OS1/20/112/2 |
[Page] 2
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/112/3 |
039 |
OS1/20/112/3 |
039 |
OS1/20/112/3 |
039 |
OS1/20/112/4 |
039 |
OS1/20/112/4 |
039 |
OS1/20/112/4 |
039 |
OS1/20/112/5 |
White Hill |
Mr. James Gordon
William McKenzie
Ainslies map 1820 |
039 |
[Situation] one mile SW [South West] by W [West] of Threave Castle.
A farm house & offices in good repair with about 120 acres of land attached The property of a Society for propagating Christian Knowledge. |
OS1/20/112/5 |
Aikey Hill
Aikey Hill |
James Gordon
Robert Johnston |
039 |
[Situation] About 5/8 mile SW [South West] of Threave Castle.
A Small hill with a rocky Knowe on its summit where it is said the Covenanters held meetings during the persecution. |
OS1/20/112/5 |
Corra Hill
Corra Hill |
Thomas Anderson
Robert Johnston |
039 |
[Situation] 1 1/8 miles SW [South West] of Threave Castle.
A large arable hill upon the farm of Hill and a little west of the farm house there is a Trig [Trigonometrical] Station upon its summit called by Trig [Trigonometrical] party Corra Hill |
OS1/20/112/5 |
Cranberry Plantation
Cranberry Plantation |
William Murray
Robert Ireland |
039 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile NW [North West] by W [West] of Threave Castle.
A Small belt of wood or Plantation on the farm of Boreland The property of Admiral Gordon of Balmaghie House. |
OS1/20/112/5 |
Parish of Balmaghie -- [Page] 5
Form 136
Page 38 - Whitehlll
37 - Aikey Hill
39 - Corra Hill
Cranberry Plantation
[Notes ]
Aik - The oak Jamieson's Dicty. [Dictionary]
Coire - A mountain dell etc. |
OS1/20/112/6 |
Hill |
William Lidderdale Esq
Thomas Anderson
Ainslies Map 1820 |
039 |
[Situation] 1 1/8 miles NW. [North West] by W [West] of Rhonehouse.
A farm house with outhouses attached all of which are in good repair it is the property of [the] Society for the promotion of Christian Knowledge Edinburgh & derives its name from being built upon a hill. |
OS1/20/112/6 |
Nr. [Nether] Hall
Netherhall of Threave Grange |
Robert Johnston
William Lidderdale
Ainslies Map 1820
valuation roll 1819 |
039 |
[Situation] One mile NW [North West] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A farm house 2 stories high with thrashing-mill & office houses attached it is the property of Robert Johnston Farmer who resides in it. |
OS1/20/112/6 |
[Page] 6 -- Parish of Balmaghie
Form 136
Page 39 - Hill
Page 40 - Netherhall |
OS1/20/112/7 |
Chapelweel |
Robert Johnston
Adam McConnel |
039 |
[Situation] Near the East side of Netherhall about one mile NW. [North West] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A pool in the river Dee east of Netherhall farm house The farmer of Netherhall imagines that there has been a Chapel in the locality of his farm house from this pool being called Chapel weel and having found pieces of Coffin plates & bones whilst digging in a small enclosure in rear of the barn. - |
OS1/20/112/7 |
Meadow Hill
Meadow Hill |
Thomas Anderson
Robert Johnston |
039 |
[Situation] About 1 1/8 miles N [North] by west of the village of Rhonehouse.
A small arable hill upon the farm of Netherhall it is surrounded with meadow land hence the name. On it is a trig.' [trigonometrical] Station named "Netherton Hall" |
OS1/20/112/7 |
Parish of Balmaghie -- [Page] 7
Form 136
Page 43 - Chapelweil
Page 39 - Meadow Hill
[Note after Chapelweil]
Weil - an eddy
Wele - A whirlpool
Dr. Jamieson's Scot. [Scottish] Dicty [Dictionary] |
OS1/20/112/8 |
Threave Bridge
Threave Bridge
Triefe Bridge |
Mr. Train
William Lidderdale Esq.
Inscription on Battlement |
039 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile, nearly, NW [North West] of Rhonehouse.
