OS1/20/142/3 |
East Preston
East Preston
Preston |
John Paterson
William Halliday
Ainslies Map 1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern |
047 |
[Situation] About 1 1/2 miles W.S.W, [West South West] of Arbigland
A farm house two stories high with office houses (including a thrashing mill) in good repair, having a farm of good arable land attached Occupied by John Paterson, the property of Alexander Oswald Esqr. of Auchencruive. |
OS1/20/142/3 |
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30 East Preston |
OS1/20/142/4 |
STONE CROSS [Preston] |
Cross |
Dr. [Doctor] Alexander Maxwell
William Murray
Ainsies Map (1820) |
047 |
[Situation] About 5 Chains E. by S. [East by South] of the farm house of East Preston.
This name applies to a Stone Cross about 7ft. in height, raised upon a base of Stone about 4 feet square.
It was found some years ago lying under the surface of the ground, and was erected by the proprietor as it now stands. This cross shews the place where a village Called Preston once stood. Some time ago this village is said to have been inhabited by 50 or 60 tenants, now there is not a vestige of any of their dwellings to be seen. |
OS1/20/142/4 |
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30 Stone Cross |
OS1/20/142/5 |
Preston Village (Site of)
Preston Village (Site of) Preston |
Rev. [Reverend] R Grierson
Rev. [Reverend] J.R. Duncan
Sinclair Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1792 |
047 |
[Situation] On the Site of East Preston and a little Eastward.
The Site of an ancient village on the lands of Preston, within the last Century it contained about 50 or 60 tenants, a jail and other public buildings, is supposed to have been in it. Not a vestige of it now remains. Save a Stone Cross about 7ft. [feet] in height of which See description in an adjoining page. This Village is said to have had been a burgh of regality and had the priviledge of holding 3 fairs annually, the above tradition was got from the Rev. [Reverend] Grierson and J.R. Duncan. The following is a quotation from Sinclair's Stat. [Statistical] Account. This village takes its name from the estate of Preston, upon which it stands. It formerly belonged to the regent Morton, and is now the property of Mr. Oswald. It is said to have been a burgh of regality, and had the privilege of 4 fairs in the year. Nothing now remains of its ancient privileges, but at the Cross poinds have lately been comprised. Some years ago, this village was inhabited by 24 farmers, at present there are only 3, with there cottagers." The farm house of East Preston stands on part of its site, but this house is of recent erection. |
OS1/20/142/5 |
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32 Preston Village (Site of) |
OS1/20/142/6 |
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[Blank Page] |
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Preston Cottage
Preston Cottage |
William Halliday
John Paterson |
047 |
[Situation] About 1 7/8 miles SW. by W. [South West by West] of Arbigland.
A small cothouse thatched and in bad repair, it is on the farm of West Preston the property of A. Oswald Esqr. of Auchencruive. |
OS1/20/142/7 |
Maxwell Field
Maxwellfield |
William Halliday
John Paterson
Ainslies Map (1820)
Valn. [Valuation] Roll modern |
047 |
[Situation] 1/8 mile WSW [West South West] of Arbigland
A farm house one story high with suitable Office houses (including a thrashing machine) in good repair having a farm of good arable land attached Occupied by William Halliday The property of J. Craik Esqr. of Arbigland. |
OS1/20/142/7 |
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29 Preston Cottage
29 Maxwellfield |
OS1/20/142/8 |
Moor |
William Halliday
John Paterson |
047 |
5/8 mile W. by S. [West by South] of Arbigland.
A Cot house thatched and in middling repair, it formerly had a farm of land attached, but it is now united with that Maxwellfield. |
OS1/20/142/8 |
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29 Moor |
OS1/20/142/9 |
Borron Hill
Borron Hill |
Rev. [Reverend Thomas Grierson
Rev. [Reverend] J.R. Duncan |
047 |
[Situation] About 1/2 mile NE by E [North East by East] of Arbigland.
A hill on the lands of Arbigland its surface consists of arable land On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trgonometrical] Party Borron Point. |
OS1/20/142/9 |
Borron Point
Borron Point
Borrow Point
Burron Point
Borron Point
Burron Point |
Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Grierson Rev. [Reverend] J.R. Duncan
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1845
Ainslies Map (1820)
Sinclairs Stat. [Statistical Account] (1792)
Admiralty Chart |
047 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile NE by E. [North East by East] of Arbigland
A considerable headland on the Sea Shore of the lands of Arbigland, its Shore side is very precipitous and is about 100 feet in height. |
OS1/20/142/9 |
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36 Borron Hill
36 Borron Point |
OS1/20/142/10 |
McCulloch's Castle
McCulloch's Castle
McCulloch's Castle
McCulloch's Castle |
Rev. [Reverend] J.R. Duncan
Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Grierson
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] (1845)
Ainslies Map (1820) |
047 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile ENE [East North East] of Arbigland.
