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Sheet 54. 5, No. 24.
Names of Objects -- Page
Artificers' Tavern -- 23
Bell Street Lane -- 9
Baltic Street -- 27
Barrick Street -- 49
Barrick Street Mills -- 51
Bank Of Scotland -- 55
Bank Street -- 70
Baptist Meeting House -- 71
Chapelshade Free Church -- 14
Chapelshade -- 15
Constitution Road -- 17
Chapelshade WorKs -- 19
Colonial Life Assurance Office -- 15
Corn Exchange -- 73
Duncan Monument -- 59
Dundee Saw Mill -- 47
Dundee & Newtyle Railway -- 47
Euclid Crescent -- 20
Euclid Street -- 49
Guthrie Street -- 43
Gaelic Free Church -- 73
General Secession School -- 74
Ireland's Lane -- 9
Irvines Court -- 36
Industrial Schools -- 41
James's Church U P [United Presbyterian] -- 13
Lochee Road -- 38
Lindsay Street Works -- 39
Lindsay Street -- 45
Meadow Place -- 29
Meadow Side Road -- 50
Mid Street -- 15
New Cemetery -- 6
North Tay Street -- 45
New Inn Entry -- 70
National Bank -- 72
Old Scotch Independent Chapel -- 21
Prison -- 5
Parochial Board Office -- 18
Public Seminaries -- 25
Powrie's Lane -- 28
Panmure Street Chapel -- 34
Panmure Street -- 35
Police Chambers -- 42
Railway Tavern -- 24
Royal Exchange -- 33
Rattray's Entry -- 34
Railway Station -- 46
Reform Street -- 75
Reform Street Chapel -- 76
St. Francis's Well -- 7
Stewarts Close -- 16
Saunders Entry -- 16
St. Andrew's Free Church -- 22
St. David's Free Church -- 44
South Ward Road -- 50
Sheriffs Court Rooms -- 52
Supposed Site of St. Salvators chapel -- 61
Supposed Site of Grey Friars Monastery -- 63
Town Wall -- 67
The Houff or Old Burial Ground -- 69
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church Bell Street Hall -- 12
United Original Secidars church -- 31
Water Wynd -- 30
Ward Street Mill -- 43
Ward Street -- 46
Water Companys Offices -- 48
Ward Chapel -- 53
Ward Mill -- 54 |
OS1/14/27/1 |
Colonial Life Assurance Office entry is found on page 55, not 15.
Rattray's Entry is found on page 36, not 34. |
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PRISON [Dundee] |
Prison |
Mr. J. Fulton Surveyor
Dundee Directory
Mr. D. Mackay - Superintt. [Superintendent] of Police
Edward's Plan of Dundee
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Fullarton's Gazetteer
Mr. Cruickshank Governor of Prison
Mr. Baxter - Town Clerk
Seventeenth Report of the Board of Directors of Prisons in Scotland
The 22nd Report of the Inspectors of prisons in Great Britain 1856
Several communications relating to the affairs of the Prison |
054 |
[Situation] On the western side of the Dundee and Newtyle Railway
A large & very heavily built structure enclosed within substantial and lofty walls, used as a Prison or gaol for the Confinement of Criminals; debtors &c. It contains separate wings for Males and Females, a debtors prison, a house for the residence of the Governor of two storeys high with a garden front and in rere, besides all the necessary accomodation required in such a place. The number of criminal cells is 144, with 8 Cranks for hard labor, 4 for males & 4 for females & The present number of prisoners is 70 males & 50 females.
The intervening space of ground between the building and the Police Chambers is retained for the proposed County Buildings, which when built will complete the façade.
23.7.1857 |
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[Page] 5
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 1 |
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New Cemetery |
Mr. J. Fulton, Town Surveyor
Mr. Baxter Town Chamberlain |
054 |
[Situation] On the eastern side of the Dundee and Newtyle Railway and west side of Constitution Road
A large space of ground situated on the West side of Constitution Road and extending in that direction as far as the Dundee and Newtyle Railway. It is railed in, planted with Trees and shrubs and laid out with gravel Walks. It is under the care and supervision of the Magistrates and Town Council of Dundee and is used as a public Cemetery by the Inhabitants |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 1 |
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St. Francis Well
St. Frances' Well
St.Francis Well |
Mr. J. Scott Town Archt. [Architect]
Mr. Kettles manager of "Houff" Constn. [Constitution] Road
Mr. J. Jack Surveyor & Assessor
Crawford's Plan of Dundee 1776
Sketch of Hospital property in Dundee |
054 |
[Situation] Near the NW [North West] corner of the Public Seminary
This name is applied to a spot at which a spring of water formerly issued, near the North West Corner of the public Seminaries, under the North Wall surrounding which, is situated the well in which the water is now collected & a public pump is placed on the edge of the Causeway about 8 or 10 feet from the Wall.
From this Spring the ancient Franciscan Monastery on the South side of the Houff or Old burying ground was formerly supplied with water which was conveyed thither from its source by leaden pipes and from this circumstance the spring probably derived its name. The leaden pipes crossing the Houff are still frequently laid bare in digging
[continued on page 8] |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 2 |
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St. Francis's Well (Continued) |
[continued from page 7]
graves & from their singular appearance as well as from local tradition there can be little or no doubt of the great antiquity of this well & of its name. |
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Ireland's Lane
Ireland's Lane |
Mr R. Malcolm Chapelshade Works
Ticket on Corner |
054 |
[Situation] Extending from Mid Street to Bell Street
A narrow street running north and south, extending from west end of Mid Street to Bell Street, well paved and lighted with gas, the houses are from 1 to 4 storeys high, mostly occupied by mechanics and weavers - there are also a few weavers shops in the street |
OS1/14/27/9 |
Bell Street Lane |
Thomas Brymer Grocer
John Fraser Shoemaker Bell Street |
054 |
[Situation] Extending east from Constitution Road Crossing Irelands Lane
A narrow lane running from west to east and parallel with Bell Street, extending from Constitution Road to a short distance beyond where Ireland's Lane intersects; and there terminates, it is lighted with gas and well supplied with water, the houses are 2, 3 & 4 storeys high and occupied by mechanics and Factory hands. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54-5 No. 24 Trace 2 |
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BELL STREET [Dundee] |
Bell Street
Bell Street
Bell Street |
Thomas Brymer, Grocer
John Fraser, Shoemaker Bell Street
Ticket on Corner |
054 |
[Situation] Extending westward from Meadowside crosses Constitution Road & terminates a little west of the latter
A wide street running east and west extending from a short distance west of Constitution Road where it terminates at present; to Meadowside it is well paved and lighted with gas, the houses on the north side are 3 and 4 storeys high, having no gardens there are several shops in the street on the south side of the street and at westend is Bell Street Hall and two Churches and at east end one Church and Carpenters, Slaters and Mason's Workshops. the Houses on the north side are mostly occupied by Tradesmen, mechanics and others - This Street is projected to terminate Westward at the Lochee Road, passing in front of the Police Chambers and Prison but as yet is not completed. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54 - 5 No 24 Trace 2 |
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Chapelshade Church (Established)
Chapelshade Chapel
Chapelshade Chapel |
Dundee Directory
Mr. C. Parker Chapelshade
William Thoms Esqr. Session Clerk, Seagate.
