Forfar (Angus) volume 29

Page List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks Continued entries/extra info Transcriber's notes
OS1/14/29/1 SMITHFIELD SCHOOL (Episcopal) Smithfield School (Episcopal) Smithfield School (Episcopal) Miss Gilgour Teacher Mr. Moodie Teacher Butterburn Subscription School 054 This name is applied to a brick building in good repair at N. [North] end of Derby St. It is a Mission School in Connection with St. Labrador's Episcopal Ch. [Church] Union St Maxwelltown. Average daily attendance 200. the ordinary brnches of education with industry taught. Miss Gilgour is the Teacher & is assisted by four pupil Teachers The salary is derived from school fees and Government Grant.
OS1/14/29/1 BUTTERBURN SUBSCRIPTION SCHOOL Butterburn Subscription School Butterburn District Subscription School Inscription over door at entrance Mr. Moodie Teacher 054 This name is applied to a stone building in good repair situated in Well Road. Average attendance 125. the ordinary branches with industry taught. Mr. & Mrs. Moodie Teacher and assisted by 3 pupil Teachers. Salary from Gov. [Government] Grant, School fees, & Subscription.
OS1/14/29/1 [Page] 1 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/2 DUNCAN'S BUILDINGS Duncan's Buildings Name painted on Corner of building Mr Lorimer 054 This name is applied to two blocks of building N. [North] of Paterson St. Coldside. The property of Mr. Duncan occupied by various parties
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OS1/14/29/3 BACK STREET [Dundee] Back Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a Street of dwelling houses and a Mill it extends from Loons Road to near Kinnaird Street
OS1/14/29/3 PATERSON STREET [Dundee] Paterson Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a Street of dwelling houses &c. it extends from Back Street to Strathmartine Rd.
OS1/14/29/3 WELL ROAD [Dundee] Well Road Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a Street extending from Strathmartine Road to Derby Street
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OS1/14/29/4 KINNAIRD STREET [Dundee] Kinnaird Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street newly opened out. Extending from Hill Street to Lawmill Cottages near Back Street.
OS1/14/29/4 DERBY STREET [Dundee] Derby Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a new street, extending from Well Rd. to Hill Street
OS1/14/29/4 ALBION COTTAGE Albion Cottage Albion Cottage Mr. Lorimer Proprietor Mr. Lorimer Junr. [Junior] 054 This name is applied to a Cottage one storey high occupied by the proprietor Mr Lorimer
OS1/14/29/4 [Page] 4 Co. of Forfar. -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/5 BOWBRIDGE WORKS (Jute, Spinning & Weaving) Bowbridge Works (Jute, Spinning & Weaving) Bowbridge Works (Jute, Spinning & Weaving) Bowbridge Works (Jute, Spinning & Weaving) Name on Carts belonging to works Mr. Butchart Manager Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to an Extensive Manufactory situated in the district known as "Smithfield"and adjacent to the "Mains Road" the principal Manufacture carried on in these works is Jute Spinning and Weaving and the works afford Employment to 567 persons, distributed as follows, 198 Males and 369 Females, the Machinary which is nearly all new is driven by an Engine of 480 Horse Power, Steam being the agent used for propelling the Engine, the buildings comprising the works are built of various material being separtely built of Stone, Brick & Wood, they are generally of one storey high, slated and nearly new. the property of Messrs. J. and A.D. Grimond Manufacturers Dundee
OS1/14/29/5 [Page] 5 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee 1/500 Scale
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OS1/14/29/7 LOONS ROAD [Dundee] Loon's Road Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a Road extending from "Kings Cross Road" Lochee to Strathmartine Road Butterburn
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OS1/14/29/8 RESERVOIR [Dundee Law] Reservoir Mr. Mackison Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to an erection of one storey high situated at the Northern base of the "Dundee Law" it is a high level reservoir the property of the Dundee Water Company. the building is slated and in Excellent repair
OS1/14/29/8 LAWSIDE ROAD [Dundee] Lawside Road Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a Road extending from West end of Dudhope Terrace, at the Barrack Park to Loons Road.
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OS1/14/29/9 HILL STREET [Dundee] Hill Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a new street extending from Strathmartine Road to Kinnaird Street.
OS1/14/29/9 BRUCE STREET [Dundee] Bruce Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a new St. extending from "Hospital Wynd" to Hill Street
OS1/14/29/9 GOSHEN COTTAGE Goshen Cottage Goshen Cottage Mr. O. Neille Proprietor & occupier Mr. Matheson Wellgate. Dundee 054 This name is aplied to a one storey on the N. [North] side of "Hospital Wynd" occcupied by Mr. O Neille
OS1/14/29/9 PARK COTTAGE Park Cottage Park Cottage Mr. Martin occupier Mr. Mattheson Proprietor Wellgate Mr. O Neille. Goshen Cottage 054 This name is applied to a one storey cottage with attics occupied by Mr. Martin. the property of Mr. Matheson, Wellgate - Dundee
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OS1/14/29/10 LAWMILL COTTAGES Lawmill Cottages Lawmill Cottages Mrs. Barrie occupier Mr. Ferrier occupier 054 This name applies to two neat cottages at the foot of Kinnaird St. occupied by Mrs. Barrie & Mr. Ferrier the property of Mr. Paterson
OS1/14/29/10 ROCKWELL WORKS (Flax) Rockwell Works (Flax) Rockwell Works (Flax) Rockwell Works (Flax) Small & Booth Proprietors Mr. Ferrier Lawmill Cottages Mr. Buist Manager 054 This name is applied to extensive works, stone & brick buildings one & two storeys high situated on the old Dundee & Newtyle Railway for the manufacture of Canvass. - Proprietors Messr. Small & Booth Average hands employed, men & women, 150.
OS1/14/29/10 MORTIMER STREET [Dundee] Mortimer Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a new street of dwelling houses extending from "Hospital Wynd" to Hill Street
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OS1/14/29/11 ST SALVADOR'S CHURCH (Episcopal) St. Salvador's Church (Episcopal) Seats for 440 St. Salvador's Church (Episcopal) Seats for 440 Revd. [Reverend] J. Nicolson M.A. [Master of Arts] Incumbent Name on Church at Entrance 054 This name is applied to an Edifice situated at the junction of St Salvador St. & Church St. it was built by subscription & opend for Divine Service on the 15th. Sept [September] 1868. Seated for 440 - The Revd. [Reverend] J. Nicolson M.A. [Master of Arts] the Incumbent - "The style adopted is that of the 14th Century the roof being of considerable span is supported by buttresses, these buttresses are utilised as aisle arches - they being carried over the aisle in the form of "flying buttresses" the arches of the nave are of somewhat low proportions, and are surmounted by a long range of lofty clerestory windows. The roof is an open one of bold design, at present the chancel is not built and the design suffers considerably from its absence. The nave is furnished with plain, low, open seats, and there are tempory arrangements for a choir at the east end of the nave.