A stone bridge with 6 arches which crosses the river Dee 3 miles South of Castle-douglas it belongs to the County and has the following inscription upon one of the battlements. "Triefe Bridge was erected by the road trustees of Kirkcudbrightshire. Sir Alexander Gordon Convener Robert Gordon Clerk James Jardine Engineer John McCracken Builder. 1825" |
OS1/20/112/8 |
[Page] 8 -- Parish of Balmaghie
Form 136
Page 42 - Threave Bridge |
OS1/20/112/9 |
Redweel |
Mr. Train
William Lidderdale Esq. |
039 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile WNW. [West North West] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A pool in the river Dee a little South of Threave Bridge, contains large quantities of salmon. Weil means a whirlpool or Eddy although this is not one. |
OS1/20/112/9 |
Black Bridge Burn
Black Bridge Burn
Black Bridge Burn |
John Johnston
James Gordon
Ainslies Map revd [revised] 1820 |
039 |
A Considerable Stream or burn taking its rise in [Glentoe] Loch & running in an easterly direction to the River Dee into which it runs at the west side of Threave Island |
OS1/20/112/9 |
Barnboard Bridge
Barnboard Bridge |
Robert McKennel
Robert Ireland |
039 |
A Stone bridge one arch over Black Bridge Burn on the road from Kirkcudbright to Crossmichael. It is Situate near Barnboard farm house hence the name. |
OS1/20/112/9 |
Parish of Balmaghie -- [page] 9
Form 136
Page [46] - Redweil
Black Bridge Burn
Barnboard Bridge
[Note after Redweil] Weil - An eddy
Wele - A whirpool
Jamieson's Scottish Dicty [Dictionary] |
OS1/20/112/10 |
Meikle Knockdaily
Meikle Knockdaily
Meikle Knockdalling |
Donald Ross
W. Lidderdale Esqr.
Admiral Gordon |
039 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile N [North] by W [West] of Threave Mains.
An arable hill on the farm of Boreland on it is aTrigl [Trigonometrical] Station. |
OS1/20/112/10 |
Little Knockdaily
Little Knockdaily
Little Knockdalling |
Donald Ross
W. Lidderdale Esqr.
Admiral Gordon |
039 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile N [North] by W [west] of Threave Mains.
A small arable hill on the farm of Boreland. |
OS1/20/112/10 |
Stony Island
Stony Island |
John Johnstone
William Haliday |
039 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile South of Threave Mains.
A Small Island in the River Dee near the South Side of Lodge Island. |
OS1/20/112/10 |
[Page] 10 -- Parish of Balmaghie
Form 136
Meikle Knockdaliy
Little Knockdaily
Stony Island |
OS1/20/112/11 |
Threave Castle
Threave Castle
Threave Castle
Thrave Castle
Threve Castle
Thrieve or Thrieff Castle
Castle Thrive |
John Robertson [Rhae] [Rhonehouse]
Joseph Train Esqr
Nicholsons Hist. [History] of Galloway Vol. [Volume] 1 P. [Page] 26
Ainslies Map revd [revised] 1820
valuation roll 1819
Caledonia Vol. [Volume] 3 P. [Page] 244
Grose's Antiquity Vol. [Volume] 2 P. [Page] 175
Grose's Antiquity Vol. [Volume] 2 P. [Page] 176 |
039 |
[Situation] 1 ½ miles N. [North] by W. [West] of the village of Rhonehouse.
The ruins of an old castle or fortalice which appears by historical records to been built in the year 1388-9 & upon the Site of an ancient fortalice (which had been the residence of Allan Lord of Galloway) by Archibald the Grim Lord of Galloway & Earl of Douglas who died in it on the 3rd of Feby [February] 1400. It is a massive pile of building the walls being about 70 feet high & 8 feet thick forming an oblong Square built of Stone & cemented with Shell lime. It appears to have been encompassed by barbacan on the N. E. [North East] & S. [South] sides which was flanked by three towers one of which is still standing & part of the other two are to be Seen. For further particulars see Chalmers Caledonia Vol. [Volume] 3 P. [Page] 268
Also Grose's Antiquities Vol. [Volume] 2. Page 175 |
OS1/20/112/11 |
Parish of Balmaghie -- [page] 11
[Form 136]
Page [48] - Threave Castle (in ruins]) |
OS1/20/112/12 |
Threave Island
Threave Island
Isle of Threave |
John Robertson Rae
William Kirkpatrick
Valuation Roll 1819 |
039 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles north of the village of Rhonehouse.