Revd. [Reverend] P. Cameron Nethergate |
054 |
[Situation] On the east side of Constitution Road.
A very plainly built Church situated at the rere of houses facing the Constitution Road on the East side, and used by a Congregation of the Established Church of Scotland
It affords sittings for 1320 persons none of which are appropriated specially as free seats The number of Communicants is 804 and the Salary of the Minister is derived from the congregation it amounts to 200£ per annum. There are two Schools, i.e. day & Sunday - Sunday school held in the Church & day school situated in Rosebank being part of the district. Minister's address Revd. [Reverend] P. Cameron - Nethergate Dundee |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 2
Seats for 1320
Note. This place of worship is a chapel of ease, having a Quoad Sacra
district of the parish of Dundee attached to it with a minister of its own
and district schools which are self supporting, but under the superintendance
of the Kirk Session of the parish. |
OS1/14/27/12 |
Bell Street Hall U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church |
Painted on Sign Board
Revd. [Reverend] W. Borwick
Dundee Directory
Public announcements |
054 |
[Situation] On the west side of Constitution Road adjoining Bell Street on its south side
A very fine & imposing building, tasteful & pleasing in outline, of a modern style of architecture adopted much of late years in places of worship.
It is frequented by a body of United Presbyterians & affords accomodation for 1350 persons having 850 free seats in addition to 500 which are rented. The number of Communicants is 500 & the Minister's Salary £170 per annum is derived from Seat rents & collections There is a Sunday School held in the School room beneath the Church. The Church was erected in 1840 & being built on a declivity afforded an opportunity of Constructing two very large rooms or halls beneath the Church one of which is occasionally used for Concerts, tea meetings, Soirees &c. & is known as Bell Street Hall. It can seat about 1800 persons. Minister Revd. [Reverend] W. Borwick Dundee |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54 . 5 No. 24 Trace 2
(Seats for 1350) |
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JAMES'S CHURCH (U.P. [United Presbyterian]) |
St. James's U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
James's U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
James's U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church |
Edward's Plan of Dundee
Revd. [Reverend] J. Reston
Dundee Directory |
054 |
[Situation] On the south side of Bell Street.
A neatly built Church erected in 1847 partaking Architecturally of the Anglo-Norman style, but imperfect in details - It is situated on the East side of Chapelshade Free Church which it adjoins & fronts the South side of Bell Street. It is a United Presbyterian Church containing 786 seats all free and the Minister's Salary is derived upon the voluntary principle.
There are two schools, one Sunday & one day School held beneath the Church The Minister is the Revd. [Reverend] J. Reston, address Powrie Place Dundee. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 2
(Seats for 786) |
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Chapelshade (Free Church) |
Public announcements
Revd. [Reverend] J. McDougal
Dundee Directory
Mr. J. Anderson Constitution Road |
054 |
[Situation] On the south side of Bell Street & E. [East] side of Constitution Road
A neat but plainly built Church erected in 1847, situated on the East side of Constitution Road at the South West corner of Bell Street and belonging to the Free Church of Scotland. It contains 930 sittings and the number of Communicants is 612.
The Minister's stipend £230 per annum is derived from the general fund of the Free Church and from the Congregation
There is a day School in connection with this Church and also a Sunday School & two district schools. the two former being held immediately behind the Church. The number attending the day school is 130 & the Sunday Schools 200.
Minister Revd. [Reverend] J. McDougal |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 2
(Seats for 930) |
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MID STREET [Dundee] |
Mid Street
Mid Street |
Ticket on corner of street
Mr Alexander Cabinetmaker Constitution Road |
054 |
[Situation] Extending from Constitution Road to Dudhope Street
A long narrow street running from west to east, extending from Constitution Road to Dudhope Street, the houses are from 1 to 4 storeys high, there are flower and vegetable gardens at the rere of some of the houses, the street is partly paved, and lighted with gas, and well supplied with water, there are 2 or 3 mills and several weavers shop's in the street, and the houses are chiefly occupied by mechanics and weavers. |
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Chapelshade |
See Name Sheets for Sheet 54-5 No. 19. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 2 |
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Stewart's Close
Stewart's Close |
Name on close
Mr Alexander Cabinetmaker Constitution Street |
054 |
[Situation] On the south side of Mid Street
A small entry going from the south side, and west end of Mid Street, occupied by mechanics & others |
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Saunders' Entry
Saunders' Entry |
Name over entry
Mr. Alexander |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Mid Street.
A small entry going from the north side, and west end of Mid Street, occupied by mechanics and others. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54 - 5 No. 24 Trace 2 |
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Constitution Road |
Mr. T. Cuthbert Coach Builder Meadowside
Written on Street Corner
Edward's Plan of Dundee
Dundee Directory |
054 |
[Situation] Extending northwards from the junction of Ward Street Barrack Street and Meadowside Road to Somerville Place.
This thoroughfare which presents a fine appearance from being situated on an acclivity sloping Southwards from the Law, extends from the junction of Barrack Stt. Ward Street & Meadowside Road a Northerly direction to Somerville Place. Along the East side is a range of good dwelling houses with shops and also several villa residences with gardens attached. On its West side are situated the Bleaching Green and New Cemetery besides two very handsome Churches which add much to the general appearance of the Street.
It is paved & lighted with gas. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 2 |
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Parochial Board & Poor's Assessment Offices
Parochial Board & Poor's Assessment Offices
Parochial Board & Poor's Assessment Offices |
Written in front of the building
Mr. W. Taylor. Collector
Mr. Henry Jack Inspector |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Euclid Street.
Consists of four or five small rooms situated under the Old Scotch Independent Chapel on the North side of Euclid Street fitted up as offices and used by the officials of the Parochial Board of Dundee. It includes the "Poor's Assessment Office" & the "Parochial Board Office"
The whole is the property of Mr. Easson, Merchant, Cowgate and is rented by the above to Messrs. W. Taylor & H. Jack Collector & Inspector. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 2 |
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CHAPELSHADE WORKS (Hessians & Sacking) |
Chapelshade Works (Hessians & Sacking)
Chapelshade Works (Hessians & Sacking) |
James Malcolm and Sons Proprietors
Mr R. Strachan Moulder Bell Street |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Bell Street and E. [East] side of Ireland's Lane
An extensive range of Buildings 3 and 4 storeys high, situate about the centre and north side of Bell Street, (consisting of Preparing Rooms, Spinning, and Reeling Rooms, Weaving Rooms, and Warehouses) in which are manufactured Hessians and Sacks, the machinery is worked by a steam engine of 35 horse power, and the average number of hands employed is 340 - the whole is the property of Messrs James Malcolm and Sons by whom the business is carried on. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54 - 5 No 24 Trace 2 |
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Euclid Crescent
Euclid Crescent |
Ticket on Corner
Mr R. Strachan Moulder Bell Street
Dundee Directory
Mr. Fulton Town Surveyor |
054 |
[Situation] Surrounding the public seminaries on all sides except the NW [|North West]
A wide, clean and open thoroughfare, of a semicircular form, circling the front & sides of the Public Seminaries.
