OS1/20/29/1 |
Parish of Minnigaff
Plan 14A
Name of Objects -- Page
Black Craig -- 9
Buchan Burn -- 10
Brishie -- 14
Black Gairy -- 17
Bushy Burn -- 19
Caldron Burn -- 8
Craig NeldricKen -- 11
Craignairny -- 17
Craignaw -- 18
Dungeon Hill -- 15
Dry Loch -- 15
Dungeon Burn -- 19
Eglin Lane -- 4
Ewe Rig -- 14
Gala Lane -- 16
Howe of the Caldron -- 7
Kirriereoch Hill -- 5
Kirn Burn -- 10
Loch Twachton -- 6
Little Spear -- 6
Loch Arron -- 11
Loch Enoch -- 12
Little Craignaw -- 17
Long loch of the Dungeon -- 19
Millmore -- 3
Merrick -- 7
Nick of the Dungeon -- 20
PulsKaig Burn -- 15
Rig of Millmore -- 3
Rig of Munshalloch -- 8
Redstone Rig -- 9
Rig of Loch Enoch -- 10
Round Loch of the Dungeon -- 20
Saugh Burn -- 5
Sluice of Loch Enoch -- 13
Seggy Gut -- 18
Willies Sheil (in ruins) -- 4 |
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[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/29/3 |
Millmore |
John Murray
A. McMillan
Ainslies Map 1820 |
007; 008 |
[Situation] About 1¼ miles N.N.E. [North North East] of Loch Tirachtan
A Small hill on the farm of Kirriereoch, it surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. it is Situated on the North end of the 'Rig of Millmore' to which it gave name. |
OS1/20/29/3 |
Rig of Millmore
Rig of Millmore |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] Lying S. [South] of Millmore
A considerable hill of a ridge like shape on the farm of Kirriereoch its Surface Consists of rocky heathy pasture, On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Millmore' This Hill is bounded on the Western Side by a Small Stream which forms part of the County boundary. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
Form 136 Page
32 Millmore -- Maol mor, The larg rocky brow
33 Rig of Millmore |
OS1/20/29/4 |
Eglin Lane
Eglin Lane
Eglin Lane
Sluce Burn |
John Murray
A. McMillan
Robert Lennox
Ainslies' Map |
009: 014 |
[Situation] Running in a Northerly direction forming the Co. By. [County Boundary] between Ayr & Kirkcudbright
A considerable Stream or burn having its Source in Loch Enoch and flowing in a Northerly direction (receiving Saugh Burn in its course) to its influx with Loch Doon. For about 2 miles from its source it forms the boundary line betwixt the Shires of Ayr and Kirkcudbright. |
OS1/20/29/4 |
Willie's Shiel (in ruins)
Willie's Sheil (in ruins)
Willie's Sheil (in ruins) |
John Murray
Alexander McMillan
Robert Lennox |
008 |
[Situation] About 1½ miles N.E. by N. [North East by North] of Loch Twachton
The ruins of a Shepherds house on the farm of Kirriereoch. The Authorities for the name says that it was built for a Shepherd [his] whole christian was Willie or William. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
Form 136 Page
34 Eglin Lane - Eigh linne, The cold or icy Pool or deep Stream
35 Willie;s Sheil (in ruins) - Sheil, A hut for those who have the care of Sheep or Cattle. |
OS1/20/29/5 |
Kirriereoch Hill
Kirriereoch Hill
Kirriereoch Hill
Carroch Hill |
William McMillan
Robert McMillan
Robert McMillan
Ainslies Map |
007 |
[Situation] Lying about ½ mile W. by N. [West by North] of Loch Twachton
A considerable hill on the farms of Kirriereoch & Tarfassoch from the former it has the name, its Surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Kerrioch Ct. Pt. E. ' [Centre Point East] The boundary line betwixt the Counties of Ayr and Kirkcudbright goes over the top of it. |
OS1/20/29/5 |
Saugh Burn
Saugh Burn |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
008 |
[Situation] Running in a N.E. by E. [North East by East] direction from Loch Twachton to Eglin Burn.
A Small Stream or burn having its Source in Loch Twachtan and running in a N. North] Easterlydirection to its influx with Eglin Lane, it has its name from the Willows (growing on its margin) which are generally Called Saughs, by the Scotch. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
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37 Kirriereoch Hill - Carradh or Carraig an fhroich, A rock or rocky place abounding in heath
40 Saugh Burn - Saugtree, A willow |
OS1/20/29/6 |
Loch Twachtan
Loch Twachtan
Loch Twachtan |
John Murray
Alexander McMillan
Ainslies Map 1820 |
007; 013 |
[Situation] About 1¼ N.N.W. [North North West] of Loch Enoch.
A small loch on the farms of Stroan and Kirriereoch, it is the Source of Saugh Burn, the origin of its name is not known in the locality. |
OS1/20/29/6 |
Little Spear
Little Spear
Little Spear |
John Murray
William McMillan
R. Wilson |
013 |
[Situation] ½ mile S. by W. [South by West] of Loch Twachtan.