A considerable Island in [the] River Dee on which is [situated] Threave Castle. It is part [of] the farm of Kelton Mains |
OS1/20/112/12 |
[Page] 12 -- Parish of Balmaghie
Form 136
Page 47 - Threave Island |
OS1/20/112/13 |
[Page] 13
Parish of Kelton
Plan 39C
Names of Objects -- Page
Barley Hill -- 21
Brownie Hill -- 27
Browniehill -- 27
Carlingwark Lane -- 18
Fair Green -- 29
Float Cock Island -- 19
Horse Hill -- 21
Hillhead Plantation -- 21
Hightae -- 22
Hillhead -- 24
Knockmowe -- 20
Kelton Mains -- 18
Kelton Mill Bridge -- 20
Kelton Lodge -- 21
Kelton Gate -- 22
Kelton Hill -- 23
Keltonhill -- 24
Kelton Mill -- 24
Knockrobbin -- 17
Lamb Island -- 26
Lodge Hill -- 27
Lodge of Kelton -- 26
Lodge Island -- 30
Lodge Bridge (Wooden) -- 30
Little Wood Hill -- 15
Meikle Wood Hill -- 15
Mill Burn -- 20
Midtown Mill -- 22
Midtown -- 23
Mill House -- 25
Mill Bridge -- 25
Mill Bank -- 25
Old Military Road -- 23
Port Hill -- 17
Rhonehouse or Kelton Hill -- 28 . 29
River Dee -- 19
Slatehole -- 30
Threave Bank Cottage -- 26
Whaup Islands -- 17 |
OS1/20/112/14 |
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/112/15 |
Little Wood Hill
Little Wood Hill |
John Robertson Rae
William Kirkpatrick |
039 |
[Situation] 1 1/2 miles north of the village of Rhonehouse.
A Small Hill on the farm of Kelton Mains |
OS1/20/112/15 |
Meikle Wood Hill
Meikle Wood Hill |
John Robertson Rae
William Kirkpatrick |
039 |
[Situation] At the South East side of Little Wood Hill.
A Hill on the farm of Kelton Mains at part of the N.W. [North West] side is grown over with brushwood & on the W. [West] & South sides is a plantation chiefly fir trees |
OS1/20/112/15 |
Parish of Kelton -- [page] 15
Little Wood Hill
Meikle Wood Hill
The entry Blairmichael has been crossed out. [note] See Page 34 |
OS1/20/112/16 |
[Page] 16
Form 136
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/112/17 |
Port Hill
Port Hill |
John Robertson, Rae
William Kirkpatrick |
039 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles north of the village of Rhonehouse.
A small hill contiguous to the castle of Threave & upon the farm of Kelton mains on the N. [North] end there is a small plantation consisting chiefly of fir trees. |
OS1/20/112/17 |
Whaup Islands
Whaup Islands |
John Robertson, Rae
William Kirkpatrick |
039 |
[Situation] near the SW [South West] Side of Port Hill. About 1 1/4 miles N [North] by W [West] of the village of Rhonehouse.
a Cluster of Small Islands in the River Dee upon some of which there is brushwood |
OS1/20/112/17 |
Knockrobbin |
John Robertson, Rae.
William Kirkpatrick |
039 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles north of the village of Rhonehouse.
A small cultivated hill upon the farm of Kelton Mains. |
OS1/20/112/17 |
Parish of Kelton -- [page] 17
Form 136
Page 49 -- Port Hill
49 -- Whaup Islands
49-- Knockrobbin
[Note] Whaup - A curlew
Dr. [Doctor] Jamiesons Scottish Dictionary |
OS1/20/112/18 |
Kelton Mains
Kelton Mains
Kelton Mains |
John Robertson, Rae
William Kirkpatrick
Valuation roll 1819 |
039 |
[Situation] About 1 1/8 miles N. [North] by E. [East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A modern stonebuilt house two stories high and was formerly the mansion to the Kelton Estate. It is now a farm house having [suitable] offices & a farm of 147 acres of land attached exclusive of plantations several of which are upon the lands. |
OS1/20/112/18 |
The Lane or Canal
The Lane or Canal
Carlingwark Lane
Carlingwark Lane
Carlingwark Lane |
John Robertson, Rae
William Kirkpatrick
Ainslies map 1820
John R. Rae
James McAdam
Robert Murray. |
039 |
[Situation] At the north side of the Parish of Kelton extending in a S.E. [South East] direction from the River Dee at threave Island to Carlingwark Loch.