The buildings fronting it are mostly sheds and temporary workshops, except at the East & West Corners, upon which are situated the United Seceders & Panmure Chapels and St. James' U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church.
The Street is situated between Bell Street and Meadowside Road with both of which it communicates as also with Euclid and Panmure Streets.
It is lighted with gas and partly paved, & when complete will present a very favorable appearance. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54 - 5 No. 24 Trace 3 |
OS1/14/27/21 |
Old Scotch Independent Chapel |
Mr. A. Easson elder.
Dundee Directory
Mr. J. Hovell. late elder 3 Lochee Road |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Euclid Street.
A small but handsome building partly Gothic - erected in 1856. It is situated on the N. [North] side of Euclid Street, & is built over the offices of the Parochial Board of Dundee and is used as a place of Worship by a sect known as "Old Scoth Independents" or Covenanters. It contains 190 sittings all free, numbers thirty two Communicants, & has a Sunday school in connection, held in the Chapel. There is no regularly ordained ministers but merely elders who are unpaid, the Chapel is supported by voluntary contributions & collections are made weekly for the support of the poorer members, & monthly for missionary purposes
Minister or Elder at present Mr. A. Easson 15 Wellington Place Dundee |
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Town of Dundee Sheet 54.5 No. 24 Trace No. 2
(Seats for 190) |
OS1/14/27/22 |
St. Andrew's Free Church |
Dundee Directory
Revd. [Reverend] J. Ewing
Edward's Plan of Dundee 1846 |
054 |
[Situation] At the east end of Bell Street and west side of Meadowside
A very plain building, with obtusely arched windows and doorways without ornament used as a place of worship by a body of the Free Church of Scotland
It is situated at the Corner of Bell Street & Meadowside Road & was erected in 1854. It contains 1200 sittings all rented except a few not exceeding 30 which are given to parties unable to pay for them. The No. of Communicants is 900 and the Minister's Salary £311.0.0 per annum is derived from the Sustentation Fund of the Free Church & from Congregational funds. There are two day schools connected with the Church situated in Meadow Street & a Sunday School that meets in the Church. |
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[Page] 22
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5 No. 24 Trace No. 3
(Seats for 1200) |
OS1/14/27/23 |
Artificers' Tavern |
Mr. A. Wann occupier
Painted on Sign Board
Mr. D. Brown 37 Bell Stt. |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Bell Street and at the S E [South East] side of Irvines Court
A morerate sized Tavern situated on the North side of Bell Street, three storeys in height, licensed for the sale of Ale & Spirits &c and in the occupation of Mr. A. Wann. The property of Mr. T. Smith. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5 No. 24 Trace 3 |
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Railway Tavern |
Mr. A. Brown Tenant
Painted on Sign board
Mr. P. Rattray proprietor Meadowside Road |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Meadowside Road
A substantial & well built house of three storeys, situated on the North side of Meadowside Road opposite the Houff or old burying ground occupied by Mr. A. Brown as a Tavern & licensed for the sale of Ale Porter and Spirits. It is the property of Mr. P. Rattray Slater & is a superior house of its class. |
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[Page] 24
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5 No. 24 Trace 5 |
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Public Seminaries |
G. Milne Esqr. Writer 11 Reform Stt.
Dundee Directory
Edward's Plan of Dundee
Half Yearly report of Directors & Teachers |
054 |
[Situation] On the southern side of Bell Street
A large & handsome building - in style somewhat after the Grecian Cast - situated in Euclid Crescent, on the South side of Bell Street and facing Reform Street. It was erected by public subscription in 1829 for public schools and contains besides several large & commodious rooms for the use of the pupils in the various branches of education, three lofty & well lighted halls for examinations, lectures &c. In front & rere of the building are large open spaces of ground railed & walled in & set apart for recreation - The pupils are instructed in the Classics, French & English, Reading, Writing Arithmetic & Book keeping &c. &c. & in connection with Govt. [Government] school of
[continued on page 26] |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5 No. 24 Trace 3 |
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Public Seminaries (Continued) |
[continued from page 25]
Design, Geometry & Drawing - The number of pupils Male and Female exceeds 700 & the fees paid quarterly vary from 7s/6d [£0.7.6] to 12s/- [£0.12.0] each pupil, for each separate branch of instruction. The entire patronage control & management of these Seminaries is vested in a Board of Directors chosen from the Magistrates Town Council & Subscribers to the Institution. There are a few bursaries connected with the same, the most important arising from Webster's mortification for which the examination is held yearly. The Teachers are not resident in the premises but there is a Janitor & matron who live in the East wing. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5 No. 24 Trace 3 |
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Baltic Street
Baltic Street |
Ticket on corner of Street
Mr Fulton |
054 |
[Situation] From Wellgate to Meadowside and Bell Street
A short wide street, running from east to west, extending from about the middle of Wellgate to Meadowside and Bell Street, consisting of dwelling houses, and warehouses 2. 3. and 4 storeys in height; at the end nearest the Wellgate is a Public House and 1 or 2 small grocers shops, the dwelling houses are chiefly occupied by mechanics, the street is well lighted with gas, and well paved. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54 - 5 No. 24 Trace 3 |
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POWRIE'S LANE [Dundee] |
Powrie Lane
Powrie's Lane
Powrie's Lane |
Ticket on corner
Revd [Reverend] Mr. Boase Bell Street
Dundee Directory |
054 |
[Situation] Branching northward from near the eastern end of Bell Street
A short narrow street running from near the eastern end of Bell St to Soap Work Lane & Ladywell Lane paved and lighted with gas; on the east side stands the Catholic Church (Irvingites), on the West are weaving shops and Warehouses |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54 - 5 No 24 Trace 3 |
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Meadow Place
Meadow Place |
Ticket on Corner
Revd [Reverend] Mr Boase |
054 |
[Situation] Branching northward from the east end of Bell Street.
A small street running in a northerly direction from the end of Bell Street, where it suddenly terminates it is paved and lighted with gas there are no dwelling houses in it, but Warehouses and Counting Offices 3 and 4 storeys high. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5 No 24 Trace 3 |
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WATER WYND [Dundee] |
Water Wynd
Water Wynd |
Ticket on Corner
Revd Mr Boase Bell Street |
054 |
[Situation] Branching northward from Baltic Street and Meadowside.