OS1/14/29/11 SCHOOL [St Salvador's Church] (Boys & Girls) School (Boys & Girls) 054 Adjoining and in connection with the above church is a school for boys & girls. The [continued on page 12]
OS1/14/29/11 [Page] 11 Co. [County] of Forfar -- Revision of 1/500 Plans Dundee St. Salvador's Church [note] Seats for 440
OS1/14/29/12 [School continued] [continued from page 11] The girls occupy the upper flat and the boys the lower or ground floor. Miss B. Strachan assisted by four (4) pupil teachers conducts the girls school & Mr. S. Miller assisted by three (3) pupil teachers conducts the boys school - The salary is derived from Gov. [Government] grant Subscriptions & School fees
OS1/14/29/12 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [Hill Street, Dundee] U. P. [United Presbyterian] Church Seats for 420 U. P. [United Presbyterian] Church Seats for 420 Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Hay Minister Mr. Miller St. Salvador St. 054 A United Presbyterian Church situated at the junction of Hill Street & Strathmartine Road. it is a plain substantial building and was erected in 1865 by subscription Seated for 420 The Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Hay is the Minister.
OS1/14/29/12 [Page] 12 Co. [County] of Forfar -- Revision of 1/500 Plans Dundee United Presbyterian Church [note] Seats for 420
OS1/14/29/13 CHURCH STREET Church Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor This name is applied to a street extending North from junction of Union & George Street to Main Street
OS1/14/29/13 ST SALVADOR STREET St. Salvador Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending in an easterly direction from St. Salvador's Church
OS1/14/29/13 DAVIE'S BUILDINGS Davie's Buildings Name painted on front over entry Directory 054 This name applies to a block of buildings three storeys high in Hospital Wynd. occupied by various persons. The property of a Mr. Davie, hence the name.
OS1/14/29/13 WALLACE WORKS (Jute, Hessians &c) Wallace Works (Jute, Hessians &c) John Duncan & Co. [Company] proprietors 054 This name is applied to works extending from Hilltown to Rosebank St for the manufacture of Hessians &c the property of John Duncan & Co. [Company] Average hands employed, Hand Loom & Power Loom 300. Horse power of engine 60.
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OS1/14/29/14 THISTLE STREET [Dundee] Thistle Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Mains Road to Main Street junction of Caldrum St.
OS1/14/29/14 MAIN STREET [Dundee] Main Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to street extending east from junction of Hilltown & Mains Road.
OS1/14/29/14 CALDRUM STREET [Dundee] Caldrum Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending from George Street N. [North] to Main Street.
OS1/14/29/14 RUSSELL STREET [Dundee] Russell Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending N. [North] East from Derby Street to Strathmartine road
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OS1/14/29/15 ALEXANDER STREET [Dundee] Alexander Street Alexander Street Name on Eastern Corner Mr. Mackison Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a street extending from the junction of "Commercial" and "Wellington" Streets, to the "Dens Road" the houses along this street are generally 4 storeys high slated and in good repair, occupied by the Working classes. great improvements are in progress in this street at the present time
OS1/14/29/15 KIDD STREET [Dundee] Kidd Street Kidd Street Name on N.E [North East] Corner of Street Mr. Mackison. 054 Applies to a short Street Extending between "William Street" and "Hillbank Road" the dwelling houses in this street are 3 storeys high slated and in good repair, occupied by the Working class
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OS1/14/29/16 CLEPINGTON FOUNDRY Clepington Foundry Clepington Foundry Mr. Mackison Town Surveyor Heading on Invoices 054 This name applies to a Foundry situated in "Dens Road" and about 200 Yards West of the Clepington Power Loom Factory, the Buildings are built of stone are slated and in good repair. the property of Messrs. Parker and Sons
OS1/14/29/16 NORTH WILLIAM STREET MILL (Jute Spinning) North William Street Mill (Jute, Spinning) Mr. Mackison 054 Applied to a small Jute spinning mill situated at the North End of William Street, and Employing about 30 hands, the Building is built with brick and stone is one storey, high slated and in excellent repair
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OS1/14/29/17 LOGIE STREET [Dundee] Logie Street Name on Corner of Street Mr. Mackison Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a double row of houses of crescent like shape situated in the Lochee Road and extending from the Logie Burying ground to the junction of "Balgay Street" with the "Lochee Road" the houses in this street a principally four storeys slated and in excellent repair. the property of various proprietors
OS1/14/29/17 [Page] 17 Town of Dundee -- County of Forfar [Note] Logie Street to be typed on the margin of 53/8 15
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OS1/14/29/19 ALBANY TERRACE [Dundee] Albany Terrace Albany Terrace Name on Corner of Terrace Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a thoroughfare Situated North of and Parrallel with "Panmure Terrace" the houses are two Storey Cottages with gardens and other conveniences and are slated and in excellent repair, the property of various proprietors
OS1/14/29/19 [Page] 19 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee 1/500 Scale [Entry for Panmure Terrace has been crossed out with note] See page 38 for this Name.
OS1/14/29/20 KINNAIRD GARDENS Kinnaird Gardens Kinnaird Gardens Mr. Mackison Town Surveyor Name on Notice board in Gardens 054 This name applies to a number of Small allotments of land, Situated in "Hospital Wynd" And let out to various parties as Vegetable Gardens. They are the property of the Town and leased out by Mr. Stratton, Dundee
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OS1/14/29/21 MAXWELLTOWN WORKS (Carpets & Hessians) Maxwelltown Works (Carpets & Hessians) J. & A. D. Grimond (proprietors) 054 This name is applied to extensive works situated between Elizabeth St. & James St. & bounded on the North by George Street. The buildings are one and two storeys & nearly all newly built - improvements are still going on. The manufacture is Carpets & Hessians chiefly the former Average hands employed 400. There are Five Engines & a total of 50 Horse power J. & A. D. Grimond proprietors.
OS1/14/29/21 HOPE COTTAGE Hope Cottage Mr. Drew occupier Mr Anderson Rosebank Street 054 This name is applied to a small cottage one storey occupied by Mr Drew & the property of Miss Anderson Nethergate Dundee.
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OS1/14/29/22 KINNAIRD WORKS (Jute, Sacking &c) Kinnaird Works (Jute, Sacking &c.) James Stewart & Bros. [Brothers] 054 This name is applied to works situated between Ogilvie's Rd. & Lawson Place for the manufacture of Sacking &c. &c. The property of James Stewart & Brothers - The building are new one storey high brick & stone. Average hands employed 72. Engine 14 Horse power
OS1/14/29/22 ROSEBANK WORKS (Jute, Sacking &c) Rosebank Works (Jute Sacking &c.) 054 This name applies to works situated in Rosebank Road manufacture Sacking &c. the building are part old & new one & two storeys in good repair. Average hands employed Hand Loom & Power Loom 140. Engine 12 Horse Power
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OS1/14/29/23 FREE CHURCH (Mission) [Hilltown] Free Church (Mission) Seats for 534 Mr. Mackinson Surveyor Miss Lamb 054 This name is applied to an Edifice situated on the east side of Hiltown. it was erected by subscription & opened for Divine Service on the 30th. Nov. [November] 1870 Seated for 534 persons. The Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Simpson pastor of the Mission the building is principally in the Gothic style of Architecture. The spire occupies front of North Aisle. A portion of the windows are in the roof.