An artifical cut extending from the N.W. [North West] side of Carlinwark Loch to the River Dee & near the N. [North] end of [threave] Island. It was cut about the year 1777 for the convenience [of] boats conveying marl from the Loch of Carlingwark to the upper districts of the country |
OS1/20/112/18 |
[Page] 18 -- Parish of Kelton
Form 136
Page 50 - Kelton Mains
Page 50 - Carlingwark Lane
[Note after Kelton Mains] Mains The farm attached to a mansion house
Jamiesons Scottish Dicty [Dictionary]
[Note about Carlingwark Lane] The Lane or Canal. "Car-lin i.e. The fort-
lake to which is added the
Scots-Saxon wark"
Note - This has not been used
as a navigable canal for
many years past.
[W S] [Loop] Corpl [Corporal]
RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners]
[Note] See also Name List Plan 39D |
OS1/20/112/19 |
The River Dee
The River Dee
Dee Water |
John Robertson, Rae
William Kirkpatrick
Ainslies Map 1820 |
039 |
[Situation] Rising in the northern portion of Kirkcudbrightshire & running in a Southern direction through the Central part of the County & uniting with the River Ken Continues its Course to Kirkcudbright Bay.
A Considerable River coming from Loch Dee and running through a considerable portion of Kirkcudbrightshire, enters Kirkcudbright Bay at Kirkcudbright. It is navigable for boats Northward from Threave Island, from which place a Canal extends to Carlingwark Loch near Castle Douglas |
OS1/20/112/19 |
Float Cock Island
Float Cock Island |
John Johnstone
William Halliday |
039 |
[Situation] 3/4 Mile N.W. [North West] of Rhonehouse.
A Small Island in the River Dee at the South Side of Lodge Island |
OS1/20/112/19 |
Parish of Kelton -- [page] 19
River Dee
Float Cock Island
[Note after River Dee] [Dee] dark colored stream His. [History of] Gal. [Galloway] Vol. [Volume] 1 page 13. |
OS1/20/112/20 |
Knockmowe |
William Gray
John Curran |
039 |
[Situation] 7/8 Mile North of Rhonehouse.
A Small hill of an oval shape the soil of which is arable it is part of the farm of Lodge of Kelton on it is a plantation of mixed wood |
OS1/20/112/20 |
Kelton Mill Bridge
Kelton Mill Bridge |
John Carter
Thomas Gibson |
039 |
[Situation] 3/8 Mile NE [North East] by N [North] of Rhonehouse.
A Stone bridge of one arch over Mill Burn near Kelton Mill. It is a County Bridge |
OS1/20/112/20 |
Mill Burn
Mill Burn |
John R Rae
James McAdam |
039 |
[Situation] North of Rhonehouse.
A Small Burn which runs northward from a Mill dam near the South of Kelton Mill & passes under Kelton Mill Bridge it afterwards runs in a north easterly direction & [atlenght] runs into the River Dee near Whaup Islands |
OS1/20/112/20 |
[Page] 20 -- Parish of Kelton
Form 136 page
Kelton Mill Bridge
Mill Burn |
OS1/20/112/21 |
Barley Hill
Barley Hill |
Alexander Morrison
[Joseph] Train Esqr |
039 |
[Situation] One mile NE [North East] by N. [North] of the village of Rhonehouse.
An arable hill surrounded by a plantation consisting chiefly of Fir trees with a sprinkling of hard woods and is upon the Farm of Hightae. |
OS1/20/112/21 |
Horse Hill
Horse Hill |
Alexander Morrison
William Lidderdale Esqr |
039 |
[Situation] 1 1/4 miles NE [North East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A round cultivated hill upon the farm of Hightae. |
OS1/20/112/21 |
Kelton Lodge
Kelton Lodge
Keltonlodge |
Arthur Conley
William Lidderdale Esqr
Ainslies Map 1820 |
039 |
[Situation] South of Barley Hill 7/8 Mile NE [North East] of Rhonehouse.