A short narrow lane, running in a northerly direction from Baltic Street & Meadowside, to Ladywell Lane, lighted with gas, on east side is a large Calendering Works known as "Ladywell Calendering Works" on west side are Warehouses; there being no dwelling houses on this lane. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54 - 5 No. 24 Trace 3 |
OS1/14/27/31 |
United Original Seceders Church |
Dundee Directory
Mr. Wiliam Robertson Minister
Mr. J. Robertson Pawnbroker |
054 |
[Situation] On the east side of Euclid Crescent and at the north side of Panmure Street Chapel.
A small & neatly built Church erected in 1856 Situated on the East side of Euclid Crescent adjoining Panmure Stt. Chapel. It belongs to & is used by a sect known as "United Original Seceders" contains 250 sittings 180 of which are free & the remainder rented. There are 67 Communicants and the Minister's stipend 98£ per annum is derived from the Voluntary Contributions & seat rents of the Church.
Minister William Robertson |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54 . 5 No. 24 Trace 3
(Seats for 250) |
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[Blank page] |
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Royal Exchange |
Contract of Copartnery
R. Sturrock Esqr. Secty. [Secretary]
Dundee Directory |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Panmure Street adjoining Meadowside
A large & handsome building two storeys high - in the Tudor style - erected by a joint Stock Company in 1855. It is situated at the North East Corner of Panmure Street abutting on Meadowside and is devoted to the usual purposes of a Chamber of Commerce & Exchange, & to general merchantile transactions.
At the East end of the building is a square tower of fine proportions, & to the West a lofty & beautifully finished hall which is used as a reading room &c., the remainder of the interior being appropriated as offices for business &c &c.
The affairs of the association are administered or regulated by a Board of Directors, with office bearers, selected from among the Subscribers. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5 No. 24 Trace 3 |
OS1/14/27/34 |
Panmure Street Chapel (Independent) |
Mr. J. Duncan 2 Panmure Stt.
Dundee Directory 1856
Revd. [Reverend] Robert Lang
Edward's Plan of Dundee |
054 |
[Situation] On the east side of Euclid Crescent and north side of Panmure Street
A very neat and pleasing specimen of the Gothic style of ecclesiastical Architecture, erected in 1854 by a body of Independents. It is situated at the West end of Panmure Street partly parallel to Euclid Crescent and contains 600 sittings in all none of which are "Free Seats".
The number of Communicants is 150 and the Ministers Salary £200 per annum is derived from the voluntary contributions of the Congregation.
There is a Sunday School in connection with the Church, taught in a house close by but which does not belong to the Church.
Minister Revd. [Reverend] R. Lang Tay Square Dundee |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5 No. 24 Trace 3
Seats for 600 |
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Panmure Street
Panmure Street
Panmure Street |
Mr. W. Fairweather Painter Panmure Street
Ticket on Corner of Street
Dundee Directory |
054 |
[Situation] From east side of Euclid Crescent to the end of Murraygate, Wellgate and Cowgate
A clean wide and well paved street running east and west, extending from the end of Murraygate, Wellgate, and Cowgate to North East side of Euclid Crescent crossing Meadowside there are but few houses in the street, and they are at the east end, 3 and 4 storeys high (with Shops) occupied by Merchants and Tradesmen; in this street is the Royal Exchange; and at the south side and west end are Carpenter's and Masons Workshops with Yards attached this street is well lighted with gas and has a good supply of water |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54-5 No. 24 Trace 3 |
OS1/14/27/36 |
Irvine's Court
Irvine's Court |
Mr. Strachan Moulder Bell Street
Mr. Fraser Shoemaker |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Bell Street
A small square, going off Bell Street, lighted with gas and supplied with water, the houses in it are 2, 3, & 4 storeys high occupied by mechanics & Weavers |
OS1/14/27/36 |
Rattray's Entry
Rattray's Entry |
Ticket on Corner
Mr Patrick, Plasterer Bell Street |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Bell Street
A narrow lane running from south to north, extending from Bell Street to Soap Work Lane lighted with gas and well supplied with water the houses being 2 & 3 storeys high, occupied by mechanics and weavers. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54-5 No. 24 Trace 3 |
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[Page] 37
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 3
[Entry for Meadowside has been crossed out] |
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LOCHEE ROAD [Dundee] |
Lochee Road |
Mr. J. Clark Collector
Mr. J. Callum Surveyor
Written on Street Corner
Dundee Directory
Parliamy. [Parliamentary] List of Voters
Edwards Plan of Dundee |
054 |
[Situation] Extending northward from the junction of North Tay Street Guthrie Street and Ward St.
This name is applied to that portion of the Dundee and Cupar Angus "Turnpike Road extending from the junction of Ward Street & Guthrie Street Northwestwardly to the village of Lochee.
It is a road of moderate width, kept in good repair & lighted with gas throughout |
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[Page] 38
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 4 |
OS1/14/27/39 |
LINDSAY STREET WORKS (Jute & Tow Spinning) |
Lindsay Street Works |
Mr. John Henderson proprietor
Trade Circular & Cards
Dundee Directory |
054 |
[Situation] On the western side of Lindsay Street.
A large pile of Buildings recently reconstructed to a large extent. It is used for spinning Jute & Tow the machinery for which is propelled by one steam engine of 30 horse power. There are the usual Warehouses, offices &c. attached & the upper storeys at the South end of the works are devoted to hand loom weaving The total number of hands employed is 250 the whole is the property of & occupied by Mr. John Henderson. These premises are situated at the West side of Lindsay Street and at the side of West Ward Mill |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 4 |
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[Page] 40
[Blank page] |
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Industrial Schools |
Half Yearly Report of Society
Mr. T. Henderson
Painted over entrance
Dundee Directory |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Ward Street.
A large & substantially built edifice, of a very neat & tasteful design founded & erected principally through the instrumentality of George Duncan Esqr. MP [Member of Parliament] in 1856 and locally known as the "Duncan Testimonial". It is an extensive building three storeys in height with a small square tower on the South side surmounted by a spire. The whole is built of rough hewn stone faced with freestone & walled & railed in throughout. It is adapted to the purposes of Industrial Schools and supported by voluntary contributions, Donations and bequests. The inmates are both Boys & Girls, chiefly destitute juvenile delinquents who having been convicted before the Magistrates are here employed in industrial pursuits, clothed, fed & educated with a view to their ultimate reformation.
There are at present between 50 & 60
[continued on page 42] |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54.5 No. 24 Trace 4 |
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Industrial Schools (Continued) |
[continued from page 41]
50 and 60 Boys from 30 to 40 Girls in the institution with a resident Matron & master. The affairs of the Society are presided over by a Committe of Management Matron Miss Low Superintendent Mr. T. Henderson Teacher A.W. Small |
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Police Chambers |
Mr. D. Mackay Superintt. [Superintendent]
Dundee Directory
Mr. J. Fulton Surveyor |
054 |
[Situation] On the west side of the Dundee & Newtyle Railway.
