
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
TOM BAILGEANN Tom Bailgeann Mr. D. Whyte
Mr. William Fraser
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr. D. Cameron
030 This name signifies "Spotted hillock" and is applied to a Conspicuous rocky eminence, situated immediately north of Loch Ceò-ghlas, Col. [Colonel] Tytler proprietor, Aldourie Castle, by Inverness.
AN DOIRLINN An Doirlinn Mr. D. Whyte
Mr. A. Fraser
030 This name Signifies, "The Peninsula' and is applied to a piece of land which projects into the Southern end of Loch Dùn na Seilcheig Col. [Colonel] Tytler, proprietor,
MEALL NA H-UAIGHE Meall na h-Uaighe Mr. D. Whyte
Mr. A. Fraser
Mr. D. Cameron
030 This name is applied to a slight eminence situated between Tom Bailgeann and Erchite Hill, Col. [Colonel] Tytler proprietor Name signifies "Hill of the Grave."

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[Page] 22
County of Inverness -- Parish of Dores

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