A Small eminence its surface consists of rocky pasture, And is Situated a short distance N. [North] from the Summit of the Merrick, its name originates from its Conical Appearance. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
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38 Loch Twachtan - This name may probably be from Loch an t-achdan i.e. the loch of the steep ascent or of the hillock
39 Little Spear |
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Howe of the Caldron
Howe of the Caldron |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
013 |
[Situation] About ½ mile S. [South] of Loch Twachton
A Small hollow on the N.E. [North East] Side of the Merrick, it is surrounded on all Sides but the N. [North] East, by precipices, it gives rise to the name of Caldron Burn which rises on it. |
OS1/20/29/7 |
Mearock |
Robert McMillan
James McMillan
John McMillan
James Milligan
Ainslies Map 1820
Simpsons Description of Galloway |
013 |
[Situation] About ¾ mile S. [South] of Loch Twachtan
For description see Name list for Plan 13B. |
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Form 136 Page
39 Howe of the Caldron
41 Merrick
Merrick, probably a Corrup. [corruption] of
the Gaelic Mor-Uchd i.e. A great
brow or Side of a hill. |
OS1/20/29/8 |
Caldron Burn
Caldron Burn
Caldron Burn |
John Murray
A. McMillan
Ainslie's Map 1820 |
014 |
[Situation] Running in an E.N.E. [East North East] direction from the Merrick to Eglin Burn
A Small Stream or burn taking its rise on the Howe of Caldron, and running in an Easterly direction to its influx with Eglin Lane. |
OS1/20/29/8 |
Rig of Munshalloch
Rig of Munshalloch |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] About ½ mile E. [East] of Loch Twachtan
A considerable hill of a ridge like Shape on the farm of Buchan, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
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39 Caldron Burn
40 Rig of Munshalloch
Munshalloch corrup. [corruption] of the Gaelic
Moine Seileach i.e. A bog
abounding in willows. |
OS1/20/29/9 |
Black Gairy
Black Gairy |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
013 |
[Situation] On the Merrick.
A very high and extensive precipice On the Northern and Eastern Sides of the Merrick. near its Western end the Eagles builds their nests, it has its name from its black or dark appearance. |
OS1/20/29/9 |
Redstone Rig
Redstone Rig |
John Murray
A McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] About 1 mile S.E by S. [South East by South] of Loch Twachtan
A hill of a ridge like shape on the East Side of the Merrick, its Surface Consists of rocky heathy pasture, it has its name from the red appearance of the Stones that are on it. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
Form 136 Page
43 Black Gairy - Gairy from the Gaelic Garbh aghaidh i.e. coarse or rocky face.
43 Redstone Rig |
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Kirn Burn
Kirn Burn
Kirn Burn |
John Murray
A. McMillan
R. Wilson |
013 |
[Situation] Running Southerly to its junction with Buchan Burn About 1½ miles S. by E. [South by East] of Loch Twachtan
A Small Stream or burn taking its rise on the Merrick, and running in a Southerly direction to its confluence with Buchan Burn. |
OS1/20/29/10 |
Buchan Burn
Buchan Burn |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
013; 014 |
[Situation] Running in a Southy. [Southerly] direction from the Southern portion of Redstone Rig
A considerable Stream or burn taking its rise on the Merrick and running in a Southerly direction receiving several Small tributaries, to its influx with Loch Truil. |
OS1/20/29/10 |
Rig of Loch Enoch
Rig of Loch Enoch
Rig of Loch Enoch |
John Murray
A. McMillan
William McMillan |
013; 014 |
[Situation] About 5/8 mile W. by S. [West by South] of Loch Arron
For description See Name Lists for Plan 13B |
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Form 136 Page
44 Kirn Burn
44 Buchan Burn
45 Rig of Loch Enoch
Enoch may be from the Gaelic
Aonach i.e. A heath, a hill, a Steep &c
or from Eunach i.e. Full of birds &c. |
OS1/20/29/11 |
Loch Arron
Loch Arron
Loch Arron |
John Murray
A. McMillan
Ainslie's Map 1820 |
014 |
[Situation] About ½ mile S. [South] of Loch Enoch.
A Small and irregularly shaped Lake, on the farm of Buchan, round its margin is a beautiful sort of White Sand, used much by mowers (who often come many miles for it) for the purpose of whetting their scythes, this loch abounds with trout of a large Size. |
OS1/20/29/11 |
Craig Neldricken |
John Murray
A. McMillan
Ainslie's Map 1820 |
014 |
[Situation] About ¼ mile N. [North] of Loch Arron
A tolerable Sized hill on the farm of Buchan, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture, Situated a short distance to the North of Loch Arron. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
Form 136 Page
45 Loch Arron
46 Craig Neldricken
Neldricken a separate word
as in Loch Neldricken on
Plan 14C |
OS1/20/29/12 |
Loch Enoch
Loch Enoch
Loch Enoch
Loch Enoch
Loch Enoch |
John Murray
A. McMillan
R. Wilson
Ainslies Map 1820
Topographical Dictionary |
014 |
[Situation] About 1¼ mile S.E. [South East] of Loch Twachtan
A considerable and very irregularly shaped Lake, in the North and wildest part of the Parish of Minnigaff, it is supplied by a few Small Streams and Springs within itself, and empties is Surplus waters at its most Northern point (Called 'Sluice of Loch Enoch) into Eglin Lane. It has several Islands and in the largest of which is a Small Lake or pool, and is traditionally handed down in the locality, that from the Circumstance of this pool being being on the Island, that the original name of the Lake was 'Loch in Loch' but is now not known by any other name nor 'Loch Enoch'. This Lake abounds with trout of a large Size and of excellent quality & is much frequented by Anglers. |
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Form 136 Page
47 Loch Enoch |
OS1/20/29/13 |
Sluice of Loch Enoch
Sluice of Loch Enoch |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] At the N. [North] end of Loch Enoch.
The outlet where Loch Enoch empties its Superfluitant Water into Eglin Lane, it has its name from its appearance, having some resemblance to a Sluice. - |
OS1/20/29/13 |
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Parish of Minngaff
Form 136 Page
46 Sluice of Loch Enoch |
OS1/20/29/14 |
Ewe Rig |
See Name List Plan 14C |
014 |
[Situation] At the S. [South] of Loch Arron. [Enoch]
For description see Name List Plan 14C |
OS1/20/29/14 |
Brishie |
Peter Kelly
A. McCutcheon
Ainslies Map 1820 |
014 |
[Situation] About 2 miles N. E. [North East] of Loch Arron.