These buildings are accessories to or from the east wing of the Goal or Bridewell being of the same elevation on the South side & forming part of the whole design They comprise besides the usual lockup cells & offices for Police business, a Court room, offices for the Town Surveyor a fire engine house & a dwelling house for the resident superintendent of police They are situated off the North side of Ward Street adjoining the Dundee & Newtyle Railway and are the property of the Corporation of Dundee. D. Mackay resident Superintendent. |
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[Page] 42
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 4 |
OS1/14/27/43 |
WARD STREET MILL (Hemp, Jute & Flax Spinning) |
Ward Street Mill (Hemp Jute & Flax Spinning) |
Dundee Directory
Mr. William Boyd
Painted over entrance |
054 |
[Situation] On the south side of Ward Street.
An extensive factory (stretching from North Tay Street to Lindsay Street) in which Hemp, Jute & Flax spinning is carried on by steam power, giving employment to about 60 hands. The machinery is worked by 3 Engines of 20, 12 & 8 horse power & the whole is the property of and worked by Mr. William Boyd.
Manager. Peter Balbirnie |
OS1/14/27/43 |
Guthrie Street |
Painted on Street Corner
Dundee Directory
Peter Balbirnie Ward St. Mill
Edward's Plan of Dundee |
054 |
[Situation] Extending from the west side of Ward Street to Horsewater Wynd
A narrow paved street extending Westwards from Ward Street to Horsewater Wynd. It is straight & clean & lighted with gas. The houses are few along either side being for the most part fronted by Factories |
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[Page] 43
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 4 |
OS1/14/27/44 |
St. David's (Free Church) |
Revd. [Reverend] C. Nairn
Dundee Directory
Edward's Plan of Dundee |
054 |
[Situation] On the east side of Lochee Road & north side of Ward Street.
A neat & substantially built place of worship situated at the West end of Ward Street adjoining the Industrial Schools and abutting on the Lochee Road.
The building cannot be defined as of any particular style of architecture, its elements throughout being contradictory and anomalous. yet, whilst from the want of height the interior is comparatively dark, it is furnished with taste. It is used by a Congregation of the Free Church of Scotland & can accomodate 930 persons The ministers salary is derived partly from the Sustentation Fund of the Free Church & partly from the Congregational Fund. The number of Communicants is 530. There are only 30 Free Seats in the Church. There is a Juvenile & an Industrial School connected with it, situated in Brown Street |
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[Page] 44
Town of Dundee Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 4
(Seats for 930) |
OS1/14/27/45 |
Lindsay Street |
Ticket on Street Corner
Dundee Directory
Edward's Plan of Dundee
Mr. D. Mackay Police Superintt. [Superintendent] |
054 |
[Situation] Extending from Ward Street to School Wynd & Overgate.
A straight, wide Street extending Southward from Ward Street to School Wynd & the Overgate. It is partly paved & lighted with gas There are a few good dwelling houses of four storeys built on the East side towards the Overgate and on the same side are situated the Watt Institution and Lindsay Street Independent Chapel. On the West side there are two or three factories and an old quarry used as a timber yard &c. |
OS1/14/27/45 |
North Tay Street |
Ticket on Street Corner
Dundee Directory
Mr. J. Fulton Surveyor |
054 |
[Situation] Extending from the west end of Ward Street and east end of Guthrie Street to Overgate
A short wide Street extending Northwards from the Overgate to the Lochee Road. It is clean, well paved & lighted with gas & situated on the West side is St. David's Established Church also a factory & a few good dwelling houses four storeys in height. The opposite side being mostly factories &c. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 4 |
OS1/14/27/46 |
WARD STREET [Dundee] |
Ward Street |
Painted on Street Corner
Dundee Directory
Mr. J. Fulton Surveyor |
054 |
[Situation] Extending from the junction of Lochee Road, Guthrie, & North Tay Street to Constitution Road.
A clean & well paved Street of moderate breadth & lighted with gas. It extends Westwards from Constitution Road to Guthrie Street and North Tay Street. Along the North side are situated the Dundee & Newtyle Railway Station Industrial Schools & Free St. David's Church. The South side is fronted principally by Mills Factories &c. |
OS1/14/27/46 |
RAILWAY STATION [Ward Street, Dundee] |
Railway Station |
Dundee Directory
Mr. R. Small. Stn. [Station] Master
Written on Notice Board |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Ward Street.
Consists merely of two long sheds on a very slight elevation built on the East & West sides of the Railway & fronting the North side of Ward Street. That on the East side contains a Booking office & waiting room for passengers & on the west side there is an office for goods traffic. The whole is very plainly built & quite unpretending in character. |
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[Page] 46
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 4 |
OS1/14/27/47 |
Dundee Saw Mills |
Dundee Directory
Written over entrance
William Kirkland & Sons. |
054 |
[Situation] Between Ward Street and South Ward Road.
A large building with extensive yards & premises inclosed within high walls, situated on the South side of Ward Street & extending to South Ward Road.
It is used as a Saw Mill &c. the machinery in which is driven by one Steam Engine of 35 Horse power It contains 9 Circular Saws - 5 Vertical Saws 2 Flooring Machines and 5 Turning lathes, and has a large traversing frame for the removal & lifting of heavy timber The large open spaces as shown on the plan are used for stacking & laying timber.
The whole is the property and in the occupation of Messrs. William Kirkland and Sons |
OS1/14/27/47 |
See Name Sheets for Sheet 54-5 No. 13 |
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[Page] 47
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 5 |
OS1/14/27/48 |
Water Cos. [Company's] Offices
Water Cos. [Company's] Offices
Water Cos. [Company's] Offices |
Dundee Directory
Mr. R. Adamson Manager
Written over entrance |
054 |
[Situation] On the north side of Meadowside Road.
A neat edifice in which the business of the Dundee Water Compy. [Company] is transacted.
It is situated on the North side of Meadowside Road opposite "the Houff" and is fitted up as offices & has a large room for the meeting of the Directors &c. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 5 |
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Euclid Street |
Ticket on Corner of Street
Dundee Directory
Mr. J. Fulton Surveyor
Mr. T. Cuthbert Coach builder Meadowside. |
054 |
[Situation] From Constitution Road to Euclid Crescent.
A short wide Street, extending Westward from Euclid Crescent to Constitution Road. On its South side there is a Coach factory & on the North side are situated the offices of the Parochial Board over which is the old Scotch Independents Chapel. The street is clean well paved, & lighted with gas |
OS1/14/27/49 |
Barrack Street |
Ticket on Corner of Street
Dundee Directory
Mr. James Miller Barrack Stt. Mill |
054 |
[Situation] From South Ward Road to Overgate
A narrow & circuitous Street stretching Northward from Overgate to South Ward Road From the middle of the Street Southwards there are some good dwelling houses on either side of 3 & 4 Storeys high and on its east side is situated the Old Cemetery or "Houff". It is paved, clean, & lighted with gas. |
OS1/14/27/49 |
[Page] 49
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 5 |
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South Ward Road |
Ticket on corner of Street
Dundee Directory
Mr. J. Hovell Ward Mill |
054 |
A narrow roadway extending ... the North end of Barrack S[treet] in a circuitous direction to ... head of North Tay Street.
