OS1/13/93/1 |
[page] 1
Parish of Kennoway 24B
Names of Objects -- Pages
Parish of Kennoway -- 3
Auchtermairnie -- 11
Auchtermairnie Mill -- 14
Bowes -- 9
Barnslee -- 10
Brunton Mill -- 10
Burnside -- 13
Bogside -- 13
Balbriekie -- 16
Burial Ground -- 22
Cotton -- 11
Castleheggie -- 17
Church -- 21
Dalginch -- 9
Den Mill -- 20
Free Church -- 22
Greenbank -- 14
Gas Works -- 20
Harbour Hill -- 7
Halfields -- 15
Kinmount -- 22
Kennoway -- 23
Kennoway Den -- 23
Kingsdale -- 24
Kingsmill -- 24
Kennoway Burns -- 24
Longside -- 12
Longside Hill -- 12
Lodge -- 17
Laburnum Cottage -- 21
Manse -- 19
Manse -- 19
North Dalginch -- 6
North Lodge -- 9
North Mains -- 11
Newton Hall -- 17
Newton -- 18
Post Office -- 20
Rob's How -- 5
Star -- 5
Star Moss -- 5
School -- 6
Stables -- 18
School -- 23
Site of Church -- 25
Treaton -- 7
The Mires -- 7
The Barns -- 10
Teuchat Head -- 14
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church -- 19
Victoria Inn -- 21 |
OS1/13/93/2 |
[Page] 2
[Blank page] |
OS1/13/93/3 |
KENNOWAY [parish] |
Ph. [Parish] of Kennoway
Ph. [Parish] of Kennoway
Ph. [Parish] of Kennoway
Ph. [Parish] of Kennoway
Ph. [Parish] of Kennoway
Ph. [Parish] of Kennoway |
Full. [Fullerton's] Gazetteer
New Stat Acct. [Statistical Account]
Old Stat Acct. [Statistical Account]
Oliver & Boyds Almanac
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
Co. [County] Directory |
017; 024; 025 |
[Situation] Near the Centre of the County.
A parish in Fifeshire, bounded on the South by the parishes of Scoonie, Wemyss, and Markinch; On the East by Scoonie; on the north by the parish of Kettle: and on the west by Markinch. Its form is an irregular parallellogram, 3½ Miles in length from East to West, and rather more than 2 Miles in breadth from north to South, having an area about 3750 imperial acres, and mostly Arable. In it are three Villages 1st. Kennoway which has a population of nearly 1000, A Sub Post Office, a Parochial Church. Free Church and a U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church. The 2d [second] is Star having a population of about 400; and 3d [third] [Baneton] with a population of about 120. |
OS1/13/93/3 |
[page] 3
Parish of Kennoway
Note: Parish of Kennoway - No part of this parish is situated within any other parish, or no detached portion of any other parish is situated within it. |
OS1/13/93/4 |
[page] 4
[Blank page] |
OS1/13/93/5 |
Star Moss
Star Moss
Star Moss |
Mr Robert Brown Markinch
Mr. Haxton
Mr. Lawrie |
024 |
[Situation] About 2½ Miles W. by N. [West by North] of Kennoway.
An extensive tract of peat land which by the Skill and industry of the Surrounding agriculturists is daily lessening & being brought into cultivation, is Situate abt. [about] 1½ Miles N.E. [North East] of Markinch Village. |
OS1/13/93/5 |
Star |
Mr. William Cochrane Markinch
Mr. Haxton
Fraser's County Map |
024 |
[Situation] 2 Miles W. by N. [West by North] of Kennoway.
A clean Straggling Village abt. [about] a Mile N.E. [North East] of Markinch built on a peat moss. Its first dwellers were hawkers of earthenware belonging to the S. [South] country who annually came over to Fife & lived here in tents during the Summer Seasons; Not being interfered with. Several were induced to build more Substantial dwellings, and become permanent settlers |
OS1/13/93/5 |
Rob's How
Rob's How
Rob's How |
David Anderson Mason. Tent. [Tenant]
Henry Aitken |
024 |
[Situation] 2⅜ Miles W. [West] of Kennoway.
A very neat Cottage built of brick and forming two tenements. Situate abt. [about] ¼ of a mile E. [East] of Long Hill |
OS1/13/93/5 |
[page] 5
Kennoway Parish T.1 [Trace 1] 24B.
Note: How - A round hillock Jameson |
OS1/13/93/6 |
North Dalginch
North Dalginch
North Dalginch |
Mr. Andrew Miller Tent [Tenant]
Mr. Wilson
Mr. Cochrane |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Star.
