OS1/20/137/1 |
[page] 1
Names of Objects -- Pages
Broomisle -- 5
Barlochan Wood -- 8
Barlochan Hill -- 9
Bogles Creek -- 14
Barlochan -- 15
Barlochan Mill -- 15
Barlochan Port -- 16
Craigterra -- 11
Coopers Knowe -- 4
Coalhole -- 4
Coalhole Wood -- 4
Clonyards -- 7
Clonyards Cottage -- 7
Clonshank -- 8
Courthill -- 9
Court Hill -- 9
Custom House -- 18
Deils Reach -- 20
Garden Reach -- 14
Garden Burn -- 14
Gardenburn -- 18
Glen Marsh -- 20
Kirkennan Hill -- 3
Kirkennan Plantation -- 3
Kirkennan -- 26
Kirkennan Cottage -- 10
Kirkclough Quay -- 11
Kirkclough Ford -- 11
Site of Kirkennan Church & Grave yard -- 12
Munshes Hill -- 3
Munshes -- 11
North Glen -- 19
Palnackie -- 17
Port House -- 17
Post Office -- 17
Palnackie Brae -- 18
Park Hill -- 19
Ramshaw -- 5
Ramshaw Wood -- 6
Reid Craig -- 6
Ravens Craig -- 10
Toull -- 5
Transalpin -- 8
Urr Water -- 13
Woodhead -- 19
Hardhills Trust -- 6 |
OS1/20/137/2 |
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/3 |
Munshes Hill
Munshes Hill
Munshes Hill |
Maxwell Hyslop
John McRoberts
Ainslies Map 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 3/4 miles N. by W. [North by West] of Palnackie village
A small hill on the lands of Munshes, it is thickly planted with wood consisting of Fir &c. On its summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Munchis Hill". |
OS1/20/137/3 |
Kirkennon Hill
Kirkennon Hill
Kirkennan Hill
Kirkennan Hill |
Maxwell Hyslop
John McRoberts
Plan 45B
Admiralty Chart |
046 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles N by W. [North by West] of Palnackie
A hill of an oval shape on the lands of Kirkennan, it is thickly planted with wood consisting of Firs &c. |
OS1/20/137/3 |
Kirkennan Plantation |
Plan 45 B |
046 |
[Situation] 1 1/8 miles N by W. [North by West] of Palnackie.
For description see name sheets for plan 45 B. |
OS1/20/137/3 |
[page] 3
Parish of Buittle
Form 136 Page
see spelling page 7 [Written in Modes of Spelling/Authority columns under Kirkennan Hill] |
OS1/20/137/4 |
Coopers Knowe
Coopers Knowe |
Daniel Kain
John McRoberts |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/2 miles north of Palnackie
A small house at the North Eastern margin of Colehole Wood. This house was built by a person who was by trade a Cooper, and was also occupied by him hence the name Coopers Knowe |
OS1/20/137/4 |
Coalhole |
Daniel Kain
John McRoberts
Samuel Coupland
John Black |
046 |
[Situation] 1 3/8 miles north of Palnackie
A small house in middling repair Situated at the Eastern margin of Colehole wood, |
OS1/20/137/4 |
Colehole Wood
Colehole Wood
Coalhole Wood
Coalhole Wood |
Daniel Kain
John McRoberts
Samuel Coupland
John Black |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 3/8 miles north of Palnackie
A considerable plantation on the lands of Munshes its wood composed of Oak Ash and Firs, it took its name from a small house on the Eastern side called Colehole |
OS1/20/137/4 |
[page] 4
Parish of Buittle
Form 136
Page 47 |
OS1/20/137/4 |
All Descriptions have some words not visible due to fold at spine. I have guessed them in some cases. |
OS1/20/137/5 |
Broomisle |
Daniel Cain
John McRoberts
Ainslies Map. 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 3/8 miles N. [North] of Palnackie
A small cottage in good repair on the Estate of Munshes, and situated about 10 chains East of Colehole, |
OS1/20/137/5 |
Toull |
Daniel Cain
John McRoberts
Ainslies Map. 1820
Samuel Coupland
John Black
Rent Receipts |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/4 miles N.by E. [North by East] of Palnackie
A farm house and out houses in good repair, having a small farm of land attached. Occupied by Robert McGhe, the property of W. Maxwell Esqr. of Munshies, |
OS1/20/137/5 |
Ramshaw |
David Cain
John McRoberts |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/8 miles N by E. [North by East] of Palnackie
A small house in and near N, [North] East side of Ramshaw wood and about 20 chains West by South of Toull farm house, |
OS1/20/137/5 |
[page] 5
Parish of Buittle |
OS1/20/137/6 |
Ramshaw Wood
Ramshaw Wood |
David Cairn
John McRoberts |
046 |
[situation] From 5/8 to 1 1/4 miles north of Palnackie
A considerable plantation on the lands of Kirkennan, its wood consists of Oak Ash Birch and Fir |
OS1/20/137/6 |
Reid Craig
Reid Craig |
Samuel Coupland
John Black |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/8 mile NNE [North North East] of Palnackie
A small eminence on the land of Kirkennan, planted with wood. |
OS1/20/137/6 |
Hardhills Trust |
List of Turnpike Trust Roads |
046 |
[Situation] Passing through the Parish of Buittle
This Trust extends from Palnackie By Hardhills to the mail road near Mollance. |
OS1/20/137/6 |
[page] 6
Parish of Buittle
Form 136
Page 80 |
OS1/20/137/6 |
Descriptions: some words are not clear due to fold at spine; in Description of Hardhills Trust, I have guessed Palnackie. |
OS1/20/137/7 |
Kirk-kennan House |
Daniel Cain
John McRoberts
Stat, Acct, [Statistical Account] 1845
valn. [Valuation] Roll - Anct. [Ancient]
Ainslies Map. 1845
valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern
Admiralty Chart |
046 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile NNE [North North East] of Palnackie
A small but neat mansion two stories high and in good repair, having Offices and a small portion of Ornamental attached it is the family residence of Robert Whyms Esqr. who is also proprietor |
OS1/20/137/7 |
Clonyard |
Maxwell Hyslop
John McRoberts
Ainslies map (1820)
valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 mile NNW [North North West] of Palnackie
A farm house and out houses in good repair having a considerable farm of land attached Occupied by John McRoberts the property of Mrs Robertson |
OS1/20/137/7 |
Clonyards Cottage
Clonyards Cottage |
Daniel Kain
John McRoberts |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 mile NNW [North North West] of Palnackie
A small neat cottage one story high having about 2 acres of land attached Occupied by John Thomson the property of Mrs. Robertson, |
OS1/20/137/7 |
[page] 7
Parish of Buittle
See Spelling in adjoining Plan [written in Authorities for Kirkennan, under Valuation Roll modern] |
OS1/20/137/8 |
Clonshank |
Daniel Cain
John McRoberts |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/8 mile NNW. [North North West] of Palnackie
A small house in middling --- on the farm of Barlochan and situated about 12 chains West of --- farm house Tranasalpin. |
OS1/20/137/8 |
Tranasalpin |
Daniel Cain
John McRoberts
Receipts for rent |
046 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile N by W. [North by West] of Palnackie
A small house and offices in good --- having a small farm of land attached Occupied by John Wallace, the property of Robert Whyms Esqr. of Kirkennan |
OS1/20/137/8 |
Barlochan Wood
Barlochan Wood |
Daniel Cairn
John McRoberts |
046 |
[Situation] From about 1/4 mile NNW [North North West] to about 7/8 mile NW. by N. [North West by North] of Palnackie.
