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List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ABHUINN AN LÒIN MHÒIR Abhuinn an Lòin Mhòir Mr Murdoch Macrae
A McLeod Greep
021 This name signifies "Big Meadow River" and is applied to a stream having its name from the district Known as Hornival. It flows in a South-west direction till it enters "Loch Dunvegan".
Fairfield Cottage
Fairfield Cottage
Mr McKenzie, Owner & Innkeeper Struan by Portree
Mr McDonald Keeper Colbost, Struan, by Portree
Mr McKenzie Postmaster Dunvegan.
021 A small cottage built of stone 1 storey high slated & in good repair & situated near the public road near the Free Church at Lonmor. Mr.McKenzie, Struan is proprietor.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 116
Co [County] of Inverness -- Parish of Duirinish -- Isle of Skye

Allt Ruairidh [crossed out] Please See 6 Inch Bk [Book] 2.

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

Bizzy- Moderator, AMRM

  Location information for this page.