
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Dr. Brewster, Leven Manse
Mr. A. Wilkie, Western Bank
Johnston's Co. [County] map
Register of Co. [County] voters
Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] 1845
025 [situation] At Mouth of River Leven West extremity of Largo Bay.
The Town of Leven is Situated on the Sea Coast, at the mouth of the River from which it takes its name, it Consists of 2 principal streets running parallel to each other from North to South, with a Variety of Cross Streets and lanes running into them. There have been Several handsome houses lately erected along the Beach, principally for the Accommodation of Sea bathers. It has no magistrates, but has so far taken advantage of the general Police Act, as to adopt its provisions for cleaning, lighting and supplying the Town with Water. It contains a Parish Church, Manse and School; A free Church, Manse and School; a United presbyterian Church, two private Schools, two Public buildings (the Masons' & Gardeners' Halls) where all Concerts, Balls, Auctions &c are held. A Branch of both the Commercial & Western Banks of Scotland. A post office having two arrivals and deliveries daily, two good Inns, with upwards of 20 public houses and the usual number of Drapers, Butchers Bakers and small dealers shops requisite for a small Town. The Harbour is much confined and too small for the increasing trade, together with being very dangerous of Approach, from the Constant shifting of the sands about the Mouth of the River. The population of Town from the Census taken in 1851 Amounts to 2187. the principal trade carried on in it is the Weaving of Coarse linens for the Manufacture of which there are several factories in the suburbs, with an Iron foundery which give a large quantity of employment to the inhabitants.

Continued entries/extra info

16 [page] Parish of Scoonie Plan 25 C Trace 2.
Leven is a burgh of barony C.M. Christie Esq. of Durie is the Superior. It is governed by a baron bailie chosen by the Superior together with Police Commissioner under the regulations of Police Act.

Transcriber's notes

In Description, the sentence starting.... 'It has no magistrates' and ending .... 'supplying the town with water' .... is underlined.
In Continued Entries, the paragraph starting .... 'Leven is a burgh' ....is written very faintly.
The sentence starting ....'It is governed' .... to the end of the paragraph .... is underlined.

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