
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Mr. John Lawrie Tent. [Tenant]
Fraser's Parish Map
Mr. William Haxton School Master Markinch
024 [Situation] 2⅝ Miles W. by N. [West by North] of Kennoway.
A Small farm in the N. [North] of Markinch parish, a great portion of which has recently been reclaimed from the Peat Moss adjoining it. is the property of Balfour Esqr.
Cunin Hill
Cunin Hill
Cuinin Hill
Cuinin Hill
Cuinin Hill
William Ballingal Esqr.
Frasers Map of Fife
Parish Map
Mr. William Haxton
Mr. Robert Brown
Mr. Cochrane
024 [Situation] 2⅝ Miles W. [West] of Kennoway.
A considerable eminence, N.E. [North East] of Markinch Village, partly covered with Wood etc. - deriving its name in consequence of the innumerable number of Rabbits that harbour therein. From the top of this hill a most extensive and beautiful view is to be obtained.

Continued entries/extra info

[page] 33 Markinch Parish 24B. Trace 1

Note: Cuinin Hill; Cuinny - A Rabit. Jameson.

Note: Ph. [Parish] of Markinch. - See Plan 24C. [Situation] Near the centre of the Co. [County]. For the descriptive remarks of this Parish see Name book for plan 24C.

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