A Small farmhouse, Steading etc. with threshing Mill driven by water. Situate nearly in the centre of Star Village |
OS1/13/93/6 |
SCHOOL [Star] |
School |
Mr. Bonnar Schoolmaster
Mr. A. Millar |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Star.
A plain Small building in the N. [North] of Star Village. The School & Master is entirely Supported by Subscriptions & the small fees from the Scholars with the interest of £150 from the Bell fund. At present 80 pupils attend daily ⅔ of whom are boys, each pupil pays ½ to ¼ penny weekly to the Master & provides necessary.... |
OS1/13/93/6 |
[page] 6
Kennoway Parish T1 [Trace 1] 24B |
OS1/13/93/7 |
Treaton |
Frasers County Map
Mr. Campbell Tent. [Tenant]
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
024 |
[Situation] 1½ Miles W. [West] of Kennoway.
A large excellent farm, with good dwelling house gardens shrubbery & Steading Situate on a considerable elevation commanding extensive views of the Frith of Forth and the counties of Berwick Edinburgh etc. |
OS1/13/93/7 |
Harbour Hill
Harbour Hill
Harbour Hill |
Mr. Wilson
Estate Map
Mr. Nichols |
024 |
A Small Mount near the centre of the N. [North] side of "The Mires" abt. [about] 40 Chains S.S.E. [South South East] of Dalginch. |
OS1/13/93/7 |
The Mires
The Mires
The Mires
The Mires |
Mr. Nicholls
Mr. William Cochrane
Mr. Thomas Gibb
Mr. Campbell Farmer Treaton |
024 |
A long Narrow tract of arable land which not very many years ago was a Marsh, by good drainage etc has been taken means of making it as fertile as any land in parish, is Situate on the boundary of the Parishes of Kennoway & Markinch |
OS1/13/93/7 |
[page] 7
Kennoway Parish 24B T.5 [Trace 5] |
OS1/13/93/8 |
[page] 8
[Blank page] |
OS1/13/93/9 |
NORTH LODGE [Barnslee] |
North Lodge
North Lodge
North Lodge |
Mr. William Cochrane
Mr. Wilson |
024 |
[Situation] About 2½ Miles W. [West] of Kennoway.
A Small cottage built for a Gate house to the Barnslee Estate, Situate on the S. [South] side of the Lane leading from Markinch to Kennoway |
OS1/13/93/9 |
Bowes |
Plan of Estate
Mr. Wilson Farmer Dalginch
Mr. William Cochrane |
024 |
[Situation] 2¼ Miles W. [West] of Kennoway.
A few tenements or "Bothies" which formerly formed part of a farm Steading, now occupied by the farm Servants of Dalginch. |
OS1/13/93/9 |
Dalginch |
Mr. John Wilson Tenant
Estate Map
Mr. William Cochrane
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
024 |
[Situation] 2¼ Miles W. [West] of Kennoway.
A very excellent farm with good dwelling house Garden & Steading overlooking a very extensive tract of country & the Frith of Forth |
OS1/13/93/9 |
[page] 9
Kennoway Parish 24B. T.4 [Trace 4]
Note: Bowe - A fold for Cows. Jameson |
OS1/13/93/10 |
The Barns
The Barns
The Barns |
Mr. William Cochrane
William Watson
Mr. Haxton |
024 |
[Situation] 2⅝ Miles W. [West] of Kennoway.
A small farm with an old farm Steading. with thrashing mill driven by water; is Situate on high ground abt. [about] 11 Chains N. [North] of Barnslee Mansion house. & 50 N.E. [North East] of Markinch Village. |
OS1/13/93/10 |
Barnslee |
Mr. Thomas Gibb
Mr. William Cochrane
Frasers Parish Map
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
Directory to Gentlemens Seats |
024 |
[Situation] 2¾ Miles W. by S. [West by South] of Kennoway.
A Small Mansion, garden, Shrubberies, with abt. [about] 15 Acres of ornamental ground, pleasantly Situated abt. [about] ½ mile N.E. [North East] of Markinch is the property of Miss Arthur |
OS1/13/93/10 |
Brunton Mill
Brunton Mill
Brunton Mill |
Mr. Wilson
Parish Map
Mr. William Cochrane |
024 |
[Situation] 2¼ Miles S.W by W. [South West by West] of Kennoway.
A small cottage in two tenements, which once formed a part of a Meal Mill, and was driven by water conducted from the burn a little S [South] of the Same . No trace of the Mill lead is visible |
OS1/13/93/10 |
[page] 10 Kennoway Parish 24B. T.4 [Trace 4]
Note: Barnslee - formerly known as Brunton. |
OS1/13/93/11 |
Cotton |
Title Deeds
William Anderson Tent, [Tenant]
Mr. William Cochrane |
024 |
[Situation] About 1½Miles N.W. [North West] of Kennoway.