A small plantation on the farm of Barlochan, its wood consists chiefly of Fir, |
OS1/20/137/8 |
[page] 8
Parish of Buittle
Form 136
46 - Clonshank, Tranasalpin; 49 - Barlochan Wood |
OS1/20/137/8 |
All Descriptions have some words obscured by fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/9 |
Barlochan Hill
Barlochan Hill |
Daniel Cain
John McRoberts |
046 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile NW by N [North West by North] of Palnackie
A tolerably sized hill on the farm of Barlochan its Surface consists of rocky pasture and partly planted with Fir trees. On its summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Barlochan" |
OS1/20/137/9 |
Courthill |
Daniel Cain
John McRoberts |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/2 mile N by W. [North by West] of Palnackie
A house two stories high and in good repair which formerly had a farm of land attached. but now is united with that Tranasalpin. |
OS1/20/137/9 |
Court Hill
Court Hill
Court Hill |
William McGhie
John Black
Samuel Coupland |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/2 mile N. [North] of Palnackie
A Small hill and farm of the Same name It is planted with wood. |
OS1/20/137/9 |
[page] 9
Parish of Buittle |
OS1/20/137/10 |
Ravens Craig
Ravens Craig |
Daniel Kain
John McRoberts |
046 |
[Situation] About 5/8 mile N. [North] of Palnackie
A large rock in Ramshaw Wood about 10 chains North of Courthill is a favourite resort for ravens hence the name Ravens Craig, |
OS1/20/137/10 |
Kirkennon Cottage
Kirkennon Cottage |
Daniel Cain
John McRoberts |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/2 mile N. by E [North by East] of Palnackie
A small house in good repair on the estate of Kirkennan, it is occupied by Daniel Cain, Labourer - |
OS1/20/137/10 |
[page] 10
Parish of Buittle
Form 136
Page 50 - Ravens Craig; 4? - Kirkennan Cottage
See Spelling page 7 [written under Kirkennan Cottage in Modes of Spelling column] |
OS1/20/137/10 |
Kirkennan Cottage: cannot decipher the number in the left hand column |
OS1/20/137/11 |
Munshes |
Daniel Cain
John McRoberts
Ainslies Map. 1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. Anct [Ancient]
Valn. [Valuation] Roll modern
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Kirkt. [Kirkcudbright] 1845 |
046 |
[Situation] 1 1/3 mile NNE. [North North East] of Palnackie
A substantial and commodious old building two stories high and in good repair. a short distance N by W [North by West] of the mansion stands the Offices, and a little to the West is a large flower garden having vineries &c., beside a considerable tract of ornamental ground attached, This house is the residence and property of Wellwood Maxwell Esqr. of Munshes. |
OS1/20/137/11 |
Mr. Maxwell's Letter date 6th June 1853 - ( In Page 13) |
046 |
[Situation] North of Munches about 10 Chains. |
OS1/20/137/11 |
Kirkclough Quay
Kirkclough Quay
Kirkclough Quay
Kirkclough Quay |
Daniel Kain
John McRoberts
William McGhie
John Black |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 mile NE [North East] of Palnackie
A small Quay or place where vessels of from 30 to 40 tons burthen can sail up during spring tides or high water. No harbour dues are lifted here, imports are Coal Lime &c, Exports farming produce |
OS1/20/137/11 |
Kirkclough Ford
Kirkclough Ford
Kirkclough Ford
Garclach Ford
Garclack Ford |
William McGhie
John Black
Samuel Coupland
Ainslies map
Admiralty Chart |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 mile NE of Palnackie
A ford across the Urr Water near Kirkclough Quay |
OS1/20/137/11 |
[page] 11
Parish of Buittle
Kirkclaugh Quay [an arrow leads from this to -] Mr Maxwell's Letter dated 6th June 1859 (In Page 13)
Kirkclaugh Ford to be adopted [an arrow leads from this to Kirkclough Ford in Orthography column] |
OS1/20/137/12 |
Site of Kirkennan church and Grave yard
Site of Kirkennan church and Grave yard |
Samuel Coupland
John Black |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/2 Mile N by E [North by East] of Palnackie
The Site of an old church and graveyard. This church appears to have been once the parish church and the parish name to have been Kirkennan No vestige of either church or Graveyard at present remains but there are persons living who remember to have seen fragments of human bones &, handles of coffins turned up by the plough in the place pointed as the site of the objects. - |
OS1/20/137/12 |
Site of Kirkennan church and Grave yard
Site of Kirkennan church and Grave yard |
Samuel Coupland
John Black |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/2 Mile N by E [North by East] of Palnackie
The Site of an old church and graveyard. This church appears to have been once the parish church and the parish name to have been Kirkennan No vestige of either church or Graveyard at present remains but there are persons living who remember to have seen fragments of human bones &, handles of coffins turned up by the plough in the place pointed as the site of the objects. - In the New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Kirkcudbrightshire is the following notice. - |
OS1/20/137/12 |
[page] 12
Form 136
G Text [written in pencil under placename in Orthography column]
[continuation of Description] - In the new Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] of Kirkcudbrightshire is the following notice. -
"No vestiges of the old church of Kirkennan now remains though the place where it stood is still
"pointed out. About 70 years ago when digging the ground around it handles of coffins and fragments
"of human bones were discovered. This burying ground has long been subjected to the plough; it probably
"ceased to be used as a place of interment when the church was removed to Buittle and a bury-ground was
"established there. No Monuments or grave stones were erected at Kirkennan at least no fragments of any such
"memorials now remain; perhaps at a remote period there were not erected in country parishes." |
OS1/20/137/13 |
Urr Water |
See Name Books for plans 25A D.G. &C |
046 |
[Situation] Forming the boundary between the parish of Urr & Buittle
A considerable Stream or burn having its source in Loch Urr and running in an Easterly direction to its influx with the Solway Frith, it receives in its course many tributaries all inconsiderable except Kirkgunzeon Lane which has a run of 10 or 11 Miles. The Urr with the exception of where it cut of a small portion of the parish of Urr, is throughout a boundary line, leaving Kirkpatrick Durham, Colvend and Urr on the East Balmaclellan, Parton Cross Michael and Buittle on the West, About 4 1/4 Miles before its influx with the Solway, it begins to expand into an estuary, and at its embouchure between Hestan Island and a Headland on the East, It has a breadth of nearly two miles, It is navigable to the Dub of Hass at Dalbeattie for considerable craft for 3 Miles above its incipient expansion or 7 miles above its embouchure. In Wet Seasons it abounds with Salmon of which considerable numbers are caught, but in dry seasons they can get little higher than the flow of the tide. |
OS1/20/137/13 |
[page] 13
Parish of Buittle |
OS1/20/137/13 |
Description: 'To the Dub of Hass at Dalbeattie' has been written in a different hand in the Authority column, with an arrow to it. |
OS1/20/137/13A |
[page] 13A
O.S.O. Dumfries
11th Jany. [January] 1854.
Dear Gosset
You promised some time ago to send me the [5 ft.] plan of Dumfries mounted but as you may have forgotten it in the pressure of business if you will send me the unmounted sheets I will put them together here. - A good many people have been inquiring about it and I think some copies would sell, I have shown the original |
OS1/20/137/13B |
[page] 13B
manuscript plans to a good many of the Dumfriesians. - Mr. Maxwell of Munches also told me he had sent some of the published sheets of Kirkcudbright to O.S.N.O. some months since in which he had marked what he thought were errors, and as he has heard nothing more about them I conclude they were probably put on one side and forgotten, I told him you had more to do than you could well get through. - It is the peoples own fault they take no interest in the survey when it is going on and when it is all finished they begin to find mistakes in names &c. - Believe me
ever yrs. [yours] truly
R. Stotherd
I hope that these have been looked to ---
Name Books &c to be Returned of the Sheets to Lt. [Lieutenant] Stotherd when some other sheets which are |
OS1/20/137/13B |
The last two lines are written by two different hands |
OS1/20/137/13C |
[page] 13C
Mr. Muir, Factor to the Earl Selkirk are returned
The Remnants of Any C ---
all be sent to the ---
for Examination at the ---
[signed] [J.F.] |
OS1/20/137/13C |
The top line is too dark/dirty to be read, and many of the words on the right hand side of the page are not visible. |
OS1/20/137/13D |
[page] 13D
12 May 1853
Dear Sir
I am in receipt of your letter of the 10th and lose no time in informing you that the Parties who stated that there were inaccuracies in the orthography and names of places in the ordnance Maps of the Stewarty were Mr Muir Factor to the Earl of Selkirk, & Mr. Maxwell of [Brerch]
Factor to Mr Maxwell of Terregles
To be attached to
Name Bk. [Book] 46 A Page 13 |
OS1/20/137/13D |
The last two lines are written in a different hand. |
OS1/20/137/13E |
[page] 13E
Ihave not myself had any opportunity of examining minutely any of the published maps.
I may mention however that I have heard many Proprietors express astonishment that they were never applied to regarding the names of places on their Estates & I can state for myself that I never was in any way approached on the subject
I am dear sir
Yours truly
Millwood Maxwell
Capt. [Captain] Gosset
R.N. [Royal Navy] |
OS1/20/137/13F |
[page] 13F
1. Lord Selkirk was I think applied to / Yes, according to name sheets.
2. Mr Maxwell of Terregles
ditto - No -
3. What say the name books to this? I think our Examiners will have quoted Mr Maxwell of Munches about Dalbeattie
It appears not - |
OS1/20/137/13G |
[page] 13G
9 June 1853
Dear Sir
I am in receipt of your letter of the 30 ult. inclosing two sheets of the Survey of the Stewartry - I have gone carefully over these sheets and submitted them to Mr. McKnight of Barlochan who has made Several remarks in Pencil which I believe to be correct. They are,
1. The Site of Kirkennan Church in wrong field -
2 For Bogles Creek read Garden Creek -
3 Palnackie Post office marked to wrong House -
4 Deil's Reach should be more to the West -
5 Tartillyan in Colvend, should be Tarlillyan -
I have made the following corrections in Red Ink -
Parish of Urr.
6 For Stubslap read Stubligget
7 For Kirkclough read Kirkclaugh. (In two places)
8 For quarries read Old Land quarries
9 For Gally read Galla |
OS1/20/137/13H |
[page] 13H
10 At Meikle Dalbeattie is no Quarry. only Some Rock from which occasionally a few Stones have been split -
Parish of Buittle
11 For Buittle Bridge read Craignair Bridge -
12 Redweil is in Urr Parish alone -
13 There is no Foot Bridge to Coalhole - It is a common Pend over a ditch used for Carts -
14 The Quarries at Broomisle are Gravel Pits -
15 Craigterra Rock omitted -
The following points would seem to require explanation or further inquiry -
16 At Colvend Church you mark a Grave yard but you omit it at Southwick old church & at
16a Urr church. Why is this?
17 Dalbeattie Quay is on the North side of the River not the South -
18 The Bridge at Stepend is only a Foot Bridge -
19 Are the Marches of the Parishes of Buittle & Urr correctly laid down at Forth head and Moat of Urr?
20 Gibbs Hole at the Mouth of the Urr seems omitted, but it may be in the next sheet -
21 If the names of all houses are given, there are 6 or 7 Cottages on the Estate of Munches |
OS1/20/137/13I |
[page] 13 I
Not named -
22 The word Inks is very common - What does it mean ? -
The above are all the remarks I have to make on the sheets --- - I am not however enough acquainted with Colvend Parish to venture on any corrections there - I am inclined to think that the spelling is not always correct -
The Diagram to which you refer in your letter was not in the packet -
I am
Dear Sir
Yours truly
Wellwood Maxwell
Capt. [Captain] Gosset
NB This Letter to be attached to Name Book 46 A Page 13
Remarks ansd. [answered]
[signed] 11th March 1854. |
OS1/20/137/13J |
[page] 13 J
Ordnance Survey Office
Dumfries 26th May 1853.
