
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
GASKER Gasker Mr A. Matheson
Mr Malcolm McLennan,
004 This name signifies Goose Rock (norse) and applies to a small Island situated about 6 miles to the South-west of Scarp, property of E. H. Scott. Esquire. 27 Grosvenor Square, London.
GASKER BEG Gasker Beg Mr A. Matheson
Mr Malcolm McLennan,
004 ; 008 This name applies to a Group of rocKs situated 6 miles to the south-west of Scarp. It is almost impossible to gain access to these rocKs, in consequence of the scathing and foaming, waters by which they are invairably surrounded. property of E. H. Scott. Esquire. 27 Grosvenor Square, London.
GEO IAR Geo Iar Admiralty Chart
Mr A. Matheson Teacher Scarp,
Mr Malcom McLennan Carpenter, Scarp.
004 This name signifies "West Cove", or CreeK, and is situated on the north-west end of "Gais sgeir" property of E. H. Scott. Esquire. 27 Grosvenor Square, London.

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[page] 18
Island of Scarp -- County of Inverness

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