
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
ST ANDREW'S STREET [Dundee] St. Andrew's Street
St. Andrew's Street
St. Andrew's Street
Painted at the Corners
Dundee directory
Mr. George Jessiman Seagate Sawmills
054 [Situation] Extends from the Cowgate to the Seagate
A Street leading form the Cowgate in a S.E. [South East] direction to the Seagate its Continuation thence is called Trades Lane
HAY'S BUILDINGS Hay's Buildings
Hay's Buildings
Painted on house Corner
Mr. George Jessiman
054 [Situation] On the S W. [South West] side of St. Andrew's St.
A Small row of four dwellinghouses with a Small Court at the back, Situated at the West side of St. Andrew's Street
MYLES'S COURT [Dundee] Myles's Court
Myles's Court
Dundee directory
Mr. George Jessiman
054 [Situation] On the eastern side of St. Andrew's Street
A Court at the East side of the Junction of St. Andrew's street with the Seagate. The houses are three storeys high and well constructed.

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 11
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5.25 Trace 2

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