
Continued entries/extra info

[page] 13H
10 At Meikle Dalbeattie is no Quarry. only Some Rock from which occasionally a few Stones have been split -
Parish of Buittle
11 For Buittle Bridge read Craignair Bridge -
12 Redweil is in Urr Parish alone -
13 There is no Foot Bridge to Coalhole - It is a common Pend over a ditch used for Carts -
14 The Quarries at Broomisle are Gravel Pits -
15 Craigterra Rock omitted -
The following points would seem to require explanation or further inquiry -
16 At Colvend Church you mark a Grave yard but you omit it at Southwick old church & at
16a Urr church. Why is this?
17 Dalbeattie Quay is on the North side of the River not the South -
18 The Bridge at Stepend is only a Foot Bridge -
19 Are the Marches of the Parishes of Buittle & Urr correctly laid down at Forth head and Moat of Urr?
20 Gibbs Hole at the Mouth of the Urr seems omitted, but it may be in the next sheet -
21 If the names of all houses are given, there are 6 or 7 Cottages on the Estate of Munches

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