Two Cottages & Gardens with a few acres of land Situate abt. [about] 30 Chains N. [North] of Auchtermairney |
OS1/13/93/11 |
Auchtermairnie House
Auchtermairnie House
Auchtermairnie |
Mr. Forrester Schoolmaster Kennoway
Major Crawford
George Anderson Gardener
Mr William Thompson P.O. [Post Office] Kennoway
Directory of Gentlemens Seats
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
The Rev. [Reverend] David Bell Kennoway
Mr. Bell Joiner Kennoway |
024 |
[Situation] 1 Mile N.W. [North West] of Kennoway.
A plain Small Mansion with gardens, shrubberies & abt. [about] 100 Acres of ornamental ground, delightfully Situated on the Side of hill commanding a very extensive view of land & water; is the property of Miss Lundin |
OS1/13/93/11 |
North Mains
North Mains
North Mains |
Mr. James Swan Tent. [Tenant]
George Anderson |
024 |
[Situation] 1¼ Miles N.W. [North West] of Kennoway.
A Small farm with a good house garden & Steading Situate 15 Chains N.W. [North West] of Auchtermairney Mansion House, is the property of Miss Lundin. |
OS1/13/93/11 |
11 Kennoway Parish T.3 [Trace 3] of 24B
Note: Cotton - A hamlet possed [possessed] by Cottars, dependent on the principal farm. Jameson |
OS1/13/93/12 |
Longside |
Mr. Thomson
Mr. William Cochrane |
024 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile N.W. [North West] of Kennoway.
A most excellent farm with newly erected Steading dwelling house etc. built of rough blue Sandstone with white Sandstone cornices, is delightfully Situated on Rising ground with a S. [Southerly] aspect, commanding an extensive view of the Frith of Forth etc. |
OS1/13/93/12 |
Longside Hill
Longside Hill
Longside Hill |
Mr. Thompson
Mr. Hatton InnKeeper. Kennoway
Mr. Cochrane |
024 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile N. by W. [North by West] of Kennoway.
A considerable eminence ¾ of a Mile N.E. [North East] of Kennoway chiefly formed of Whinstone over Sandstone. On the Summit is a circular plantation forming a conspicuous landmark |
OS1/13/93/12 |
[page] 12 Kennoway Parish T3. [Trace 3] 24B |
OS1/13/93/13 |
Burnside |
Mr. William Gilmour Tent. [Tenant]
George Gibb |
024 |
[Situation] 1½ Miles N.W. by W [North West by West] of Kennoway.
A Small house & Stabling with abt. [about] 60 acres of poor land. Situate abt. [about] 20 Chains N.E. [North East] of Star Village; is the property of the Earl of Leven |
OS1/13/93/13 |
Bogside |
William Mitchell Tent. [Tenant]
Mr. William Mitchell
Mr. William Gilmour
Mr. William Matthew Newton of Kingsdale. |
024 |
[Situation] 1¼ Miles W. by N. [West by North] of Kennoway.
A Small feu comprising dwelling house, Garden, Stabling and abt. [about] 6 acres land Situate 40 Chains E. [East] of Starr Village. |
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[page] 13 Kennoway Parish 24B. T.6 [Trace 6] |
OS1/13/93/14 |
Auchtermairney Mill
Auchtermairney Mill
Auchtermairney Mill |
Mr. William Cochrane
Alexander Wilkie Teuchat Head
David Honeyman Teuchat Head |
024 |
[Situation] ⅝ Mile N.W. [North West] of Kennoway.
A Small Water Mill for grinding Oats & Barley, Situate on a Small burn that rises from Star Moss & passes by Kennoway is the property of Miss Lundin |
OS1/13/93/14 |
Teuchat Head
Teuchat Head
Teuchat Head |
Mr. William Thompson P.O. [Post Office] Kennoway
Aleaxnder Wilkie
David Honeyman |
024 |
[Situation] ⅝ Mile N.W. [North West] of Kennoway.
Two Cottages & Gardens with a few acres of land Situate about 30 Chains W. [West] of Kennoway Village on the road to Markinch |
OS1/13/93/14 |
Greenbank |
Mr. William Thompson
Alexander Wilkie
David Honeyman |
024 |
[Situation] ½ Mile N.W. [North West] of Kennoway.
