
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
NORTH BAY North Bay John MacDonald 048 This name applies to a large sandy bay on the Northern Side of the District of Ardivachar
MOL MOR Mòl Mòr John MacDonald
AA Carmichael Esq.
048 This name signafies Big point and is applied to both the High and Low water point a short distance N. E. [North East] of North Bay
Propt [Proprietor] John Gordon Esqr Cluny Castle Aberdeenshire
Cnoc Mòr Cnoc Mòr John MacDonald
AA Carmichael Esq.
048 This name signafies Big Hillock and is a sandy Eminence on the N. W. [Northwest] Side of the island of South Uist Proprietor John Gordon Esqr

Continued entries/extra info

Western Hebrides Parish of South Uist Sheet 48 Plan 1 Trace 6 [Page] 78
Roman Capitals

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