Signed] William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant]
October 22nd. 1849 |
OS1/20/7/39 |
Bracken Hill |
David Mitchell n.s.Woodhead via Carsphairn
James Sloane Schoolmaster n.s. Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small arable knoll immediately N.W. [North West] of Woodhead " farm house It derives its name from a quantity of fern (called in the locality bracKens) growing on it. |
OS1/20/7/39 |
Tormoid Knowe |
David Mitchell n.s.Woodhead via Carsphairn
James Sloane Schoolmaster n.s. Crasphairn |
004 |
A small rocky heathy knoll on the farm of 'Woodhead' Nothing is known in the locality As to the origin of its name. |
OS1/20/7/39 |
[Page] 39
List of Names collected by William Rewan C/A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 3
Parish Carsphairn
Bracken Hill - A Knoll
Tormoid Knowe - A Knoll
[Signed] William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant]
October 27th. 1849 |
OS1/20/7/40 |
[Page] 40
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/7/41 |
Polmeadow |
Andrew Murdoch N. PortmarK via Carsphairn
James Sloane N.S. School Master Carsphairn |
004 |
The Ruins of a farm house to which was attached a farm of the Same name at one time it is now attahed to the farm of portmark |
OS1/20/7/41 |
Black Craig |
for Description See Orthography of Trace No. 1 |
OS1/20/7/41 |
[Page] 41
List of Names collected by William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 4
Parish of Carsphairn
Polmeadow - Ruins
Black Craig - A Hill
[Signed] William Rewan CA. [Civilian Assistant]
October 17th. 1849 |
OS1/20/7/42 |
Coran of Portmark
Coran of Portmark |
Andrew Murdoch N. PortmarK via Carsphairn
James Sloane N.S. School Master Carsphairn |
004 |
A large & High hill on the farm of portmarK the Surface of which is RocKy Heathy pasture on its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] party Curn of portmarK |
OS1/20/7/42 |
Polrobin Burn
Polrobin Burn |
Andrew Murdoch N. PortmarK via Carsphairn
James Sloane N.S. School Master Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small Stream which rises in the farm of portmarK it runs in a Westerly Direction And empties itself into Loch Doon a little North of portmarK farm house |
OS1/20/7/42 |
Polmeadow Burn
Polmeadow Burn |
Andrew Murdoch N. PortmarK via Carsphairn
James Sloane N.S. School Master Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small Stream which Rises in the farm of Lamloch from which it takes the name it Runs in Westerly Direction passing thru' [through] A portion of the North end of portmarK farm it empties itself into Loch Doon near the Boundary of the farms of potmarK & Lamloch. |
OS1/20/7/42 |
[Page] 42
List of names collected by William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 4
Parish of Carsphairn
Coran of Portmark - A Hill
Polrobin Burn - A Stream
Polmeadow Burn - A Stream
[Signed] William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] Octr. 17/49 [October 17th 1849] |
OS1/20/7/43 |
Pickmaw Isles
Pickmaw Isles |
Andrew Murdoch N. PortmarK, Carsphairn
James Sloane N.S. School Master Carsphairn |
004 |
Two Small islands Situated in the Southern Portion of 'Loch Doon' They derive their name from a Small kind of gulls (called in the locality picKmews) building their nests and rearing their young in them. |
OS1/20/7/43 |
Portmark |
Andrew Murdoch N. PortmarK, Carsphairn
James Sloane N.S. School Master Carsphairn |
004 |
A farm house And offices in middling repair, attached is a large Sheep farm Consisting Chiefly of rocky & heathy Pasture. Occupier Mr WalKer Bells Bank Proprietor Col. [Colonel] McAdam Cathcart Craigengillan Barbeth, via Dalmellington Ayrshire. |
OS1/20/7/43 |
[Page] 42
List of names collected by William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 4
Parish of Carsphairn
Pickmaw Isles - Islets
Portmark - farmhouse
[Signed] William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] Octr. [October] 17th. 1849 |
OS1/20/7/44 |
Port Stone
Port Stone |
Andrew Murdoch N. PortmarK via Carsphairn
James Sloane N.S. Schoolmaster Carsphairn |
004 |
A large and Conspicuous Stone (or rock) on the eastern margin of 'Loch Doon' situated a short distance N. [North] of 'PortmarK' farm house The Authorities here given State that there is a tradition existing in the locality respecting the origin of this name viz. That in 1316 the English tooks boats and embarKed at this Stone for the purpose of besieging 'Loch Doon Castle' |
OS1/20/7/44 |
Cat's Stone |
Andrew Murdoch N. PortmarK via Carsphairn
James Sloane N.S. Schoolmaster Carsphairn |
004 |
A very large and conspicuous Stone near the eastern margin of 'Loch Doon' And convenient to 'PortMarK' farm house as to the origin of its name nothing is known in the locality. |
OS1/20/7/44 |
[Page] 44
List of Names collected by William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 4
Parish of Carsphairn