A fortress situated on the Sea Coast of the lands of Arbigland. It is surrounded on the land side by a fosse or ditch and on the Sea side by a steep precipice about 100 feet in height. It is said that it was used as a place of strength during the invasions of the Border Thieves or Robbers, who at one time greatly infested this locality. It is not Known in this neighbourhood how it received the name, it is evidently from a person who had been called McCulloch. |
OS1/20/142/10 |
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33 McCulloch's Castle
[Note] At Borron Point there are the remains of a moat & ditch
Called McCulloch's Castle Overlooking the Solway, the former use of which
does not appear to be understood. - Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1845 - |
OS1/20/142/11 |
Arbigland |
Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Grierson
Rev. [Reverend] J.R. Duncan
Ainslies Map (1820)
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern
Admiralty Chart |
047 |
[Situation] About 2 miles NNE. [North North East] of Southerness.
A large and well built mansion ho. [house] 3 stories high. with a large Steading of offices in good repair, having a small demesne including a good garden attached. This house is presently occupied by Captain J. Best, and is the property of A Craik Esqr. |
OS1/20/142/11 |
Gardenfoot |
Rev. [Reverend Thomas Grierson
William Mackintosh
Ainslies Map (1820) |
047 |
[Situation] 18 Chain E. [East] of Arbigland
A neat Cottage in good repair with a Small garden attached, The property of A. Craik Esqr. of Arbigland. |
OS1/20/142/11 |
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38 Arbigland
35 Gardenfoot |
OS1/20/142/12 |
Paul Jones' Cottage
Paul Jones' Cottage |
Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Grierson
Rev. [Reverend] J.R. Duncan |
047 |
[Situation] About 17 Chains SW [South West] of Arbigland
A house one story high and in good repair situated about 16 chains S. by W. [South by West] of Arbigland Mansion and is the property of A. Craik Esqr. This Cottage was the birth place and residence, while in boyhood, of the notorious Paul Jones. His father was gardener at Arbigland. This Cottage was in a delapidated state some time prior to the year 1831, when Lieut [Lieutenant] Pinkham of the America navy, an enthusiastic admirer of the celebrated Paul, contributed the sum of £24 for the rebuilding or repairing of the Cottage, Since then it has ever retained the name of Paul Jones Cottage. |
OS1/20/142/12 |
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34 Paul Jones' Cottage
Birth pace of Lieutenant Commander Paul Jones |
OS1/20/142/13 |
Dunbar |
Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Grierson
Rev. J.R. Duncan
Anslies Map (1820)
Admiralty Chart |
047 |
[Situation] About 3/8 mile SW. [South West] of Arbigland
A few Cottages on the farm of Powillimount, they are in good repair, and are the property of A. Craik Esqr. of Arbigland. |
OS1/20/142/13 |
Powillimount |
Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Grierson
William Mackintosh ocupier
Ainsles Map (1820)
Admiralty Chart
Revd. [Reverend] J.R. Duncan |
047 |
[Situation] About 5/8 mile S by W [South by West] of Arbigland.
A farm house and out houses (including a thrashing machine) in good repair having a farm of land attached. The property or Alexander Craik Esqr. of Arbigland, Occupied by William Mackintosh. |
OS1/20/142/13 |
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35 Dunbar
35 Powillimount |
OS1/20/142/14 |
Thirl Stane
Thirl Stane
Thirle Stone
Thirle Stone
Thirl Stane |
Rev. [Reverend] Thomas Grierson
Rev. [Reverend] J.R. Duncan
Ainslies Map (1820)
Admiralty Chart
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1845 |
047 |
[About 35 chains S.S.E. [South South East] of Arbigland
A large rock about 100 feet Square having a natural gothic Arch thro' [through] it, and through which runs the flow and Ebb of the tide. The arch will admit of a common sized man to walk upright under it. It is situated on the Sea coast of the farm of Powillimount, and is considered to be one of the greatest Curiosities along this Coast. |
OS1/20/142/14 |
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27 Thirl Stane |
OS1/20/142/15 |
Loanningfoot |
John Hamilton
Robert McCaw
Ainslies Map (1820) |
047 |
[Situation] About 1 1/8 miles NW. of Southerness
Two small thatched Cottages in middling repair, they are on the farm of West Preston. The property of A. Oswald Esqr. Auchencruive. |
OS1/20/142/15 |
West Preston
West Preston
West Preston |
John Hamilton
Robert McCaw
Admiralty Chart |
047 |
[Situation] About 1 1/2 miles NW. [North West] of Southerness.
A farm house with office houses in good repair having a large farm of arable land attached. Occupied by Thomas Kirkconnel, and is the property of A. Oswald Esqr. of Auchencruive. |
OS1/20/142/15 |
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39 Loaningfoot
40 West Preston |
OS1/20/142/16 |
047 |
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047 |
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047 |
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047 |
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047 |
OS1/20/142/21 |
047 |
OS1/20/142/21 |
047 |
OS1/20/142/22 |
047 |
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047 |
OS1/20/142/24 |
047 |