It is mostly fronted by fa... on either side, is not pave[d] & very dirty & dark |
OS1/14/27/50 |
Meadowside Road |
Mr. J. Fulton Surveyor
Dundee Directory
Ticket on Street Corner
Edwards' Plan of Dundee |
054 |
Commences at the junction of Wa[rd] Street, Barrack Stt. & Constitution [Road] and extends Eastward to Baltic [Street] It is a clean wide thoroughfa[re] partly paved & lighted with gas Along its South side are situa[ted] the "Houff" or old burying ground the National Bank of Scotland the Gaelic & Baptist Chapels. On the North side is a range [of] good dwelling houses facing Old burying ground & the offices of th[e] Dundee Water Works Comp.. |
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[Page] 50
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 5 |
OS1/14/27/51 |
Barrack Street Mill (Jute Spinning) |
Painted over entrance
Mr. James Millar Manager
Dundee Directory
Mr. P. H. Thoms Junr. [Junior] |
054 |
[Situation] On the west side of Barrack Street
A large stack of buildings situated on the West side of "The Houff" at the North East corner of South Ward Road & Barrack Stt. It is used as a factory in which jute spinning is carried on by steam power with the employment of 120 persons and one 20 horse power Steam Engine. It is the property of P. H. Thoms Esqr. of Dundee and occupied by Messrs. Ireland & Miller Manager Mr. James Miller |
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[Page] 51
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 5 |
OS1/14/27/52 |
Sheriff's Court Rooms, &c |
Mr. J.B. Baxter Town Chamberlain
Dundee Directory
Mr. Edmund Baxter Sub. Town Chamberlain |
054 |
[Situation] On the west side of Constitution Road.
An elegant & substantially built edifice, erected by public subscription in 1838. It is situated on the West side of Constitution Road adjoining Ward Chapel & was originally built for & used as, the "Watt Institution" but the Association becoming involved in difficulties of a pecuniary nature, it became the property of the Eastern Banking Compy. [Company] of Scotland by whom it is now let for the Sheriff's Court. Court rooms & Sheriff's clerk's offices. The Court room is large lofty & commodious & the sittings held in it are for Small debt Court Ordinary Court and Court for Debates and proofs by the Sheriff of Forfarshire |
OS1/14/27/52 |
[Page] 52
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 5 |
OS1/14/27/53 |
WARD CHAPEL (Independents) |
Ward Chapel (Independents) |
John Ewan Esqr. An Elder of the Congregation
Dundee Directory
Revd. [Reverend] R. Spence |
054 |
[Situation] On the west side of Constitution Road
A small but handsome structure erected in 1833 - the features & general details of the Architecture being Decorated Gothic. It is situated on the West side of Constitution Road adjoining the Sheriff's Court & is occupied by the Independents. The number of sittings is 1150 - 350 Free & 800 Rented. Communicants 420 and the Minister's Salary £400 per annum is derived from voluntary contributions of the Congregation
There is one day school and one Sunday School in connection with this Chapel situated on Hawkhill. the former being for the benefit of the working classes, in the neighbourhood. They are denominated "Russell Schools" |
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[Page] 53
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 5
Seats for 1150 |
OS1/14/27/54 |
WARD MILL (Flax Spinning) |
Ward Mill (Flax Spinning) |
Mr. A. J. Buist, owner.
Dundee Directory
Mr. Joseph Hovell (Manager)
The Firm's announcements
Dundee Directory 1856-7 |
054 |
[Situation] On the S E [South East] side of South Ward Road
Comprises several large and commodious buildings situated on the South side of South Ward Street (with entry from Willison Street) in which the preparation and spinning of Flax is carried on by the agency of two steam engines of 25 & [ ] horse power respectively [ ] 240 operatives. It is the property of and occupied by Mr. A. J. Buist. Broughty Ferry. Manager Mr. J. Hovell |
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[Page] 54
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 5 |
OS1/14/27/55 |
Colonial Life Assurance Company |
Dundee Directory
Mr. G. L Allison Director
Mr. E. E. Scott Secty. [Secretary]
Written over the entrance |
054 |
[Situation:] On the east side of Reform Street
These premises form a continuation of the façade of the National Bank of Scotland adding materially to the effect of the range of buildings as a whole. They are occupied by the offices &c. of the Colonial Life Assurance Company. |
OS1/14/27/55 |
Bank of Scotland |
Dundee Directory
Written on Doorways
Mr. J. Sturrock Manager |
054 |
[Situation] On the west side of Reform Street, adjoining Bank Street
A large & handsome building of 4 storeys situated on the West side of Reform Street at the corner of Bank Street. It is used for a branch of the Bank of Scotland.
Manager Mr. J. Sturrock |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 6 |
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[Blank page] |
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[Blank page] |
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[Blank page] |
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DUNCAN MONUIMENT [Old Burial Ground] |
Duncan Monument |
Mr. C. Roger Dundee library
Mr. W. Kettles Manager of Houff.