A Small eminence on the north end of Dungeon Hill |
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Form 136 Page
Ewe Rig
63 Brishie |
OS1/20/29/15 |
Pulskaig Burn
Pulskaig Burn |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] Running in a N.E. by N. [North East by North] direction from Loch Enoch joining the Co. By. [County Boundary] Between Ayr & Kirkcudbright.
A Small Stream or burn taking its rise a short distance East of Loch Ennoch, and running in a N. [North] Easterly direction to its conflux with Gala Lane. |
OS1/20/29/15 |
Dungeon Hill
Dungeon Hill
Dungeon Hill
Dungeon Hill |
John Murray
A. McMillan
Robert Lennox
Ainslies Map |
014 |
[Situation] About 1½ miles N.E. [North East] of Loch Arron.
A considerable hill on the farm of Buchan, its Surface consists of heathy rocky pasture, The Origin of its name is not known in the locality |
OS1/20/29/15 |
Dry Loch
Dry Loch
Dry Loch
Dry Loch |
John Murray
A. McMillan
R. Lennox
Ainslies Map |
014 |
[Situation] About 1 7/8 mile N.E. by E. [North East by East] of Loch Arron
A Small Lake on the farms of Buchan & Lochhead, not known in the locality how it got the name. The boundary line betwixt the parishes of Minnigaff and Carsphairn runs through it. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
Form 136 Page
49 Pulskaig Burn
49 Dungeon Hill
50 Dry Loch |
OS1/20/29/16 |
Gala Lane
Gala Lane
Gala Lane
Gala Lane |
John Murray
A. McMillan
R. Lennox
Ainslies Map 1820 |
014 |
[Situation] Running in a N. [North] direction from Loch Dry.
A Small Stream having its Source in 'Dry Loch' and from which until it receives Pulskaig Burn, it is the boundary between parishes of Minnigaff and Carsphairn, thence to its influx with 'Loch Doon' it is the boundary betwixt the Shires of Ayr and Kirkcudbright. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
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50 Gala Lane |
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Craignairny |
John Murray
A. McMillan
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] At the E. [East] Side of Loch Enoch.
A Small hill on the farm of Buchan, its surface is rocky heathy pasture. not known in the locality how it got the name. |
OS1/20/29/17 |
Little Craignaw
Little Craignaw
Little Craignaw |
John Murray
A. McMillan
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] About 5/8 mile E.N.E. [East North East] of Loch Arron.
An eminence on the farm of Buchan, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture, it is situated close to the N. [North] West side of Craignaw. |
OS1/20/29/17 |
Black Gairy
Black Gairy |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] About 5/8 mile E.S.E. [Est South East] of Loch Arron.
An extensive precipice on the Western side of Craignaw, it derives its name from its black appearance. |
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Parish of Minigaff
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51 Craignairny
51 Little Craignaw
51 Black Gairy |
OS1/20/29/18 |
Craignaw |
John Murray
A. McMillan
Ainslie's Map 1820 |
014 |
[Situation] About 1 mile E. by S. [East by South] of Loch Arron.
A considerable Hill its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture [On] its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical Station] Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Craignaw Top' |
OS1/20/29/18 |
Seggy Gut
Seggy Gut |
John Murray
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] About 7/8 mile E [East] of Loch Arron.
A Small hollow N.E. [North East] side of Craignaw, in it is the source of Dungeon Burn, Seggy signifies the land abounding in Sedges (Scottish Dictionary) |
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Parish of Minnigaff
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52 Craignaw
51 Seggy Gut |
OS1/20/29/19 |
Dungeon Burn
Dungeon Burn |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] Flowing in a winding direction from Seggy Gut to the Long Loch of the Dungeon.
A Small Stream or Burn taking its rise on the Seggy Gut, and running ina N. [North] Easterly direction to its influx with 'Long Loch of the Dungeon.' |
OS1/20/29/19 |
Brushie Burn
Brushie Burn
Brishie Burn
Brishie Burn |
John Murray
A. McMillan
Peter Kelly
A. McCutcheon
See Brishie Page 14 |
014 |
[Situation] Running in a S.E. [South East] direction from the Long Loch of the Dungeon.
A small Stream or burn having its Source in 'Long Loch of the Dungeon' And running in a Southerly direction into Cooran Lane. |
OS1/20/29/19 |
Long Loch of the Dungeon
Long Loch of the Dungeon
Long Loch |
John Murray
A. McMillan
Ainslie's Map 1820 |
014 |
[Situation] About 1 3/8 mile E. by N. [East by North] of Loch Arron.
A Small Loch on the farm of Buchan, it is well Stored with trout, and is situated about 10 Chains South of Round Loch of the Dungeon, possibly it has took its name from 'Dungeon Hill' & its long Shape. |
OS1/20/29/19 |
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Parish of Minnigaff
Form 136 Page
52 Dungeon Burn
56 Brishie Burn
52 Long Loch of the Dungeon |
OS1/20/29/20 |
Nick of the Dungeon
Nick of the Dungeon |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] About 1 1/8 mile E.N.E. [East North East] of Loch Arron.
A considerable hollow between Craignaw and Dungeon Hill hence the name. |
OS1/20/29/20 |
Round Loch of the Dungeon
Round Loch of the Dungeon |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] About 1½ mile E.N.E. [East North East] of Loch Arron
A Small Lake on the farm of Buchan and Situated about 10 chains North of Long Loch of the Dungeon, it is well stored with trout & has its name from its proximity to Dungeon Hill & its round Shape. |
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Parish of Minnigaff
Form 136 Page
56 Nick of the Dungeon
54 Round Loch of the Dungeon |
OS1/20/29/21 |
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Parish of Carsphairn
Plan 14A
Names of Objects -- Page
Hunt Ha' Strand -- 25
Little Craigtarson -- 23 |
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[Blank Page] |
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Little Craigtarson
Little Craigtarson
Little Craigtarson |
John Murray
A. McMillan
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] About 5/8 mile N.E. [North East] of Dry Loch.