I returned from Gatehouse last night. On my way back I called on Mr. Maxwell of Munches and found him exceedingly courteous. He talked with me about the Survey for nearly an hour and seemed decidedly favourable to it and said he knew of no errors to refer me to. I shewed him the Gatehouse Sheet &c. In reference to the question about errors he mentioned that he had heard Mr. Muir Writer &c Kirkcudbright say that some names were incorrect - probably only supposed incorrect by Mr. Muir -
Mr. Maxwell said that if you would send him a Sheet or two of his neighbourhood he would gladly examine the names and return the Sheets with any remarks he might have to offer - he also said that he would be glad to have a small index showing the parts contoured and published. The
Captain Gosset R.E. [Royal Engineers]
Lord Selkirk's factor -
Did we not refer all Lords' names to his Lordship
Yes, and names that were sanctioned both by the East and W. [West] Muir, are now objected to by the same Parties. R -
To be attached to Name Bk [Book]
46 A Page 13 |
OS1/20/137/13K |
[page]13 K
The Police Commissioners of Gatehouse wish you to have the goodness to inform Mr.McKinn their Clerk &c the cast of a plan of their Burgh on a Scale of 24 inches to a mile and on a scale of 5 ft. to a mile -
By the act of Parliament they should provide themselves with a plan on a scale not less than 5 ft. to a mile and they wish to obey the Act if possible - Could not a good 5 ft. olan be given them from the Six Inch Survey with a very careful examination -
The town of Haddington was Surveyed for the Six Inch and [---] &c on the 5 ft. and it Seemed to answer very fairly -
I will forward the Gatehouse Boundary papers tomorrow -
[signed] J. Winzer
Sergt. RS.M. [Sergeant Royal Sappers and Miners]] |
OS1/20/137/14 |
Garden Reach
Garden Reach |
Captn. [Captain] Wilson
Thomas Dalling |
046 |
[Situation] About 3/8 mile N by E. North by East} of Palnackie
A bend in the Urr Water. situated 1/4 Mile North of Palnackie village |
OS1/20/137/14 |
Garden Burn
Garden Burn |
Thomas Dalling
Captn. [Captain] Wilson |
046 |
[Situation] Runs into Urr Water about 18 chains NNE [North North East] of Palnackie
A small stream or burn having its rise on the farm of Transalpin, and running S. [South] Easterly to its influx to Urr Water, |
OS1/20/137/14 |
Bogle's Creek
Bogle's Creek |
Captn. [Captain] Wilson
Thomas Dalling |
046 |
[Situation] About 18 chains NNE [North North East] of Palnackie
This name applies to a small harbour place where vessels were wont to [ly] prior to the erection of the Quay at Palnackie it is now disused, and is said the name originated from a Thorn which once grew near it called 'Bogles --- |
OS1/20/137/14 |
[page] 14
Parish of Buittle
Form 136
53 - Garden Reach; 57 - Garden Burn; 53 - Bogle's Creek
Garden Creek
to be adopted.
See Mr. Maxwells Letter dated Munches Dalbeattie
(In Page 13) 6th June 1853 |
OS1/20/137/14 |
Descriptions: some words cannot be seen due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/15 |
Barlochan |
Captn. [Captain] Wilson
Thomas Dalling
Ainslie's Map 1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll Anct. [Ancient]
Valn. [Valuation] Roll - modern
Stat. Acct [Statistical Account] of Kirkt. [Kirkcudbright] 1845 |
046 |
[Situation] 13 chains N.W. [North West] of Palnackie
A neat and commodious dwelling house two stories high and in good repair, having Offices a Garden and a small portion of ornamental ground attached. It is the residence and property of Mr. McNight Esqr. of Barlochan |
OS1/20/137/15 |
Barlochan Mill
Barlochan Mill
Mill |
Thomas Dalling
James Bell
Ainslie's map |
046 |
[Situation] In the north end of Palnackie village
A corn mill at the Northern end of Palnackie village, it is worked by water, and is in good repair, the property of Mr. McNight. |
OS1/20/137/15 |
[page] 15
Parish of Buittle |
OS1/20/137/16 |
Barlochan Port
Barlochan Port |
James Bell
Thomas Dalling |
046 |
[Situation] About 7 chains NE [North East] of Barlochan Mill.
A small creek or harbour on the side of the Urr Water and at Palnackie village; at the lowest neap tides [---] drawing from 11 tp 12 feet of water [---] sail up here,no harbour dues in [---] but one farthing per ton register is [---] for river dues, viz: keeping up ring bolts,mooring posts,and river [---] A custom house Officer is stationed and all vessels, except those engaged in foreign trade, are cleared, both [---] and outwards, Imports are foreign Timber, Coals, Lime, Slates, Merchant goods Exports are all kinds of farming produce, Sawn timber &c. - |
OS1/20/137/16 |
[page] 16
Parish of Buittle
Form 136
Page 54 |
OS1/20/137/16 |
Decription: words at right hand edge of page cannot be seen due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/17 |
Palnackie |
Thomas Dalling
Captn. [Captain] Wilson
Ainslies Map 1820
Stat. Acct. of Kirkt. [Statistical Account of Kirkcudbright] - 1845 -
Admiralty Chart. 1837 |
046 |
[Situation] On the SE. [South East] side of the Parish of Buittle & on the west side of Urr Water
A small but neat built village on the western side of Urr Water about 4 miles above its influx with the Solway Firth It has one Custom house a Post Office 2 or 3 Inns or public houses and some small grocer shops, Population about 200 who are chiefly Sailors Fishermen and Agricultural Labourers. |
OS1/20/137/17 |
Port House
Port House
Port House |
Maxwell Black
Captn. [Captain] Wilson
William McGhie
John Black
Samuel Coupland |
046 |
[Situation] At the NE [North East] end of Palnackie village
A public house two stories high and in good repair. It is situated at the N. [North] side of Palnackie village near to Barlochan Port. |
OS1/20/137/17 |
POST OFFICE [Palnackie] |
Post Office
Post Office |
John Black
Samuel Coupland |
046 |
[Situation] In the northern part of Palnackie village
A Small dwelling house at which is established a Post Office for receipt and delivery of letters a runner leaves this twice every day to Dalbeattie &. returns and once a day to Castledouglas carrying the mail Bags. - |
OS1/20/137/17 |
4 [page] 17
Parish of Buittle |
OS1/20/137/18 |
Custom House
Custom House |
John Black
James Coupland |
046 |
[Situation] In the west side of Palnackie
A Small house the property of Samuel Wilson and occupied by a Customhouse officer Stationed here for the purpose of Collecting duties here that belongs to the department of the revenue |
OS1/20/137/18 |
Palnackie Brae
Palnackie Brae
Palnackie Brae |
John Black
Samuel Couplamd
Ainslies Map of Co. [County] |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/4 Mile S.E. [South East] of Palnackie
A Small hill or eminence at the S E [South East] side of Palnackie part of the farm of Glen. |
OS1/20/137/18 |
Gardenburn |
John Black
Samuel Coupland
Ainslies Co. [County] map |
046 |
[Situation] 3/8 of a Mile N. [North] of Palnackie
This name applies to three Small cottages with small gardens attached, near the west side of Garden Reach - |
OS1/20/137/18 |
OS1/20/137/18 |
OS1/20/137/18 |
[page] 18
Parish of Buittle
Form 136
Page |
OS1/20/137/18 |
Descriptions: some words are not visible due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/19 |
Woodhead |
Maxwell Black
Captn. [Captain] Wilson
Ainslies Map. 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] About 10 chains south of Palnackie
A farm house and out houses in good repair having a farm of land attached Occupied by Maxwell Black the property of Mrs. Robinson of Almorness, |
OS1/20/137/19 |
North Glen
North Glen
North Glen |
Maxwell Black
Captn. [Captain] Watson
Admiralty Chart 1837 |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/2 mile SE [South East] of Palnackie
A farm house and out houses in good repair, having a farm of land attached The property of Mrs. Robinson of Almorness |
OS1/20/137/19 |
Park Hill
Park Hill |
Thomas Dalliing
Captn. [Captain] Wilson |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/2 mile S. by E. [South by East] of Palnackie
A hill of a middling size on the farm of North Glen, its surface consists partly of arable land and partly rocky pasture On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Barlochan" |
OS1/20/137/19 |
[page] 19
Parish of Buittle |
OS1/20/137/20 |
Deil's Reach
Deil's Reach |
Thomas Dalling
Captn. [Captain] Wilson |
046 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile E by S [East by South] of Palnackie
This name apples to an [expansive] sudden bend in Urr Water, situated 3/4 Mile below Palnackie village This name was given to it by [---] |
OS1/20/137/20 |
Glen Marsh
Glen Marsh
Glen Marsh |
John Black
Samuel Coupland
Admiralty Chart |
046 |
[Situation] About 7/8 of a Mile S.E. by E. [South East by East] of Palnackie
A small portion of marsh ground enclosed by Urr Water |
OS1/20/137/20 |
046 |
OS1/20/137/20 |
Descriptions: Some words cannot be seen due to fold at spine.