A small cottage upon the farm of Midtown and on the road side leading from Gate house to Castle Douglas. It was built for a lodge to Kelton mains but was never used as such. |
OS1/20/112/21 |
Hillhead Plantation
Hillhead Plantation |
John Carter
Thomas Gibson |
039 |
[Situation] 1/2 Mile NE [North East] of Rhonehouse.
A Small plantation of mixed wood on the farm of Hillhead |
OS1/20/112/21 |
Parish of Kelton -- [Page] 21
Form 136
Barley Hill
Horse Hill
Kelton Lodge
Hillhead Plantation
[Note] Hillhead The Summit or Top of a hill
Jamiesons Scottish Dicty [Dictionary] |
OS1/20/112/22 |
MIDTOWN MILL (Thrashing) |
Midtown Mill
Midtown Mill
Midtown |
Alexander Morrison
William Lidderdale Esqr.
Ainslies Map 1820 |
039 |
[Situation] 7/8 mile NE [North East] by N [North] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A stone building 2 stories high with machinery for thrashing corn; and upon the farm of Midtown. |
OS1/20/112/22 |
Hitae |
Mr William McKeand
Mr Alexander Douglas
Rev? [Reverend?] Cowan
William Lidderdale Esqr
Ainslies Map |
039 |
[Situation] One mile NE [North East] by N. [North] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A farm house & offices in good repair with a farm of land attached and is the property of Archibald Maxwell Esqr. of [Threave] |
OS1/20/112/22 |
Kelton Gate
Kelton Gate
Keltongate |
James Grierson
William Lidderdale Esqr
Ainslies Map |
039 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile NE [North East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
There was formerly a Gate here being the entrance to Kelton [mains] when the proprietor occupied the] house & previous to the new [road] from Gatehouse to C. [Castle] [Douglas] being made. There is now a [stone] cottage goes by the name & is on [the] old military road side leading [from] Kirkcudbright to C. [Castle] Douglas |
OS1/20/112/22 |
[Page] 22 -- Parish of Kelton
Form 136
Page 57 - Midtown Mill
Page 56 - Hightae
Page 57 - Kelton Gate |
OS1/20/112/23 |
Old Military Road
Old Military Road
Old Military Road |
James Grierson
William Lidderdale Esqr
Joseph Train Esqr |
039 |
[Situation] Passing through the Southern portion of the Co. [County] of Kirkcudbright.
Formerly the leading road from London to Portpatrick it is called the Military Road because it was made by the military under Genl. [General] Wade about the year of 1760. - |
OS1/20/112/23 |
Keltonhill |
Mr. William McKeand
Mr. Alexander Douglas
William Lidderdale Esqr
Ainslies Map
valuation roll 1819 |
039 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile NE. [North East] by E. [East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A hill tastefully laid out with plantations consisting chiefly of Fir trees & mixed with hard wood. It is upon the farm of Keltonhill & is celebrated for an annual fair held on it in former times. on it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] station |
OS1/20/112/23 |
Midtown |
Mr. William McKeand
Mr. Alexander Douglas
William Lidderdale Esqr
Ainslies Map |
039 |
[Situation] About 5/8 mile NE. [North East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A small farm house and offices in good repair with a farm of land attached The property of Mr. Maxwell. a minor. - |
OS1/20/112/23 |
Parish of Kelton -- [Page] 23
Form 136
Page [ ] Old Military Road
54 - Kelton Hill
53 - Midtown |
OS1/20/112/24 |
Hillhead |
Mr William McKeand
Mr Alexander Douglas
William Lidderdale Esqr
Ainslies Map 1820 |
039 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile NE [North East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A small farm house of stone [out] offices of wood with a [farm] of 76 acres of land attached & is the property of William [Barber] [Esqr.] |
OS1/20/112/24 |
Keltonhill |
Mr William McKeand
Mr Alexander Douglas
William Lidderdale Esqr
Ainslies Map 1820
valuation roll 1819 |
