
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
CRANNOCH BURN Cranoch Burn Mr. A. McEachen Keeper Kinlochnanua
Mr. J. Weir Kinlochnanua
135 This name applies to a small stream having its source on the north side of "Ghlac Ruadh", and thence flowing SW [South West] till it falls into Loch nam Uamh
LOCH AILORT Loch Ailort D. Cameron. esq. Inverailort
Mr. A. McDonald Arienskill
Mr. A. McEachen
135 ; 136 This name applies to a large arm of the Sea extending from the S.E. [South East] end, of "Loch nam Uamh", and extending thence to within a short distance of Inverailort House. It is navigable for vessels of light draught only

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 19
Parish of Ardnamurchan -- County of Inverness

Transcriber's notes

Note the Name column shows CRANNOCH (double N) while the image and index shows CRANOCH (single N) - does this need corrected?

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George Howat

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