
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
AN GARBH-ALLT An Garbh-allt Revd. [Reverend] William MacIntosh Keppoch Arisaig
Mr. A. McDonald
136 This name applies to a Small Stream having its Source on the Eastern Side of Druim Loch Eilt it runs in a Southern Direction till it Enters Loch Eilt Meaning "Rough Burn"
COILLE CHREAG Coille Chreag Revd. [Reverend] William MacIntosh
Mr. A. McDonald
136 This name applies to a Small Wooded Rock Situated on the Northern shore Of Loch Eilt and on the Property of D Cameron Esq Inverailort Meaning "the Wooded Rock"
ALLT DEARG Allt Dearg Rev. [Reverend] William McIntosh
Mr. A. McDonald
136 This name is applied to a Small Stream having its Source in Lochan Sgòr a' Mhuidhe it runs Southwards and Enters the Eastern End of Loch Eilt Meaning "Red Burn"

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County of Inverness -- 6 Inch Sheet 136 Trace 3

Transcriber's notes

Inverness is written Invernefs

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George Howat

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