Mr. J. Thomson Smalls Wynd |
054 |
[Situation] Near the NW [North West] corner of the Old Burial Ground
This object is situated on the West side of the Houff or old Burying ground near the North End of the Wall and consists of a small inclosure, railed in; with a very handsome mural monument erected in 1718 to the memory of Alexander Duncan Esqr. of Lundie Father of Admiral Lord Duncan. Several members of this distinguished family are buried in this spot having been residents of Lundie - (now Camperdown) - situated about three miles Westward from Dundee. |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 5 |
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[Page] 60
[Blank page] |
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Supposed Site of ST. SALVATOR'S CHAPEL |
Supposed site of St. Salvators Chapel
Supposed site of St. Salvators Chapel |
Mr. James Thomson Author of History of Dundee
Mr. Charles Rogers - Libn. [Librarian] Dundee Library |
054 |
[Situation] South side of Bank Street within the Corn Exchange
This chapel is supposed to have stood at the north end of St. Salvator's Close. Mr. Thomson states that himself and another man a friend of his examined the remains found here several years ago which consisted of some small old houses & remains of walls which stood upon somewhat elevated rocky ground & which has been since quarried away He states that the remains found appeared plainly to indicate that of a Chapel and that some remains of graves had been dug up. He also states that he considers & believes that St. Thomas's Chapel stood on the east side of St. Salvators Chapel but this appears to be merely an inference from some passages in old writings for which there does not appear to be any proof Mr. Reid a gentleman who has given a good deal of attention to the antiquities of Dundee seems to doubt that a chapel ever stood here. notwithstanding this opinion there is a general belief in the town of Dundee that there was a chapel here
[continued on page 62] |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 6 |
OS1/14/27/62 |
Chapel of St. Salvator (Continued) |
[continued from page 61]
This chapel was erected before the reign of Robert III. but by whom is not upon record. Its situation was on the summit of the rocky eminence on the north side of the High Street and Overgate, where a Close or Court leading to where it stood (for its site is now quarried away) bears its name. From the proximity of its situation to the palace in the adjoining Court of St. Margaret now called the Maut Close it is not impossible that it was an appendage to the regium donum; or it may have been erected and endowed by some member of the noble house of Angus after it became possessed [of] the palace. In 1825 or in 1826 while some work people were digging among the foundations of the chapel they discovered some fragments of ancient monuments of the dead and also a considerable quantity of bones - no doubt the memorials and relics of some benefactors to the church who had chosen the consecrated area of the chapel for their last resting-place. One of these monuments is reported at its discovery to have been pretty entire and the latin inscription in Saxon characters legible. The stone was a kind of red sandstone and was set aside with the design of preserving it but while the workmen were absent at dinner some wicked persons dashed dashed the relic in pieces and thus prevented any advantage being derived from the information which the inscription might have afforded. + + + + + + + Mackie's history of Dundee p. [page] 111 |
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The text on this page is a fairly accurate copy of the first paragraph of the entry for St. Salvator's Chapel in Mackie's History. A second paragraph in the original refers to the endowment of the Chapel and can be found online at google.com or via archive.org That online source has been used to supply the missing letters or words given in square brackets in the current transcription. |
OS1/14/27/63 |
Supposed Site of GREY FRIARS' MONASTERY (1260) [Dundee] |
Supposed site of Greyfriars Convent
Monastery or Friary of Franciscans |
Mr. James Thomson Smalls Wynd Dundee
Mr. C. Roger Dundee Library
Mr. J. Kettles Manager of Houff
Mackie's History of Dundee |
054 |
[Situation] In the SW. [South West] portion of the Houff or old Burial Ground
The Monistery which is supposed to have stood on the south west side of what is now used as a burial ground was erected in the year 1260 and was destroyed at an early period of the Reformation in 1560. The exact site of the conventual buildings cannot be stated with any degree of certainty as no traces of foundation walls have hitherto been discovered in digging within the walls of the Houff; altho' [although] along its East side, small, & isolated fragments of masonry have from time to time been found at a considerable depth from the surface yet sufficient only to lead to conjecture on this point. In Dr. [Doctor] Small's statistical account of Dundee dated 1792 it is stated "It is this Monastry
[continued on page 64] |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Traces 5 & 6 |
OS1/14/27/64 |
Greyfriars' Monastery (Continued) |
[continued from page 63]
which was conveyed by Queen Mary to the Town for a burying ground." & Thomson in his Hist: [History] of Dundee says "The Houff or old burying ground was the site of a Convent * * * and of the orchard & garden belonging to it." & in the report of Council presented to the Lords of Session in the cause of The Presbytery of Dundee v [versus] The Magistrates of Dundee p [page] 8. it is described simply as "the garden & ground of the Greyfriars" the ground probably implying the space cleared by the razing of the Convent & offices attached
[continued on page 65] |
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[Page] 64 |
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Monastery or Friary of Franciscans (Continued) |
[continued from page 64]
Of this, as well as of the other religious fraternities which existed here at and before the era of the Reformation, little beyond the situations which they occupied remains. The Houff, or common burying-place was the site of a monastery of Franciscan Friars rather of that division of them denominated "fratrum conventualium," "fratres conventualis", or "fratres minores" - " Friars Conventual," or "Friars Minor" - and of the orchards and gardens belonging to it. This house was erected about 1260, by Devorgilla daughter of Allan Lord of Galloway and grand-daughter of David Earl of Huntingdon who erected the Church of Our Lady. Devorgilla was also mother of King John Baliol who competed for the crown with Robert Bruce of Annandale, grandfather of Robert I. Lady Beatrice Douglas Countess of Errol donated to this house the sum of £100 Scots in aid of the Common funds, and for the necessary repairs of the Convent as on account of the general poverty of all occasioned by a famine the brethren being scarce able even though they sold and pawned their valuable property Church utensils and the like to maintain themselves the Convent had become greatly dilapidated. For this donation from Lady Errol the Friars bound themselves and their successors to give her ladyship the benefit of a daily mass at the high altar. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
A very small part of the convent remains consisting of a low dead wall enlivened however by a small door which opens into the Houff. This wall extends from the south gate of
[continued on page 66] |
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Town of Dundee |
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Monastery or Friary of Franciscans (Continued) |
[continued from page 65]
the Houff in Barrack Street a few yards eastward along the south side of the burying-ground.
The history of this house is involved in almost impenetrable [obscurity] insomuch that little more than a few probable conjectures can be advanced respecting it. The Reformation in Dundee was perfectly radical as indeed it could scarcely have been otherwise with so zealously active a citizen and champion of the new faith which the reformed doctrines were contemptously termed - as Provost James Haliburton to guide it a gentleman certainly qualified for the [high] office which he held. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
On the north side of this site of " Friars of Orders Grey" there is a large field denominated " the Meadows" which likely had at one time formed part of the conventual possessions. A fine and copious [fountain] of excellent water bursts forth at several places within it which is still as it formerly was called St Francis Well.
Mackie's Hisory of Dundee pp. [pages] 118-120 |
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[Page] 66 |
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TOWN WALL [Dundee] |
Town Wall |
Mr. James Scott Town Archtt. [Architect]
Mr. Kettles. Manager of "The Houff" Constn. [Constitution] Road
New Statistical Acct: [Account] |
054 |
[Situation] At the NE. [North East] and S E [South East] side of the Houff or Old Burial Ground.
Nearly all the historical records of Dundee agree in representing the Town as having been doubly walled, for the purpose of defence, on the West, North & East sides, but the precise date of the construction of this work does not appear to be satisfactorily determined. That it was so defended however is sufficiently clear from the existence to the present day of a portion of the outer wall extending along the South & part of the East sides of the old burying ground or Houff - & which present traces of great antiquity. The portions still entire show the wall to have been from twelve to fourteen feet in height and of considerable thickness, but of very indifferent workmanship being for the greater part dry built,
[continued on page 68] |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 6 |
OS1/14/27/68 |
Town Wall (Continued) |
[continued from page 67]
(although this may have resulted from being hastily built in time of danger at this particular spot) At a height of 7 to 8 feet from the base a ledge of stone work ran round the interior of the wall forming a covered way about 18 or 20 Inches wide apparently for the use of archers or musketeers & which ledge was reached from steps built at intervals. The whole was surmounted by battlements of about 18 inches the portions between the embrasures being pierced in the centre with a small loop hole.