A neat house & Garden on the S [South] side of the road from Kennoway to Markinch & 12 Chains E. [East] of Auchtermairney Mill |
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[page] 14 Kennoway Parish 24B T7 [Trace 7] |
OS1/13/93/15 |
SAW MILL [Kennoway] |
Saw Mill
Saw Mill
Saw Mill |
Mr. Hutton Kennoway
Mr. William Thompson
Alexander Wilkie |
024 |
[Situation] ⅜ Mile N.W. [North West] of Kennoway.
A Small Water Mill driving two circular Saws for the cutting of rough timber Situate on the Burn at 20 Chains W. [West] of Kennoway Village. |
OS1/13/93/15 |
Halfields |
Mr. William Wright. Pro. [Proprietor] & Tenant
Mr. Thompson
Mr. Hutton
Title deeds
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
William A. Taylor Cupar
Co. [County] Directory |
024 |
[Situation] At the N. [North] end of Kennoway.
A Small farm with dwelling house garden and Steading, the property of Mr. William Wright, Situate 10 Chains N. [North] of Kennoway Village. |
OS1/13/93/15 |
15 Kennoway Parish 24B T7 [Trace 7]
Note: Deleted entry for Bunker Hill |
OS1/13/93/16 |
Balbreikie |
Frasers County Map
Mr. William Matthew
George Russell Tenant |
024 |
[Situation] ½ Mile W. [West] of Kennoway.
An old farm house made into tenements for the use of the farm Servants of Newton of Kingsdale is the property of the Earl of Leven |
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[page] 16 Kennoway Parish 24B T7 [Trace 7] |
OS1/13/93/17 |
Castlehegie |
Rent Receipt
David Beath Tent. [Tenant]
Mr. William Cochrane
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
024 |
[Situation] 1¼ Miles W. [West] of Kennoway.
A long low building divided into tenements Situate on the N [North] side of the road between Markinch & Kennoway |
OS1/13/93/17 |
LODGE [Kingsdale] |
Lodge |
David Beath
William Cochrane
William Mitchell |
024 |
[Situation] ¾ Mile W. [West] of Kennoway.
A neat Cottage Surrounded by trees & Shrubs, in which the Gate Keeper of Kingsdale Estate dwells: Situate on the S. [South] side of the road that leads from Kennoway to Markinch, is the property of the Earl of Leven |
OS1/13/93/17 |
Newton Hall
Newton Hall
Newton Hall
Newton Hall
Newton Hall |
Miss Wallace Pro. [Proprietor] & Tent. [Tenant]
Mr. William Matthew
Mr. Thompson
Co. [County] Directory
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] |
024 |
[Situation] 1 Mile S.W. by W. [South West by West] of Kennoway.
A Small Mansion built of Stone in the Elizabethan Style of Architecture with Garden, orchard & pleasure ground etc. is the property of Miss Wallace |
OS1/13/93/17 |
[page] 17 Kennoway Parish 24B T.8 [Trace 8] |
OS1/13/93/18 |
Newton |
Mr. William Matthew
Mr. Mitchell
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
024 |
[Situation] ⅜ Mile S.W. by W. [South West by West] of Kennoway.
An excellent farm with good dwelling house. garden Steading etc. all in thorough repair |
OS1/13/93/18 |
Stables |
Mr. William Matthew |
024 |
[Situation] ½ Mile S.W. [South West] of Kennoway.
A Square block of hewn stone buildings with a Small paved garden in the Centre, this buildings are chiefly used for Stables coach houses etc. and are the property of the Earl of Leven |
OS1/13/93/18 |
[page] 18 Kennoway Parish T.8 [Trace 8] |
OS1/13/93/19 |
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Church |
William Hutton
William Thompson
Revd. [Reverend] Mr. Douglas |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
A very plain Stone building at the N.N.E. [North North East] of Kennoway Village used as a United Presbyterian Church |
OS1/13/93/19 |
MANSE [U.P., Kennoway] |
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse
U.P.[United Presbyterian] Manse
U.P. [United Presbyterian] Manse |
William Hutton
William Thompson
Revd. [Reverend] Douglas |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
A neat Stone built house two stories high, with Small Flower & Kitchen gardens Situate close to the U.P. [United Presbyterian] Kirk. in the occupation of the Revd. [Reverend] Douglas |
OS1/13/93/19 |
MANSE [parish, Kennoway] |
Manse |
Revd. [Reverend] Bell
Qilliam Hutton
William Thompson |
024 |
[Situation] Near the Village of Kennoway.