OS1/14/29/23 SCHOOL [F.C., Hilltown] School 054 There is a school adjoining and in connection with the Church [the Hilltown Free Church Mission], supported by subscription, school fees & Gov. [Government] grant. Aver. [Average] attendance 120. Ordinary branches taught Miss Lamb is the Teacher & is assisted by two pupil Teachers
OS1/14/29/23 [Page] 23 Co. [County] of Forfar -- Revision of 1/500 Plans Dundee
OS1/14/29/24 OGILVIE'S ROAD [Dundee] Ogilvie's Road Mr. Mackinson Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Constitution St. to near the Kinnaird gardens The building are of two & three storeys and occupied by the working class.
OS1/14/29/24 LAWSON PLACE Lawson Place Mr. Mackinson Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Constitution Street to the Kinnaird Gardens. the dwellings are two & three storeys & occupied by the working class.
OS1/14/29/24 CONSTITUTION HOUSE Constitution House Constitution House Name on door Mr. Shaw occupier 054 This name is applied to a new building occupied by Mr. Shaw & the property of Mr. Steele.
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OS1/14/29/25 ELLEN STREET [Dundee] Ellen Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Georges Street to Alexander Street. The houses are three 7 four storeys occupied by the working class.
OS1/14/29/25 ANNAN'S TERRACE [Dundee] Annan's Terrace Annan's Terrace Mrs. Annan proprietor Name painted on Corner of Terrace 054 This name applies to a row of Two storey houses extending from Wellington St to Ellen St. the property of Mrs Annan
OS1/14/29/25 WELLINGTON HOUSE Wellington House Wellington House D. Petrie Esq. Merchant Directory 054 This name is applied to a substantial house with grounds on the East side of Wellington Street the property of & occupied by D. Petrie Esqr. a member of the Police Commission.
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OS1/14/29/26 NESS STREET [Dundee] Ness Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Ellen Street to William Street.
OS1/14/29/26 WELLINGTON STREET [Dundee] Wellington Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This street is extended from Ann Street to St Salvador St.
OS1/14/29/26 WILLIAM STREET [Dundee] William Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This Street is extended from S. [South] Georges Street to a few chains N. [North] of Alexander Street
OS1/14/29/26 [Page] 26 Co. [County] of Forfar -- Revision of 1/500 Scale Dundee Wellington Street [note] This street has been extended from Ann Street to St. Salvador street. [Initialled] Wellington Street [note] This Street has been extended from George Street northwards [Initialled]
OS1/14/29/27 SCHOOL [St Mary's R.C. Chapel] School The teachers 054 A school adjoining and in connection with St. Mary's R.C. [Roman Catholic] Chapel The building is of stone & in good repair. The school is conducted by three of the Marist Brothers. Average daily attendance 180. Education elementary. Salary derived from subscription, School fees & Gov. [Government] grant.
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OS1/14/29/28 CONVALESCENT HOUSE Convalescent House Name on door street entrance Miss Robertson Superintendent Revd. [Reverend] J. Nicolson M.A. [Master of Arts] 054 This name is applied to a neat and substantial building situated in William Street erected in1870 by subscription. The House will accommodate 14 patients & is for females over 10 years of age. Convalescent from illness, & not for patients labouring under incurable and active disease. It is supported by subscriptions and donations. Miss Robertson is the resident superintendent. The House was established in 1860. & was formerly in Union Place. Trustees Right Hon. [Honourable] George Lord Kinnaird K.T. [Knight of the Thistle] Sir John Ogilvy Bart. [Baronet] M P. [Member of Parliament] David Small Esqr. Right Revd. [Reverend] Bishop of Brechin
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OS1/14/29/29 POWRIE PLACE [Dundee] Powrie Place Mr Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street leading South from Ann Street and West by St. Mary's R.C. [Roman Catholic] Chapel to Forebank Road.
OS1/14/29/29 POST OFFICE [Hilltown] Post office Post office Name over door of House Mr. Chalmers postmaster 054 A Receiving House & Money Order office. Letters &c. are dispatched to the Head office at 9 am. 1. 4.30 & 8 P.M. on week days & 6 P.M. on Sunday Situated at junction of Rosebank St and Hill Town
OS1/14/29/29 SCOTT'S BUILDINGS Scott's Buildings Scott's Buildings Sculptured in stone in front of buildings Mr Scott proprietor 054 This name applies to a block of huses fronting Jame's Street occupied by various persons the property of Mr. Scott Hilltown
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OS1/14/29/30 ANN STREET WORKS (Jute Spinning) Ann Street Works (Jute Spinning) D. Low. Proprietor Mr Bond Ann Street 054 This name is applied to works extending from Ann St. to Alexander St. & bounded on the East by William St. & on the West by Ellen Street. the buildings are one storey. Lately erected. Average hands employed 145. & two Engines of 30 H.P. [Horse Power] each. The manufacture is Jute Spinning. David Low is the proprietor
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OS1/14/29/31 ASHTON BANK Ashton Bank Ashton Bank Mr. Kidd Fern Bank Mr. Low Gowan Bank 054 This name is applied to a neat one storey Cottage at present unoccupied the property of Mr. Carmichael.
OS1/14/29/31 DUDHOPE BANK (DEAF AND DUMB INSTITUTION) Dudhope Bank (Deaf & Dumb Institution) Mr. Kidd Fern Bank Mr. Drysdale Proprietor 054 This name is applied to a two storey dwelling situated between Gowan Bank & Toll Bank - the property of Mr Drysdale. It is a Deaf & Dumb Institution Conducted by the proprietor. Mr. Drysdale. at present 30 scholars. There is Divine Service every Sunday in the school room for the Deaf & Dumb in the neighbourhood. Mr. Drysdale is the Chaplain
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OS1/14/29/32 TOLL BANK Toll Bank Toll Bank Toll Bank Mr. Galloway proprietor Mr. Low Gowan Bank Mr Guthrie Proprietor 054 This name is applied to a Cottage of two tenements occupied by the proprietors Messrs. Guthrie and Galloway.
OS1/14/29/32 GOWAN BANK Gowan Bank Mr. Low Proprietor Mr. Kidd Fern Bank 054 This name is applied to two new one storey cottages the property of Mr. Low.
OS1/14/29/32 FERN BANK Fern Bank Fern Bank Fern Bank Mr. Kidd Proprietor Mr. Low Gowan Bank Mr. Nicholl Lochee Road 054 This name is applied to a neat & substantial two storey dwelling of two tenements occupied by Mr Cook and the proprietor Mr. Kidd.
