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[Page] 119
Parish of Fetteresso

"It is well known to every scholar, from the account of Tacitus, that about the year 84 of the Christian
era. Julius Agricola, the Roman general, having subdued the more Southern parts of Scotland led an
army of about 26000 men, during his Seventh campaign, through the country of the Horesti, towards
the north, and fought a great battle ad monteum Grampium, against the Caledonians, who
mustered upwards of 30000, and were led by their chief named Galgacus. The issue of the battle
is said by the historian to have been highly favourable to the Romans, yet from the circumstance of
their army making an immediate retreat to their former cantonments, there is Some reason to
Suspect that the victory then obtained has been a little exaggerated. Now the Scene of this action is
the point to be ascertained, and three different places are fixed on, besides some others now tacitly re-
linguished, at which it is supposed to have happened, while each opinion is supported by the arguments
of several learned and ingenious writers. These places are Ardoch or Lindum in Strathallan, Dealgin Ross,
near Comrie, in Strathearn, and a third Somewhere more to the north than either. Now it is agreed on
all hands that ad Montem Grampium means that long range of mountains still called the Grampian,
or sometimes Grainsbein, which extends across almost the whole of Scotland from west to east, between
Dumbarton on the Clyde and Aberdeen on the Dee, a tract of nearly 100 miles. It must, therefore, appear
extremely difficult to find out the precise spot in so long a line, especially as the authority we possess for
determining it is the description of a Single historian remarkable for conciseness, combined with few
local circumstances. Fortunately, however in this case, So many particulars of both are still extant,
or lately were so, that the author presumes to hope he Shall be able to point out the exact spot al-
most to a demonstration. It may here, however be observed, that Richard of Cirencester, though in
some respects very correct in naming and placing the various Roman Stations in this country,
has certainly erred egregiously in placing this mountain far to the north of Aberdeen, the real ex-
tremity of the Grampian range, and that according to him, it must have been either Mormond, in
the district of Buchan, or the Hill called the Knock on the Dovern, an opinion which is altogether
untenable. [contined on page 120]

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