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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
MANOR CASTLE (Site of) Mannor Castle (Site of) Thomas Ritson Little Ross
Ainslies Map. 1796
054 The site of an ancient castle which at one time stood on a rocky cliff, at the South Point of the entrance to Balmangan Bay. Tradition says very little concerning this object of antiquity, it is said to have been one of those places of strength which were erected in ancient times, to repel invasions on the coast The only thing connected with it that can be distinctly traced is the remains of what appears to have been a fosse, at the western side of it.
Of this old Castle Symson in his history of Galloway , says
"Adjacent to Balmangan Bay is a promontory called the Mickle Ross
[continued on next page]

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 81
List of Names collected by Archibald Craig Pe R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners] 1st Examiner
Plan 54B Trace No 4
Parish of Borgue

Mannor Castle (Site of) - Site

[Signed] Archibald Craig Pe R S & M [Private Royal Sappers & Miners]
May 1st 1849

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Skinnb1- Moderator, Nellie- Moderator

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