
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CREAG LOISGTE Creag Loisgte Mr John Macdonald
A.A Carmichael Esq.
D. Beaton Loch Skiport
049 This name is applied to a knoll, situated 10 chains to the North of Strome an Feusagay Proprietor John Gordon Esqr. Cluny Castle
LOCH FADA Loch Fada Mr John Madonald
A A Carmichael Esq.
049 Meaning "Long Loch" and is applied to two narrow lochs about fifteen chains long, situated about 1/2 a mile to the East of the knoll known as a Burning Rock, Proprietor John Gordon Esqr.
SLOC AN TAIRBH Sloc an Tairbh Mr John Macdonald
A A Carmichael Esq.
049 Meaning "The bulls pit hillock" and is applied to a knoll situated on the sea coast and 10 chains to the North East of Loch Carn an Mòr
Proprietor John Gordon Esqr.

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Ph .[Parish of South Uist -- County of Inverness

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