
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CRAE HILL Crae Hill Alexander Douglas
Quinton Bone
045 [Situation] 7/8 miles NNW [North North West] of Gelston Row.
A small arable hill in the farm of Halmyre. The property of Mrs Maitland of Gelston Castle.
KELTON KIRK (Site of) Kelton KIrk
Kelton Kirk
Kelton Kirk
William Lidderdale Esq.
James Lidderdale Esq.
Revd [Reverend] Mr Cowan
045 [Situation] About 1 1/8 miles NW by N [North West by North] of the village of Kelton Row.
This name relates to the ruins of the Old Parish Kirk of Kelton which lies contiguous to the present one. It was one of the parish Kirks depending øn New Abbey nothing of it now remains except a small portion of one of the walls. "This Parish of Kelton hath two other annexed thereto viz. Kirkcormock & Gelston tho' both these Kirks are ruinous".
Big Hill Big Hill See Name List for Plan 45A [Situation] 1 1/2 miles SW. [South West] of the village of Gelston Row.
For description See Name List Plan 45A.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 5 Parish of Kelton

Creudh (dh silent) Clay ground)

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