At no spot along the line of wall now standing can its full proportions be seen at a glance, the ground having been filled up on either side to the height of from 5 to 6 feet, but portions of stone lintels & sills belonging to the ancient outlets or doors amply elucidate this point
[Signed] S. D. Smith Corpl RE [Corporal Royal Engineers] |
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[Page] 68 |
OS1/14/27/69 |
The Houff or Old Burying ground |
Thompson's Histy. [History] of Dundee
Mr. J. B. Baxter - Town Chamberlain
Mr. J. Fulton Surveyor |
054 |
[Situation] On the south side of Meadowside Road, & west side of Reform Street.
Consists of a large inclosure belonging to the Town used as a place of interment by the inhabitants. It is situated on the South side of Meadowside Road & is partly surrounded by high walls & Railings. This plot of ground is reputed to have anciently formed part of the lands attached to a Monastery of Grey Friars which stood at or near the spot and was granted by Royal Charter in 1567 to the community for the purposes to which it is now devoted. There are several quaint inscriptions & tombs in the place with dates indicating its antiquity. |
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[Page] 69
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 6 |
OS1/14/27/70 |
BANK STREET [Dundee] |
Bank Street |
Mr. J. Fulton Surveyor
Dundee Directory
Ticket on Street Corner. |
054 |
[Situation] Branching SW [South West] from Reform Street.
An unfinished Street situated off the West side of Reform Stt. from whence it is projected to join Barrack Street.
On its South side is situated the Bank of Scotland and also the Corn Exchange now in course of erection. |
OS1/14/27/70 |
NEW INN ENTRY [Dundee] |
New Inn Entry |
Mr. J. Fulton's Town plans
Dundee Directory
Written on entry |
054 |
[Situation] Marching N.W. [North West] from High Street & extending nearly to Meadowside Road.
A narrow roadway extending from High Stt. Northward and communicating with Meadowside road near its eastern bend. It is mostly lined on either side by factories & workshops, but is clean and lighted with gas. It is also paved. At its North End are situated the Gaelic and Baptist Chapels. |
OS1/14/27/70 |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 6 |
OS1/14/27/71 |
Baptist Meeting House |
Cut in on front of the Building
Mr. J. Henderson Lindsay Stt. Works
Mr. J. Lindsay Junr. [Junior] |
054 |
[Situation] On the south side of Meadowside Road.
A plain but substantially built place of Worship situated on the South side of Meadowside Road erected in 1835 and used by a Congregation of Baptists. The whole of the seats 400 are free and the number of Communicants is 96. The Minister receives no Salary & the place is supported by voluntary contributions. There are no schools either day or Sunday in connection with it. The officiating minister at present is Mr. John Henderson |
OS1/14/27/71 |
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Town of Dundee Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 6
(Seats for 400) |
OS1/14/27/72 |
National Bank of Scotland |
Mr. J. Henderson
Dundee Directory
Written over the Doors |
054 |
[Situation] On the east side of Reform Street where it joins Meadowside Road
A very elegant structure, situated at the North East corner of Reform Street and Meadowside Road used as a branch of the National Bank of Scotland. It is of four storeys in height & contains besides the business offices &c. the residence of the Manager Mr. John Henderson. |
OS1/14/27/72 |
[Page] 72
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 6 |
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Corn Exchange |
Mr. J. Fulton Surveyor
Mr. J. Jamieson Reform Stt.
Mr. Middleton High Stt. |
054 |
[Situation] On the south side of Bank Street
A large & handsome building (at present in course of erection) situated in Bank Street adjoining the Bank of Scotland It contains a few small rooms for offices and a wide & lofty hall covered with glass to a large extent. It is to be devoted to business connected with the Corn Market &c. |
OS1/14/27/73 |
Gaelic Church (Free) |
M. Stewart Esqr. Dundee & Perth News Office
Revd. [Reverend] J. Logan St. James Park Dundee |
054 |
[Situation] On the south side of Meadowside road.
A plain building situated on the S [South] side of Meadowside Road used by a section of the Free Church of Scotland conducting their services in Gaelic. It contains about 200 sittings & has 250 Communicants. The Minister's Salary is derived from the Free Church Sustentation fund & from the Congregation. The lower part of the building is appropriated as shops & offices. |
OS1/14/27/73 |
[Page] 73
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 6
Gaelic Free Church [note]
(Seats for 200) |
OS1/14/27/74 |
General Sessional School
General Sessional School
General Sessional School
General Sessional School |
Dundee Directory
Mr. James Hamilton Teacher
Mr. C. Davidson Stationer, Meadowside
Mr. J. M. Black - Meadowside |
054 |
[Situation] At the south side of the Baptist Chapel or Meeting House, a short distance south of Meadowside Road
A very plain building, with warehouses beneath, situated in rere of the Baptist Meeting House in Meadowside Road It is used for Sessional Schools wherein Boys & Girls are instructed in Reading, Writing Grammar Arithmetic Geography Drawing Mathematics & Scripture History. There are 274 Boys & 144 Girls attending the school who pay /6d [£0.0.6] per month or 1s/6d [£0.1.6] per Annum The School is supported by the School fees & is in connection with the Established Church of Scotland. The teacher has a Salary of 22£ & allowance for pupil Teachers.
Master, James Hamilton |
OS1/14/27/74 |
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Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24 Trace 6 |
OS1/14/27/75 |
Reform Street |
Painted on Street Corner
Dundee Directory
Edward's Plan of Dundee, 1846
Mr. Fulton, Town Surveyor |
054 |
[Situation] From Meadowside Road to High Street
A straight, broad and handsome Street extending Northwards from High Street to Meadowside Road. The National Bank of Scotland stands at the North east Corner and the Bank of Scotland also has a branch about midway along the west side. It is well lighted, paved and clean and is considered to be one of the best Streets in the Town. |
OS1/14/27/75 |
REFORM STREET CHAPEL (Evangelical Union) [Dundee] |
Reform Street Chapel (Evangelical Union) |
Painted over entrance
Dundee Directory
Revd. [Reverend] H. Riddell
Mr. J. Allen, 41, Reform Stt. |
054 |
Situation] East side of Reform Street, and on the west side of New Inn Entry.
A Place of Worship frequented by a body of Dissenters termed the Evangelical Union. It is situated on the East side of Reform Street on the first floor above the regular line of shops and does not present any fronting differing from the rest of the Street. It contains 550 free seats and about 100 Rented - There is a Sunday School held in the Chapel and a week day evening school in the mission room connected with the Church.
Minister - Revd. [Reverend] H. Riddell |
OS1/14/27/75 |
[Page] 75
Town of Dundee -- Sheet 54. 5 No. 24. Trace 6
[Volume signed]
James Carpenter C. Asst. [Civilian Assistant]
30th. Jany. [January] 1858
A Cooke
BMajor RE [Brevet Major Royal Engineers]
2nd. Feb. [February] /58 [1858] |
OS1/14/27/76 |
[Page] 76
[Volume] 27
Sheet 54. 5, No. 24. |