A hill on the farm of Loch Head, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture, On it's Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Craigtarson' |
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Parish of Carsphairn
55 Little Craigtarson |
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[Blank Page] |
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Hunt Ha' Strand
Hunt Ha' Strand |
John Murray
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] Running in a S. by W. [South by West] direction to its junction with March Burn ¾ mile E. by S. [East by South] of Dry Loch.
A Small Stream gathering a short distance East of Little Craigtarson, and running in a Southerly direction (passing Hunt Ha' hence the name) to its junction with 'March Burn' thence from this junction it is Called Saugh Burn. |
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Parish of Carsphairn
Form 136 Page
57 Hunt Ha' Strand |
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[Blank Page] |
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Parish of Kell
Plan 14A
Names of Objects -- Page
Cooran Lane-- 32
Downies Sheil -- 30
Downies Burn -- 31
Elderholm -- 30
Green Strand -- 31
March Burn -- 29
Saugh Burn -- 29
Tops of Craigeazle -- 32 |
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[Blank Page] |
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March Burn
March Burn |
John Murray
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] Running in a S.W. [South West] direction to where it is joined by Hunt Ha' Strand.
A Small Stream or burn taking its rise on the Western Side of Corserine and running in a S. [South] Westerly direction to its junction with Hunt Ha' Burn thence from this junction where the two meet it is Called Saugh Burn It derived its name from its being the boundary between the Parishes of Kells & Carsphairn |
OS1/20/29/29 |
Saugh Burn
Saugh Burn |
John Murray
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] Running in a winding direction & forming part of the By. [Boundary] between Kells & Minnigaff [Carsphairn]
A considerable Stream or burn being the continuation of 'Hunt Ha' Strand' and 'March Burn' flowing in a Southerly direction to its junction with 'Downies Burn' & from this junction it is called 'Cooran Lane' It forms part of the boundary between the parishes of Carsphairn and Kells. |
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Parish of Kells
59 March Burn
59 Saugh Burn |
OS1/20/29/30 |
Downies Sheil
Downies Sheil |
John Murray
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] About 1 mile E. [East] of Long Loch of the Dungeon
A Shepherds house in bad repair, on the farm of Garrary and situated near to the margin of Downies Burn, not known in the locality how it got the name. |
OS1/20/29/30 |
Elderholm |
John Murray
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] About 7/8 mile E. [East] of Long Loch of the Dungeon.
A Shepherds house, slated and in middling repair, on the farm of Bush, Some Elder bushes had grown at one time here, which gave rise to the name. |
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Parish of Kells
Form 136 Page
61 Downies Sheil
61 Elderholm |
OS1/20/29/31 |
Downies Burn
Downies Burn
Downies Burn
Downies Burn |
John Murray
A. McMillan
R. Lennox
Ainslie's Map 1820 |
014 |
[Situation] Running in a S.W. [South West] direction & passing between Downies Sheil & Elderholm
A considerable Stream or burn taking its rise on the Western Side of Milldown, and running in a S. [South] Westerly direction to its junction with Saugh Burn, these 2 Streams when united, take the Name of 'Cooran Lane' |
OS1/20/29/31 |
Green Strand
Green Strand |
John Murray
R. Lennox |
014 |
[Situation] Running in a Wy. [Westerly] direction to its junction with Downies Burn 27 chains below Elderholm.
A small Stream having its rise at the base of the 'Tops of Craigeazle' and running in a Westerly direction to its Confluence with 'Downies Burn'. |
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Parish of Kells
Form 136 Page
62 Downies Burn
62 Green Strand |
OS1/20/29/32 |
Tops of Craigeazle
Tops of Craigeazle |
John Murray
A. McMillan |
014 |
[Situation] About 1½ mile E by S [East by South] of Long Loch of the Dungeon.
A tolerable Sized hill on the farm of Garrary, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station] Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Craigezel. N. [North] ' |
OS1/20/29/32 |
Cooran Lane
Cooran Lane
Cooran Lane
Cooran Lane |
John Murray
A. McMillan
R. Lennox
Ainslies Map 1820 |
014 |
[Situation] Running in a Southerly direction from where Downies Burn joins Saugh Burn
For Description see Name List for Plan 14C. |
OS1/20/29/32 |
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Parish of Kells
Form 136 Page
62 Tops of Craigeazle
60 Cooran Lane |
OS1/20/29/33 |
Millmore |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
008 |
A small rocky heathy eminence on the farm of 'Kirriereoch' Situated on the northern end of 'Rig of Millmore' to which it gives name. |
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Rig of Millmore
Rig of Millmore |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
008 |
A considerable rocky heathy ridge on the farm of 'Kirreireoch' It is bounded on the N. [North] & west by Ayrshire. S. [South] by 'Saugh Burn' And East by 'Eglin Lane' on its northern portion is a Small eminence Called Millmore, Al to how either of these two objects obtained their names nothing is known in the locality Near its centre is a Trigl. ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Millmore'.
Note. The County boundary on its western side is a small streamlet for which no name can be obtained in the locality. |
OS1/20/29/33 |
[Page] 33
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 1
Parish of Minnigaff
Millmore - An eminence
Rig of Millmore - a ridge
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Labourer]
13th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/34 |
Eglin Lane
Eglin Lane
Eglin Lane
Edlin Lane |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart
Robert Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn
Ainslies Map |
014 |
A tolerably Sized Stream having its Source in 'Loch Enoch' flowing in a Southerly [Northerly] direction until it receives the 'Saugh Burn' thence its course is a little more easterly until its influx into 'Loch Doon' For about 2 miles from its Source it forms the boundary between the Shires of Ayr and Kirkcudbright.
