
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Village of Mains
George Crosby
James McGill
Ainslies Map 1820
047 A small but neat built village [or] hamlet situated at the S. [South] eastern extremity of the parish of Colvend on the line of road that leads from Dumfries by Kirkbean to Dalbeattie and about 15 miles from the form[er] its houses are from one to 2 stories [in] height partly slated and partly [--] and in good repair. In it is a Fr[ee] Church a United Presbyterian Chu[rch] and an Inn or public house. Popula[tion] about 30 consisting chiefly of agricul[--] with a few mechanics. This village [is] named in honour of Sir James Riddle who was proprietor prior to Mark Stewart Esqr. of Southwick House

Continued entries/extra info

22 Parish of Colvend
Form 136 Page

67 Mainsriddle situation - At the Eastern extremity of the parish of Colvend and about 1/8 miles E By S. [East by South] of Southwick House

Transcriber's notes

Some word endings and short words have been missed by the scan on the far right of the page image.

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