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OS1/14/29/33 LINDSAY'S BUILDINGS Lindsay's Buildings Lindsay's Buildings Lindsay's Buildings Name painted on the South East Corner of block Mr. Nichol Lochee Road Mr. Low Gowan Bank 054 This name is applied to a block of substantial stone dwellings three storeys high with attics. Situated on the N [North] side of Lochee Road. occupied by various persons & the property of Mr. Lindsay.
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OS1/14/29/35 DUDHOPE VILLA Dudhope Villa Dudhope Villa Mr. Cleghorn. Logie Mr. Ballingall. occupier 054 Applied to a neat and Substantial house occupied by Mr. Ballingall. the property of Mr. Cleghorn. Logie.
OS1/14/29/35 DUDHOPE COTTAGE Dudhope Cottage Mr. Cleghorn. Logie Mr. Ballingall 054 This name is applied to a neat and substantial house occupied by Mr. Easson the property of Mr. Ballingall.
OS1/14/29/35 ST MARY PLACE St. Mary Place Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor Mr. Henderson asst. [assistant] Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a new street extending from Dudhope Cottage to Dudhope Free Church.
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OS1/14/29/36 ST MARY TERRACE St. Mary Terrace Mr. Mackinson Mr. Norwal Builder 054 This name is applied to two substantial built-houses of double tenements. two storey high the property of Mr. Aitken and Mr. Norwal
OS1/14/29/36 INVERLAW Inverlaw George Malcolm Esqr. Name on Gate Pier at entrance. Directory This name is applied to a commodious & substantial residence occupied by the proprietor George Malcolm Esqr.
OS1/14/29/36 FERNBANK Fernbank James Smith Esqr. Directory Mr. Carmichael Dudhope Terrace 054 This name is applied to a dwelling two storeys high situated at the West end of Dudhope Terrace occupied by the proprietor James Smith Esqr.
OS1/14/29/36 [Page] 36 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee St Mary Terrace [note] This name having been refer'd to Mr Hannah he refd. [referred] the name to the Proprietor who consents to the alteration now made [Initialled]
OS1/14/29/37 LITTLEJOHN STREET [Dundee] Littlejohn Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor. 054 This name is applied to a new street extending from Dudhope Crescent to the Barrack Wall. N. [North] side of Lochee Road
OS1/14/29/37 HELENSVILLE Helensville Helensville Helensville T. Thornton Esqr. Writer Directory Mr. Mackinson 054 This name is applied to a neat residence situated on Dudhope Terrace. Occupied by T. Thornton Esqr. Writer.
OS1/14/29/37 DOUGLAS TERRACE [Dundee] Douglas Terrace Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a new street to extend from junction of Road at "Inverlaw" to "Panmure Terrace". at present about 3 chains of the Street is opened on the west end.
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OS1/14/29/38 VIEWBANK Viewbank Viewbank Thomas Smith Esqr. Directory Mr. Mackinson 054 This name is applied to a neat and substantial residence situated in Dudhope Terrace occupied by the proprietor Thomas Smith Esqr.
OS1/14/29/38 LAW STREET [Dundee] Law Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a new street extending North from Dudhope Terrace
OS1/14/29/38 PANMURE TERRACE [Dundee] Panmure Terrace Mr. Mackinson 054 This name is applied to a new street running East from Law Street and parallel to Dudhope Terrace The name appears on plan 13. to two houses on the North side and at East end of new street.
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OS1/14/29/39 DUDHOPE CRESCENT ROAD [Dundee] Dudhope Crescent Road Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a street extending from the Lochee Road to the Constitution Road. a few chains of the street was formerly named Dudhope Crescent.
OS1/14/29/39 PARKER STREET [Dundee] Parker Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street leading off Dudhope Crescent Road formerly a portion of Dudhope Crescent.
OS1/14/29/39 DUDHOPE CRESCENT Dudhope Crescent Mr. Mackinson 054 This name is now applied to to the street and buildings fronting Lochee Road, from Dudhope Crescent Road to N. [North] end of Parker Street
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OS1/14/29/41 REID'S CLOSE [Dundee] Reid's Close Reid's Close Name over Entrance 054 Applies to a passage leading to dwelling Houses in rear of "Dallfield Walk" and situated about two chains on the east side from the junction of "Dallfield" Walk" and "Dudhope Street" the close is named after the owner of the property Mr. Reid
OS1/14/29/41 PHILLIP'S ENTRY Phillip's Entry Phillip's Entry Name over Entrance 054 This name applies to a passage situated in "Rose Street" on the West side, about 2 chains from the junction of "Rose Street" with "Rosebank Road" this passage leads to a dwelling house in rear of "Rose Street" and is named after the Proprietor, Mr. Phillips
OS1/14/29/41 PETRIE'S ENTRY Petrie's Entry Petrie's Entry Name over Entrance 054 Applies to a passage on the East side of "Rose Street" about 3 Chains from its junction with "Rosebank Road" the passage leads through the frontage of "Rose Street" to a dwelling house in rear, this Entry derives its name from the Proprietor "Mr. Petrie"
OS1/14/29/41 [Page] 41 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee 1/500 Scale
OS1/14/29/42 MORRICE PLACE [Dundee] Morrice Place Morrice Place Name on front of dwelling house 054 This name applies to a court Entered by a close from the Hilltown about 4 Chains South of the junction of "Rosebank Street" with Hilltown. Morrice Place consists of dwelling houses 3 Storeys high slated and in good repair, and named after the proprietor Mr. Morrice. Millowner. Blairgowrie
OS1/14/29/42 RUSTIC PLACE [Dundee] Rustic Place Rustic Place Rustic Place Name on corner of "Place" Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor Mr. Ross, Chemist, Overgate 054 This name applies to a row of handsome dwelling houses situated in "Dudhope Street" they are 4 storeys high are slated and in Excellent repair, occupied chiefly by the middle class. the property of various parties
OS1/14/29/42 [Page] 42 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee 1/500 Scale [Entry for Macdonalds Buildings is crossed out with note] Name cancelled by Town Surveyor
OS1/14/29/43 INSTITUTION FOR THE BLIND Institution for the Blind Institution for the Blind Institution for the Blind Name over Entrance Gate Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to an Institution for the Training and Education of the Blind. Basket, Matress, and Mat Making, Weaving, Rope Teasing, Feather Cleaning, &c carried on in the Institution, the Building which still retains the name "Dallfield House" was presented to the "Town" by Francis Mollison Esqr. and the Institution maintains itself partly by the sale of the Articles Manufactured and partly by Voluntary Subscription. The property of the Town
OS1/14/29/43 MASONIC PLACE [Dundee] Masonic Place Masonic Place Name on Building Mr. Mackison Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to number of dwelling houses situated in "Dudhope Crescent Road" they are 4 storeys high slated and in good repair, and occupied by shops on the ground floor, with the working classes in the upper storeys.
