
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CREAG GLAC AN TRIUBHAIS Creag Glac an Truibhais
Creag Glac an Truinhais
Rev [Reverend]John McLean
Mr Archibald McMaster
077 Applies to a Small Steep Craig Situated about the Centre of "Druim na Eunie" the Name Signifies "Rock of the Breeches Hollow" property of James Baird Esq.
ALLT GLAC NAN SGADAN Allt Glac nan Sgadan
Allt Glac nan Sgadan
Rev [Reverend]John McLean
Mr Archibald McMaster
077 Applies to a Small Stream Collecting a little to the East of "Meall nam Clach" it flows North for a Short distance and then Suddenly turns to the East flowing it the latter direction till it Enters "Loch Hourn" at "Glac nan Sgadan" the Name Signifies "Burn of the Herring Hollow" property of James Baird Esq.
AN LETH-BHEINN An Leth-bheinn
An Leth-bheinn
Rev [Reverend]John McLean
Mr Archibald McMaster
077 Applies to a Rocky Hill Situated a Short distance East of "Meall Gruamach" the Name Signifies the "Half Mountain" property of James Baird Esq."

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Inverness-Shire -- Parish of Glenelg
6 Inch Sheet 77

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Jm Bell

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