
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks

John Brown Esqr
John Gardener
John Denniston Gatehouse
Map of Property
037 [Situation] 1 3/4 miles NNW. [North North West] of Burnfoot (in ruins).
An extensive hill of small elevation on the farm of Meikle Cullendoch the surface of which is partly Moss & partly heathy pasture On it is a Trigl [Trigonometrical] Station called by Trigl [Trigonometrical] Party "Dunharbory".
THORNS OF FLEET Thorns of Fleet
Thorns of Fleet

Thorns of Fleet
John Ferguson
Samuel McLelland Esq.
John Denniston Gatehouse
037 [Situation] About 1 3/8 miles N. [North] by W. [West] of Burnfoot (in ruins).
Two Antique looking thorns on the Western Margin of the Little Water of Fleet from which they took their name. formerly there had been a number more. which are now rooted up.
Corse Burn
Corse Burn

Corse Burn
John Ferguson
John Denniston
Samuel McLelland Esq.
Ainslies Co. map
037 [Situation] Running in an easterly direction & falls into the Little Water of Fleet about 3/4 mile N [North] by W. [West] of Burnfoot (in ruins).
A small stream gathering in a Moss between Dunharbery & the Rig of Drumruck. & falling into the Little Water of Fleet on Morrowton Farm.

Continued entries/extra info

Parish of Girthon -- [Page] 3

[Form 136]
Page [21] - Dunharberry
Page [22] - Thorns of Fleet
Page 24 - Corse Burn

[Signed] John Mechan Lce [Lance] Corpl [Corporal] RSM [Royal Sappers & Miners]

Transcriber's notes

Words are missing in fold on left hand side.

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