An excellent Stone built dwelling house, Stables etc. with large Kitchen Garden, a flower garden, Shrubbery & a few acres of pasture land lying at the N. [Northern] extremity of the Village in the occupation of the Revd. [Reverend] Bell. |
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[page] 19 Kennoway Parish 24B. T.9 [Trace 9] |
OS1/13/93/20 |
DEN MILL (Spinning) |
Den Mill
Den Mill
Den Mill |
William Thompson
William Hutton |
024 |
[Situation] A little W. [West] off of Kennoway.
A plain brick building used as a Spinning Mill & driven by an overshot Water Wheel, at the present time the mill is Stopped in consequence of the decease of the late tenant |
OS1/13/93/20 |
GAS WORKS [Kennoway] |
Gas Works
Gas Works
Gas Works |
William Hutton
William Thompson |
024 |
[Situation] On the W. [West] side of Kennoway.
A neat dwelling Ho. [House] Retort house yard etc. recently erected by a Joint Stock Company, for the purpose of Supplying the Village with gas; Situate under a cliff of Sandstone on the W. [West] side of the Village. |
OS1/13/93/20 |
POST OFFICE [Kennoway] |
Post Office
Post Office
Post Office |
William Thompson Post Master
William Hutton |
024 |
[Situation] At the West Side of Kennoway.
A very neat house, shop & garden at the junction of Roads 6 Chains W. [West] of the Est. [Established] Church where letters etc. are received & forwarded via Markinch once a day. |
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[page] 20 Kennoway Parish 24B. T9 [Trace 9] |
OS1/13/93/21 |
CHURCH [parish] |
Church (Established)
Church (Established)
Church (Established |
William Hutton
William Thompson |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
A very Neat Stone edifice built in the Elizabethan Style, recently erected at the expense of the heritors of the Parish. is capable of accommodating abt. [about] 700 persons. Situate nearly in the centre of the Village. |
OS1/13/93/21 |
VICTORIA INN [Kennoway] |
Victoria Inn
Victoria Inn
Victoria Inn |
Sign Board
William Hutton Tenant
William Thompson |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
A Small Public Ho. [House] affording clean & comfortable accommodation to travellers. Situate on the E. [East] side of road & opposite the Est. [Established] Kirk |
OS1/13/93/21 |
Laburnum Cottage
Laburnum Cottage
Laburnum Cottage |
William Hutton
William Thompson
Mr. Sime. Publican. |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
A Small two Story House with Garden was a few years ago used as the Estd. [Established] Kirk Manse,. is now occupied by the Misses Crawford, is Situate 650 links N.E. [North East] of the Free Kirk |
OS1/13/93/21 |
[page] 21 Kennoway Parish 24B T9 [Trace 9] |
OS1/13/93/22 |
FREE CHURCH [Kennoway] |
Free Church
Free Church
Free Church |
William Hutton
William Thompson
David Beath |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
A neat plain Stone building something after the Elizabethian Style, newly erected, capable of holding 400 or 500 persons, is Situate nearly in the centre of the Village of Kennoway |
OS1/13/93/22 |
BURIAL GROUND [Kennoway] |
Burial Ground
Burial Ground
Burial Ground |
William Hutton
William Thompson |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
A Square piece land enclosed by a high Stone Wall which has been for many years used as a burying ground by the Parish, is nearly in the centre of the Village, a little S.W. [South West] of the Free Kirk. |
OS1/13/93/22 |
Kinmont |
Lieut. [Lieutenant] Sanderson Tenant
William Hutton
William Thompson |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
A good house & Garden pleasantly Situated on the E. [East] side of the Village of Kennoway on high ground, commanding an extensive View is the property of Mrs. Sanderson |
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[page] 22 Kennoway Parish 24B T9 [Trace 9] |
OS1/13/93/23 |
KENNOWAY [village] |
Kennoway |
Frasers County Map
Mr. Taylor. Writer Cupar
William Thompson
New. Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
024 |
[Situation] On the E. [East] side of Kennoway Den.
A clean Straggling Village beautifully Situate on the Side of a hill overlooking a vast tract of well cultivated land, also the Firth of Forth & the adjacent counties. The inhabitants are chiefly hand-loom weavers employed in the making of towels, Sheetings, Ticks etc. |
OS1/13/93/23 |
Kennoway Den
Kennoway Den
Kennoway Den |
William Hutton
William Thompson
Mr. Taylor |
024 |
[Situation] At the W. [West] side of the Village of Kennoway.
