
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Estate Plans
W. McKenzie
Charles Macandrew
017 A Farmhouse & Offices on the East side of the River South Esk, Occupied by William McKenzie, and the Property of The Earl of Airlie.
BANK (Ruins) Bank (Ruins)
Bank (Ruins)
Bank (Ruins)
Estate Plans
W. Mackenzie
Charles Macandrew
017 The Ruins of a Farmhouse about half a mile south from Glasslet.
TOPS OF FICHELL Tops of Fichell
Tops of Fichell
Tops of Fichell
Estate Plans
Charles McAndrew
William O. Lamond
017 A Hill feature about a Mile East from the Farmhouse of Glasslet

Continued entries/extra info

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Alison James- Moderator, Alice Bremner

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