*Note. During the length this Stream forms the County boundary Ainslie calls it the 'Sluce Burn' probably from the place where it rises out of Loch Enoch being Called the 'Sluce of Loch Enoch' but the farmers or Shepherds of the neighbourhood do not know it as 'Sluce Burn.' |
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[Page] 34
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 1
Parish of Minnigaff
Eglin Lane - A Stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
13th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
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Elgin Lane flows Northerly. |
OS1/20/29/35 |
WILLIE'S SHEIL (In ruins) |
Willie's Sheil (in ruins)
Willie's Sheil (in ruins)
Willie's Sheil (in ruins) |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart
Robert Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
008 |
The ruins of a Shepherds house on the farm of 'Kirriereoch' situated at the N. [North] Eastern edge of Rig of 'Millmore' and convenient to 'Eglin Lane' The Authorities here given State that this house was built by or for a shepherd whose name was Willie or William. |
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[Page] 35
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 1
Parish of Minnigaff
Willie's Sheil (in ruins)
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
12th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
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[Blank Page] |
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Kirriereoch Hill
Carroch Hill |
William McMillan n.s. Palgown via Newton Stewart
Robert McMillan n.s. Palgown via Newton Stewart
Robert Wilson n. Culsharg via N. [Newton] Stewart
Ainslie's Map |
007 |
A very high rocky heathy hill, having almost the appearnce of a mountain. It is Situated a Short distance N. [North] of the Merrick And on the farms of Kirriereoch (hence the name) And Tarfassach The boundary between the Counties of Ayr and Kirkcudbright runs along the top of this hill. It is of An oblong Shape extending east And west. On or near its eastern end is Trigl. ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] party 'Kerrioch Ct Pt. E.' [Centre Point East] |
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[Page] 37
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 2
Parish of Minnigaff
Kirriereoch Hill
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
13th Septr. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/38 |
Loch Twachtan
Loch Twachtan |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
007 |
A Small lake, supplied by some Small Streams that flow into it from the west. It is Situated between the farms of 'Stroan' & 'Kirriereoch' And is the Source of 'Saugh Burn' As to the origin of its name nothing is known in the neighbourhood. |
OS1/20/29/38 |
Fang of the Merrick
Fang of the Merrick |
W. McMillan n.s. Palgown via N. [Newton] Stewart
R. Wilson n. Culsharg via N. [Newton] Stewart |
013 |
A tolerably sized portion of flat, rocky land, on the farm of Stroan, Situated between the 'Merrick' & 'Kirriereoch Hill' |
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[Page] 38
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 2
Parish of Minnigaff
Loch Twachton - a lake
Fang of the Merrick - a tract of land
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
12th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/39 |
Little Spear
Little Spear
Little Spear |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
William McMillan n.s. Palgown N. [Newton] Stewart
R. Wilson n. Culsharg via N. [Newton] Stewart. |
013 |
A Small rocky eminence, Situated a short distance N. [North] from the Summit of the Merrick. It derives its name from its pointed or Conical appearance |
OS1/20/29/39 |
Howe of the Caldron
Howe of the Caldron |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
013 |
A small hollow on the N.E. [North East] Side of the Merrick. It is Surrounded on all sides (except that to the N.E. [North East]) by precipices, And it gives name to the 'Caldron Burn' which rises in it. |
OS1/20/29/39 |
Caldron Burn
Caldron Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
Ainslie's Map |
013 |
A Small Stream rising in the 'Howe of the Caldron' And flowing in a N. [North] Easterly direction to its influx into 'Eglin Lane' |
OS1/20/29/39 |
[Page] 39
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 2
Parish of Minnigaff
Little Spear - An eminence
Howe of the Caldron - a hollow
Caldron Burn - a Stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
12th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/40 |
Rig of Munshalloch
Rig of Munshalloch |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
008; 014 |
A Considerable rocky heathy ridge on the farm of Buchan Situated between 'Caldron Burn' 'Eglin Lane' And 'Saugh Burn' How it derived its name is not known in the locality. |
OS1/20/29/40 |
Saugh Burn
Saugh Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
008 |
A small stream having its Source in 'Loch Twachtan' And flowing in a N. [North] Easterly direction to its influx into Eglin Lane. It derived its name from some willows (Saugh Scots) having grown on its margin. |
OS1/20/29/40 |
[Page] 40
List of Names Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 2
Parish of Minnigaff
Rig of Munshalloch - a ridge
Saugh Burn - A Stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
12th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/41 |
Mearock |
Robert McMillan n.s. Palgown Via N. [Newton] Stewart
James McMillan n.s. Glekmalloch N. [Newton] Stewart
John McMillan Esqr. n.s. Newton Stewart
James Milligan n.s. Newton Stewart
Ainslie's Map
Simpson's Hist. Gal. [History of Galloway] |
013 |
The chief And most conspicuous of a group of rocky heathy mountains, And the most elevated in the South of Scotland. Extending North And South it is situated in the northern part of Minnigaff Convenient to the boundary between the Shires of Ayr and Kirkcudbright. On its northern side is a Steep rocky precipice called 'Black Gairy' where the eagles Annually build their nests and rear their young on its eastern side almost Surrounded by precipices in the 'Howe of the Caldron.' The approach to its Summit is precipitous or very abrupt, except that from the west or S. [South] West which is a gradual ascent of Some miles. The view from the Summit of this Mountain is varied, extensive, And picturesque embracing every kind of scenery from the bleak rocky heath clad hill to the umbrageously wooded and sylvan sloped dell, including the highly Cultivated lands of Wigtownshire with its towns, villages And gentlemen's Seats, To the N. & N.W. [North & North West] are seen the greater part of Ayrshire the Seaport of Ayr & its tall church Steeple, the Firth of Clyde, the Islands of Arran And Bute And the towering hills of the Shires of Argyle and Dumbarton in the distance To the W. & S.W. [West & South West] are Seen that isolated and Lofty rock Ailsa Craig and its apparent compear " Knockdolian," Mull of Cantyre, the Rhinns of Galloway from Corsewall point on the North to Mull of Galloway on the South.