OS1/14/29/43 [Page] 43 County of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Town of Dundee
OS1/14/29/44 CHAPEL [Constitution Road, Dundee] Catholic Apostolic Church (Seats for 600) Catholic Apostolic Church (Seats for 600) Catholic Apostolic Church (Seats for 600) Mr. Rankin Superintendent Mr. Mackison Town Surveyor Name on intimation Board 054 Applies to a handsome edifice Situated in the "Constitution Road" and "Dudhope Crescent Road" at the North side of the latter where it joins the former. The Church was erected in 1868 by Voluntary Contributions and is in its interior decorations one of the finest in Dundee, the Building would hold double the number but it is Seated to afford every comfort. The property of the Trustees of the Church Seated for 600
OS1/14/29/44 UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH [Dudhope Crescent Road, Dundee] U.P. [United Presbyterian] Churcch (Seats for 620) U.P. [United Presbyterian] Churcch (Seats for 620) Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor Mr. Ross. Chemist, Overgate 054 Applies to a neat Building Situated in the "Dudhope Crescent Road" Built in 1870 by Subscription and is seated to accomodate 620 persons, the exterior and interior of the Building are very plain but very Substantially Built, the property of the Trustees of the Church
OS1/14/29/44 [Page] 44 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee 1/500 Scale Chapel [notes] Seats for 600 Name altered to "Chapel" in accordance with Sir Henry Jame's decision dated 9th June 1862 please see name Book of Sheets 54/5 19 & 20 p. [page] 19 for the correspondence relating thereto [Signed] A.B. Coddington Lt. R.E. [Lieutenant Royal Engineers] United Presbyterian Church [note] Seats for 620
OS1/14/29/45 GARLAND PLACE [Dundee] Garland Place Garland Place "Name on E. [East] Corner of Place" Mr. Mackison. Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a row of Upper Class dwelling houses situated in the "Constitution Road" on the Western Side and Extending along the South side of "Barrack Road" to "Parker Street" these houses are 4 Storeys high slated and chiefly new, some in the course of erection the property, of various persons.
OS1/14/29/45 BREWERY [Dudhope St, Dundee] Brewery Brewery Name over Entrance Mr. Mackison 054 Applies to a Small Brewery situated in Dudhope Street at its eastern Extremity, the buildings comprising the Brewery are 2 storeys high slated and in good repair the property of the Trustees of the late Mr. Wills Brewer.
OS1/14/29/45 [Page] 45 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee 1/500 Scale
OS1/14/29/46 [Page] 46 [Blank page]
OS1/14/29/47 WHITTONS LANE Whittons Lane Whittons Lane Name on Lane Corner Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a narrow Lane branching off "King Street" it was formerly called "Carswell Lane"
OS1/14/29/47 [Page] 47
OS1/14/29/48 FOREBANK TERRACE [Dundee] Forebank Terrace Forebank Terrace Forebank Terrace Rev [Reverend] Alexander Simpson 64 Crofts Lane Dundee Name on Corner of Terrace Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 is applied to a row of houses situated about 3 chains South of Forebank House. 4 stories high and of modern construction.
OS1/14/29/48 FREE CHURCH [Bucklemakers Wynd] Free Church (Seats for 250) Free Church (Seats for 250) Rev. [Reverend] Alexander Simpson 64 Crofts Lane Dundee Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 is applied to a small church situated on the South side of Bucklemakers Wynd and about 4 chains West of Infirmary
OS1/14/29/48 WESLEYAN CHAPEL [Bucklemakers' Wynd] Wesleyan Chapel (Seats for 330) Wesleyan Chapel (Seats for 330) Mr Thomas Leith West Port Dundee Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 is applied to a Chapel of Wesleyan erection situated in the Bucklemakers Wynd and corner of Wellington Street
OS1/14/29/48 [Page] 48 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee Free Church [note] Seats for 250 Wesleyan Chapel [note] (Seats for 330)
OS1/14/29/49 CLEGHORN STREET [Dundee] Cleghorn Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a new street leading off Balgay Street. Consists of two storey brick dwellings the property of various persons
OS1/14/29/49 BAXTER STREET [Dundee] Baxter Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 A new Street leading off Balgay Street & South of Cleghorn St. consists of two storey dwelling the property of various persons.
OS1/14/29/49 BLYTH STREET [Dundee] Blyth Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 A new street leading off Balgay Street & South of Baxter St. Consists of two storey brick dwellings the property of various persons
OS1/14/29/49 [Page] 49 Co. [County] of Forfar -- Town of Dundee 1/500 Scale
OS1/14/29/50 BALGAY STREET [Dundee] Balgay Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a new street extending from Milnbank Road to Lochee. The dwellings as far as built are two & three storeys high & the property of various persons.
OS1/14/29/50 LIFF AND BENVIE POORHOUSE Liff & Benvie Poorhouse Sinclair Stewart Governor Mr. Mackinson 054 This name applies to a Poorhouse situated on & extending back from the Blackness Road. the buildings are two storeys high of stone substantially built. the centre of the building is occupied by the Governor & Matron. with Wards adjoining for Male and Female Paupers. The East & West wings are occupied by Lunatics, Male & female. The building will accommodate 210 men women & Children at present 100 inmates including 14 Male and 14 Female Lunatics. Governor Mr. Sinclair Stewart - property of the Liff & Benvie Parish,
OS1/14/29/50 [Page] 50 Co. [County] of Forfar -- Town of Dundee 1/500 Scale
OS1/14/29/51 FYFFE STREET [Dundee] Fyffe Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Pole Park Road to Easson Angle. Consists of Factory and Four storey dwellings.
OS1/14/29/51 LAWRENCE STREET [Dundee] Lawrence Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Fyffe Street, to Milnbank Road. Consists of three and four storey dwellings.
OS1/14/29/51 POLE STREET [Dundee] Pole Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Pole Park Road to back of Lawrence Street. Consists of two & three storey dwellings school &c
OS1/14/29/51 [Page] 51 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/52 MITCHELL STREET [Dundee] Mitchell Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name is applied to a Street parallel to Fyffe Street. On the S. [South] West side of the St. there is a Large Mill Factory &c "Pole Park Works"
OS1/14/29/52 LOWER PLEASANCE Lower Pleasance Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor Name on Corner of St. 054 This name is applied to a Street extending from Scouringburn to Lochee Road - Consists of Factory's, and two storey dwellings occupied by the working class.
OS1/14/29/52 [Page] 52 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee [Entry for Hyndford Street has been crossed out with note] Copied into Name Book of 54/9 - 6
OS1/14/29/53 DUDHOPE FEMALE SCHOOL OF INDUSTRY Dudhope Female (School of Industry) Miss Cunningham Teacher Mr. Mackinson 054 This name is applied to a school situated in Pole Street the ordinary branches of education with Industry taught. Average number of scholars daily 70. Miss Cunningham Teacher. Salary from endowment and childrens fees. This school was formerly situated in the Lower Pleasance
OS1/14/29/53 DUDHOPE SCHOOL (Free Church) Dudhope School (Free Church) Mr. Scott Teacher Mr. Mackinson 054 This name is applied to a school formerly in Gardner Lane The ordinary branches are taught. Average daily attendance 98. Mr. Scott Teacher. Salary from Gov. [Government] grant & fees. This is a Free Church School.