039 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile NE. [North East] by E. [East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A Farmhouse and offices [with] a farm of about 120 acres of [land] attached and is the [property] of William Barber Esqr. |
OS1/20/112/24 |
Kelton Mill
Kelton Mill
Kelton Mill
Kelton Mill
Mill of Kelton |
Mr William McKeand
Mr Alexander Douglas
William Lidderdale Esqr
Ainslies Map
valuation roll |
039 |
[Situation] 24 chains NNE. [North North East ] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A corn mill in good [repair] & the property of Archibald [Maxwell] Esqr of Threave. |
OS1/20/112/24 |
[Page] 24 -- Parish of Kelton
Form 136
Page 49 ; 53 - Hillhead
54 - Keltonhill
51 - Kelton Mill (Corn) |
OS1/20/112/25 |
Mill House
Mill House
Mill House |
Thomas Hutton
Alexander McKnaight
William Lidderdale Esqr |
039 |
[Situation] About 1/4 mile NNE [North North East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A farm house and offices with about 19 acres of land attached & the property of Archibald Maxwell of Threave Esqr |
OS1/20/112/25 |
Mill Bridge
Mill Bridge
Mill Bridge |
Alexander McKnaight
Thomas Hutton
William Lidderdale Esqr |
039 |
[Situation] 1/4 mile NE. [North East] by N. [North] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A small stone bridge of one arch in bad repair & crossing a mill race on the old Military Road leading from Gatehouse to C. [Castle] Douglas. It is a Bridge supported by the Bridge Fund Kept by the gentlemen of the County.- |
OS1/20/112/25 |
Millbank |
John Muirhead
Alexander McKnaight
William Lidderdale Esqr |
039 |
[Situation] Near the E [East] side of Mill Bridge & 1/4 mile NE [North East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A small Feu upon which John Muirhead has erected a small cottage.- |
OS1/20/112/25 |
Parish of Kelton -- [Page] 25 |
OS1/20/112/26 |
Lodge of Kelton
Lodge of Kelton
Keltonlodge |
William Lidderdale Esq.
Robert Johnston
Ainslies Map |
039 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile north of the village of Rhonehouse.
A farm house in good [repair] with office houses attached [the] property of J. Maxwell Esq who resides in Liverpool |
OS1/20/112/26 |
Lamb Island
Lamb Island
Lamb Island |
William Lidderdale Esqr.
Robert Johnston
Ainslies Map |
039 |
[Situation] 1/2 mile NW [North West] by N [North] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A small Island in the river Dee a little North of Threave Bridge it is of an [eliptical] form and planted with [Firs] |
OS1/20/112/26 |
Threave Bank Cottage
Threave Bank Cottage |
William Lidderdale Esqr
Robert Johnston |
039 |
[Situation] At the East side of Threave Bridge.
A small dwelling house immediately adjoining [the] East side of Threave [Bridge] from which it derives [its] name. - |
OS1/20/112/26 |
[Page] 26 -- Parish of Kelton
Form 136
Page 41 - Lodge of Kelton
Page 41 - Lamb Island
Page 41 - Threave Bank Cottage |
OS1/20/112/27 |
Brownie Hill |
Adam McConnal
William Geddes. |
039 |
[Situation] About 1/4 mile N. [North] of the village of Rhonehouse.
An arable hill [surrounded] by a plantation on the farm of Lodge of Kelton. |
OS1/20/112/27 |
Brownie Hill House
Browniehills |
Adam McConnal
William Geddes
Ainslies Map
valuation roll 1819 |
039 |
[Situation] About 3/8 mile N. [North] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A small thatched [cot] House near the north base of Brownie Hill from which it derives its name. |
OS1/20/112/27 |
Lodge Hill
Lodge Hill |
Adam McConnal
William Geddes |
039 |
[Situation] About 1/4 mile NW. [North West] of the village of Rhonehouse.
An arable hill upon the farm Lodge of Kelton from which it takes its name. |
OS1/20/112/27 |
Parish of Kelton -- [page] 27
[Note] Brownie - A spirit, till of late years
Supposed to haunt some old houses &c.
Dr [Doctor] Jamieson's Scot. [Scottish] Dicty [Dictionary] |
OS1/20/112/28 |
Rhonhouse or Kelton Mill
Keltonhill |
Joseph Train Esq.
