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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CEANN GLAS Ceann Glass Mr. Donald McDonald Skinidin 021 This name signifies "The Grey Head" and is applied to a point on Eilean Mor situated in Loch Dunvegan
ACHADH NA CAIRIDH Achadh na Cairidh Mr Donald McDonald 021 This name signifies "Field of the Fish Wall" and is applied to Ruins Situated about ½ mile to the West of Uginish Property of McLeod of McLeod
DRUIM A' GHUAIL Druim a' Ghuail Mr Donald McDonald 021 This name signifies "Coal Ridge" and is applied to a Knoll situated about ¼ mile to the west of Uginish. Property of McLeod of McLeod, Dunvegan Castle.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, Jan

  Location information for this page.