OS1/14/29/53 HOP STREET [Dundee] Hop Street Name on Corner Mr. Mackinson 054 A street extending South from Lochee Road about 5 chains Consists of a Brewery and two storey dwellings
OS1/14/29/53 [Page] 53 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/54 BALGAY WORKS (Jute Spinning &c) Balgay Works Jute Spinning &c Mr. Chisleman Proprietor 054 This name applies to works situated at junction of Pole Park & Lochee Road the property of Mr. Chisleman. The Manufacture is Jute Spinning and Weaving
OS1/14/29/54 GROVE MILL (Tow & Flax) Grove Mill (Tow & Flax) Name on front of door at entrance to the Mill 054 This name applies to works situated in Lower Pleasance St. Manufacture is Tow & Flax spinning &c. the property of Mr. Gordon & Co. [Company]
OS1/14/29/54 HOP STREET WORKS (Waste) Hop Street Works (Waste) Mr. Cleghorn Proprietor 054 This name applies to work situated in Hop Street the property of Mr Cleghorn The waste from the Mills &c in Town is bought up and manufactured into a material for the Paper Mills
OS1/14/29/54 [Page] 54 Co. [County] of Forfar. -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/55 PARK STREET [Dundee] Park Street Park Street Park Street Name on Corner of Street Mr. Mackinson. 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Lochee Road to Douglas Street consists of one & two storey dwellings occupied by the Working Class
OS1/14/29/55 ASH STREET [Dundee] Ash Street Ash Street Name on Corner of Street Mr. Mackinson. 054 This name is applied to a street extending from Hop St [to] Smellies Lane. Consists of two storey dwellings &c.
OS1/14/29/55 ASH LANE [Dundee] Ash Lane Name on Corner of Street Mr. Mackinson. 054 This name is applied to a St. extending from Douglas St. to Lochee Road - Consists of one & two storey dwellings
OS1/14/29/55 Dundee Steam Forge Mr. Carmichael Proprietor 054 This name is applies to a Steam Forge situated in Brown Street & bounded by the Lochee Road the property of Mr. Carmichael.
OS1/14/29/55 [Page] 55 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/55 Dundee Steam Forge: main entry is on page 59, which is page referred to in Index.
OS1/14/29/56 BOWER MILL (Jute Spinning &c) Bower Mill (Jute Spinning &c) Mr. Sharpe Proprietor 054 This name applies to extensive work situated in Blinshall Street (Jute Spinning & Weaving) the property of Mr. Sharpe Milne Str. Mill.
OS1/14/29/56 SOUTH DUDHOPE WORKS (Jute Spinning &c) South Dudhope Works (Jute Spinning &c. &c.) Mr. Henderson Proprietor Name on Archway at entrance 054 This name applies to works (Jute Spinning &c.) situated in Smellies Lane the property of Mr. Henderson, South Dudhope Mill.
OS1/14/29/56 PLEASANCE BREWERY Pleasance Brewery Name on building 054 This name is applied to an ale and Porter Brewery bounded by Lochee Road & Hop Street. the property of Mr. Ballingall & Son.
OS1/14/29/56 [Page] 56 Co. [County] of Forfar. -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/57 LOCHEE ROAD TAVERN [Dundee] Lochee Road Tavern Lochee Road Tavern Sign board Mr. Smollet 054 Applied to a P.H. [Public House] situated on the Lochee Road licensed to sell Ale Porter & liquors. the property of Mr. Smollet. & occupied by him
OS1/14/29/57 WEST HENDERSON'S WYND [Dundee] West Henderson's Wynd West Henderson's Wynd Name on Corner of Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a street extending from Scouringburn to Douglas St. formerly named "Hendersons Wynd" now West Hendersons Wynd. on Corner of Street. "W. [West] Hendersons Wynd
OS1/14/29/57 [Page] 57 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/58 FLEUCHAR STREET [Dundee] Fleuchar Street Fleuchar Street Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor Mr. Thornton. Writer From the Minutes of a Meeting 13th. Feby. [February] 1871 054 This name is applied to a small street formerly named "Balgay St." extending west from Eassons Angle & Fyffe St. to Blyth Street
OS1/14/29/58 SCHOOL [Fleuchar Street] School School Mr. Crabb Manager Miss Crabb Teacher 054 A school for children employed at the Upper Pleasance Mill. Supported by the proprietor of the Works. Average attendance 70 Miss Crabb Teacher
OS1/14/29/58 SCHOOL [Fleuchar Street] School School Mr. Crabb The Manager Logie Works 054 A school for Children employed on the Logie Works supported by the Proprietor. Average attendance 200. Mr. Chapman & Miss Eastle Teachers.
OS1/14/29/58 [Page] 58 Co. [County] of Forfar. -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/59 DUNDEE STEAM FORGE Dundee Steam Forge Mr. Carmichael Proprietor 054 This name is applied to a Steam Forge situated between Brown Street and Blinshall St. & on the North side bounded by the Lochee Road. The buildings are substantially built of stone & brick & the property of Mr. Carmichael
OS1/14/29/59 [Page] 59 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/60 [Page] 60 [Blank page]
OS1/14/29/61 SMELLIE'S WELL Smellie's Well Smellie's Well Smellie's Well Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor Mr. Scott Lochee Road Mr. Bell Lochee Road 054 This name is applied to a well on the south side of Lochee Road & near to Smellie's Lane.