An old document in possession of Mr Train
William Lidderdale Esq
Gazetteer of Scotland
Ainslies Map
valuation roll 1819
List of Fairs
Oliver & Boyds Almanac 1848 |
039 |
[Situation] In the north side of the Parish of Kelton & about 2 miles S.W. [South West] of Castle Douglas.
A small village sometimes called Keltonhill after a large hill in the locality upon which the largest fair & cattle market in the south of Scotland is annually held. The weekly & monthly markets to which the Village owed its rise. have since been transfered to Castledouglas. The fair yet remains and is held in the Village. It has a receiving post office and a population of about 200 inhabitants. |
OS1/20/112/28 |
Rhonhouse or Kelton Mill
Keltonhill |
Joseph Train Esq.
An old document in possession of Mr Train
William Lidderdale Esq
Gazetteer of Scotland
Ainslies Map
valuation roll 1819
List of Fair
Oliver & Boyds Almanac 1848 |
039 |
[Situation] In the north side of the Parish of Kelton & about 2 miles S.W. [South West] of Castle Douglas.
A small village sometimes called Keltonhill after a large hill in the locality upon which the largest fair & cattle market in the south of Scotland is annually held. The weekly & monthly markets to which the Village owed its rise. have since been transfered to Castledouglas. The fair yet remains and is held in the Village. It has a receiving post office and a population of about 200 inhabitants. |
OS1/20/112/28 |
[Page] 28 -- Parish of Kelton
Form 136
Page 45 - Rhonehouse or Keltonhill
[Note] [Raon] A plain A green
An upland field &c
house an English prefix added
Roan (Scot.) [(Scottish)] A congeries
of Brushwood &c
(See Note Page 29) |
OS1/20/112/29 |
Fair Green
Fair Green |
Adam McConnal
William Geddes |
039 |
[Situation] About SW. [South West] side of the village of Rhonehouse.
A field in the
Village of Rhonehouse upon which the annual fair is held. On this place is a trigl. [trigonometrical] Station called by Trig. [Trigonometrical] Party "Kelton Hill" |
OS1/20/112/29 |
Parish of Kelton -- [Page] 29
Page 44 -- Fair Green
[Note] The Fair held at this place is (called
"Keltonhill-Fair") for Horses and Hiring
it is held on the 17th June O. S. [Ordnance Survey]
Entry for Rhonehoue is scored through |
OS1/20/112/30 |
Lodge Island
Lodge Island
Cony Island |
Robert Johnston
William Lidderdale Esq.
Ainslies Map 1819 |
039 |
[Situation] About 3/4 mile N.W. [North West] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A large arable Island of about 60 acres situated in the river Dee it takes its name from belonging to the farm Lodge of Kelton. |
OS1/20/112/30 |
Slatehole |
Mr. William McKeand
Mr. Alexander Douglas |
039 |
[Situation] 14 chains NE. [North East] by N. [North] of the village of Rhonehouse.
Three cottages in bad repair. The property of Mr. John Carter. |
OS1/20/112/30 |
Lodge Bridge (wooden)
Lodge Bridge (wooden) |
John R. Rae
William Gray |
039 |
[Situation] 3/4 mile N [North] by W [West] of Rhonehouse.
A wooden bridge over part of the River Dee [leading] from Lodge of Kelton to Lodge Island. |
OS1/20/112/30 |
[Page] 30 -- Parish of Kelton
Form 136
Page 40 - Lodge Island
Page 56 - Slatehole
Lodge Bridge (Wooden) |
OS1/20/112/31 |
[Page] 31
Parish of Crossmichael
Plan 39C
Name of objects -- Page
Blairmichael -- 34
Cape of Good Hope -- 33
Cape Well -- 33
Goose Isle -- 34
Hunters Hill -- 33 |
OS1/20/112/32 |
[Page] 32
[Blank Page] |
OS1/20/112/33 |
Cape of Good Hope
Cape of Good Hope
Cape of Good Hope |
William Clanaghan
John Milligan
Thomas Douglas |
039 |
[Situation] About 1 5/8 miles NNE [North North East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A field or spot of arable ground on the farm of Blackpark part of which forms an eminence & projecting into a tract of rough ground |
OS1/20/112/33 |
Cape Well
Cape Well
Cape Well |
William Clanaghan
John Milligan
Thomas Douglas |
039 |
[Situation] At the south side of Cape of Good Hope. About 1 5/8 miles N.N.E. [North North East] of the village of Rhonehouse.