Port Stone - Rock
Cat's Stone - Stone
[Signed] William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] Octr. [October] 17th. 1849 |
OS1/20/7/45 |
Polcorroch Burn |
James Weir n. Woodhead
James Sloane n.s. Carsphairn
Charles Wilson n. Woodhead, Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small Stream taking its rise on Knockower & Estate of Colonel Cathcart, & flowing in an Easterly direction to its influx with the Green Burn |
OS1/20/7/45 |
Garryhorn Burn |
James Weir n. Woodhead
James Sloane n.s. Carsphairn
Charles Wilson n. Woodhead, Carsphairn |
004 |
A considerable burn taking its rise on the farm of Garryhorn flowing in an Easterly direction to its influx with the Water of Deugh |
OS1/20/7/45 |
Garryhorn Rig |
James Weir n. Woodhead
James Sloane n.s. Carsphairn
Charles Wilson n. Woodhead, Carsphairn |
004 |
A low hill of a ridge like form on the farm of Garryhorn the Surface of which is rocky heathy pasture on it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical Station] called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party Garrow Rig. |
OS1/20/7/45 |
[Page] 45
List of Names collected by David Mason Pte. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st Examiner
Plan 4B
Parish of Carsphairn
Polcorroch Burn - Burn
Garryhorn Burn - Burn
Garryhorn Rig - Hill
[Signed] David Mason Pte. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
17th. October 1849 |
OS1/20/7/46 |
Woodhead Lead Mines |
Charles Wilson n.s. Woodhead
James Weir n. Woodhead
James Sloane n.s. Carsphairn |
004 |
A Small Village on the Estate of Colonel Cathcart, the greater part the Houses are in good repair And all of them one Story high, it is wholly occupied by Miners employed at the lead mines. The mines are in the midst of the Village they formerly afforded a good supply of lead but for the last few years they have only yielded from 3 to 4000 bars of lead yearly where as in former years they have been Known to yield 20,000 bars in a year, The Sole proprietor is the [--] Colonel Cathcart, who takes a great interest in the works, the Machines for [working] & crushing the lead are on the most improved principles. Silver was extracted from the lead for a few times but owing to the Small quantity of it got, [it] discontinued, There is a libaray of some hundred Vols. [Volumes] belonging to the [--] Supported by contributions and an occasional grant from Colonel Cathcart, A School House for education of the miners Children is also Supported by Colonel Cathcart The Salary of the Master is [£--] & Mistress £28 yearly with a free house & garden the average number of attendance is about 40 & the branches taught are reading writing and arithmetic. The population is about 330 & the number employed at the mines is about 150 men and boys. The mines were first commenced in the year 1838. |
OS1/20/7/46 |
[Page] 46
List of names collected by David Mason Pte. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 5
Parish of Carsphairn
Woodhead Lead Mines - Village
[Signed] David Mason 17th. October 1849 |
OS1/20/7/47 |
Castle Island |
James Sloane n.s. Schoolmaster Carsphairn
Andrew Murdoch n.s. PortmarK via Carsphairn |
004 |
An irregularly shaped rocky island Situated in the Southern portion of Loch Doon near the Centre of this island Stands Loch Doon Castle (in ruins) hence the name. |
OS1/20/7/47 |
Ducker's Stone |
James Sloane n.s. Schoolmaster Carsphairn
Andrew Murdoch n.s. PortmarK via Carsphairn |
004 |
A Considerable Stone Situated a Short distance N.W. [North West] of PicKmew Isles. It derives its name from a species of Cormorant Called in the locality ducKer) resorting to it. |
OS1/20/7/47 |
[Page] 47
List of Names collected by William Rewan C/A [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 4
Parish of Carsphairn
Castle Island - An island
Ducker's Stone - A large Stone
[Signed] William Rewan C/A [Civilian Assistant]
17th. October/49 [1849] |
OS1/20/7/48 |
[Page] 48
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/7/49 |
Knockower |
Carles Wilson ns Woodhead
James Weir n. Woodhead |
004 |
A Middling Sized hill on the Farm of Woodhead & Estate of Colonel Cathcart the Surface consists of rocky Heathy pasture |
OS1/20/7/49 |
Weaver Dam |
Carles Wilson ns Woodhead
James Weir n. Woodhead |
004 |
A Small pond at Woodhead Mines it was made by a party of Weavers that were out of employment hence the name. |
OS1/20/7/49 |
[Page] 49
List of Names collected by David Mason Pte. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 5
Parish of Carsphairn
KnocKower - Hill
Weavers Dam - Pond
[Signed] David Mason
Pte. RS&M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 17th. October/49 [1849] |
OS1/20/7/50 |
[Page] 50
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/7/51 |
Loch Doon
Loch Doon
Loch Doon |
James Sloan n.s. Schoolmaster Carsphairn
Andrew Murdoch n. PortmarK via Dalmellington