The entry for Glen Black Stone has been crossed out. |
OS1/20/137/20 |
[page] 20
Parish of Buittle
Form 136
Page 57 [Deil's Reach] |
OS1/20/137/21 |
[page] 21
PLAN 46a
Names of Objects -- Pages
Aikieslack -- 23
Barnbarroch Bridge -- 29
Greystone Plantation -- 23
Greenhill -- 25
Meikle Richorn -- 27
Richorn Wood -- 23
Shore Hill -- 24
Steadstone -- 25
Shennan Creek -- 27
Stead Stone -- 29
Stubslap -- 29
Oatland Quarries -- 23 |
OS1/20/137/22 |
[page] 22
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/23 |
Aikyslack |
William Geddes
James Wood
Ainslies Map 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles NE [North East] of Palnackie
A small house and outhouses in bad repair having a small farm of land attached, Occupied by William Geddes The property of Wellwood Maxwell Esqr. of Munches, |
OS1/20/137/23 |
Greystone Plantation
Greystone Plantation |
William Geddes
James Wood |
046 |
[Situation] 1 3/8 miles NE [North East] of Palnackie
A small plantation on the lands of Munshes and situated a few chains S. [South] of Aikieslack, its wood consists Oak Ash Fir &c, |
OS1/20/137/23 |
Richorn Wood |
See plan 40.c |
046 |
[Situation] 1 3/8 miles NE [North East] of Palnackie
For description see name sheets for plan 40 c |
OS1/20/137/23 |
Mr. Maxwell's Letter dated 6 June 1853 (in Page 131) |
046 |
[Situation] SW [South West] of Greystone Plantation |
OS1/20/137/23 |
[page] 23
Parish of Urr |
OS1/20/137/24 |
Shore Hill
Shore Hill |
James Wood
William Geddes |
046 |
[Situation] 1 5/8 miles NE by E [North East by East] of Palnackie
A small rocky hill covered with Furze, it is on the farm of --- and situated about 12 chains --- the farm house, |
OS1/20/137/24 |
[page] 24
Parish of Urr
Form 136
Page 60 |
OS1/20/137/24 |
Description: some words cannot be seen due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/25 |
Steadstone |
William Geddes
James Wood
Ainslies Map. 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/4 mile NE by E [North East by East], of Palnackie
A neat dwelling house and out houses in good repair, having a small farm of land attached, Occupied by James Wood the property of Wellwood Maxwell Esqr, of Munshes.
About 5 chains N.W. [North West] of this house stands a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl, [Trigonometrical] Party Stedstone |
OS1/20/137/25 |
Greenhill |
James Wood
William Geddes |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 3/8 miles NE by E [North East by East] of Palnackie
A farm house and out houses in good repair having a farm of land attached Occupied by James McLanrin The property of W. Maxwell Esqr. of Munshes |
OS1/20/137/25 |
[page] 25
Parish of Urr |
OS1/20/137/26 |
[page] 26
Form 136
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/27 |
Barnbarroch Creek
Barnbarroch Creek
Shannon Creek
Shannon Creek
Shennan Creek
Shennan Creek
Shennan Creek
Shennan Creek
Shennan Creek |
Captn. [Captain] Wilson
Thomas Dalling
J. Campbell
Peter Porter
Ainslies Map.1820
Admiralty Chart 1837
John Black
Samuel Coupland
William McGhie |
046 |
[Situation] About 1/8 mile E [East] of Palnackie
A small creek or part of a burn row where the tide flows up at high water, it extends from Urr Water at the Deils Reach inland for a considerable distance, Thro' [through] it runs a Small Stream which has its rise in Richorn Wood, - |
OS1/20/137/27 |
Meikle Richorn
Meikle Richorn
M. [Meikle] Rich-horn
Meikle Rickhorn
Meikle Richorn |
Captn. [Captain] Wilson
Thomas Dalling
Ainslies map.1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern
Valn. [Valuation Roll Anct. [Ancient] |
046 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile ENE. [East North East] of Palnackie
A farm house and offices in good repair, having an Orchard a Garden and a farm of land attached. The property of Wellwood Maxwell Esqr. of Munches. |
OS1/20/137/27 |
[page] 27
Parish of Urr |
OS1/20/137/28 |
[page] 28
Form 136
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/29 |
Stead Stone
Stead Stpne |
J. Campbell
William Geddes |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1//8 miles NE by E [North East by East] of Palnackie
A large granite Stone about 10 links in length by 15 in breadth, it is said that it give rise to the farm name on which it is situated, called Steadstone, |
OS1/20/137/29 |
Stubslap |
J. Campbell
Peter Porter |
046 |
[Situation] About 7/8 mile ENE [East North East] of Palnackie
A cot house thatched and in bad repair on the farm of Meikle Richorn |
OS1/20/137/29 |
Stubligget (To be adopted} |
Mr. Maxwell's Letter (Page 13) Dated 6th June 1853 |
OS1/20/137/29 |
Barnbarroch Bridge
Barnbarroch Bridge |
J. Campbell
William Geddes |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/8 miles ENE [East North East] of Palnackie
A small stone built, county, bridge of one arch over a small stream having no no name, and on the road leading from Colvend church to Dalbeattie. |
OS1/20/137/29 |
[page] 29
Parish of Urr |
OS1/20/137/29 |
Stubligget appears to be a variation of Stubslap. |
OS1/20/137/30 |
[page] 30
Form 136
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/31 |
[page] 31
Names of Objects -- Pages
Barnbarroch Cottage -- 38
Barnbarroch Village - 39
Barnbarroch School - 40
Boguehead -- 41
Cloak Hill -- 33
Cloak Loch -- 34
Clayloop -- 37
Craigbrex -- 39
CraigenGower -- 41
Gallowleck Wood -- 39
Greenhawthorn -- 43
Ironhash Hill -- 41
Moyle (Ruins of) -- 33
Moyle Hill -- 34
Meikle Cloak -- 35
Meiklewood (Ruins of) -- 42
Nether Barnbarroch -- 38
Slaterhall Wood - 40
Thorny Hill -- 38
Upper Barnbarroch -- 35
Woodhouse -- 33
Woodside -- 37
Whitecroft (Ruins of) -- 43
Young's Hill -- 35
Bukie Bank -- 35 |
OS1/20/137/32 |
A blank page. |
OS1/20/137/33 |
Cloak Hill
Cloak Hill
Cloak Hill |
Nathan Robson
Thomas Porter
Ainslies Map. 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] About 2 1/4 miles NE. by E [North East by East} of Palnackie
A small hill on the farm of Cloak its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture. |
OS1/20/137/33 |
Woodhouse |
Nathan Robson
James Porter
Ainslies Map. 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 7/8 miles NE by E [North East by East] of Palnackie
A farm house with out houses in good repair having a farm of land attached Occupied by Thomas Porter, the property of Robert Threshie Esqr. Dumfries, |
OS1/20/137/33 |
MOYLE (Ruins of) |
Moyle (in ruins)
Moyle (in ruins) |
Nathan Robson
Thomas Porter |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 3/4 miles ENE [East North East] of Palnackie
The ruins of an old house and offices which formerly had a farm of land attached, but is now united with that of Woodhouse. - |
OS1/20/137/33 |
[page] 33
Parish of Colvend |
OS1/20/137/34 |
Cloak Loch
Cloak Loch |
Nathan Robson
Thomas Porter |
046 |
[Situation] 2 1/8 miles ENE [East North East] of Palnackie
A small Lake, nearly dry, on --- of Cloak and Moyle, it formerly --- much larger and was about --- in depth, but in consequence of --- drained has brought it to its present size or shallowness, |
OS1/20/137/34 |
Moyle Hill
Moyle Hill
Moyle Hill
Barnbarroch Hill |
Andrew Hyslop
John Robinson
William Barry
Ainslies Map 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] 1 3/4 miles ENE [East North East] of Palnackie
A hill of a middling size on --- of Barnbarroch its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] "Barnbarroch --- |
OS1/20/137/34 |
[page] 34
Parish of Colvend
Form 136
66 - Cloak Loch; 67 - Moyle Hill |
OS1/20/137/34 |
Descriptions: words are missing due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/35 |
Young's Hill
Young's Hill |
Nathan Robson
Thomas Porter |
046 |
[Situation] About 2 1/2 mile E N E [East North East] of Palnackie
A small hill on the farm of Meikle Cloak, its surface consists of rocky pasture, covered with Furze &c. - |
OS1/20/137/35 |
Meikle Cloak
Meikle Cloak
M. Cloak |
Nathan Robson
Thomas Porter
Ainslies Map. |
046 |
[Situation] About 2 1//2 miles E N E [East North East] of Palnackie
A farm house and out houses in good repair - having a farm of land attached Occupied by Robert Slimon, The property of Robert Thomson of [Mennadoo] |
OS1/20/137/35 |
Berkie Bank |
See name Book 40 C Page 57 |
OS1/20/137/35 |
046 |
OS1/20/137/35 |
[page] 35
Parish of Colvend |
OS1/20/137/35 |
Description of Meikle Cloak: not sure about Mennadoo.
There is no entry on this page for Upper Barnbarroch. |
OS1/20/137/36 |
A blank Form 136 Page. |
OS1/20/137/37 |
Upper Barnbarroch |
Upper Barnbarroch
Upper Barnbarroch
Upper Barnbarroch
Upper Barnbarroch
Barnbarroch |
Joseph Craik
John Thomson
Ainslies map. 1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll modern
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. Anct. [Ancient] |
[Situation] About 1 1/4 miles E by N. [East by North] of Palnackie
A farm house and out houses in good repair having a farm of land attached Occupied by Joseph Craig The property of R. Threshie Esqr, |
OS1/20/137/37 |
Woodside |
Mathew Mitchell
John Thomson |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/4 miles E by N. [East by North] of Palnackie
A neat cottage on the lands of Barnbarroch and situated at the North end of a wood about 10 chains S.W. [South West] of Upper Barnbarroch. |
OS1/20/137/37 |
Clayloop |
John Black
Samuel Coupland |
046 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 Miles E. by N. [East by North] of Palnackie.