A spring well in the farm of Blackpark near an eminence called Cape of Good Hope. |
OS1/20/112/33 |
Hunters Hill
Hunters Hill
Hunters Hill |
Robert Giddies
David Giddies
William Giddies |
039 |
[Situation] 2 miles NNE [North North East] of Rhonehouse.
A hill the surface of which is good arable land. On its summit is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Black Park" |
OS1/20/112/33 |
Parish of Crossmichael -- [page] 33
Cape of Good Hope
Cape Well
Hunters Hill |
OS1/20/112/33 |
Words are missing in fold on left hand side. |
OS1/20/112/34 |
Goose Isle
Goose Isle
Goose Isles |
James Gordon
Robert Murray
Ainslies Co. [County] Map [res] 1820 |
039 |
[Situation] North of Threave Island.
A small tract of ground north of Threave Island it is thinly planted with mixed wood and is liable to flood. It is frequented by Geese in winter season hence the name |
OS1/20/112/34 |
Blairmuck |
William Gordon Esq.
Thomas Laurie
James Gordon |
039 |
[Situation] 3/8 mile North of Threave Island.
For description see Name List for Plan 39 A Page 41 |
OS1/20/112/34 |
[Page] 34
Form 136
Goose Isle
[Note] Mr. Gordon (The proprietor) wishes this hill to be called Blairmichael |
OS1/20/112/35 |
Mr. James Gordon Threave Mains
William [McKenzie] White hill |
039 |
A small stone Bridge with one arch across a small burn. it is a Parish Bridge |
OS1/20/112/35 |
Mr James Gordon Threave Mains Castle Douglas
William McKinna Garden House [Glenlochar] Castle Douglas |
039 |
A House to the left of Black Briggs, it is said by Mr. Gordon that it takes its name from a garden having formerly been attatched to it. |
OS1/20/112/35 |
Mr. James Gordon Threave Mains Castle Douglas William McKinna Garden House [Glenlochar] Castle Douglas |
039 |
A Plantation consisting of Birch & Oak |
OS1/20/112/35 |
List of Names collected by William Hogan CA [Civilian Assistant] -- 1st Examiner -- [page] 35
Parish of Balmaghie
Received Name -- Object
Black Briggs - Bridge
Garden House - House
Kennan Hill Plantation - Plantation |
OS1/20/112/35 |
Words are missing in fold on left hand side. |
OS1/20/112/36 |
William Irvine Barnboard Castle [Douglas]
William McKinn Black [--] Castle [Douglas]
William [McKenzie] White hill Castle [Douglas] |
039 |
A large wood consisting of Beech Fir & Oak, situated on the farm of Barnboard and about ten chains to the right of the road leading from Castle Douglas to [Louriestown] and about ten chains from Barnbord Station, the property of Admiral Gordon |
OS1/20/112/36 |
[Page] 36 -- List of Names collected by William Hogan C.A [Civilian Assistant] -- 1st Examiner
Plan 39C Trace 1
Parish of Balmaghie
Barnboard Wood - Wood |
OS1/20/112/36 |
Words are missing in fold on right hand side. |
OS1/20/112/37 |
William Irvin Barnboard via Castle Douglas |
039 |
A small Bridge built of stone with one arch. |
OS1/20/112/37 |
James Gordon Threave Mains |
039 |
A small hill planted with mixed wood, chiefley oak, the property of Mr. Gordon, Minister at Twynholme |
OS1/20/112/37 |
Robert Johnston Netherhall
James [Gordon] Threave Mains |
039 |
An eminence in the centre of an arable field with a knowe upon its summit from which it is said the covenanter's minister addressed his followers at the time of the prohibation of that [--] |
OS1/20/112/37 |
List of Names collected by William Hogan c/a [civilian assistant] -- 1st Examiner -- [page] 37
Parish of Balmaghie
[Plan] 39C
Ringlan Bridge - Bridge
Kennan Hill - Hill
Aikey Hill - a small eminence in an arable field |
OS1/20/112/37 |
Words are missing in fold on left hand side. |