A narrow rugged pass between two Small hills beautifully wooded on either Side through which there are Several delightful walks: it extends from Den Mill to a Small foot Bridge nearly 15 Chains E. [East] of Kingsdale House |
OS1/13/93/23 |
SCHOOL [Kennoway] |
School (Parochial) |
Mr. Forester School Master
William Thompson
William Hutton |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
A long narrow building comprising Schoolroom & dwelling house for the Master. With a good garden etc. Supported by the heritors of Kennoway pay to the Master £34.4.4½ yearly the free use of House & School. the remainder of his income is made up by the fees derived from the Scholars, of which there are 110. ⅔ are boys |
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[page] 23 Kennoway Parish 24B T9 [Trace 9] |
OS1/13/93/24 |
Kingsdale |
Hugh McKenzie
Estate Map
Mr. Taylor Writer. Cupar.
Earl of Leven
Johnston's Co. [County] Map
Co. [County] Directory]
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] |
024 |
[Situation] ⅜ Mile S.W. [South West] of Kennoway.
An excellent dwelling house or Small Mansion with flower & kitchen gardens. Shrubbery, & ornamental ground etc. recently occupied by the Earl of Leven and is the property of the Trustees for Miss Balfour |
OS1/13/93/24 |
Kings Mills |
Earl of Leven
William Taylor
Mr. Skinner Tent. [Tenant]
Estate Map
Co. [County] Directory. |
024 |
[Situation] ⅜ Mile S.W. by S. [South West by South] of Kennoway.
A Small flour & Meal Mill of 3 pairs of Stones driven by an overshot Water Wheel. Situate abt. [about] 30 Chains S.S.W. [South South West] of Kennoway Village. |
OS1/13/93/24 |
Kennoway Burns
Kennoway Burns
Kennoway Burns
Kennoway Burns
Kennoway Burns |
David Phillips
Robert Cameron
William Anderson Poor Rate Collector
Mr. Taylor
Estate Map |
024 |
[situation] ⅜ Mile S. [South] of Kennoway.
A few Straggling houses near the confluence of two Small Streams or Burns 30 Chains S.S.W. [South South West] of Kennoway Village & at the foot of the Maiden Castle. |
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[page] 24 Kennoway Parish T10 [Trace 10] |
OS1/13/93/25 |
CHURCH (Site of) [Kennoway] |
Site of Church
Site of Church
Site of Church |
Revd. [Reverend] David Bell Kennoway
Mr. Bell [Junior] Kennoway
Mr. Forrest Kennoway |
024 |
[Situation] In the Village of Kennoway.
The Remains of this Church was removed about 5 years ago. The Rev [Reverend] David Bell says that it is believed to have existed previous to the Reformation, in removing the Old building a Stone bearing the date 1619 was discovered. This Stone is thought to have been the date of Some repairs, the Stone is now in the wall of the present Church. There is no account of its having been dedicated. (Signed M. Kinsela CAsst [Civilian Assistant]) |
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[page] 25 Kennoway Parish T.10 [Trace 10]
"The age of the Church must, from its structure,
and the height to which the Surrounding
burying ground has accumulated above its foundations, be
very great; but there are no means of ascertaining the exact
period at which it was built. The lintel of a door, which
is Supposed to be of the Same date with an addition that had
been made to the original edifice, has 1619 inscribed it." New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] |
OS1/13/93/26 |
[page] 26
[Blank page] |
OS1/13/93/27 |
[page] 27
Parish of Markinch
Names of Objects -- Pages
Parish of Markinch -- 33
Balcurvie House -- 29
Backside -- 31
Broomfield -- 33
Cairn -- 31
Cuinin Hill -- 33
Carriston -- 34
Dunniface Hill -- 29
Law Head -- 31
Maiden Castle -- 29
Parish of Scoonie -- 36
Mireside -- 35 |
OS1/13/93/28 |
[page] 28
[Blank page] |
OS1/13/93/29 |
Maidens Castle
Maidens Castle
Maidens Castle
Maidens Castle
Maiden Castle
Maiden Castle
Maiden Castle |
Sibbald's Fife & Kinross
Old Statistical Acct. [Account]
Mr. Taylor. Writer Cupar.
Mr. William Leslie.Duniface
Peter Smith Windygates
New Stat. acct. [Statistical Account]
Old Stat. acct. [Statistical Account] |
024 |
[Situation] ⅜ Mile S. [South] of Kennoway.
A Small circular mount on the Summit of Duniface hill at the N. [North] end. Said by the Authorities for spelling to have been a fort of which no Signs remain is now covered with furze & Scotch fir trees which make it a very conspicuous object, on the South Side are 3 ditches. |
OS1/13/93/29 |
DITCHES [Maiden Castle] |
None Given |
None Given |
024 |
[Situation] ⅜ Mile S. [South] of Kennoway. A Small circular mount on the Summit of Duniface hill at the N. [North] end. Said by the Authorities for spelling to have been a fort of which no Signs remain is now covered with furze & Scotch fir trees which make it a very conspicuous object, on the South Side are 3 ditches. |
OS1/13/93/29 |
Duniface Hill
Duniface Hill
Duniface Hill
Duniface Hill
Duniface Hill
Dunniface |
David Law. Kennoway
Peter Smith Kennoway
Plan 24D,
Mr. William Leslie
Mr. Taylor
Title Deeds for the Kingsdale Estate
Old Stat Acct. [Statistical Account]
Directory of Gentlemens Seats
Mr. Gibb
William Ballingal Esqr.