A small dwelling house in good repair. The property of Mrs. Hemming. |
OS1/20/137/37 |
[page] 37
Parish of Colvend |
OS1/20/137/38 |
Barnbarroch Cottage
Barnbarroch Cottage |
Mathew Mitchell
John Craik |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/8 miles NE. [North East] of Palnackie
A neat built cottage on the --- of Barnbarroch, having Offices and a good garden attached, it is --- the residence of R. Threshie Esqr. --- is proprietor, |
OS1/20/137/38 |
Thorny Hill
Thorny Hill |
Joseph Craik
John Thomson |
046 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles E. [East] of Palnackie village
A small hill on the farm of --- its surface consists of rocky pasture |
OS1/20/137/38 |
Nr. [Nether] Barnbarroch
Nether Barnbarroch
Nether Barnbarroch
Nether Barnbarroch |
Mathew Michell
Joseph Craik.
Ainslies map. 1820
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern
John Black
Samuel Coupland |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/8 miles E [East] of Palnackie
A good farm house and offices --- a farm of land attached Occupied by Mathew Mitchell, the property of R. Threshie Esqr. Dumfries |
OS1/20/137/38 |
[page] 38
Parish of Colvend
Form 136
71 - Barnbarroch Cottage; 71 - Barnbarroch
69 -Thorny Hill |
OS1/20/137/38 |
Descriptions: some words in all Descriptions are not visible due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/39 |
Gallowleck Wood
Gallowleck Wood
Gallowleck Wood
Gallowleck Wood |
James Craik
John Thomson
John Black
Samuel Coupland |
046 |
[Situation] 1 3/8 miles E. [East] of Palnackie
A large wood consisting of Oak, Ash, Fir &c, it is on the lands of Barnbarroch The property of R. Threshie Esq. Dumfries |
OS1/20/137/39 |
Barnbarroch Village
Barnbarroch Village |
Mathew Mitchell
Joseph Craig |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/4 miles SE. [South East] of Palnackie
Two rows of houses having gardens attached and are occupied chiefly by Agricultural labourers, they are on the Estate of Barnbarroch and situated on the road side leading from Colvend church to Dalbeattie, |
OS1/20/137/39 |
Craigbrex |
Mathew Mitchele
Joseph Craik |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 1/4 miles E. by S [East by South] of Palnackie
A neat farm house and out houses in good repair, having a farm of land attached. Occupied by J. Thomson The property of R Threshie Esqr, of Dumfries |
OS1/20/137/39 |
[page] 39
Parish of Colvend |
OS1/20/137/40 |
Slaterha Wood
Slaterha Wood
Slaterhall Wood
Slaterhall Wood |
Mathew Mitchell
Joseph Craig
Valn. [Valuation] Roll. modern
John Black
Samuel Coupland |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 mile E [East] of Palnackie
A small plantation on the --- of Barnbarroch, its wood consists of Oak Ash Firs &c. |
OS1/20/137/40 |
Barnbarroch School
Barnbarroch School |
Mathew Mitchell
John Thomson |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 3/8 miles E by S [East by South] of Palnackie
A small school erected --- supported by subscriptions from --- habitants of its locality, --- granted to the teacher by the --- of the parish. The number of pupils attending it averages about 65 --- educated in the Ordinary branch of education taught in English --- School fees averages about 3/- --- for each pupil. This School is on the estate of Barnbarroch about --- S.E. [South East] of Barnbarroch village, |
OS1/20/137/40 |
[page] 40
Parish of Colvend
Form 136
72 [Slaterhall Wood]
70 [Barnbarroch School] |
OS1/20/137/40 |
Descriptions: some words are not visible due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/41 |
Boguehead |
Andrew Hyslop
John Robinson |
046 |
[Situation] About 1 3/4 miles E. by S [East by South] of Palnackie
A house thatched and in bad repair it formerly a small farm of land attached which is now united with that of Lochhouse, |
OS1/20/137/41 |
Craigengower |
Andrew Hylop
John Robinson |
046 |
[Situation] About 2 1/4 miles E by S [East by South] of Palnackie
A house in bad repair which formerly had a small farm of land attached, but is now united with that of Ironhash, |
OS1/20/137/41 |
Ironhash Hill
Ironhash Hill
Earnhash Hill
Earnhash Hill
Earnhash Hill
Ironhash Hill |
Andrew Hyslop
John Robinson
John Black
Samuel Coupland
William McGhie
See Name Book 46 C
see also farm name |
046 |
[Situation] About 2 1/2 miles E [East] of Palnackie
A considerable hill on the farms of Barscraigh &c, its surface consists of rocky heathy pasture On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Ernhash" |
OS1/20/137/41 |
[page] 41
Parish of Colvend |
OS1/20/137/42 |
MEIKLEWOOD (Ruins of) |
Meiklewood (ruins of)
Meiklewood (ruins of)
Meiklewood (Ruins of)
Micklewood |
William Barray
Andrew Hyslop
John Robinson
Ainslies Map. 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] About 2 1/4 miles E by N [East by North] of Palnackie
The ruins of a house --- which formerly had a farm --- attached but is now united with --- of Barscraigh, |
OS1/20/137/42 |
[page] 42
Parish of Colvend
Form 136
76 |
OS1/20/137/42 |
Description: some words cannot be seen due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/43 |
Greenhawthorn |
William Barry
Andrew Hyslop
John Robinson
Ainslies Map 1820 |
046 |
[Situation] About 2 1/4 miles E by N. [East by North] of Palnackie
A small cottage thatched and in bad repair, on the farm of Barscraigh, |
OS1/20/137/43 |
WHITECROFT (Ruins of) |
Whitecroft |
William Barry
Andrew Hyslop
John Robinson |
046 |
[Situation] About 2 3/8 miles ENE [East North East] of Palnackie
The ruins of a dwelling house and Offices which formerly had a farm of land attached. but is now united with that of Barscraigh, |
OS1/20/137/43 |
[page] 43
Parish of Colvend |
OS1/20/137/44 |
[page] 44
Form 136
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/45 |
Munshes Hill |
Maxwell Hyslop n.s Cloan
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A Tolerably Sized hill on Munshes estate it is thickly Wooded and on its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trig [Trigonometrical] Party Munchis Hill - |
OS1/20/137/45 |
Kirkennon Hill |
Maxwell Hyslop n.s Cloan
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A tolerably Sized Rocky hill on Kirkennan Estate it is thickly wooded - |
OS1/20/137/45 |
Clonyards |
Maxwell Hyslop n.s Cloan
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A farm house and offices in Good repair with a Considerable farm of land attached Occupant John McRoberts Proprietor Mrs. Robertson - |
OS1/20/137/45 |
[page] 45
List of Names collected by William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Plan 46 A
Plan 46 A
Trace 1
Parish: Buittle
Object: [Munshes Hill] - A Hill; [Kirkennan Hill] - A Hill; [Clonyards] - A House
[signed] July 24th 1830
William Rewan
C.A. [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/20/137/46 |
Clonyards Cottage |
Daniel Cain N.s. Kirkennan
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A neat Cottage about one Story high on Clonyards farm there is about two acres of Good land attached Occupant John Thomson |
OS1/20/137/46 |
Clonshank |
Daniel Cain N.s. Kirkennan
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A Small house in Middling repair on Barlochan farm My Informants knows nothing of the Origin of this Name |
OS1/20/137/46 |
Tranasalpin |
Daniel Cain N.s. Kirkennan
John McRoberts n s Clonyards
Rent Receipt. R.2 |
A Small house and offices in Good repair with a small farm of land attached Occupant John Wallace Proprietor Robert Whyms Esqr. of Kirkennan - |
OS1/20/137/46 |
[page] 46
Plan 46A
List of Names collected by William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Plan & Trace
46A - 1 [Clonyards Cottage, Clonshank, Tranasalpin]
Parish: Buittle
Object: A House [Clonyards Cottage. Clonshank, Tranasalpin]
[signed] 2 July ---
William --- |
OS1/20/137/46 |
Signature: details cannot be seen due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/47 |
Colehole Wood |
Daniel Cain n s Kirkennan Cottage
John McRoberts n.s. Clonyards |
A Considerable tract of Ash Oak And fir wood on Munshes estate it takes its name from a Small house which is Situated at its eastern Margin Called Colehole - |
OS1/20/137/47 |
Colehole |
Daniel Cain n s Kirkennan Cottage
John McRoberts n.s. Clonyards |
A Small house in Middling repair at Eastern Margins of Colehole wood My Informants cannot tell what Rise to this Name - |
OS1/20/137/47 |
Coopersknowe |
Daniel Cain n s Kirkennan Cottage
John McRoberts n.s. Clonyards |
A Small house at the North Eastern Margin of Colehole Wood it was a Cooper by trade that built it and lived in it for some time hence the Name - |
OS1/20/137/47 |
[page] 47
Plan 46A
List of Names collected by William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Parish: Buittle
Plan 46A
Trace 1
Object: [Colehole Wood] - Wood; [Colehole] - A House; [Coopersknowe] - A House
[signed] William Rewan c a [Civilian Assistant]
July 24th 1830 |
OS1/20/137/48 |
Broomisle |
Daniel Cain n.s. Kirkennon Cottage
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A Small house in Good repair on Munshes estate it takes its name from a Small Knoll a few yards north of it which is now wooded being thickly Covered with Broom at one time |
OS1/20/137/48 |
Toull |
Daniel Cain n.s. Kirkennon Cottage
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A farm house and offices in Good repair with a Small farm of Good arable land attached Occupant Robert McGee proprietor Wellwood Maxwell Esqr. |
OS1/20/137/48 |
Kirkennon Cottage |
Daniel Cain n.s. Kirkennon Cottage
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A Small house in Good repair on Kirkennon estate it is in the Occupation of a Labouring man - |
OS1/20/137/48 |
[page] 48
Plan 46.A
List of Names collected by William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Plan & Trace
Plan 46A
Trace 1
Parish: Buittle
Object: [Broomisle] - A House; [Toull] - A House; [Kirkennon Cottage] - A House.