Continued on next page |
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[Page] 41
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 2
Parish of Minnigaff
Merrick - A Mountain |
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Merrick (Continued) |
the Bay of Luce the Irish Sea, Irish Coast and hills from Fairhead Co. [County] Antrim to Mountains of Morne Co. [County] Down, in the Southern extremity of [this] view the high hills of the Isle of Man appear in bold relief. To the South are seen the River Cree winding its Serpentine Course to the Sea, the Bay And burgh of Wigtown. Towards the S.E. & E. [South East & East] can [be seen] the greater portion of Kirkcudbrightshire with its bays, promontories, woody glens And detached pieces of Arable and its Conspicuous hills Such as Criffel, Screel, Bengairn, Blackcraig, Cairnsmore, Millfore And Curleywee, the Solway Frith, the town of Whitehaven, the bold prominent headland of St. Bees, the blue hills of Lancashire and [Cumberland] And a great portion of Dumfriesshire. Towards the N.E. [North East] nothing can be seen but a wild series of [rocky] heathy hill on towering Above Another in point of view. From the Summit of this mountain on a fine clear day upwards of 30 lakes Can be Counted. On the whole this is perhaps one of the finest And most romantic views in the South of Scotland. It is on the farm of Stroan And forms part of the old Forest Lands On its Summit is a Trigl. ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] party Merrick Gt. Inst. [Great Intersected]
Note. Simpson in Hist. of Gal [History of Galloway] speaking of the 'Barony of the Forest' Says 'On which stands the famous Mountain of Mearock which overlooks all the other mountains for height. |
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[Page] 42
List of Names collected by [Samuel Barclay laborer]
Plan 14A Trace 1
Parish of Minnigaff
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Laborer
12th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/43 |
Black Gairy
Black Gairy |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
013 |
A very high and extensive precipice on the northern and eastern Sides of the 'Merrick' Near its western end the eagles annually build their nests and rear their young It derives its name from its black and dark appearance. |
OS1/20/29/43 |
Redstone Rig
Redstone Rig |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
014 |
A considerble rocky heathy ridge on the eastern side of the Merrick, Its eastern end being bounded by 'Loch Enoch' It derives its name from the red appearance of Some of the Stones on its Surface. |
OS1/20/29/43 |
[Page] 43
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 3
Parish Minnigaff
Black Gairy - a precipice
Redstone Rig - a ridge
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
13th. September 1849 |
OS1/20/29/44 |
Kirn Burn
Kirn Burn
Kirn Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart
R. Wilson n. Culsharg via Newton Stewart |
013 |
A Small Stream rising on the Southern Side of the Merrick And flowing in a S. [South] Easterly direction into 'Buchan Burn' |
OS1/20/29/44 |
Buchan Burn
Buchan Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
013; 014 |
A tolerably Sized Mountain Stream gathering on the eastern Side of the 'Merrick' And flowing in a Southerly direction receiving a few Small Streams in its Course And ultimately flowing into 'Loch Truil' This Stream derives its name from its having been at one time the boundary between the farms of 'Stroan' & 'Buchan'. |
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[Page] 44
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 3
Parish of Minnigaff
Kirn Burn - A Stream
Buchan Burn - A Stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
13th. Septr. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/45 |
Rig of Loch Enoch
Rig of Loch Enoch
Rig of Loch Enoch |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart
William McMillan n.s. Palgown via Newton Stewart |
013; 014 |
A considerable rocky heathy ridge on the farm of Buchan extending northeast And Southwest An Situated between Craignine And 'Loch Enoch' hence the name. On its highest point is a Trigl. ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party [Boffin Lr. [Lower].' |
OS1/20/29/45 |
Loch Arron
Loch Arron
Loch Arron |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart
Ainslies Map |
014 |
A Small and irregularly ahsped lake on the farm of Buchan Situated between 'Loch Neldricken' & 'Craigneldricken', round its margin is a beautiful Sort of white flinty sand, used by mowers (who often come many miles for it) for the purpose of whetting their scythes, It is well Stocked with trout of a large Size And good quality. No information regarding the origin of its name can be obtained in the neighbourhood. |
OS1/20/29/45 |
[Page] 45
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 3
Parish of Minnigaff
Rig of Loch Enoch - a ridge
Loch Arron - a lake
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
13th Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/46 |
Craig Neldricken |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
014 |
A tolerably sized hill on the farm of 'Buchan' Situated between 'Loch Arron' And 'Loch Enoch' Its Surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. How it got its name is not known in the locality. |
OS1/20/29/46 |
Sluice of Loch Enoch
Sluice of Loch Enoch |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton ] Stewart |
014 |
The outlet where 'Loch Enoch' empties its Superfluitant water into 'Eglin Lane' It derives its name from its natural appearance having some resemblance to a Sluice. |
OS1/20/29/46 |
[Page] 46
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 3
Parish of Minnigaff
Craigneldricken - a hill
Sluice of Loch Enoch - An outlet
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
13th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/47 |
Loch Enoch
Loch Enoch
Loch Enoch
Loch Enoch
Loch Enoch |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart
R. Wilson n. Culsharg via Newton Stewart
Ainslies Map
Topographical Dictionary |
014 |
A considerable and er irregularly Shaped lake in the northern and wildest part of Minnigaff parish, At the eastern base of the 'Merrick' It is supplied by a few very Small Streams An springs within itself And empties its Surplus water at its most northern point (called 'Sluice of Loch Enoch' ) into 'Eglin Lane' The view from the margin of this lake is quite contracted and as cold, bleak, and barren in appearance as might be imagined Nothing can be seen but a Series of rocky granite mountains one towering above another in point of view. Anglers undergo laborious travel when visiting this lake but they generally find themselves amply repaid by the trout which they take in it, these are mostly of a large And Some of an extraordinary Size And of excellent quality. It is greatly indented in its edges, these indentations forming many miniature bays and promontories, its beach being a sort of beautifully white flinty sand. In it are also a great many islands (none having a name) the largest of which is rather a natural Curiosity by its having a Small pool or lake in it. The Authorities here given State that there is a tradition in the locality that from this pool being in the island, the original or Ancient name of this lake was 'Loch in Loch' but it is now known by no other name than 'Loch Enoch' |
