
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
SEABRAES Seabraes Mr. D. M Gregor 4 Perth Road
Mr. A. Guthrie Seabraes Mill
Dundee Directory
Parliamy. [Parliamentary] List of Voters
054 [Situation] On the south side of Perth Road
This name applies to a district situated off the South side of the Perth Road, abutting on the Tay and extending Westward from the Nethergate to Roseangle. It is mostly occupied by workshops, Engine sheds & factories Seabraes Mill lying at the Eastern extremity. The boundary of this district is marked on Trace 6 by a red dotted line & is separated from lands contiguous on the East and West sides by a straight stone wall. A sort of precipitous bank runs along the whole length of the ground being formerly washed by the tide, to which the name particularly applies

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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.9 No. 8 Trace 6

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