
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Craig More Hill
Craigmore Hill
Craigmore Hill
Craigmore Hill
Robert Lackie
Mr Hislop
John Grierson
Mr Joseph Welsh Provost
Mr McGowan Archt [Architect]
027 [Situation] About 1 mile E.S. [East South] East of Lochfoot.
A hill on the farm of Mains of Hills, it is nearly all covered with heath except where the rocks project out of the ground It is the property of Mr McCulloch of Ardwell
MAINS OF HILLS Mains of Hills
Mains of Hills
Mains of Hills
Mains of Hills
Mains of Hills
Robert Lackie
Mr Hislop
Val [Valuation] Roll (1819) page 65
Mr Joseph Welsh Provost
Mr McGowan
027 [Situation] About 1 mile S.E. [South East] by East of Lochfoot,
A large farm house with Offices attached & in good repair. The property of Mr McCulloch of Airdwell
Foreside Hill
Foreside Hill
Foreside Hill
Foreside Hill
Robert Lackie
Mr Hislop
Mr Lindsay
Mr Joseph Welsh Provost
Mr McGowan
027 [Situation] About 1 1/8 miles S.E. [South East] of Lochfoot
A considerable sized hill on the farm of Foreside the soil of which is partly arable situated about 20 chains South of Mains of Hills farm house

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 41
Parish of Lochrutton

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