OS1/20/29/47 |
[Page] 47
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 3
Parish of Minnigaff
Loch Enoch - a lake
Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
13th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
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[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/29/49 |
Pulskaig Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart |
014 |
A Small Stream having its Source a short distance E. [East] of 'Loch Enoch' And flowing in a N.E. [North East] direction to its influx into 'Gala Lane' During its whole length it forms that part of the boundary between the Shires of Ayr & Kirkcudbright. |
OS1/20/29/49 |
Dungeon Hill |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart
R. Lennox . Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A considerable rocky heathy hill on the farm of 'Buchan' extending N & S [North & South] On its eastern side is a high precipice having no name. The origin of this name is not known in the locality. |
OS1/20/29/49 |
[Page] 49
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 4
Parish of Minnigaff
Pulskaig Burn - a Stream
Dungeon Hill - a hill
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
14th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/50 |
Dry Loch
Dry Loch
Dry Loch |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A Small lake on the farms of 'Buchan' and Lochead' the boundary between the parishes of Minnigaff and Carsphairn runs indefinetly from S. to N. [South to North] through this lake. Why it has got the appellation Dry is not known in the locality, as it has not been known to have been dry. (nor even partially) in the year 1826. |
OS1/20/29/50 |
Gala Lane
Gala Lane
Gala Lane |
X John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
X A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A Small stream having its source in 'Dry Loch' from which until it receives 'Pulskaig Burn' it is the boundary between the parishes of Minnigaff And Carsphairn thence to its influx into 'Loch Doon' it is the boundary between the Shires of Ayr and Kirkcudbright. It whole course is Southerly. [Northerly]
Note. The Authorities here marked X state that 'Gala' is a contraction of 'Galawa' the mode in which Galloway is mostly pronounced in this locality. |
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[Page] 50
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Labourer
Plan 14A Trace 4
Parish of Minnigaff
Dry Loch - a lake
Gala Lane - a Stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
14th. September 1849 |
OS1/20/29/50 |
Gala Lane flows North. |
OS1/20/29/51 |
Craignairny |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A considerable rocky heathy eminence on the farm of Buchan Situated between the Dungeon Hill And Loch Enoch. How it got its name is not known in the locality. |
OS1/20/29/51 |
Little Craignaw |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A tolerably sized rocky heathy eminence on the farm of 'Buchan' Situated on the N.W. [North West] Side of 'Craignaw' And from which it derives its name, with 'Little' in the contradistinction. |
OS1/20/29/51 |
Seggy Gut |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. Galloway
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A Small hollow on the N.W. [North West] Side of 'Craignaw' In it is the Source of the 'Dungeon Burn' How it got the name 'Seggy' is not known in the locality. |
OS1/20/29/51 |
[Page] 51
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 5
Parish Minnigaff
Craignairny - An eminence
Little Craignaw - an eminence
Seggy Gut - a hollow
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
14th. Septr. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/52 |
Black Gairy
Black Gairy |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart |
An extensive precipice on the western Side of 'Craignaw' It derives its name from its black appearance. |
OS1/20/29/52 |
Craignaw |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart
Ainslies Map |
014 |
A considerable rocky heathy hill black and bare in the extreme its surface being a complete Mass of granite rocks Almost devoid of verdure On its Summit is a Trigl. ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Craigna Top.' |
OS1/20/29/52 |
Brushie Burn
Brushie Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart |
014 |
A Small Stream having its source in Long 'Loch of the Dungeon' And flowing in a Southeasterly direction into 'Cooran Lane' |
OS1/20/29/52 |
[Page] 52
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 5
Parish Minnigaff
Black Gairy - a precipice
Craignaw - a hill
Brushie Burn - a Stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
14th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/53 |
Long Loch of the Dungeon
Long Loch of the Dungeon
Long Loch |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart
Ainslie's Map |
014 |
A Small and irregularly Shaped lake on the farm of Buchan. It extends S.E. and N.W. [South East and North West] And derives its name from the 'Dungeon Hill' And its long appearance. It is well Stored with pike & trout |
OS1/20/29/53 |
Dungeon Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart |
014 |
A small Stream having its source in the 'Seggy Gut' at first flowing in a Northerly And afterwards in a Westerly Course to its influx into Long Loch of the Dungeon |
OS1/20/29/53 |
Nick if the Dungeon
Nick of the Dungeon |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart |
014 |
A considerable rocky heathy hollow between Craignaw And Dungeon Hill hence the name. |
OS1/20/29/53 |
[Page] 53
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 5
Parish of Minnigaff
Long Loch of the Dungeon - a lake
Dungeon Burn - a Stream
Nick of the Dungeon - a hollow
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
14th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/54 |
Round Loch of the Dungeon
Round Loch of the Dungeon |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart |
014 |
A small lake on the farm of 'Buchan' It derives its name from its proximity to 'Dungeon Hill' And its round appearance when viewed from a distance And is well Stored with trout And pike of a large size. |
