
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Benmeal Burn
Benmeal Burn
William McMichael
Samuel McLelland Esqr
William StarK
037 [Situation] Running in a Southerly direction from the wesr side of Dunharberry & running into the Big Water of Fleet West Side of MeiKle Cullendoch Moss
A Small Burn taKing its rise on Benmeal (hence the name) and Running in a Southerly direction to its influx with the Big Water of Fleet. - Benmeal is a Hill
DUMBIE'S GRAVBE Dummy's Grave.
Dummy's Grave.
Dummy's Grave.
William McMichal
Samuel McLelland Esqr.
William StarK
037 [Situation] 3/4 Mile North of MeiKle Cullendoch
This name applies to the grave of a Dumbie Man, who had been found dead here & buried hence the name. On the farm of Meikle Cullendoch
William McMichael
Samuel McLelland Esqr.
William StarK
John Brown Esqr
037 [Situation] About 13/4 miles N N E [North North East] of MeiKle Cullendoch
A Considerable hill on the farm of MeiKle Cullendoch the soil of which is chiefly Mossland. On it is a Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Station Called by Trigl. [Trigonometrical] Party "Dunharberry"

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 9
[3]3 Dunharberry
32 Dumbie's Grave
34 Benmeal Burn
Dumbie, pron. [pronounced] Dummie. One who is Dumb, Jamieson's Scottish Dicty. [Dictionary]

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Molly Miller

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