Frasers Co. [County] Map |
024 |
[Situation] ⅜ Mile S [South] of Kennoway.
A most Singular hill, rising abruptly all around from a plane Surface & nearly Severed at the centre which makes a most convenient road from one Side of the hill to the other The hill is generally too steep for arable land consequently is never ploughed but it yields good pasture |
OS1/13/93/29 |
Balcurvie House
Balcurvie House
Balcurvie House
Balcurvie House |
George Greig Esqr. Tent [Tenant]
David Gibb Comely Bank Balcurvie
William Cairns Balcurvie
Directory to Gentlemens Seats |
024 |
[Situation] ⅜ Mile S.W. by S. [South West by South] of Kennoway.
A very neat cottage residence with garden, orchard, pleasure grounds etc. with a Small farm Steading etc. Situate a short distance N.E. [North East] of Balcurvie Village; is the property of George Greig Esqr. |
OS1/13/93/29 |
[page] 29 Markinch Parish T10 [Trace 10]
Note: Maiden castle - See the following page for quotations. |
OS1/13/93/30 |
[page] 30
Maiden Castle Continued from page 29
" At the Eastern extremity of the
parish, and in the immediate
vicinity of the village of Kennoway,
are to be Seen the Vestiges of ancient fortifications,
running along a narrow but Somewhat elevated ridge of Sand hills,
commanding the surrounding plain. Whether the Scots, Romans, or Danes
were its first occupants, it is now impossible to determine. That it
has been the Scene of some bloody conflict is evident from the number
of Stone Coffins containing human bones, that have been dug up in the immediate
neighbourhood. Farther Westward in the direction of Markinch, weapons of War
peculiar to the Romans, have from time to time been found. The highest point of
the Ridge in question Rises to the height of perhaps 80 feet above the Stream which
runs at the foot of it. On this Knoll, the Pretorium or Citadel known by the name of the
Maiden Castle, has stood. Its form has been that of a Square, and it measures about 30 paces across
According to Boethius, this was a castle of Macduff, thane of Fife. His description of it is
Sufficiently precise, and is valuable as the only plausible record concerning a Spot, that
has once evidently been of Some importance." New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
"South of the Village of Kennoway is a little hill fenced on the South Side
with foussees, called the Maiden Castle. Some make it a seat of
Macduff Earl of Fife, but there is no room on that Hill for a house
to lodge a person of any grandeur." Sibbald's Fife & Kinross
[Note] I have inserted 3 parallell ditches Separating Maiden Castle from the narrow ridge alluded to - which is all the vestiges I saw. John Bayly Capt. R.E [Captain, Royal Engineers]
[Note] Referred to that period in the writing of the name.
[Note] There is not space for a large residential Castle, but there is for a Fortalice. John.B. Capt. R.E. [Captain, Royal Engineers.] |
OS1/13/93/31 |
South Barnslee or Backside
South Barnslee or Backside
Backside |
Mr. Gibb Tent. [Tenant]
Mr. Gibb Senr. [Senior] Markinch
Mr. William Cochrane
Mr Cowan Station Master Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
024 |
[Situation] 2⅝ Miles W. by S. [West by South] of Kennoway.
A very excellent farm. House, garden & Steading Situate abt. [about] 1/2 mile E. [East] of Markinch Village; is the property of Miss [...] |
OS1/13/93/31 |
Law Head
Law Head
Law Head
Headlaw |
Mr. Nicholls Markinch
Mr. R. Brown
Mr. Gibb
Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] |
024 |
[Situation] 2⅞ Miles S.W. by W. [South West by West] of Kennoway.
The West end of a long Strip of high land with a Small circular plantation on its Summit, overlooking the Village of Markinch which is very conspicuous at Several Miles distant. In the centre of the plantation is a Trig. [Trigonometrical] Station, also the remains of a Cairn, out of which several Roman Coins have been taken. |
OS1/13/93/31 |
CAIRN [Law Head] |
Cairn |
Mr. Nicholls
Statistical Acct [Account] of Scotland
Mr. Cochrane |
024 |
[Situation] 2⅞ Miles S.W. by W. [South West by West] of Kennoway.