Nich. Hist Gal. [Nicholson's History of Galloway |
004 |
A large And irregularly shaped lake presenting an highly interesting a picturesque piece of water, island & mountain Scenery, extending N. & S. [North & South] for About 9 Miles, varying in breadth generally from 1 to ½ a Mile, the greater part of its eastern margin forms that part of the boundary between the Shires of Ayr & KirKcudbright. It is studded with numerous islands, nearly all of which have names, but the one of most note is 'Castle Island' (see description) on which Stands Loch Doon Castle (in ruins) (See description) It is well stocked with pike And trout of good quality And is frequented by Salmon in their Spawning Season it is Supplied by many mountain Streams And Springs within itself And empties its Superfluitant water by 'River Doon' into the 'Frith of Clyde'. |
OS1/20/7/51 |
[Page] 51
List of names collected by William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 4
Parish of Carsphairn
Loch Doon - A lake
[Signed] William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] Octr. [October] 17th. 1849 |
OS1/20/7/52 |
LOCH DOON CASTLE (in ruins) |
Loch Doon Castle (in ruins)
Loch Doon Castle (in ruins) |
James Sloan n.s. Schoolmaster Carsphairn
Andrew Murdoch n. PortmarK via Dalmellington |
004 |
The ruins of a Castle or Stronghold, built it is Supposed in the 13th. Century on a Solid rock on an island (Castle Island) Situated in the Southern portion of Loch Doon It is built in a figure (not regular) of 11 Sides, its diameter averaging about 66 feet, its walls are about 6½ feet thick And Stand pretty entire to a height of two Stories. It appears by its insular Situation to have been a place of great strength And easily defended, a few brave And determined men might have held it out against a numerous And opposing force history (Nich. Hist. Gal.) [Nicholson's History of Galloway]) proves this for mention is made of its [being] more than once besieged but to no effect until given up by treachery or Cowardice. In 1306 it belonged to Sir Christopher de Seaton who took shelter in it from the English forces, but it appears to have been pusillanimously given up to them by Sir Gilbert de Corrie hereditary Keeper thereof (See Tyt. Hist. Scot Vol.1 [Tytler's History of Scotland Volume 1] |
OS1/20/7/52 |
[Page] 52
List of Names collected by William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 4
Parish of Carsphairn
Loch Doon Castle Ruins
[Signed] William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] Octr. [October] 17th. 1849 |
OS1/20/7/53 |
Gull Islands |
Andrew Murdoch n & s PortmarK Carsphairn
Robert Gammel n & s Dalmellington |
004 |
Three Islands Situated in about the centre of Loch Doon, mush frequented by Sea Gulls in the breeding Season hence the name. |
OS1/20/7/53 |
Donalds Island |
Andrew Murdoch n & s PortmarK Carsphairn
Robert Gammel n & s Dalmellington |
004 |
A small Island Situated on the western margin of Loch Doon, connected with the land when the Loch is low. but was always Surrounded by water previous to the tunnels being made and since generally in the Winter Season Mr. Chalmers of Loch head States that it traditionally reported of it having been the burial place for the inhabitants of Loch Doon Castle, and Mr. Murdoch States that he has heard it Said
(Turn over) |
OS1/20/7/53 |
[Page] 53
List of Names Collect by John Bray C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 1
Parish of Straiton
Gulls Island - Islands
Donalds Island - An Island |
OS1/20/7/54 |
[Continued] |
James Logan n & s Lamboughty Dalmellington
A Chalmers n & s Loch head Carsphairn |
004 |
that one of the King Donalds was buried on it. which gave rise to the name, the former tradition is the one most generally Known and believed |
OS1/20/7/54 |
[Page] 54
John Bray C.A. [Civilian Assistant] May 3rd. 1850 |
OS1/20/7/55 |
Carrick Isle |
Andrew Murdoch n & s PortmarK
Alexander Murdoch n & s Craigmulloch Carsphairn |
004 |
A Point of Land on the Western margin of Loch Doon (formed by it and Carrick Lane, hence the name) the Surface of which is rough pasture Rocks and Boulders. |
OS1/20/7/55 |
Carrick Lane |
Andrew Murdoch n & s PortmarK
Alexander Murdoch n & s Craigmulloch Carsphairn |
004 |
A considerable Size mountain Stream having its Source in Loch MacKiltricK and flowing in a Westerly direction empties into Loch Doon, at CarricK Isle. |
OS1/20/7/55 |
[Page] 55
List of Names Collected by John Bray C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st. Examiner
Plan 4B Trace 4
Parish of Straiton
CarricK Isle - A point of Land
CarricK Lane - A Stream
[Signed] John Bray C.A. [Civilian Assistant] May 13th. 1850
W Driscoll Gosset
Lieut. R. [Lieutenant Royal] Engineers
Octr. [October] 31 1850. |
OS1/20/7/56 |
OS1/20/7 [Page] 56
7 Kirkcudbrightshire
Plan 4B
Names of Parishes -- Page
Carsphairn -- 1
Straiton (Part of Ayrshire) -- 21 |