[signed] July 24th ---
William Rewan
c a [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/20/137/49 |
Barlochan Hill |
Daniel Cain n.s. Kirkennon Cottage
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A tolerably Sized Rocky hill on the farm of Barlochan There is a Small tract of fir wood on the Eastern Side On its Summit is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station Called by trig [trigonometrical] party Bourlohan |
OS1/20/137/49 |
Barlochan Wood |
Daniel Cain n.s. Kirkennon Cottage
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A Small tract of chiefly fir wood on the Eastern Side of Barlochan hill |
OS1/20/137/49 |
Courthill |
Daniel Cain n.s. Kirkennon Cottage
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A House two Storys high in Good repair to which was attached a farm of land at one time which is Now Annexed to Tranasalpin - |
OS1/20/137/49 |
[page] 49
Plam 46 A
List of Names collected by William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Parish: Urr [Barlochan Hill and Barlochan Wood]; Buittle [Courthill]
Plan & Trace 46A 1
Object: [Barlochan Hill] - A Hill; [Barlochan Wood] - Wood; [Courthill] - A House
[signed] July 24th 1850
William Rewan c a [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/20/137/50 |
Ravens Craig |
Daniel Cain ns Kirkennon
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A large Rock in Ramshaw Wood which is Said to take its Name from being frequented by a wild bird Called Raven |
OS1/20/137/50 |
Ramshaw Wood |
Daniel Cain ns Kirkennon
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A Considerable tract of ash Oak birch & fir wood On Kirkennon estate it takes its name from a small house Situated at its North Eastern base Called Ramshaw - |
OS1/20/137/50 |
Ramshaw |
Daniel Cain ns Kirkennon
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A Small house in Ramshaw Wood My Informant Cannot tell Me what gave rise to this name - |
OS1/20/137/50 |
[page] 50
Plan 46 A.
List of Names collected by William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Parish: Urr [Ravenscraig and Ramshaw Wood]; Buittle [Ramshaw]
Plan & Trace
Plan 46A Trace 1
Object: A Rock [RavensCraig]; Wood [Ramshaw Wood]; A House [Ramshaw] |
OS1/20/137/51 |
Munshes |
Daniel Cain n.s Kirkennon Cottage
John McRoberts ns Clonyards |
A plain old Stone building two Storys high the property and Residence of Wellwood Maxwell Esqr. attached is a large flower and fruit Garden and Suitable offices it is Situated near the Western Margin of the Water of urr and Commands a very Interesting View of the Surrounding Country - |
OS1/20/137/51 |
Kirkennon |
Daniel Cain n.s Kirkennon Cottage
John McRoberts ns Clonyards |
A neat Manshion house two Storys high the property and Residence of Robert Whyms Esqr. it is a modern building and in a plain style of Architecture Attached is a Small Estate a Considerable portion of which is wood - |
OS1/20/137/51 |
[page] 51
Plan 46. A.
List of Names collected by William Rewan C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Object: A House [Munshes]; A House [Kirkennon]
Plan & Trace
Plan 46A Trace 1
[signed] July 24th 1850
William Rewan c a [Civilian Assistant] |
OS1/20/137/52 |
Kirkclouch Quay |
Daniel Cain n.s. Kirkennon
John McRoberts n s Clonyards |
A Small Quay on Kirkennon Estate about three furlongs East from Kirkennon Manshion house there is no Harbourage Charged here ships of 30 or 40 tons Burden Can sail up to this Quay at high water but at low water a fish of one pound weight Could hardly Swim in it the principal Cargo's Imported here are lime & Coal |
OS1/20/137/52 |
Plan 4 Trace 46A
List of Names collected by William Rewan CA [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Plan & Trace
Plan 46A
Trace 1
Parish: Buittle
Object: A Quay
July 24th
William Rewan |
OS1/20/137/52 |
Signature: not all is visible due to fold at spine |
OS1/20/137/53 |
Garden Reach |
Capt. [Captain] Wilson Palnackie by Dalbeattie
Thomas Dallin Postmaster Palnackie by Dalbeattie |
A bend in the Water of Urr a little more than 1/4 mile North of Palnackie village |
OS1/20/137/53 |
Bogle's Creek |
Capt. [Captain] Wilson Palnackie by Dalbeattie
Thomas Dallin Postmaster Palnackie by Dalbeattie |
A small creek in the Water of Urr, a short distance north of Palnackie it formerly was the place where vessels loaded and unloaded, but since the quay at the Village of Palnackie was made it has come into disuse. it derives its name from a thorn which once grew near it. - |
OS1/20/137/53 |
Barlochan |
Capt. [Captain] Wilson Palnackie by Dalbeattie
Thomas Dallin Postmaster Palnackie by Dalbeattie |
A gentlemans mansion two storeys high, slated and in good repair. attached are neat office houses a garden and orchard, it is approached by two neat, graveled, avenues running from the road which leads from Dalbeattie to Auchencairn. The house and Surrounding estate is the property of Mr. McNight of Barlochan. |
OS1/20/137/53 |
[page] 53
Plan 46 A.
List of Names collected by 2nd Corp. [Corporal] John Mechan RSM [Royal Sapper and Miners] 1st Exr. [Examiner]
Parish: Buittle
Object: A House [Barlochan]
[signed] John Mechan
2nd Corp, RSM [Corporal Royal Sappers and Miners]
26th July 1850 |
OS1/20/137/53 |
Layout of Authorities is not clear, but I think the two Authority's names apply to all three place names. |
OS1/20/137/54 |
Barlochan Port |
Mr. Thomas Dalling Postmaster Palnackie
Mr James Bell --- |
A small creek in the Water of Urr, at the village of Palnackie, it has been formed into a quay for the accommodation of vessels Sailing to and from Palnackie. at neep tides vessels drawing 11 & 12 feet of water can come in & at high spring of tides vessels drawing of 16 & 17 feet of water can sail in & out. no harbour dues are exacted at this port, but 1/4d. per ton register is levied as River dues for supporting their load, mooring posts &c. - it is on Barlochan estate hence the name. |
OS1/20/137/54 |
Barlochan Mill |
Mr. Thomas Dalling Postmaster Palnackie
Mr James Bell --- |
A neatly built corn mill at the north end of Palnackie village, it is worked by Water, & is the property of Mr. McNight of Barlochan. - |
OS1/20/137/54 |
[page] 54
Plan 46 A
List of Names collected by 2nd Corpl. [Corporal] Mechan RSM [Royal Sappers and Miners] 1st Examiner
Parish: Buittle
Object: A Quay [Barlochan Port]; A Corn Mill [Barlochan Mill]
No. of Trace - 4 |
OS1/20/137/54 |
The address of Authority Mr James Bell cannot be seen, due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/55 |
Palnackie |
Thomas Dallin Post Master of Palnackie by Dalbeattie
Capt. [Captain] Wilson Palnackie |
A small, but prettely built village upon the Water of Urr 4 Miles above its confluence with the Solway Firth. it is on the respective properties of Mr. McNight of Barlochan and Mrs. Robinson of Almorness. - and contains about 200 inhabitants chiefly Sailors, Fishermen and agricultural laborers. - it is the port for Castle Douglas and the adjacent country & has a considerable trade with Liverpool, Whitehaven, Workington and other ports in the North of England.