OS1/20/29/54 |
[Page] 54
List of names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 5
Parish Minnigaff
Round Loch of the Dungeon - a lake
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
14th Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/55 |
Little Craigtarson
Little Craigtarson
Little Craigtarson |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A considerable rocky heathy eminence on the farm of Loch Head, On its Summit is a Trigl.◬ [Trigonometrical Station] called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Craigtarson' & derives its name 'Little' in contradistinction to Big or Meikle Craigtarson Situated east of it. |
OS1/20/29/55 |
[Page] 55
Lit of names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 4
Parish Minnigaff
Little Craigtarson - An eminence
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
14th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/56 |
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[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/29/57 |
Hunt Ha' Strand
Hunt Ha' Strand |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A small stream rising a short distance E. [East] of Little Craigtarson, and flowing in a S.W. [South West] direction past 'Hunt Ha' (hence the name) to its junction with 'March Burn' these 2 when united take the name 'Saugh Burn.' |
OS1/20/29/57 |
[Page] 57
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 6
Parish Carsphairn
Hunt Ha' Strand - a stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
15th. September 1849 |
OS1/20/29/58 |
[Page] 58
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/29/59 |
March Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A small stream having its rise on the western side of 'Corserine' And flowing in a S.W. [South West] direction to its junction with 'Hunt Ha' Strand' these 2 Streams when united take the name Saugh Burn It derives its name from its being the march or boundary between the parishes of Kells & Carsphairn. |
OS1/20/29/59 |
Saugh Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A tolerably sized Stream being the continuation of 'March Burn' & 'Hunt Ha' Strand' flowing in a Southerly direction to its junction with 'Downies Burn' these 2 when united taking the name 'Cooran Lane' It also forms a part of the boundary between the parishes of Minnigaff & Kells. |
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List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 6
Parish of Kells
March Burn - a Stream
Saugh Burn - a Stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Labr. [Laborer]
15th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/60 |
Cooran Lane
Cooran Lane
Cooran Lane
Cooran Lane |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via N. [Newton] Stewart
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn
Ainslie's Map |
014 |
A considerable stream being the Continuation of 'Downies Burn' And 'Saugh Burn' from their junction, It pursues a Southerly Course being in some places remarkably deep in others Shallow having a bottom of beautiful white flinty Sand, these shallows being favorite spawning places for Salmon Some of which ascend above the head of this Stream. It ultimately flows into the 'Black Water of Dee' As to the origin of its name nothing is known in the locality. |
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List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 6
Parish of Kells
Cooran Lane - a stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Laborer
14th Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/61 |
Elderholm |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A shepherds house slated & in middling repair on the farm of 'Bush' Situated near the N.W. [North West] margin of 'Downies Burn' It derived its name from some elder bushes having grown at one time here. |
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Downies Sheil
Downies Sheil |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A Shepherds house in indifferent repair on the farm of Garrary Situated near to the Southern Margin of Downies Burn. In the locality it is not known whether the Burn gave name to the house or the house to the burn, or anything of the derivation of the word 'Downies' |
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List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 6
Parish Kells
Elderholm - a Shepherds house
Downies Sheil - A Shepherds house
[Signed] Samuel Barclay
Labr. [Laborer] 14th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/62 |
Tops of Craigeazle
Tops of Craigeazle |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart |
014 |
A tolerably sized rocky heathy hill on the farm of 'Garrary' On its Summit is a Trigl. ◬ [Trigonometrical Station] called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party 'Craigezel N. [North]'. |
OS1/20/29/62 |
Downies Burn
Downies Burn
Downies Burn
Dounies Burn |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via N. [New] Galloway
A. McMillan n.s. Glenhead via Newton Stewart
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn
Ainslies Map |
014 |
A tolerably sized mountain stream having its rise on the Western side of Milldown and flowing in a S. [South] Westerly direction past 'Downies Sheil' and 'Elder Holme' to its junction with 'Saugh Burn' these 2 Streams when united take the name 'Cooran Lane' |
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Green Strand
Green Strand |
John Murray n.s. Craigencallie via New Galloway
R. Lennox n. Cornarroch via Carsphairn |
014 |
A Small Stream rising at the northern base of 'Tops of Craigeazle' And flowing in a Westerly direction into 'Downies Burn' How it derived its name green is not known in the locality. |
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[Page] 62
List of Names collected by Samuel Barclay Laborer
Plan 14A Trace 6
Parish of Kells
Tops of Craieazle - a hill
Downies Burn - a stream
Green Strand - a Stream
[Signed] Samuel Barclay Laborer
15th. Sept. [September] 1849 |
OS1/20/29/63 |
Brishie |
Peter Kelly Back Hill of the Bush
A. McCutcheon Buchan |
014 |
A Small Eminence on the North End of the Dungeon Hill, and forms part of a Small range of hills of which Dungeon Hill is the most prominent Its Surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. |
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List of Names collected by Alfred Howse Pte. RS & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
Plan 14A Trace 4
Parish Kells
Brishie - A hill
[Signed] Alfred Howse Pte. [Private]
R.S. & M. [Royal Sappers & Miners]
12th. Novr. [November] 1849
W Driscoll Gosset
Lieut. Rl [Lieutenant Royal] Engineers
Jany [January] 27 1850 |
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29 -- OS1/20/29
Plan 14A
Names of Parishes -- Page
Minnigaff -- 1
Carsphairn -- 21
Kells -- 27