OS1/14/29/61 [Page] 61 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/62 [Page] 62 [Blank page]
OS1/14/29/63 STATUE TO GEORGE KINLOCH M.P. [Member of Parliament] of Kinloch (A.D. 1871) Statue Statue Mr. Mackinson Town Surveyor Mr. Lothian. Dentist Dundee 054 Applied to a Statue situated within the enclosure of the "Albert Institute" erected by public subscription as a tribute to the Memory of George Kinloch Esqr. of Kinloch. Born 30th April 1775, forced to flee his Country and proclaimed outlaw on the 22nd. December 1819. for having advocated the cause of the People and the Necessity of Reform, on the 22nd. December 1832 he was duly elected Member of Parliament to represent the Town of Dundee in the House of Commons. he died in London on the 28th March 1833. The Statue which is in Bronze represents the Gentleman standing with a scroll firmly grasped in the Right hand and stands Seven feet high, the Pedestal is composed of Granite and is Eight feet high, thus making the whole Fifteen feet high
OS1/14/29/63 [Page] 63 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee 1/500 Scale [Note] Statue to George Kinloch M.P. [Member of Parliament] of Kinloch (A.D. (1871)
OS1/14/29/64 [Page] 64 [Blank page]
OS1/14/29/65 POST OFFICE [Ward Road] Post Office Post Office Name on Lamp over Entrance Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a handsome building situated on the north side of "Ward Road" and at its junction with "Euclid Crescent" this office is the Head or Chief office for the district, and has Telegraphic Communication with the United Kingdom. There are three despatches and three deliverys of mails daily from this office. The property of Her Majestys Government
OS1/14/29/65 UNITARIAN CHAPEL [Dundee] Unitarian Chapel (Seats for 500) Unitarian Chapel (Seats for 500) Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor Town Directory 054 This name applies to a neat and Commodious Edifice Situated in "Constitution Road" and at the junction of "Mid Street" with the above road. it was erected in 1870 by subscription and is seated for 500. the property of the Trustees of the Church
OS1/14/29/65 [Page] 65 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee Unitarian Chapel [note] Seats for 500
OS1/14/29/66 CONSTITUTION ROAD CHAPEL (Baptist) Constitution Road Chapel (Baptist) (Seats for 150) Name over Entrance Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a small Chapel occupying the ground floor of one of the Buildings composing "Lansdowne Place", it was originally built as a dwelling house but was purchased from the proprietor Mr. Kidd by the Congregation and became their own property. there is seats for 150
OS1/14/29/66 EUCLID CRESCENT SCHOOL Euclid Crescent School Euclid Crescent School Mr. John Burrell Schoolmaster Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a Mixed School Situated in "Euclid Crescent" and at the junction of the above with "Bell Street" the Staff Consists of Two Masters and one Female teacher and the branches of Education taught are the ordinary together with Industry, Mathematics, Latin and Drawing the School is Supported by School Fees and the daily Average attendance of both sexes combined is 180
OS1/14/29/66 [Page] 66 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee Constitution Road Chapel [note] Seats for 150
OS1/14/29/67 EASTERN CLUB Eastern Club Eastern Club Name on Rules of Club Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to an Elegant Building adjoing the "National Bank" and opposite the "Albert Institute it is maintained by Members who pay a Sum of money for their Membership, the Inside consists of Reading, Dining and Billiard Rooms with the attendant Kitchens &c. The property of the Directors of the Club.
OS1/14/29/67 MEADOWSIDE ACADEMY Meadowside Academy Meadowside Academy Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor Name on Window Screens 054 This name applies to an Academy situated in the "Constitution Road" and nearly opposite "Euclid Street" the Academy receives no Government grant and is supported by School Fees. it is a Mixed School and the branches of education taught are the ordinary, together with, Latin, Mathematics and Industry for the latter a Mistress attends daily, daily Average attendance of both sexes combined 200
OS1/14/29/67 [Page] 67 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee
OS1/14/29/68 ALBERT INSTITUTE Albert Institute Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a splendid Edifice occupying a prominent position between "Euclid Crescent" and "Meadowside" it was Erected in 1867 at considerable cost by the directors of the "Albert Institution" but there was a proviso that on the completion of the Institute the lower portion of the building was to be devoted to the the inhabitants of Dundee as a Free Library and Reading Room (this portion of building shown on OS [Ordnance Survey] Plans) the Institute is not yet completed as was originally intended but the work is to be commenced and carried out as originally intended in a short time, The Building is the property of the Directors of the "Albert Institute" and the "Town" Respectively,
OS1/14/29/68 [Page] 68 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee
OS1/14/29/69 WESLEYAN CHAPEL [Ward Road] Wesleyan Church (Seats for 500) Wesleyan Chapel Wesleyan Chapel Name on Lamp at Entrance Town Directory Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a handsome edifice situated in the "Ward Road" and opposite the "Dundee Saw Mills" it was erected by Subscription in 1867 and is seated for 500. The property of the Trustees of the Church
OS1/14/29/69 NATIONAL SAVINGS BANK [Dundee] National Savings Bank National Savings Bank Name on Window Screens Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a Building situated on the north side of "Euclid Street" at its junction with the "Constitution Road" There is also in connection with this Bank a Government Annuity office, it is the Property of the "National Banking Company"
OS1/14/29/69 LAMB'S TEMPERANCE HOTEL [Dundee] Lamb's Temperance Hotel Lamb's Temperance Hotel Sign on Building Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a handsome and Commodious edifice Situated on the West side of "Reform Street" at its junction with the "Ward Road" it has sleeping accomodation for 50. The property of the Trustees of the late Thomas Lamb
OS1/14/29/69 [Page] 69 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee Wesleyan Chapel [notes] Seats for 500 "Wesleyan Chapel" adopted in accordance with O. [Ordnance] Survey usage [Initialled]
OS1/14/29/70 SHERIFF COURT BUILDINGS Sheriff Court Buildings Sheriff Court Buildings Mr. Jamieson Town Clerks Office Mr. Mackison, Towns Surveyor 054 This name applies to a splendid set of Buildings situated at the Western end of Bell Street and adjoining the "Police Chambers" and immediately in front of the "Prison" they were erected in 1863 and 1864 and the expense of erection was defrayed partly by assesment and partly by Government grant. the Buildings are used as Courts of Justice and it is here that the Circuit Courts are held in addition to those held by the Sheriff. the other portions of the Buildings are used as Witness Rooms, Judges and Jurymens Rooms and also the Procurator Fiscals Offices and Rooms. there is also a back Communication with the Prison. The property of the Town
OS1/14/29/70 [Page] 70 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee
OS1/14/29/71 ROYAL EXCHANGE PLACE [Dundee] Royal Exchange Place Royal Exchange Place Name on Corner of Houses Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a row of houses situated in "Panmure Street and adjoining the Royal Exchange. they are used principally as Offices and are two storeys high slated and in good repair the Property of various proprietors
OS1/14/29/71 COMMERCIAL BANK OF SCOTLAND [Dundee] Commercial Bank of Scotland Commercial Bank of Scotland Name on Window Screens Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a branch office of the Commercial Bank of Scotland Situated on the ground floor of one of the Commodious Buildings in "Reform Street" and adjacent to the National Bank. The property of the Town
OS1/14/29/71 [Page] 71 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee
OS1/14/29/72 LANSDOWNE PLACE Lansdowne Place Lansdowne Place Name on Building Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a row of Buildings situated on the East Side of the "Constitution Road" and between "Euclid Street" and "Bell Street" The buildings are used chiefly as dwelling houses and are 4 storeys high slated and in excellent repair, the property of Mr. Kidd, Joiner "Lansdowne Place"
OS1/14/29/72 VOLUNTEER DRILL HALL AND GYMNASIUM [Dundee] Volunteer Drill Hall Volunteer Drill Hall Mr. Jamieson, Town clerks office Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a large plain Building situated in Bell Street and occupying the space for some distance between the wall of the "Prison" and of the "New Cemetery" under the same roof there is a Gymnasium, it has a large Parade ground in front which is also used by the Police Force for parading on daily. The Hall is slated and in good repair, and is the property of the Trustees of the "Dundee Volunteer Corps"
OS1/14/29/72 [Page] 72 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee
OS1/14/29/73 CULLODEN Culloden Culloden Culloden Culloden Mr. Fleming Town Chamberlain W. Scott Esqr. Town Architect P. Hean Esqr. Rosemount Rental Book in Town Chamberlains office 054 This name is applied to a portion of ground situated at the south Corner of Bell Street and Constitution Road, The Bell Street U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church, Watt Institution &c. are built thereon. The ground was formerly the property of the "Hospital" it is now the property of various parties. The position of the name as shewn on Sheet 54/5 plan 19 is wrong.