The Water of Urr as far as Palnackie is navigable for vessels of 70 or 80 Tons during neap tides, and vessels 200 tons burthen during high spring tides its principle imports are coal, lime & slates. its exports are cattle, sheep and Farm produce. it has a Custom House and post office with 2 or 3 middling Inns, or rather public houses. - it is often called "The Garden" by the natives, which name has become known around the Country. - |
OS1/20/137/55 |
[page] 55
Plan 46 A
List of Names collected by 2nd Corpl [Corporal] Mechan R.S.M. [Royal Sappers and Miners] 1st Exr. [Examiner]
Parish: Buittle
Object: A village
[signed] John Mechan
2nd Corp. R.S.M. [Corporal Royal Sappers and Miners]
26th July 1850 |
OS1/20/137/55 |
'The Water of Urr as far as Palnackie', has been written in the Received Name column but the Description goes on to describe further details of Palnackie village. |
OS1/20/137/56 |
Porthouse |
Maxwell Black Woodh--- Palnackie
Capt. [Captain] Wilson Palnackie |
A public house two storeys high standing a little south east of Barlochan Port, in the village of Palnackie. |
OS1/20/137/56 |
Woodhead |
Maxwell Black Woodh--- Palnackie
Capt. [Captain] Wilson Palnackie |
A neatly built farm house slated & in good repair, with offices & a farm of land attached, it is the property of Mrs. Robinson of Almorness. - |
OS1/20/137/56 |
North Glen |
Maxwell Black Woodh--- Palnackie
Capt. [Captain] Wilson Palnackie |
A farm house in good repair with office houses, and a farm of land attached. it is the property of Mrs. Robinson of Almorness. North is prefixed to distinguish it from another house called Glen which stands further South. |
OS1/20/137/56 |
[page] 56
Plan 46 A
List of Names collected by 2nd Corpl. [Corporal] Mechan R.S.M. [Royal Sappers and Miners] 1st. Exr. [Examiner]
No. of Trace 4
Parish: Buittle
Object: A House [Porthouse]; A farm house [Woodhead]; A Farm House [North Glen]
[signed] John Mechan --- |
OS1/20/137/56 |
Addresses of Authorities and details of Signature cannot be seen due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/57 |
Garden Burn |
Thomas Dalling Post Master Palnackie
Captain Wilson Palnackie |
A small streamlet gathering upon Transalpin farm & running into the Water of Urr. |
OS1/20/137/57 |
Park Hill |
Thomas Dalling Post Master Palnackie
Captain Wilson Palnackie |
A tolerably sized hill partly arable & rocky pasturage, upon the farm of North Glen upon its Summit stands a Trig [Trigonometrical] ◬ called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party "Barnpark" |
OS1/20/137/57 |
Deil's Reach |
Thomas Dalling Post Master Palnackie
Captain Wilson Palnackie |
An expansion, & sudden bending in the Water of Urr about 3/4 Mile below Palnackie village. The name has been given to it by Mariners. for what reason I cannot learn. |
OS1/20/137/57 |
[page] 57
Plan 46 A
List of Names collected by 2nd Corpl [Corporal] J. Mechan R.S.M. [Royal Sappers and Miners] 1st Exr. [Examiner]
Parish: Buittle
Object: A streamlet [Garden Burn]; A Hill [Park Hill]
[signed] John Mechan
2nd Corpl. R.S.M. [Corporal Royal Sappers and Miners]
26th July 1850 |
OS1/20/137/58 |
[page] 58
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/59 |
Aikieslack |
William Geddies n & s Aikieslack
James Wood n & s Steadstone Dalbeattie |
A small dwelling house and offices all in bad repair and a farm of land attached chiefly arable, tenanted by William Geddies Proprietor Welwood Maxwell Esq. Munches. |
OS1/20/137/59 |
Greystone Plantation |
William Geddies n & s Aikieslack
James Wood n & s Steadstone Dalbeattie |
A middling Size plantation on the Estate of Munches Consisting Ash Oak fir and Copse Wood Proprietor W. Maxwell Esq. Munches |
OS1/20/137/59 |
Steadstone |
William Geddies n & s Aikieslack
James Wood n & s Steadstone Dalbeattie |
A neat dwelling house and out houses in good repair and a small farm attached chiefly rocky pasture occupied by James Wood The property of W. Maxwell Esq A little N. [North] West of this house is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] ◬ Called by Trigl [Trigonometrical] party "Stedstone" |
OS1/20/137/59 |
[page] 59
List of Names collected by John Bray C A [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Parish; Urr
Plan A Trace 2
Object: houses and farm [Aikieslack]; A plantion [Greystone Plantation]; houses and farm [Steadstone]
[signed] John Bray c/a [Civilian Assistant] July 19th 1850 |
OS1/20/137/60 |
Greenhill |
James Wood n & s Steadstone
William Geddies n & s Aikieslack Dalbeattie |
A good farm house and offices in good repair and a farm attached chiefly rocky pasture occupied by James McLaurin The property of W. Maxwell Esq. Munches |
OS1/20/137/60 |
Shore Hill |
James Wood n & s Steadstone
William Geddies n & s Aikieslack Dalbeattie |
A small rocky hill Covered with Furze on the farm of Greenhill. how it obtained the name is not known |
OS1/20/137/60 |
[page] 60
List of Names collected by John Bray c/a [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Parish: Urr
Plan 46 A
Trace 2
Object: houses and farm [Greenhill]; A hill [Shore Hill]
[signed] John Bray c/a [Civilian Assistant] July 19 --- |
OS1/20/137/60 |
Full addresses of Authorities are not visible due to fold at spine, and neither is the year at the Signature. |
OS1/20/137/61 |
Meikle Richorn |
Capt. [Captain] Wilson Palnackie
Thomas Dalling Post Master Palnackie |
A neatly built farm house slatted & in good repair with large and commodious offices, and a garden and orchard attached, it is on the property of Wellwood Maxwell Esq of Munshes. - |
OS1/20/137/61 |
Barnbarroch |
Capt. [Captain] Wilson Palnackie
Thomas Dalling Post Master Palnackie |
A sinuous Creek in the Water or Urr immediately at the "Deil's Reach" it runs inland for a considerable distance. dividing the farm of Meikle Richorn, from Barnbarroch estate. |
OS1/20/137/61 |
[page] 61
Plan 46 A
List of Names collected by 2nd Corpl. [Corporal] Mechan R.S.M. [Royal Sappers and Miners] 1st. Exr. [Examiner]
Parish: Urr
Object: A farm House [Meikle Richorn]; A. Creek [Barnbarroch Creek]
[signed] John Mechan
2nd. Corpl R.S.M. [Corporal Royal Sappers and Miners]
26th July 1850 |
OS1/20/137/62 |
[page] 62
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/63 |
Barnbarroch Bridge |
J Campbell n & s Meikle Richorn
William Geddies n & s Aikieslack |
A small Bridge. Stone one Arch, erected at the expense of the County over a Small Stream (which has not a name) and on the road leading from Colvend Church to Dalbeattie |
OS1/20/137/63 |
Stead Stone |
J. Campbell n & s Meikle Richorn
William Geddies n & s Aikieslack |
A very large Granit Stone measuring 18 links in lenght by 15 in breadth. on the farm of Steadstone from which it is Said the farm took its name. |
OS1/20/137/63 |
[page] 63
List of Names collected by John Bray C.A. [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
No. of Plan 46 A Trace 5
Parish: Urr
Object: A Bridge [Barnbarroch Bridge]; A Stone [Stead Stone]
[signed] John Bray c/a [Civilian Assistant] July 24th 50 [1850] |
OS1/20/137/64 |
Stub Slap |
J Campbell n & s Meikle Richorn
Peter Porter n & s Woodhouse |
A middling Size Cot house thatched and in bad repair on the farm of Meikle Richorn It has taken the name from a field in which it is situated |
OS1/20/137/64 |
Shannon Creek |
J Campbell n & s Meikle Richorn
Peter Porter n & s Woodhouse |
A small Stream having it rise in Richorn Wood and on the farm of
and flowing in a Southerly direction passing under Barnbarroch Bridge and across the old Road which lead from Dalbeattie to the Scar Village. from here to its influx into the Water of Urr it is Known by the above name - being that part of it which the Tides effect. The upper part of the Burn is not Known by any name. |
OS1/20/137/64 |
OS1/20/137/64 |
[page] 64
List of Names collected by John Bray C A [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
No. of Plan Trace
46 A - 5
Parish: Urr
Object: A house [Stub Slap]; A Stream [Shannon Creek]
[signed] John Bray C.A [Civilian Assistant] July --- |
OS1/20/137/64 |
Description of Shannon Creek: there is a large space after 'on the farm of'
Full date of Signature cannot be seen, due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/65 |
Woodhouse |
Woodhouse |
Nathan Robson N.S. Dalbeattie
Thomas Porter N.S. Woodhouse |
A farm house with offices Slated and in good repair with a farm of land attached principally pasture occupied by Thomas Porter the property of Robert Thrashie Banker Dumfries |
OS1/20/137/65 |
Meikle Cloak |
Meikle Cloak
Meikle Cloak |
Nathan Robson N.S. Dalbeattie
Thomas Porter N.S. Woodhouse |
A farm house with offices slated and thatched in good repair attached is a farm of land principally Rocks, furze, & Rocky Heathy Pasture occupant Robert Simmon. proprietor Robert Thompson Minnadoo. |
OS1/20/137/65 |
Cloak Hill |
Cloak Hill
Cloak Hill |
Nathan Robson N.S. Dalbeattie
Thomas Porter N.S. Woodhouse |
A tolerable sized rocky heathy hill situate on the farm of M [Meikle] Cloak. |
OS1/20/137/65 |
[page] 65
List of Names collected by John E. Daveran RSM [Royal Sappers and Miners] 1st Examiner
Trace 3.
Parish: Colvend
Object: farmhouse [Woodhouse]; farm house [Meikle Cloak]; Hill - Cloak Hill
[signed] John E. Daveran
July 30th 1850 |
OS1/20/137/66 |
Cloak Loch |
Cloak Loch
Cloak Loch |
Nathan Robson N.S Dalbeattie
Thomas Porter N.S. Woodhouse |
The remains of a considerable loch: it is bounded from North to South on the Eastern Side by a range of hills extending from cloak to moyle hill. on the eastern side the Country is low and rough This Loch some years hence previous to its drainage varied in depth of Water from 10 to 12 feet, and now hardly one foot can be distinguished in any one part of it. but the bottom of this Loch like many others contain a considerable depth of sludge producing nothing but weeds & rushes
It is supplied with springs within itself. there being no stream entering but one issuing from it of a tolerable size |
OS1/20/137/66 |
[page] 66
List of Names collected by John E. Daveran RSM [Royal Sappers and Miners] 1st Examiner
Trace no. 3.
Parish: Colvend
Object: Loch
[signed] John E. Daveran
July --- |
OS1/20/137/66 |
Signature not visible due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/67 |
Young's hill |
Young's hill
Young's hill |
Nathan Robson ns. Dalbeattie
Thomas Porter N.S. Woodhouse |
A small rough hill situate on the farm of Meikle Cloak the surface of which is covered with rocks, furze & Bushes. It derives its name from some individual, but whom, I cannot discover. |
OS1/20/137/67 |
Moyle |
Moyle (in ruins)
Moyle (in ruins) |
Nathan Robson ns. Dalbeattie
Thomas Porter N.S. Woodhouse |
The ruins of an old farm house. with offices situated a short distance south: attached was a farm of land but now annexed to that of Woodhouse |
OS1/20/137/67 |
Moyle Hill |
(for description see common [trace]) |
OS1/20/137/67 |
[page] 67
List of Names collected by John E. Daveran R.S.M. [Royal Sappers and Miners] 1st Examiner
Parish: Colvend
Trace p o. 3.
