
Continued entries/extra info

[page] 15
Parish of Troqueer
Plan 27C

Names of Objects -- Page
Bushcroft -- 17
Back Castlehill -- 23
Castle Hill -- 19
Castle Hill Moat -- 20
Castlehill -- 20
Corrie Hall -- 23
Crearyhill -- 26
Entryfoot -- 18
Four Mile House -- 27
Goldielea -- 25
Hillhead -- 28
Kilnford -- 18
Lennox's Tower -- 21
Long Wood -- 27
Millhill -- 19
Marthrown Water -- 27
Marthrown of Woodhead -- 28
Terraughtie -- 17
Turnfine -- 24
Tregallan -- 24
West Hill -- 21
Woodfort -- 28
Dalskairth Hill -- 26
Hillhead Hill -- 25
Dalbeattie Trust -- 25
Long Hill -- 26
Mail &. New Galloway Trust -- 22
Marthrown Hill -- 27

Transcriber's notes

Chris - I understood - perhaps wrongly - that we transcribe index pages in one column, with no breaks - without a new line for each letter of the alphabet. I can understand your changing my pages where there are spaces left by the collector, but not as they are here, unless I have misunderstood again.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Moira L- Moderator

  There are no linked mapsheets.