OS1/14/29/73 [Page] 73 Co. [County] of Forfar -- 1/500 Scale Dundee
OS1/14/29/74 [Page] 74 [Blank page]
OS1/14/29/75 UNION BANK OF SCOTLAND [Dundee] Union Bank of Scotland Union Bank of Scotland Name on Window Screens Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a handsome building situated in "Panmure Street" and at the corner of "Meadowside" it is a branch office of the "Union Bank of Scotland" the head office being in Glasgow. the property of the "Union Banking Company"
OS1/14/29/75 BRITISH LINEN COMPANY'S BANK [Dundee] British Linen Company's Bank British Linen Company's Bank Name on Window Screens Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name applies to a branch of the before named Bank situated in "Murraygate" and at the corner of "Horse Wynd" the building is an elegant one of three stories high, and is the property of the "British Linen Company"
OS1/14/29/75 MARY ANN LANE Mary Anne Lane Mary Anne Lane Name on Corner of Lane Mr. Mackison, Town Surveyor 054 This name apples to a narrow Lane running parrallel to "Trades Lane" from "Dock Street" to "Seagate" the buildings in this lane are principally warehouses and are the property of various parties
OS1/14/29/75 [Page] 75 County of Forfar -- Town of Dundee
OS1/14/29/76 [Page] 76 [Volume] 29 OS1/14/29 D U N D E E AND ITS ENVIRONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO Sheet 54, Plan 5, Nos 1 to 25
OS1/14/29/77 [Page] 77 DUNDEE AND ITS ENVIRONS SUPPLEMENTAL TO Sheet 54 Nos 1 to 25 INDEX Names of Objects -- Page Albany Terrace -- 19 Albert Institute -- 68 Albion Cottage -- 4 Alexander Street -- 15 Annan's Terrace -- 25 Ann Street Works -- 30 Ashton Bank -- 31 Ash Lane -- 55 Ash Street -- 55 Back Street -- 3 Balgay Street -- 50 Balgay Works -- 54 Baxter Street -- 49 Blyth Street -- 49 Bowbridge Works (Jute, Spinning & Weaving) -- 5 Bower Mill -- 56 Brewery -- 45 British Linen Company's Bank -- 75 Bruce Street -- 9 Butterburn Subscription School -- 1 Caldrum Street -- 14 Chapel -- 44 Church Street -- 13 Cleghorn Street -- 49 Clepington Foundry -- 16 Commercial Bank Of Scotland -- 71 Constitution House -- 24 Constitution Road Chapel -- 66 Convalescent House -- 28 Culloden -- 73 Davie's Buildings -- 13 Derry Street -- 4 Douglas Terrace -- 37 Dudhope Bank (Deaf & Dumb Institution) -- 31 Dudhope Cottage -- 35 Dudhope Crescent -- 39 Dudhope Crescent Road -- 39 Dudhope Female School Of Industry -- 53 Dudhope School (Free Church) -- 53 Dudhope Villa -- 35 Duncan's Buildings -- 2 Dundee Steam Forge -- 59 Eastern Club -- 67 Ellen Street -- 25 Euclid Crescent Road -- 66 Fern Bank -- 32 Fernbank -- 36 Fleuchar Street -- 58 Forebank Terrace -- 48 Free Church -- 23 Free Church -- 48 Fyffe Street -- 51 Garland Place -- 45 Goshen Cottage -- 9 Gowan Bank -- 32 Grove Mill -- 54 Helensville -- 37
OS1/14/29/77 Derry Street should read Derby Street
OS1/14/29/78 [Page] 78 Names of Objects -- Page Hill Street -- 9 Hope Cottage -- 21 Hop Street -- 53 Hop Street Works -- 54 Institution For The Blind -- 43 Inverlaw -- 36 Kidd Street -- 15 Kinnaird Gardens -- 20 Kinnaird Street -- 4 Kinnaird Works -- 22 Lamb's Temperance Hotel -- 69 Lansdowne Place -- 72 Lawmill Cottages -- 10 Lawside Road -- 8 Lawson Place -- 24 Lawrence Street -- 51 Liff And Benvie Poorhouse -- 50 Littlejohn Street -- 37 Lindsay's Buildings -- 33 Logie Street -- 17 Lochee Road Tavern -- 57 Loon's Road -- 7 Lower Pleasance -- 52 Main Street -- 14 Mary Ann Lane -- 75 Masonic Place -- 43 Maxwelltown Works -- 21 Meadowside Academy -- 67 Mitchell Street -- 52 Mortimer Street -- 10 Morrice Place -- 42 National Savings Bank -- 69 Ness Street -- 26 North William Street Mill -- 16 Ogilvie's Road -- 24 Panmure Terrace -- 38 Park Cottage -- 9 Parker Street -- 39 Park Street -- 55 Paterson Street -- 3 Petrie's Entry -- 41 Phillip's Entry -- 41 Pleasance Brewery -- 56 Pole Street -- 51 Post Office -- 65 Post Office -- 29 Powrie Place -- 29 Reid's Close -- 41 Reservoir -- 8 Rockwell Works (Flax) -- 10 Rosebank Works -- 22 Royal Exchange -- 71 Russell Street -- 14 Rustic Place -- 42 St. Mary Place -- 35 St. Mary Terrace -- 36 St. Salvador's Church (Episcopal) -- 11 St. Salvodor Street -- 13 School (Boys & Girls) -- 11 School -- 23 School -- 27 School -- 58 School -- 58 Scott's Buildings -- 29 Sheriff Court Buildings -- 70 Smellie's Well -- 61 Smithfield School (Episcopal) -- 1 South Dudhope Works -- 56 Statue To George Kinloch M.P. [Member of Parliamet] -- 63 Thistle Street -- 14 Toll Bank -- 32 U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 12 U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 44 Union Bank Of Scotland -- 75 Unitarian Chapel -- 65
OS1/14/29/79 [Page] 79 Names of Objects -- Page Viewbank -- 38 Volunteer Drill Hall And Gymnasium -- 72 Wallace Works (Jute, Hessians &c) -- 13 Wellington House -- 25 Wellington Street -- 26 Wesleyan Chapel -- 48 Wesleyan Chapel -- 69 West Henderson's Wynd -- 57 Well Road -- 3 Whitton's Lane -- 47 William Street -- 26