A Small Mount on the very Summit of Law Head, covered with grass & a few rugged Stones. About 70 years ago a stone coffin and earthen jars, Supposed to be of Roman Manufacture, were found at this Spot. |
OS1/13/93/31 |
[page] 31 Markinch Parish 24B T4 [Trace 4]
Note: Law Head - Law A designation given to many hills. Jameson
[Quotation] "About 7 years ago on the Headlaw, between Markinch
and Balgonie, a Coffin was found of a Square form, made of four unhewn Slabs of free Stone
Set edge ways, and covered with a broad Stone of the Same kind, upon which was laid a
large unformed mass of Stones, a above all a heap or Cairn of Small Stones, the bones enclosed
in it were Calcined." Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account] |
OS1/13/93/32 |
[page 32
[Blank page] |
OS1/13/93/33 |
Broomfield |
Mr. John Lawrie Tent. [Tenant]
Fraser's Parish Map
Mr. William Haxton School Master Markinch |
024 |
[Situation] 2⅝ Miles W. by N. [West by North] of Kennoway.
A Small farm in the N. [North] of Markinch parish, a great portion of which has recently been reclaimed from the Peat Moss adjoining it. is the property of Balfour Esqr. |
OS1/13/93/33 |
Cony Hill
Cunin Hill
Cunin Hill
Cuinin Hill
Cuinin Hill
Cuinin Hill |
William Ballingal Esqr.
Frasers Map of Fife
Parish Map
Mr. William Haxton
Mr. Robert Brown
Mr. Cochrane |
024 |
[Situation] 2⅝ Miles W. [West] of Kennoway.
A considerable eminence, N.E. [North East] of Markinch Village, partly covered with Wood etc. - deriving its name in consequence of the innumerable number of Rabbits that harbour therein. From the top of this hill a most extensive and beautiful view is to be obtained. |
OS1/13/93/33 |
[page] 33 Markinch Parish 24B. Trace 1
Note: Cuinin Hill; Cuinny - A Rabit. Jameson.
Note: Ph. [Parish] of Markinch. - See Plan 24C. [Situation] Near the centre of the Co. [County]. For the descriptive remarks of this Parish see Name book for plan 24C. |
OS1/13/93/34 |
Carriston |
Mr. Lawson Tenant
Mr. Robert Brown Markinch
Frasers Parish Map
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
024 |
[Situation] 2 Mile N.W. [North West] of Kennoway.
A plain Stone built house, farm steading & a few acres of ornamental ground, & excellent farm, Situate in the N.E. [North East] of the parish; is the property of Mr. Lawson the present tenant. |
OS1/13/93/34 |
[page] 34 Markinch Parish 24B. Trace 2 |
OS1/13/93/35 |
Mireside |
Frasers Map of Fife
Mr. Skinner Tenant
George Duncan Kennoway
Robert Cameron Kennoway Burns |
024 |
[Situation] ⅜ Mile S.E. [South East] of Kennoway.
A Small cottage in two tenements with Barn, Stabling & Several acres of good land. Situate 20 Chains S. [South] of Kennoway Village & 25 Chains NE [North East] of the "Maiden Castle" |
OS1/13/93/35 |
[page] 35 Scoonie Parish T.10 [Trace 10] 24B |
OS1/13/93/36 |
SCOONIE (Parish) |
Ph. [Parish] of Scoonie
Ph. [Parish] of Scoonie
Ph. [Parish] of Scoonie
Ph. [Parish of Scoonie]
Ph. [Parish] of Scoonie |
Full. [Fullerton's] Gazetteer
New Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Old Stat. Acct. [Statistical Account]
Oliver & Boyds Almanac
Johnston's Co. [County] Map |
024 |
[Situation] In the Co. [County] of Fife.
A parish in Fifeshire, forming the west side of the bay of Largo, and at the estuary of the River Leven. Its extreme length from South to North is about 4½ Miles: its breadth at the South about 2 Miles, but gradually narrowing towards the North, where it is Scarcely ½ Mile in breadth. On the South it is bounded partly by the River Leven, and partly by the Firth of Forth. On the East by the parish of Largo; on the North by Ceres and on the West by the parishes of Kettle Markinch Kennoway and Wemyss. |
OS1/13/93/36 |
[page 36
[signed] John Bayly Capt. R.E. [Captain, Royal Engineers]
31st October 1854 |
OS1/13/93/37 |
[page]37 OS1/13/93
Co. [County] FIFE
Ordnance Stamp dated 27 Oct 54
Parishes of -- Page
SCOONIE -- 27 |