Object: Hill [Young's hill]; Ruins [Moyle]; Hill [Moyle Hill]
[signed] John. E. Daveran
July 30th 1850. |
OS1/20/137/68 |
[page] 60
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/69 |
Gallowleck Wood |
Joseph Craik n & s Upper Barnbarroch
John Thomson n & s Craig brex |
A large Wood on the estate of Barnbarroch consisting of Ash Oak fir and Copse Wood Proprietor Thrashie Esq. Dumfries |
OS1/20/137/69 |
Thornie Hill |
Joseph Craik n & s Upper Barnbarroch
John Thomson n & s Craig brex |
A small rocky hill on the farm of Craig brex it took its name from Thorns growing on it. |
OS1/20/137/69 |
Upper Barnbarroch |
Joseph Craik n &s Upper Barnbarroch
John Thomson n & s Craig brex |
A good farm house and offices with a farm attached chiefly rocky pasture occupier Joseph Craig Proprietor Threshie Esq. |
OS1/20/137/69 |
OS1/20/137/69 |
OS1/20/137/69 |
OS1/20/137/69 |
[page] 69
List of Names collected by John Bray C.A [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Plan 46 A
Trace 5
Parish: Colvend
Object: A. Wood [Gallowleck Wood]; A hill [Thornie Hill]; Houses and Farm [Upper Barnbarroch]
[signed] John Bray c/a [Civilian Assistant] July 24th 1850 |
OS1/20/137/69 |
Descriptions of Gallowleck Wood and Upper Barnbarroch: there is a space before Threshie, as if the writer did not know his first name. |
OS1/20/137/70 |
Barnbarroch School |
Matthew Mitchell n & s Barn---
John Thomson n & s Craig brex Dalbeattie |
A Small School house slated and in good repair on the Estate of Barnbarroch (hence the name) It was erected and is supported by Private Subscription from the inhabitants in the locality whoes childern attends it. The branches of learning taught in it are reading Writing Arithmatic and Mathematics, English, French Latin and Greek languages The daily average of Scholars Attending throughout the year are about 65 each of which on an average pays the Master 3/0 per Quarter. besides £11.0.0. he receives from the heritors and other persons of the Parish. |
OS1/20/137/70 |
Woodside |
Matthew Mitchell n & s Barn---
John Thomson n & s Craig brex Dalbeattie |
A neat Cottage on the Estate of Barnbarroch situated alongside of a wood hence the name, Proprietor Thrashie Esq. Dumfries - |
OS1/20/137/70 |
OS1/20/137/70 |
[page] 70
List of Names collected by John Bray C.A [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Plan 46 A
Trace 5
Parish: Colvend
Object: A house [Barnbarroch School]; A house [Woodside]
[signed] John Bray C.A [Civilian Assistant]
July --- |
OS1/20/137/70 |
Addresses of Authorities and Date of Signature cannot be seen due to fold at spine. |
OS1/20/137/71 |
Barnbarroch Cottage |
Matthew Mitchell n & s Barnbarroch
Joseph Craik Craig brex Dalbeattie |
A neat modern built Cottage on the Estate of Barnbarroch with a vegitable and flower Garden attached and suitable office houses the occasional residence of the Proprietor Threshie Esq. Dumfries, at present occupied by James J. Rigg. |
OS1/20/137/71 |
Barnbarroch |
Matthew Mitchell n & s Barnbarroch
Joseph Craik Craig brex Dalbeattie |
A good farm house and offices with a Small farm attached chiefly arable Occupier Matthew Mitchell Proprietor Threshie Esq. |
OS1/20/137/71 |
Craig brex |
Matthew Mitchell n & s Barnbarroch
Joseph Craik Craig brex Dalbeattie |
A neat farm house and office with a farm attached chiefly rocky pasture Covered with Furze Occupier John Thomson Proprietor Thrashie Esq. |
OS1/20/137/71 |
OS1/20/137/71 |
[page] 71
List of Names collected by John Bray C.A [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
No. of Plan 46 A
Trace 5
Parish: Colvend
Object: A house [Barnbarroch Cottage]; houses and farm [Barnbarroch]; houses and farm [Craig brex]
[signed] John Bray C/a [Civilian Assistant] July 24th 1850 |
OS1/20/137/71 |
Descriptions for all three place names: there is a space before Thrashie. as if the writer does not know his first name. |
OS1/20/137/72 |
Slaterha' Wood |
Matthew Mitchell n & s Barnbarroch
Joseph Craig n & s Upper --- |
A middling Size Wood on the Estate of Barnbarroch consisting of Ash Oak fir and Beech Proprietor Thrashie Esq. Dumfries |
OS1/20/137/72 |
Barnbaroch Village |
Matthew Mitchell n & s Barnbarroch
Joseph Craig n & s Upper --- |
A small village on the Estate of Barnbarroch Situated on the road (side) leading from Colvend Church, and Scar Village to Dalbeattie occupied by Agricultural labourers two Grocers and a Boot & Shoemaker Proprietor of the land on which it is built, Threshie Esq. The houses are Slated and are very neatly kept, |
OS1/20/137/72 |
[page] 72
List of Names collected by John Bray C A [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
Plan 46 A
Trace 5
Parish: Colvend
Object: A.Wood [Slaterha' Wood]; House [Barnbarroch Village]
[signed] John Bray C.A. [Civilian Assistant] July 24th |
OS1/20/137/72 |
Addresses of Authorities and year of Signature cannot be seen due to fold at spine.
In both Descriptions there is a space before Thrashie, as if the writer did not know his first name. |
OS1/20/137/73 |
Moyle Hill |
Moyle Hill
Moyle Hill |
Andrew Heslip Lochhouse
n s John Robinson Craigengower
n s William Barry Greenhawthorn |
A middling Size rocky heathy Hill on the farm of Barnbaroch on its Summit is a Trignl. [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party "Barnbarroch" |
OS1/20/137/73 |
Gallowleck Wood |
Gallowleck Wood
Gallowleck Wood |
A Small Wood on the Barnbarroch Estate consisting of Ash Oak Birch &c. |
OS1/20/137/73 |
[page] 73
46. A
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan C/A [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
No. of Page 46A
No. of trace 6
Parish: Colvend
Object: A hill [Moyle Hill]; A Wood [Gallowleck Wood]
[signed] R. Ryan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
July 27th 1850 |
OS1/20/137/74 |
[page] 74
[blank page] |
OS1/20/137/75 |
Barscraigh Hill |
Barscraigh Hill
Barscraigh Hill |
n s Andrew Heslip Lochhouse
n s John Robertson Craigengower via Dalbeattie |
A considerable Size rocky heathy hill on the farm of Barscraigh &c. (hence the name) on its Summit is a Trignl. [Trigonometrical] Station Called by "Trig [Trigonometrical] party "Ernharsh" |
OS1/20/137/75 |
Craigengower |
Craigengower |
n-s Andrew Heslip Lochhouse
n s John Robinson Craigengower |
A house in very bad repair on the farm of Ironharsh. It was formerly a farm house and had a Small farm attached to it now annexed to Ironharsh farm. & used as a cot house |
OS1/20/137/75 |
Boguehead |
Boguehead |
n-s Andrew Heslip Lochhouse
n s John Robertson Craigengower via Dalbeattie |
A house thatched and in very bad repair. It was formerly a farm house & had a Small farm attached to it. Now Annexed to Lochouse farm |
OS1/20/137/75 |
[page] 75
46 A
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan c/a [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
--- 66B
Trace 6
Parish: Colvend
Object: A hill [Barscraigh Hill]; A house [Craigengower]; A house [Boguehead]
[signed] R. Ryan c/a [Civilian Assistant]
July 27th 1850 |
OS1/20/137/76 |
Whitecroft |
Whitecroft |
n-s William Barry Greenhawthorn
n s Andrew Heslip Lochhouse
n s John Robinson Craigengower |
The ruins of a farm house and offices on the farm of Barscraigh. it formerly had a Small farm attached now let into the farm of "Barscraigh" |
OS1/20/137/76 |
Greenhawthorn |
Greenhawthorn |
n-s William Barry Greenhawthorn
n s Andrew Heslip Lochhouse
n s John Robinson Craigengower |
A cottage thatched and in bad repair on the farm of Barscraigh |
OS1/20/137/76 |
Meiklewood (In Ruins) |
Meiklewood (In Ruins)
Meiklewood (In Ruins) |
n-s William Barry Greenhawthorn
n s Andrew Heslip Lochhouse
n s John Robinson Craigengower |
The ruins of a farm house and offices on the of "Barscraigh" It formerly had a Small farm attached to it. now Annexed to the farm of Barscraigh. |
OS1/20/137/76 |
[page] 76
P 46.A
List of Names collected by Richard Ryan c/a [Civilian Assistant] 1st Examiner
-- P. 47B
No. of trace 6
Parish: Colvend
Object: A house (in ruins) [Whitecroft]; A house [Greenhawthorn]; A house (in ruins) [Meikllewood]
[signed] w. Driscoll Gosset Captn RE [Captain Royal Engineers] Sep [September] 30. 1857.
[signed] R. Ryan July 27 |
OS1/20/137/76 |
Authorities: full addresses cannot be seen. and neither can details of signature of R. Ryan. |
OS1/20/137/77 |
[page] 77
137 OS1/20/137
Plan 46 A
Name of Parishes -- Pages
Buittle -- 1
Urr -- 21
Colvend and
Southwick -- 31 |