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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Nether Brandmires Nether Brandmyres
Nether Brandmyres
Nether Brandmyres
Valuation Roll
Mr James Duncan
Alexander Thomson Esqr
004.10 A large farm house in good repair with outhouses garden etc attached near Tillyhowes, the property (of Alexander Thomson Esqr) Banchoryhouse
Burn of Leggart Burn of Leggart
Burn of Leggart
Burn of Leggart
A. Thomson Esq. Banchory House
Rev. [Reverend] R. Fairweather, Nigg Manse
Mr R. Westlin, Farmer Caiesdykes -
004.10 A stream having its source at the Loch of Loirston, and after flowing in a northerly direction for about 2 miles, falls into the River Dee at Hilldowntree.

Continued entries/extra info

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Parish of Banchory Devenick -- Sheet 4 -- Plan 11

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Moira L- Moderator, GreenflyNZ

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