
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks

Mr Montgomery, Farmer Greepe by Dunvegan
Mr McNeil Schoolmaster Skinidin, by Dunvegan
Mr McLeod, Shipherd Orbost, by Dunvegan
027 This name is applied to two cot houses situate at the head of Loch Bharcsaig. They are one storey thatched & in fair repair. Mr Robinson of Grishernish.
VARKASAIG Varkasaig Mr Montgomery, Farmer Greepe by Dunvegan Mr McNeil Schoolmaster Skinidin, by Dunvegan
Mr McLeod, Shipherd Orbost, by Dunvegan
A McLeod Greep
027 Is applied to a shipherd'd house situate a short distance South West from the above. It is one storey slated & in good repair. Property of the above gentleman.

Cnoc Feannaig
Mr McLeod, shepherd
Mr Montgomery, Farmer
J. Robertson Esq. Grishernish
027 A small hill situate a short distance N.W. [North West] from the above described shipherds house; it is the proper of Mr Robinson of Grishernish. Signification "Whey Hill"

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Isle of Skye -- County of Inverness -- Ph [Parish] of Duirinish

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